“Peggy Lee singing into tape recorder, accompanied by Sonny Burke.” Filmed for Disney’s Cavalcade of Song, February 16, 1955.
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Speaking, as we were, of farmyard erotica, here’s a thing to ponder:
The court heard that he initially removed cow pats from the farm but his behaviour escalated, with Truscott regularly entering the farm to perform a sex act in slurry.
I’m not easily scandalised but the term “cow slurry fetishist” did raise an eyebrow.
Patrons are reminded that this rickety barge is kept afloat by the kidneys of strangers. No, wait, the kindness of strangers. If you’d like to help it remain buoyant for a while longer, there’s an orange button below with which to monetise any love for this low establishment. Debit and credit cards accepted. Additionally, any Amazon shopping done via the search widget top right, or for Amazon US via this link, results in a small fee for your host at no extra cost to you. For newcomers wishing to know more about what goes on here, the reheated series and greatest hits are good places to start.
Again, thanks for the support, the comments, and the company.
A gallery of animated PornHub comments. (NSFW) (h/t, MeFi) // A man-carrying kite. // Hitchcock was right. // Because tilting is fun. // Make your own 3D selfie figurine. // Dog lovers may want to look away now. // The five stages of inebriation, circa 1860s. // Signs from the near future. // Self-assembling shape-shifting robot furniture. // Parallel universe film posters. // Detroit’s Masonic Temple. // Types of blood. // So many doctors. // We English give good hedge. // Glow in the dark soap. // “My mum wanted to quickly tidy the house before we arrived.” // At last, a wormhole actualization machine. // Because every girl wants a rubber-band spider bracelet. // And finally, via Ian Fleming, an outburst of Beethoven.
Tim Worstall reads The Lancet, where socialism trumps reality:
Lifespans are still getting longer, communicable disease continues to reduce, age adjusted cancer rates are falling: there’s simply no evidence at all that the health of the population is declining. So, given that we’ve not got any sign whatsoever of declining health, it’s very difficult indeed to say that increasing inequality is causing something that isn’t happening.
And again here. When supposedly learned people talk unironically about “social justice,” a good mental response is “yellow alert.”
Some random thoughts from Thomas Sowell:
In Thomas Piketty’s highly-praised new book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, he asserts that the top tax rate under President Herbert Hoover was 25 percent. But Internal Revenue Service records show that it was 63 percent in 1932. If Piketty can’t even get his facts straight, why should his grandiose plans for confiscatory global taxation be taken seriously?
And via D in the comments, Aurelius marvels at the wonders of modern academia. Specifically, the winning oratory in the Cross Examination Debate Association’s national championship. I implore you to watch the video of highlights. It’s a thing to behold, serving as both a bold new standard for eloquent persuasion and a measure of the education these young ladies have received. Here’s a very brief transcript:
Uh, man’s sole “jabringing” object disfigure religion trauma and nubs, uh, the, inside the trauma of representation that turns into the black child devouring and identifying with the stories and into the white culture brought up, uh, de de de de de, dink, and add subjectively like a white man, the black man!
Go Team Dada. Embrace the jive.
As always, feel free to share your own links and snippets below.

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