And maybe the parents won’t notice.
So, apparently, there’s an “intersection of mathematics and social justice.” In fact, there’s an entire six-week teacher-training course devoted to this hitherto unrecognised intersection and its propagation among middle-school children, i.e., the young and unsuspecting. Especially, of course, the “social justice” part:
Do you ask students to think deeply about global and local social justice issues within your mathematics classroom? This education and teacher training course will help you blend secondary math instruction with topics such as inequity, poverty, and privilege to transform students into global thinkers and mathematicians.
Yes, students will be transformed.
As Campus Reform’s Toni Airaksinen reports,
Participants in the online course are given sample ideas for lessons they could create, such as using math to teach students about “Unpaid Work Hours in the Home by Gender” and “Race and Imprisonment Rates in the United States.”
Loaded insinuations are so much easier to get away with when you’re dealing with impressionable youngsters.
The module also identifies five main themes of “intersectional mathematics,” including “mathematical ethics,” which refers to the notion that math is often used as a tool of oppression, according to the instructors. “For centuries, mathematics has been used as a dehumanising tool,” they write, citing the example of how IQ can be used against people who score in the lower half of the distribution.
And so children – other people’s children – must be taught to “subvert power, question normalcy, and change society as we understand it.” When, strictly speaking, they should be learning about more humdrum things, like geometry, trigonometry and spatial reasoning.
And if you assume that shame alone will stop such people, or give them pause, even momentarily, I very much think you’re wrong.
Intersection. Intersectional.
They keep using those words. I do not think they mean what they think they mean.
(More evidence in support of Iowahawk’s “Physics Envy” theory, I believe.)
16 X 9 = white privilege.
See also this. It’s “whiteness,” you see.
And Gad Saad alerts us to the existence of queer mathematics.
10 internet points to anyone who can explain the advantage of ‘non-western’ mathematics, those not based on ‘formal reasoning and proof’.
You may not show your workings.
Next week: Why irrational numbers are stigmatising, ableist and discriminatory.
This seems apposite given the subject matter. Apologies if it’s been featured here before:
Note that the sponsoring organization is Teach For America, a private organization originally formed to get young college graduates into distressed public schools where others would not go. The organization has come under fire from the Left for many years for various reasons, including the fact that it threatens the hegemony of the Progressive Education Complex.
It would appear, the Left is trying to subvert it per the evergreen Iowahawk tweet above by perpetuating grievance among the students while diluting that actual subject matter.
Oh, this is old hat — they want to introduce (and in some states have introduced) “intersectional mathematics” into all school curriculum as part of the thing that will eventually replace the Common Core everybody’s talking about now.
Meet WIDA:
As an English teacher I get to go to plenty of mandatory, voluntary teaching seminars…these guys are always there and usually leading the charge, and they are involved in more than just the humanities, trust me. STEM’s got plenty of teachers that are completely on board with this — they’re going the way of the humanities for quite some time now.
perpetuating grievance among the students while diluting that actual subject matter.
It does, I think, reveal the fundamentally parasitic nature of so-called “social justice education.” It’s insinuated into more reputable subjects, slyly, without parents’ knowledge or approval, and results in the subject on which it piggy-backs – and whose class time it uses – being intellectually degraded, thereby reducing any benefit that might have otherwise been had.
And so a field of study that is largely independent of social and political value judgements, and that is of importance precisely because of its potential for encouraging precise but abstract thinking, is criticised as a tool of political “oppression,” in part because it encourages precise but abstract thinking, which not everyone is good at. And this is done on grounds that brown-skinned students just can’t cope with maths unless it’s couched in terms of, say, racial incarceration rates. (Though I’m guessing that the racial demographics of perpetrators of crime, as reported by their victims, won’t be presented quite so eagerly, if at all.)
But really, one cannot teach STEM disciplines without a heavy helping of Angry Studies, because otherwise, minority students will not succeed in such subjects.
Somewhat related, pretty much everything here.
Because expectations of attentiveness, basic grammar, even punctuality, in fact almost any kind of competence, are now racist and oppressive.
Well, they certainly appropriated and parasitized the English departments. I was one of the young people, one of the young, stupidly idealistic people, who did a fair amount of research for the ESL/LD linguistics learning (25 years ago it was a chaotic mess, so it did need a lot of work) and for the writing in STEM fields initiatives (which did need to happen — I can remember being asked/paid to edit some graduate level publications…some of our STEM folks really needed to take some grammar/rhetoric courses, my goodness).
I thought it was going to be such a thing that people would learn how to read and write better (and listen/speak). I thought it was to bring about a renaissance of good reading and writing, of the professional English instructor that actually taught those things, not social justice warrior shenanigans. Ah, the best laid plans, the path of good intentions… I feel a bit used, a bit betrayed, to be honest.
“Next week: Why irrational numbers are stigmatising, ableist and discriminatory.”
Just great. Now I want some Pi.
Something said here on this thread, whatever it was is lost to me now, sent me down a rabbit hole that bottomed out at this page. You may find it useful…or not.
Next week: Why irrational numbers are stigmatising, ableist and discriminatory
And don’t get me started on the suppression of the Tessarines, Coquaternions, and Quaternions.
Why irrational numbers are stigmatising, ableist and discriminatory.
Merely calling them “irrational” is as stigmatizing as calling someone a “retarded” person. Woke people call them alternatively reasonable numbers.
I notice the only number in Dr. Warburton’s abstract is toll-free.
Physics envy at its apogee.
It’s worth noting the sheer arrogance of the educators who are foisting their own politics on any children left in their care. And as the educators must know that many parents will disagree with the conceits of “social justice” and will object to these attempts to indoctrinate their children, the educators’ persistence in doing it anyway, without parental consent, suggests outright disdain for those parents.
Somewhat cynically, I note that adding non-math content to math class is an effective way to grade inflate any utter fucking imbeciles who happen to be in your classroom and need to be passed, come hell or high water, rather than be held back or serve as a highlight of a failing district.
If this non-math content aligns with your political aims in raising said UFIs to be both “woke” and ignorant, as well as knowing somewhere deep down they’ve been badly done by somebody (and thus oppositionally defiant – useful), so much the better.
…without parental consent, suggests outright disdain for those parents.
In the U.S. among the public school clique, that is absolutely true. I know from personal experience, modern “educators” are taught to minimize, marginalize, and ignore parental concerns. They are taught to hide things from parents deliberately. The first clue is when one’s child does not bring home school work for parental review and teachers deflect requests to see same. The stories are legion in this country and the response from the educational establishment is to express some vague non-apology apology and the continue.
“Unpaid Work Hours in the Home”
Why are Leftists so obsessed with money? Why can’t they learn to measure human wealth by other means, like happiness, enjoyment, contentment and fulfillment? Money mad, they are.
“help you blend secondary math instruction … to transform students …
… For centuries, mathematics has been used as a dehumanising tool”
“queer mathematics”
What, like “up x yellow = rhinoceros”?
More evidence in support of Iowahawk’s “Physics Envy” theory, I believe.
Von Mises got there about a century before him with “scientism”, but yes. It’s a sort of cargo-cult. They think if they make it sound scientific, it is scientific.
What, like “up x yellow = rhinoceros”?
Sorry, I had to fix this. “up x yellow = giraffe”? Math and all,….
You guys are the funniest, non political hacks.
10 internet points to anyone who can explain the advantage of ‘non-western’ mathematics, those not based on ‘formal reasoning and proof’.
Well, given the Indians and the Arabs, that does leave one multiplying by zero.
For all instances of One.
Oh, and noting that this fad is inherently non-mathematical, so that of calling it mathematical training this isn’t right, this isn’t even wrong,there does happen to be a rather Brilliant solution.
—Hmmm. I wonder if a duly immediate response for such should be Let’s go try that out on!!—and then thus go back to playing in reality.
“queer mathematics”
What, like “up x yellow = rhinoceros”?
Theatre Rhinoceros
Do you ask students to think deeply about global and local social justice issues within your mathematics classroom?
I think whoever wrote the Labour manifesto might have had the benefit of this kind of education: Diane Abbott, definitely…
Zero is a non-western invention, not a non-western mathematics.
Put The Bell Curve on the reading list to help them with stats.
Since all children are the property of the state, and parents are not only unnecessary but harmful; it all makes perfect sense.
For crying out loud! Maths is maths: it’s a discipline strictly based on valid proofs. It has no connotation whatsoever with social justice.
Even worse, we’ve now got misguided idiots in various governments suggesting that, if only the mathematicians would “nerd harder”, they could produce a version of encryption with a ‘secure’ back-door. Firstly, that is downright impossible. Secondly, the latest ransomware attack is based on code filched from a recent breach of the NSA’s database. If the NSA can’t protect itself, do you place any credence on its notion of what may be considered secure?
“It’s “whiteness,” you see.”
“For this study I draw on discursive understandings of the operation of power and Whiteness Theory in order to understand the ways in which the discourses of mathematics serve to exclude the discourses of social justice.”
mumble, mumble, BS, mumble, mumble,…
16 x 9 That’s gross.
Social Justice Math is just coming up with a cycle of ritual human sacrifice.
I heard somewhere that used to be a thing.
Probably why the big O in the center of those calendars gets fed.
Only hearts and minds. Keeps the faculty occupied.
rtw – “16 x 9 That’s gross.”
Sir, you win the day. I am hitting Lagavulin early. I have nothing after that.
‘So, apparently, there’s an “intersection of mathematics and social justice.”’
Presumably revolving around multiples of the square root of minus one.
” … to transform students into global thinkers and mathematicians.”
I see they have their priorities set. “Global thinkers” first, mathematicians as secondary.
Do you ask students to think deeply about global and local social justice issues within your mathematics classroom?
No, we ask our students to think deeply about calculus and trigonometry in our mathematics classroom. What kind of moron would include “social justice” in their math classes?
For this study I draw on discursive understandings of the operation of power and Whiteness Theory …
“Whiteness Theory” is kind of like the Nazi Aryan thing but in reverse, isn’t it?
And in other ‘intersectional maths’ news:
However, the “problem” supposedly created by the hiring of, and existence of, of white men was deemed much too obvious to actually specify.
A University of Hawaii professor recently claimed that universities should “stop hiring white cis men” until “the problem goes away.”
Check out her CV:
Check out her CV
Yes, madam has supped at the teat of “social justice” – and heavens, look at the result. It’s a CV that, for any sane potential employer, would most likely ring alarm bells. It positively screams DO NOT HIRE. And yet to pass over madam’s application, with its teetering vanities, would doubtless be construed as proof of systemic misogyny, racism, “white supremacy,” etc. Rather than the sensible avoidance of an identitarian narcissist.
John, you want want to hear about the 288 then. It’s too gross.
Compare and contrast.
In Room 101, I learnt that 1 + 1 = 2 was a artefact of the global white Patriarchy, and no longer believe that old mathematical heresy. Nowadays when someone asks me how many fingers they are holding up, I first check my white privilege and ask how many they need me to say there is, so as to combat racism, sexism and other stuff that I am responsible for but never knew.
This new social justice mathematics is difficult, as the answers don’t seem to be the same over time.
It’s insinuated into more reputable subjects, slyly, without parents’ knowledge or approval, and results in the subject on which it piggy-backs – and whose class time it uses – being intellectually degraded, thereby reducing any benefit that might have otherwise been had.
It’s worth noting the sheer arrogance of the educators who are foisting their own politics on any children left in their care.
It might interest you to know that this training initiative is quite likely a response to the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa)’s call for a Global Competency for an Inclusive World
In other words, far from being the instigators of this, Teach for America and EdX are just one group of educators amongst many – around the world that is – responding to that report.
As the BBC reported last year the idea is that:
Schools can provide opportunities for young people to learn about global development, equip them with the means of accessing and analysing different cultures, help students engage in international and intercultural relations, and foster the value of the diversity of people.
A big part of the problem is that there is no clear definition of what global competence should embrace, and how to make it measurable for educational policy and practice.
The report goes on to explain the OECD’s answer to that problem through a series of questions students could be tested on which include, among other things:
How well can [students] comprehend other people’s thoughts, beliefs and feelings, and see the world from their perspectives?
What are the different approaches to multicultural and global education used in different countries? How are culturally diverse groups of students being taught?
How well are schools challenging cultural and gender biases and stereotypes?
How can receiving countries integrate diverse groups of people and avoid rising extremism and fundamentalism?
Et voilà – here comes a six-week online course to help teachers “blend secondary math instruction with topics such as inequity, poverty, and privilege to transform students into global thinkers and mathematicians.”
To what extent such questions are likely to be eagerly adopted by teachers in the average Saudi-funded Wahhabist Madrassa is hard for anyone to say …
I have occasionally picked up some pocket money by tutoring adults, usually working class ones, in the mathematics they suddenly need either for a job or a GED. (I have a degree in the wretched subject). These people are mostly under thirty.
I was utterly gobsmacked by the way mathematics has been taught for the last 25 years when I started doing this. Leave aside the pedagogical trainwreck that is “friendly numbers”, the primary schools do not even teach the multiplication tables.
Let that sink in for a moment.
I do think there may be a glimmer of hope, however, as a very large number of my former students, upon receiving some traditional math instruction based on drills, repetition, and learning the goddamned multiplication tables have become very angry at the “education” they received in the public school system, and have muttered dark imprecations at a system that would do the same to their own kids.
Check out her CV:
The awards are more impressive
Her PhD thesis did get mentioned in a couple of blogs, which Leibniz himself could not claim, so there is that.
It would appear Professor Herron’s experience with the evils of Cis White Males occurred at universities with a decidedly progressive tilt. Perhaps she should venture into the hinterlands to my son’s STEM university wherein he’s a math major. His university is about 2/3 male and of the students in the math department the ratio is 8:2 in favor of males. Yet, the two most favored and respected professors–because they can actually teach the material–are 60+ year old ladies, one of whom hails from the subcontinent.
Denied Awards and Recognition
She doesn’t strike me as someone naturally inclined to stoicism or gratitude. And I doubt that she’ll ever consider the possibility that her own charmless posturing and sour attitude might be related to any disappointments in her life as a cause, not an effect.
She doesn’t strike me as someone naturally inclined to stoicism or gratitude.
Indeed, that the white supremacist patriarchy has granted a wymxn of color a doctorate in mathematics, which is not exactly what a real white supremacist patriarchy would allow, seems to have escaped her. Also it is rather curious that one who rails so much about cis-males has not only married one, but taken his name, and had sprogs with him. Very cis- of her and and not very “progressive” on her part.
Of the people I’ve met and had exchanges with who, as it were, went to Social Justice Charm School, almost all of them had the same blind spot. In that, they didn’t seem willing (or able) to connect their own pronouncements and behaviour with any subsequent rejection or disappointment. They seemed to go through life being, to varying degrees, obnoxious, and when people around them took exception to their behaviour or simply ignored them, this was seized upon as somehow validating their pronouncements and obnoxious behaviour.
…which is not exactly what a real white supremacist patriarchy would allow,…
In fairness, the White Supremacist Patriarchy did have this failing on the agenda for last month’s meeting–fourth Tuesday of the month @ 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall of the Zion Lutheran Church (LCMS), Beulah, North Dakota–but the meeting was cancelled inasmuch as it conflicted with the WSM’s obligation to finally trip the hedge and then take the kids to the elementary school musical, “What Would We Do Without Trees?” We’ll get to it next week.
“Global thinkers” first
Yes, Godlike, all-knowing beings hovering over every issue dispensing their wisdom and bike locks whenever necessary, granting permission to think and speak to other, unenlightened, less-worthy, misguided
scumindividuals.Yes, Godlike, all-knowing beings
It’s what “social justice” activism does. It seduces the credulous with flattery and in-group status, and promises endless opportunities to scold out-group inferiors. The Chosen Ones will be “change agents” and “enlightened leaders,” remaking the world in their own glorious image.
And no-one likes feeling superior, and scolding, more than a self-declared egalitarian.
Let’s for the sake of argument (and amusement) act as if these are substantive claims other than ravings. Outside that, she’s made several rather hilarious lapses here. First, a confusion between reward and award (in her rush to use a recognized idiom), which undermines her whole idea. Madam should note that a reward is a recognition received for doing a thing, often without any sense of excellence. What is due. An *award* is received for excellence. She has here permitted suggestion that she has no excellence, only a debt to claim. Grievance. I understand that notional denial of “recognition” as well as “awards” would permit a category for this, but even if we assumed that a *reward* had been due, it is not a plus other than suggesting a completely hearsay diligence.
Furthermore, if it “is its own reward”, then why does it count as something denied? This sort of passive aggressive self-contradiction should be a warning bell to anyone at all. It’s “I’m fine” and a transparently nursed grudge writ large. An indication that this person both holds grudges and grandstands on the moral value of their own mistreatment – as if the rest weren’t an indication of that, but if one small item were a summary of reasons not to hire, that’s it.
To bring up the recognition and excellence elision again, exactly how many people searching for a position will *not* have “experienced village-less parenthood”? Or “patriarchy”, within her definitions, or “white supremacy”? Even assuming all her points, none of these set her apart from large elements of society – surely the percentages would be something like 80%, 50%, and as much as 40% or more. This is not a unique selling point for her because it is not unique. The equivalent of knowing how to web search on a resume – not excellence, certainly.
I humbly submit that even within the bounds of total delusion, she is inept at reason. If we’re to have Social Justice Maths, we shall need to find a more reasonable mad person.
“mathematics and social justice”
This is quintessentially totalitarian: Everything must be made to serve the Party and its ideology. Those who push these programs are, no matter their protestations of benevolence, enemies of our civilization.
@Nikw211: There is a real travesty buried there. Related to the oft-described Looks Exotic, Thinks Exactly Like Us phenomenon. The following:
is a grand and noble-sounding statement, but how often is it in practice anything other than “identify cultural group, coo over exoticness and spirituality, identify their “oppressor” in a Marxist dialectic, be infernal nuisance while claiming advocacy for them”?
The phrase “comprehend other people’s thoughts, beliefs and feelings” is code for “be sure to find an ‘oppressed’ culture to visit as a theme park, completely fail to understand it in anything but Marxist shallowness, and blame Whitey”.
In other words, it preemptively sets an obstacle to true cultural understanding – by design.
Off-topic slightly, but I have to share a refreshing stand against indoctrination by Don Boudreaux of Café Hayek:
Hurrah! Bravo, sir! Here in the middle of our second major election in as many months, with career politicians rampaging around the country spouting their various Schemes for ordering us around (and looking out of my window to a massive “VOTE GREEN” poster across the street, gawd ‘elp us) , it brought a tear to my eye.
believing both that they are fit to order others about and that such commandeering of the lives of others is noble rather than nefarious.
Check out her CV:
CV as Performance Art. Clever girl. Beats carrying a mattress around.
Much more impressively padded, too.
David, shall we bookmark her? If the Every Day Feminism site closes maybe her blog can fill in some of the gaps?
“…..All I can say is that I will be on the job market. And many women and people of color and other marginalized people will be on the job market, if they make it that far. The system is biased against us.”
From her post she gets a reply
“…I don’t claim to understand the difficulty of being a woman in academia, nor the difficulty of not being white.
I do have some questions though: considering that the academic job market is made of N positions and 1000*N applicants, how can you rationally ascribe your difficulties to a matter of race and gender, when you are the first to say that you don’t have a CV that stands out? Someone was hired for those positions that you applied for: are you sure that you deserved those positions more than all other candidates?…..”
She replies
“You can’t qualify away a sexist and racist argument with “I don’t claim to understand”s and “I don’t deny”s. Riddle me this, why aren’t there more women and people of color in math if not for sexism and racism? Spell it out for me. Your answer will either be “sexism and racism” or your answer will be sexist and racist. Beware of the whiteness and cis het maleness inherent in what passes for “objectivity.””
We do then get a
“There are *a lot* of Asians in math, so racism can’t be the only reason. Regarding the gender disparity, many women I talk to say, that they want to be able to do something that matters, so that understandably disqualifies pure math as a field of interest for them.”
For crying out loud! Maths is maths: it’s a discipline strictly based on valid proofs. It has no connotation whatsoever with social justice.
If school kids were able to operate at Bertrand Russell levels, then yes. In practice you are wrong, because school Maths is largely about semi-practical applications of simple operations. Those operations almost invariably involve some context — and have done since long before SJWs burst on the scene.
As a teacher of Maths you have to choose examples. You can sub-let that out to a textbook, but even that’s a choice. So my students are endlessly calculating how fast they mow if a 10 m by 12 m garden takes them 25 minutes (not exactly a “discipline based on valid proofs”). And as we move on to statistics I get them to plot hotel room accommodation over time.
Each time I select an example I am saying something about what I think. If I only pick examples that relate to males — loads of rugby and engineering and cars — then I risk alienating girls. One reason I am a fan of single sex teaching btw.
Now I make an effort to choose examples as unladen with social justice (or social anything or anything justice) as possible because I want them to focus on the Maths involved. And I fight online with teachers that say we should use “meaningful” examples — because I believe that 1) it isn’t our job, 2) the quality of Maths falls, because the wrong things become the focus, and 3) students will end up disliking your class if they dislike your politics. But that is a deliberate choice on my part, and people who don’t make that choice will inevitably end up saying something about social issues.
It’s quite different at University, where I studied whole courses without a single “real world” example.
Just telling high school Maths teachers that their subject should be value free isn’t very helpful. If they agree with you then, in practice, what they are doing is teaching their views implicitly and thinking that they are above that — as if anyone is above having views that taint their world. What is also not helpful is deliberately trying to make the subject another branch of humanities.
or your answer will be sexist and racist
Because there’s no possibility that differential selective pressure on primates over the past several millions of years has led to different cognitive ability distributions between the sexes…
I would abase myself, but I find that I just don’t care to do so:-D.
And I fight online with teachers that say we should use “meaningful” examples
Like the ones found here?
I would abase myself
That should’ve been “denounce”. I’m tired. Still don’t care though:-D.
Regarding the gender disparity, many women I talk to say, that they want to be able to do something that matters, so that understandably disqualifies pure math as a field of interest for them.”
FFFS, I currently work for a cyber security company. We are about to (hopefully) hire a woman data scientist into our all male (except for the admin assistant) small company. To say that math doesn’t matter and thus not a thing for women at a time when data science is all the rage (though over sold, admittedly)….f’ it. I’ve run out of patience with these idiots. It’s not like any conceivable logical argument would matter as all logic and science is #PATRIARCHY. It’s as if these fools read the racist and sexist objections to civil rights and equal rights argued by the likes of Strom Thurmond and worse back in the 1950’s and 1960’s and decided to adopt those bigoted perceptions as reality.
Sigh…perhaps it’s all a troll…
Oh, and the amusing thing about this woman data scientist who is coming over from academia….She’s interested in our company, so I’m told, partly because she feels she’s getting ignored in the academic world due to (possibly just perceived but I’m willing to give her benefit of the doubt) sexism.
As a teacher of Maths you have to choose examples.
One of the reasons I prefer to tutor, and adults, is that they already have a job and it’s not hard for me to give them problems that are similar to what they do every day.
I’ll leave another feminist link, as we worry of the demise of Everyday Feminism.
Self-congratulation and scaremongering bleed together in right-thinking feminist’s Elena Nicolaou’s review-of-a-review of The Handmaid’s Tale. It seems that a female reviewer in 1986, just after the novel’s publication, was just mad to have suggested that America was unlikely to turn into a prison state for women.
Carefully unmentioned by Ms. Nicolaou are the prison states for women which do exist on this Earth.
Reminds me of Challenge Math:
…comprehend other people’s thoughts, beliefs and feelings, and see the world from their perspectives…
Isn’t that the purpose of fiction? And isn’t that precisely what’s wrong with the concept of “cultural appropriation?”
And isn’t that precisely what’s wrong with the concept of “cultural appropriation?”
Not the only thing wrong with it, obviously…
Oh, and the amusing thing about this woman data scientist who is coming over from academia….She’s interested in our company, so I’m told, partly because she feels she’s getting ignored in the academic world due to (possibly just perceived but I’m willing to give her benefit of the doubt) sexism.
WTP, will you keep us up to date on the lawsuit she inevitably files against your company?
Yeah…but the thing is, she will be critical in making us successful. If we’re not successful, there’s no money to sue us for. If we are successful, there will be plenty of money to go around. She does have a successful track record on the edges of academia/business. And given what hypocrites (and I never use that word lightly) that the academic world is, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s right. It’s not like she made an issue of it or mentioned it at all in the interview I was in. More like something inferred.
More from Piper, the mathematical prodigy:
Mere males should not be allowed to discuss my work!