Armed with a “bounty fund” of over £9000, George Monbiot has been urging Guardian readers to effect a citizen’s arrest of Tony Blair, ostensibly for committing “an illegal act of mass murder” and “crimes against peace.” (Mercifully, this bounty doesn’t extend to parliament or a sizeable part of the British electorate.) Monbiot’s campaign website includes the former prime minister’s public schedule and a charmingly ambiguous assurance:
The fund will remain open for as long as Mr Blair lives, or until he is officially prosecuted.
The proposal met with much whooping and hooting among Guardian readers, with more than a few enthusiastic endorsements:
I would actually like Blair’s blood on my hands.
Elsewhere, saner voices have noted some procedural concerns.
Blair hasn’t been found guilty of anything by any court, tribunal or other competent forum unless you count the High Court of Islington (Chattering Class Division).
Amusingly, if someone did act in this way as a result of Monbiot’s urgings, Monbiot would also be liable, as he would have procured the wrong and the wrongdoer’s actions would also be attributed to him. I would suggest, as well, that his employer, the Guardian, would be vicariously liable for Monbiot’s wrongdoing.
Readers may recall George’s earlier attempt to arrest former US ambassador John Bolton, which didn’t go terribly well. I perhaps don’t need to add that some of us were hoping to see Mr Bolton decking Monbiot personally, quite firmly, and maybe more than once.
Shatner does Poe in terracotta face paint. Bewildering make-up aside, The Raven does lend itself to being Shatnered. Recorded for Hallowe’en, 1983.
Want hardcore Shatner? Of course you do. Via Nerdcore.
Owls in flight. // Cheese or font? A game for all the family. // Fabric in a can. // Shockwave cannon. // The Hulc exoskeleton. // Steampunk Gameboy. // The clever bottlenose. // Bear versus cat. // Mouse versus leopard. // Nun versus shark. // On the Sherlock Holmes title sequence. // Little Italy, circa 1900. // Bacon beer. (h/t, Mr Eugenides) // Brain slug cupcakes. // Tibetan sky burials. (h/t, MeFi) // A tree house for the kids. // The redefinition of greed. // The mysteries of pinball. // Utah panoramas. // Porn for the blind. (audio nsfw)
Some rather fetching spiders photographed by Thomas Shahan.
Above: The anterior median eyes of an adult female Paraphidippus aurantius, seen here enjoying lunch.
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