Steve Hoefer explains how to turn matches into very small rockets.
Via Laughing Squid. And if you need a little more oomph from your tiny apparatus, there’s always this old friend:
Steve Hoefer explains how to turn matches into very small rockets.
Via Laughing Squid. And if you need a little more oomph from your tiny apparatus, there’s always this old friend:
Thomas Sowell takes a look at political rhetoric. Part 1 includes the words “greed” and “compassion”:
In the political language of today, people who want to keep what they have earned are said to be “greedy,” while those who wish to take their earnings from them and give it to others (who will vote for them in return) show “compassion.”
And so we see people who don’t regard themselves as greedy or selfish demanding a “fair share” – i.e., more – of someone else’s earnings. But who’s the more greedy and selfish – Michael Caine or these people? And what about this guy? Which of them is the exploiter and which the exploited?
Part 2, on “access”:
Making a distinction between external and internal reasons for failing to reach one’s goal would clarify the meaning of the word “access.” But clarification would destroy the political usefulness of the word, along with the government programmes that this word is used to justify.
Parts 3 and 4 tackle “welfare,” “choice” and of course “social justice.”
Bill Whittle on the higher education bubble:
Total student loan debt in America has passed the trillion dollar mark – more than total credit card debt and more than total auto loan debt. But as prices have been going up, learning seems to have been going down. A recent book, Academically Adrift by Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, found that 45% of students did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning during the first two years of college, and 36% of students did not demonstrate any significant improvement in learning over four years of college. The primary reason, according to the study, is that courses aren’t very rigorous… Simply put, the cost of higher education has far outpaced its actual value. The bubble is going to burst.
And yes, we have a similar problem here. In the UK there are currently around 20,000 students of fine art, 10,000 philosophy students and 27,000 enthusiasts of media studies. But is there a corresponding economic need? If the investment of time, effort and (other people’s) money doesn’t pay off with a lucrative and fascinating career in the private sector and a return via taxation, then how is the process justified in its present form? Is it sustainable?
Finally, via Kate, some lovely racial brotherhood from our leftist betters.
As always, feel free to add your own.
Motion-tracked yo-yo. // Musical kettle. // Wonder sauna hot pants. // Giraffe in a swimming pool. // Japanese moveable type. // Cannabis jam, cannabis honey, cannabis butter. (It’s medicinal.) // How to pronounce Uranus. // The best US states to start a new business. // Transparent crisps. // A history of tape recording. // Alternative Star Trek titles. // Hundreds of vintage car accidents. (h/t, Sam) // Stanley Kubrick interviews, 1965-66. // “Transformers-style wine rack, $7000.” // Fifty documents of note. // O (Omicron). // 1950s Vegas. // 3D pavement art. // Self-healing plastics. // And finally, why Prometheus is a terrible, terrible film.
Once again, Zombie reports from Occupy’s moral wasteland. This time, the object of the protestors’ umbrage was a conference on how to combat child sex trafficking:
If there’s one issue that unites Americans of all political stripes, it’s the sexual enslavement of children. Whatever our opinions on other issues, we all agree that sex trafficking and the prostituting of children is an outrage and a tragedy. Thus, conference attendees included liberal, moderate and conservative politicians; progressive non-profit organisations; law enforcement groups; religious leaders; and (according to the conference website) “social services, medical providers, mental health, education, probation, and community-based organisations.” In short: Everybody. Everybody, that is, except Occupy Wall Street, who somehow found a way to oppose the abolition of child sexual slavery.
This being Occupy, their thinking on this issue is knotty, dogmatic and a little confused:
Sex work, like all forms of work, can only exist within a society based on hierarchical economic systems like capitalism, which are protected by the police and patronising reformist organisations that keep exploited people from revolting. The pigs are the enemies of sex workers, and of all workers.
In the last nine years, the FBI – sorry, “the pigs” – have rescued over 2,100 children from coerced prostitution. But apparently we are all being “subjugated by the continued existence of capital.” And so, for the sake of the glorious revolution, no-one should object to the sexual molestation of thirteen-year-old girls. Or something.
As Zombie notes,
The protesters’ main banner said “Fucking to survive is life under capitalism.” This sums up the nearly incomprehensible cognitive dissonance at the core of the Occupy Oakland Patriarchy philosophy. They manage to hold two mutually exclusive thoughts simultaneously: 1. We are sex workers and proud of it, and there is nothing wrong with prostitution, so stop oppressing us with your prudish laws; And, 2. The only reason we are compelled to have this degrading and unpleasant profession is that capitalism forces people to exchange labour for money – only a total anti-capitalist revolution can put an end to prostitution.
The Occupiers attempted to stop the conference topple the capitalist patriarchy with air-horns and the obligatory “bum rush” – i.e., scuffles and vandalism. Nothing in particular was achieved, of course, but the Occupiers seemed happy with their efforts. It was, they say, “one hell of a performance.” Their own post-protest report, which is truly a thing to behold, includes such gems as this:
We set out with the intentions of shutting the fucker down and started the event with the distribution of some dope literature, some inflammatory speeches, the harassment of mainstream media and of course the all-out taunting of the police. It got taken a step further when the crowd attempted to enter the lobby of the Marriott Convention Centre. This all resulted in a rumble with the pigs, the vandalised facade of the convention centre entrance with eggs and paint, and a march to and from Oscar Grant Plaza. We would say that this was a nice way to spend an afternoon and, for a brief moment, fulfilled our goal of shutting the fucker down.
Yes, “dope literature” and “a rumble with the pigs.” Now get with the hipster’s moral vanguard, you patriarchal squares.
If Mrs Doubtfire were a horror film. // There’s a boat at the end of the road. // A short film about a man and his big wooden balls. // Monkey orchids. // Autonomous lawnmower. // Painting a whale. // Your weight in outer space. (h/t, Coudal) // A catalogue of cigarette rolling papers. // Taken apart. // A photographic record of the Great Depression. (h/t, Anna) // Prepared face. // Storage for the slightly obsessive. // Ray Bradbury sits in a time machine. // A detailed look at cutting through steel. (h/t, MeFi) // Franklin’s oils. // Watermelons need vodka. // Dining at altitude. // Kuwaiti cleric explains buggery and other works of the devil.
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