Frozen soap bubbles by ZALUSKArt

As is the custom here, posting will be intermittent over the holidays and readers are advised to subscribe to the blog feed, which will alert you to anything new as and when it materialises. Thanks for well over a million visits this year and thousands of comments, many of which prompted discussions that are much more interesting than the actual posts. And particular thanks to all those who’ve made PayPal donations to keep this rickety barge above water. Ditto those who’ve done shopping via the Amazon UK widget, top right, or via this Amazon US link, which results in a small fee for your host at no extra cost to you. It’s what keeps this place here and is much appreciated.

Curious newcomers and those with nothing better to do are welcome to rummage through the reheated series in search of entertainment. Or you could rehearse this little party piece for any impending social gathering.

To you and yours, a very good one. 

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