Tidings (10)
Frozen soap bubbles by ZALUSKArt.
As is the custom here, posting will be intermittent over the holidays and readers are advised to subscribe to the blog feed, which will alert you to anything new as and when it materialises. Thanks for well over a million visits this year and thousands of comments, many of which prompted discussions that are much more interesting than the actual posts. And particular thanks to all those who’ve made PayPal donations to keep this rickety barge above water. Ditto those who’ve done shopping via the Amazon UK widget, top right, or via this Amazon US link, which results in a small fee for your host at no extra cost to you. It’s what keeps this place here and is much appreciated.
Curious newcomers and those with nothing better to do are welcome to rummage through the reheated series in search of entertainment. Or you could rehearse this little party piece for any impending social gathering.
To you and yours, a very good one.
Finding a site like this, with commenters like this, is a Christmas present and a joy in itself. Thank you, David, thank you, everybody. Merry Christmas to all.
Thanks for (another) most entertaining year’s blogging! Here’s hoping you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Thank you for all the unpleasant things you have to see to bring us the absolute highlights of the ‘progressive’ world.
My best wishes for Christmas and may 2017 see your socks in pairs, the hot water always working, your table always laden with your favourite foods, your wine never corked and you and yours happy with your lot.
Thank you for all the unpleasant things you have to see to bring us the absolute highlights of the ‘progressive’ world.
It’s not unlike being faced with the task of cleaning that neglected roasting tin. You don’t really want to go near it, but you know it has to be done.
David, thanks for another great year of all things interesting. And all things weird. And the completely infuriating.
A very merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and yours.
And a very merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone.
A very Merry Christmas to David and all the readers of his most excellent blog.
A little something in your socking, Mr T. Keep up the good work.
Happy Holidays, David! Thank you for all the entertainment and enlightenment you provided this past year.
Happy Christmas to you and yours, David. And to all your readers.
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, David, and to your partner, Chris, who may occasionally find your devotion to your readers a little trying. Thank you to you both.
And, fellow readers, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. And a warm thank you all who comment here.
your partner, Chris, who may occasionally find your devotion to your readers a little trying.
Oh, quite the opposite. He considers it a respite. In effect, I’m bending your ears, rather than his.
He considers it a respite.
My wife has a similar attitude to my commenting here.
My wife has a similar attitude to my commenting here.
And so, as long suspected, I’m providing a vital public service. I’m saving marriages.
Thanks, James.
A very merry Christmas to David, the henchlesbians, and all else who sail on his rickety barge. And a visit from festive ghosts to all the lovely people whose work David highlights – if they could turn Scrooge around, maybe they can do something similar for the other miserable sods we know and love.
どうもありがとう to all David’s commenters for providing around 500 additional hours for me in the “nag-free-zone” during the year.
My Japanese, T-SQL/Powershell and my bara/kink porn tumblr (currently >6K followers) would all be the poorer but for the siren song of the comment stream here on the barge.
To all of you, my heart-felt thanks.
A couple of weeks ago, David and I celebrated our 25th anniversary and I feel very blessed to be able to spend the holiday with my loving family and my Partner.
I hope that everyone here will have a merry Christmas, will do something charitable, and will prosper and thrive in the coming year.
God bless us, everyone.
Chris. xxxx
I wish I could think of something witty to say like so many who comment here, but I can’t so I’ll just say thanks for the laughs and the thought provoking articles and have a great Christmas.
Merry Christmas y’all.
Love the bubbles. Season’s best to our host and his readers.
Merry Christmas, David and commentariate! I wish you a blessed and prosperous 2017.
Merry Christmas to all who ride on this rickety barge.
And of course her captain. 🙂
Merry Christmas all. A contribution towards the Guild of Evil’s wine cellar has been made.
May you always find your roasting tin spotless and ready for use.
Dropped something in the kettle. Get the henchlesbians something nice. Do you give them the entire day off on December 25?
Do you give them the entire day off on December 25?
The ladies – Melody, Harmony, Chastity and Grace – spend most of the day in the downstairs gym.
“I feel as contented as an Owl” wasn’t a saying. Until now:
An alternative to race hustling and cultivated victimhood.
To you and yours, a very good one.
Thank you and likewise, David. A small token of appreciation has been left under your tree. I know I’m one of the more infrequent commenters here, and hence only have associate membership of the Guild of Evil, but I can safely say that if it were to be disbanded, I’d miss it rotten. Here’s to another few years of buoyancy. Cheers, everyone.
ありがとうございました, David-san, for keeping the barge afloat. And congrats to you and Chris on your silver anniversary! Good thoughts and wishes your way for your golden one.
Here’s to hoping for a wonderful 2017 for everyone.
(I’ve slipped a little something under the tree for the bar fund)
Oh, pick an article, prolly any article or several . . . . .
Many, many thanks, David.
The ladies – Melody, Harmony, Chastity and Grace – spend most of the day in the downstairs gym.
I wondered what happened to the angels after Cloudbase closed down.
We know you can hear us, Earthman. If you fancy a game of football, we’ll be down the rec.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
For those who fear the War on Christmas isn’t going well, fear not, the Allied counter offensive is in full swing…

Hey, and a merry Christmas and the rest from me, thanks to all for the wit and shared amusements; and specially to David our host and to Chris for his support.
ありがとうございました, David-san, for keeping the barge afloat.
Have a Merry Christmas, one and all.
The only possible gift for the SJW in your life:

Merry Christmas and many thanks. Health and prosperity to all.
Incidentally, on the bright side, it seems to me that The Guardian has not published any articles this year claiming that Christmas oppresses women, excludes minorities, reinforces capitalism…cont’d p.94.
Figgy Pudding?
Merry Christmas. Deposit should cover a decent bottle for you and the 1st/2nd half. If not, and y’all on that side of the pond have access to Boone’s Farm, Thunderbird, or my personal low budget fave, Mad Dog 20/20, invite the neighbors, get half a case, and let the good times roll. Your call…
Figgy Pudding?
A wee ditty from a Victorian reenactment a number of years back . . .
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding,
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding,
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding,
And bring it right here.
. . . .
we won’t go till we get some,
We won’t go till we get some,
we won’t go till we get some,
So bring it right here.
. . . .
Or Bill Sykes’ll break yer kneecaps
Or Bill Sykes’ll break yer kneecaps
Or Bill Sykes’ll break yer kneecaps
So bring it here Now!
Other popular ditties included;
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, . . . . .
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
And the additional favorite . . .
Oh tannenbaum, oh tannenbaum,
And something else in Gerrrmannnn!
Thunderbird wine, WTP? Raises eyebrow. Well, I suppose it does have some celebrity fans:
Or Bill Sykes’ll break yer kneecaps
So bring it here Now!
In a similar festive spirit, another Christmas tune.
Never thought of pouring it over ice, Capt. N. if only James Mason were alive today, he could enjoy it here in Ft. Lauderdale…
Merry Christmas! The Word became flesh among us!
Merry Christmas, David!
Merry Christmas
You posted this just as David was starting to appreciate breast-related things?
Throw her back!
throw her back
When my daughter was born, I messaged the families that she was 19.5 inches and therefore was a “keeper” (under local salmon sportfishing rules).
Most of the men thought this was amusing. Most everyone else merely said their ideas about my personality had been sadly confirmed.
…if only James Mason were alive today, he could enjoy it here in Ft. Lauderdale…
He is already more alive than most of Ft. Lauderdale, particularly those driving.
The Guardian, slowly morphing from a newspaper into a tumblr account
– http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/12/white-men-dehumanising-insult-times/
Happy Christmas and Boxing Day and anticipatory New Year’s.
Sorry to bring such a post-Christmas downer, but our dear leaders seem to have learned nothing from 2016.

Apparently EU countries must keep bringing in millions of immigrants from the third world because….well they just should.
The best way to fight terror is with “openness”, European Union (EU) head Jean-Claude Juncker has said, stressing that Europe must continue to receive migrants in the wake of the deadly truck attack in Berlin.
It looked ok in preview.
Thanks David.
Merry Christmas, David!
Enjoyen sie, bitte:
Sorry to bring such a post-Christmas downer, but our dear leaders seem to have learned nothing from 2016.

Apparently EU countries must keep bringing in millions of immigrants from the third world because….well they just should.
Oh, do let us know when the millions of bombers also show up with those third world immigrants.
Oh, don’t worry about what the rest of us will do for entertainment while you go scrabbling about, we’ll continue to have real news that shows what has actually been learned.
For someone trying to do any bombing in the EU, the handiest example that comes to mind for me was born in Germany, being a documented German citizen, rather than merely recently arriving.
So that one twelve year old, noted as German, would be, at most, one millionth of the recent immigrants.
At most.
I do grant that fifty thousand something Germans did have to evacuate because of a Christmas Day bomb discovery, but that bomb was put there by someone else.
For someone trying to do any bombing in the EU, the handiest example that comes to mind for me was born in Germany, being a documented German citizen, rather than merely recently arriving.
Yes Hal, that descendant of the Germanii and Teutons who wanted to nailbomb a Christmas market. Or the Nordic Blond Beast who drove a truck into a crowd at another Christmas market in Berlin or the Gaulish warrior who did the same in Nice; the scion of Norman Barons who beheaded a Priest in his own church; the progeny of the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings who’ve raped and sexually assaulted thousands of young girls in Rotherham, Rochdale, Bristol and Oxford; the Celts who carried out the Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo attacks.
Yes, you’ve got me. There’s absolutely nothing to see here, nothing to learn, no pattern to recognise.
Carry on everyone!
Yes, you’ve got me. There’s absolutely nothing to see here, nothing to learn, no pattern to recognise.
Bingo. We’re glad to have you on board.
Immigration does not lead to bombing or other crimes.
The quite separate and occasional crimes committed by scattered individuals are a police enforcement issue.
Tens to hundreds of thousands of benign immigrants remain easily and readily distinct from the actual issue of local administrative incompetence, where the noted incompetence remains that issue.
“Incompetence” is a function of available resources, quality of said resources, practicality and cost of finding, training, and retaining said resources who have other more pleasant job opportunities available to them, the volume of work being pushed through said resources, the effect of stress due to volume on said resources, the feedback loop of such, and a dozen or so other factors that I am either forgetting or unaware of myself.
Of course without the problem or a significant reduction in the size of the problem the amount of incompetence encountered becomes negligible.
Anyone tell Hal that he needs to stop sniffing glue?
Anyone tell Hal that he needs to stop sniffing glue?
I don’t know what he’s on, but I don’t want any. It seems to disable brain function quite severely.
Anyone tell Hal that he needs to stop sniffing glue?
I don’t know what he’s on, but I don’t want any.
Ah yes, synapses. We who have ’em rather recommend ’em. As noted, we do get much done with ’em and quite well too.
—M’self, I couldn’t tell what Darleen was going on about, again. The best deduction available was that she was giving an oblique explanation for any or all of her typographic train wrecks that’ve been turning up . . . .
Of course without the problem or a significant reduction in the size of the problem the amount of incompetence encountered becomes negligible.
Reduce the size of the problem you say? That’s obviously just crazy talk.