Elsewhere (237)
Joe Simonson on the latest innovation in anti-Trump “resistance”:
Just Nips [are] the “official nipples of The Resistance movement,” according to founder Molly Borman. Started last January in time for the Women’s March, Just Nips provides synthetic nipples that you can wear over your bra or over your nipples. The product “cements the idea that women can and should do whatever they want,” Borman told me over the phone. In this case, “whatever they want” means making random people in public think you’re not wearing a bra — for empowerment or something. Just Nips’ release date is no coincidence. Borman sees her product as a direct challenge to President Trump’s administration. According to Borman, “a lot of women feel unsafe” under Trump, and her product helps provide comfort and “a safe space.”
Apparently, they’re “the WMDs of nipple erectors.”
Sarah Hoyt on processed youth:
I don’t know who coined “Reeeee” for the sound progressives make when in the middle of a scream fest about some – mostly imaginary and unintended – offence. I know that for several months now my friends have been using it, usually when just having dealt with some idiot who keeps yammering on about moon ferrets. Or patriarchy. Or white supremacy… Thing is, if you’ve read about the Cultural Revolution… those too were a bunch of ignorant kids, taught only Maoism, and completely ignorant of what the peasants needed to do to survive and grow food. Their advice, their demands, their theories, were not only stupid but actually life-threatening. But people had to follow it because otherwise they’d be denounced and held up before revolutionary tribunals… The people who destroyed Chinese culture and productivity in the Cultural Revolution, and who filled the Yellow River with so many bodies that they washed up en masse on the shores of Macao (where my dad saw them), were nothing more and nothing less than weaponised Reeeee brigades.
Marian Tupy on Africa’s poverty:
African poverty… is an outcome of unfortunate policy choices, most of which were freely chosen by Africa’s leaders after independence… Africans in general and nationalist leaders in particular… were determined to expunge many of the colonial institutions… [and] chose to emulate the political arrangements and economic policies of… the Soviet Union… The socialist bacillus infected much of Africa, which adopted one-party government that destroyed accountability and the rule of law, undermined property rights and, consequently, growth. Price and wage controls were imposed, and free trade gave way to import substitution and autarky.
And Kristian Niemietz and Madeline Grant on dismal but enduring ideas:
Every day, thousands of Venezuelans queue to apply for a passport so that they can move to a different country. But without much luck, because the government has run out of plastic to laminate passports.
As usual, feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
I refer to the Reeee people as Maolings, not my invention, but it fits their behaviour to a T.
I refer to the Reeee people as Maolings,
I think our host came up with that.
I think our host came up with that.
I doubt I was the first, but it is, I think, apt. Given the mix of vanity and mental uniformity, and the delight in coercion and petty malice, and the rather unnerving lack of compassion or curiosity.
The cult of the Mango. It’s all you really need to know about 1/7 of the world’s population…
Regarding the “JustNips”, back in the dark ages of the 1970’s bras with fake nipples were invented so wxmyn could wear bras but appear to be empowered by appearing braless. However, as staring at headlights is obviously sexist and objectifying wymxn, nipple concealers were invented so wimxn could go braless without risk of highbeams and being objectified.
Basically we have gone full circle, though I don’t think anyone married to Melania is going to be frightened by fake nipples.
Also note that the fake nipples are identical to the nipple concealers, but with some plastic bits poked through the middle.
Regarding the “Reeeeeee”, I was under the impression that was meant to emulate the scream from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” when one of the pod people spotted an un-pod person.
I, for one, have learned something today.
You need to look at a map of China, toots. The Pearl River, perhaps?
learned something
Heh…in high school a sure way to get one’s face slapped, or the death stare equivalent, on a cool day was to utter the phrase “headlights are on”. Not saying from personal experience…and not saying not. Ahh, good times, good times.
…to utter the phrase “headlights are on”…
“Are you smuggling puppies ?”
“What ?”
“The noses, you can see their noses.”
So I heard.
Category: ‘Political Nipples’. Is that new?
I ask because I usually try to keep abreast of things boob-related, but maybe I missed that one.
I ask because I usually try to keep abreast of things…
It is a pointed subject that is often hard to get a good feel of.
Ht https://twitter.com/obotheclown/
Regarding the “Reeeeeee”, I was under the impression that was meant to emulate the scream from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” when one of the pod people spotted an un-pod person.
I have heard, variously, that it’s intended to be the sound agitated frogs make when molested and the sound autistic children make when upset.
Regardless, it’s acquired its own meaning now and rightly so. We need some kind of textual shorthand for referring to Trigglypuff reactions.
And Kristian Niemietz and Madeline Grant on dismal but enduring ideas
To which, the reader comments deploy the always-reliable “No True Scotsman” fallacy that Niemietz described. Before I even looked, I knew there’d be at least one, and there’s an especially long-winded attempt.
I’ll leave it up to David and his British readers to decide if “NHS, social housing, public services and education for all” are the brilliant socialist successes the reader seems to believe, and “All these and many more now accepted as standard by most”.
The sounds an autistic person make when upset vary between individuals. Spring peepers go “reeeee” in the spring.
Autistic frogs, I don’t know about.
I wonder what ever happened to Trigglypuff? She seemed unbalanced enough to (at least threaten to) commit suicide over President Trump, and she sure fell off the Internet.
Trigglypuff is likely in hiding, skeered into silence by the “misogynist online death threats against xer person” aka “uproarious mockery”.
First world problem.
If you want people to believe you’re not wearing a bra, why not just not wear a bra? Am I missing something? I’m definitely not woke, I’ll give you that.
Back when I worked in R&D in a large US clinical laboratory, we used to have project review meetings with our managers every Wednesday afternoon. One of the managers was a young, beautiful blond lady who wore thin silk blouses and thin bras. One of my young male fellow scientists would go the to meeting room 15 to 20 minutes prior to the meeting and turn the thermostat way down to make the room cold…worked…
Feast your eyes on her lovliness…
With the introduction of “Just Nips”, won’t the natives of Nippon feel triggered?
Am I missing something? I’m definitely not woke, I’ll give you that.
From many of the links David has graced us with, it is apparent from the photos of many, if not most, of the SJWs who would buy these things (see Champ’s link above) require support garments to maintain certain body parts in what we in the trade would call a normal anatomical position.
@champ, sometimes Rule 34 frightens me.
@Richard Cranium,
Sorry bout that, pogonip asked…
“Only Jeremy Corbyn could speak at Glastonbury and think he was addressing the oppressed proletariat. Glastonbury, he said, while introducing an unintelligible US rapper on the Pyramid Stage, shows ‘that another world is possible if we come together'”
It’s almost eerie how well it works.
I don’t think much of the Marian Tupy article. It seems vastly oversimplified and I doubt she knows the subject at first hand.
In west Africa at least relations between colonisers and colonised were largely harmonious, though it suits lots of people to pretend they weren’t. The struggle for independence there was largely non-violent. Any Governor-General of the Gold Coast who’d tried to treat the King of the Ashante with contempt would have had his arse handed to him on a plate, perhaps literally.
When I lived in Nigeria 2007-2010 I was a member of the Lagos Dining Club. The aim was to bring Nigerians and westerners together on an equal footing. It was founded in the 1930s – the first meeting I attended was its 825th. The pillars of the Nigerian establishment I met there didn’t feel “demeaned” by the colonial period, though they did feel it had stored up a lot of problems for the future, by creating a hugely unwieldy country.
Corbyn at Glastonbury is a treat for connoisseurs of irony. A beneficiary and transmitter of hereditary privilege congratulating himself on his superior virtue from behind a high fence aimed at keeping the poor out. And exactly the same can be said for Michael Eavis CBE.
Corbyn at Glastonbury is a treat for connoisseurs of irony. A beneficiary and transmitter of hereditary privilege congratulating himself on his superior virtue from behind a high fence aimed at keeping the poor out. And exactly the same can be said for Michael Eavis CBE.
Quite so.
What bizarre psychological undercurrents cause a man like Eavis to choose the Solzhenitsyn look? I’m not sure all his new friends would approve.
What’s Rule 34?
Rule 34.
Ah. Rule 34 = virtual Cthulhu, or Trigglyporn.
‘Saving the planet’
Peak post-modernism: https://twitter.com/_youhadonejob1/status/878939745631563777
So. Where do we go from here?
Owen Jones is like a stopped clock – right twice a day, yet wrong for the other 86,398 seconds that make it up.
Peak post-modernism
Didn’t Beatles fans applaud Ravi Shankar for tuning his sitar back in the day?
This is “peak” something, probably narcissism.
(I genuinely hope Reductress is a parody site. I really do…>_< )
Further to a recent comment by Sam Duncan, I’d just like to confirm that the Forbes website is indeed an utter shitshow. It insists you disable your adblocker before permitting you to read anything, then spends the next 15 seconds – fifteen seconds – loading apparently random crap and distracting autoplay videos – all of which shunts the actual written content, which has been reduced to a seemingly unimportant central strip, up and down the page, quite wildly.
If I could reach through my screen and strangle it, I think I probably would.
Well this’ll confuse things for my apolitical wife. She has avoid bras for many years cause she doesn’t like them. Now it’s political (or are only fake ones political?)
I’m still reeling from what I learned about ladies’ bra-washing habits.
Yeah, but that’s Elle, which is like Cosmopolitan, a professional journal for sluts. We normal women wash bras on the same schedule as everything else.
I never try to read anything on the Forbes web site. Life’s too short. Whatever it is will be on some other site soon enough.
(I genuinely hope Reductress is a parody site. I really do…>_< )
Rest easy…
3 Flirty Glasses Frames That Say, ‘Natural Selection Should Have Weeded Me Out’
Peak post-modernism
Didn’t Beatles fans applaud Ravi Shankar for tuning his sitar back in the day?
Concert For Bangladesh was indeed my first thought when I read that.
Didn’t Beatles fans applaud Ravi Shankar for tuning his sitar back in the day?
Did he ever succeed? And how does one tell? I’m asking for a friend.
A coincidence…
…no doubt.
Fault of “evil Tory scum”, clearly.
Feminist amazed by economics.
Feminist amazed by economics.
As someone notes in the thread, “There seems to be some confusion about where the money that people get paid with comes from.”
Regarding Africa, I can thoroughly recommend The State of Africa which shows that so many of that blighted contintents’ problems are rooted in the post-independence governments immediately adopting Soviet economic and political practices. Ghana is one that particularly suffered in this regard under a blithering idiot who is still revered today.
When I lived in Nigeria 2007-2010 I was a member of the Lagos Dining Club. The aim was to bring Nigerians and westerners together on an equal footing. It was founded in the 1930s – the first meeting I attended was its 825th. The pillars of the Nigerian establishment I met there didn’t feel “demeaned” by the colonial period, though they did feel it had stored up a lot of problems for the future, by creating a hugely unwieldy country.
Interesting. I found a lot of them to have a chip in their shoulder and quick to blame racism or colonialism at the slightest sign of criticism or frustration at the uselessness on display.
I can imagine even with an oscillator to read pitches exactly, that tuning one could drive me to murder. Consider that the act of adjusting string tension would affect the draw of the strings across the bridge – and thus the string length, meaning dickery with the frets. Yes, the frets, which are adjustable. That’s even leaving aside that the drone strings and playing strings tune separately and that there are so many. Also, that the odd bridge means that only the first instant pluck of the string would be the correct pitch of the played strings, and would then vary…
As usual, feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
So, a bit OT but given “on any subject”…Can anyone over yonder give a perspective on this story. It sounds so absurd it makes me think there’s something missing, but given the BS of the BS these days I’m second guessing that guess…
They’ve raised 1.4 million pounds to make the effort but they’re not allowed to spend this money on their own kid, to control the physical location of their own kid, because some doctors think it’s preferable that the kid dies? Is that correct or hyperbole?
Is that correct or hyperbole?
Well, there are multiple sources of commentary, so there is something more than one source of info . . .