Nommy-nommy-nom. (h/t, Jeff) || Portal says no. || Night vision injections. || Incoming enrichment. || Discharges of note. || Scholarship, baby. || It has four bedrooms and a room full of sand. (h/t, Things) || Bad art, breasts and adhesive tape. || Behold young love, it’s a precious thing. || Wee things called euglenoids. || 251 words you can spell with a calculator. || Cities, accelerated. || Sisterhood. || Teaching AI to play hide-and-seek. || Doing it for science. || Odeon cinemas of the 1930s. || Does anyone here know sign language? (h/t, Darleen) || He’s making the rest of us look bad. || He does this better than you do. || Hers is bigger than yours. || And finally, as situations go, it left some room for improvement.
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In the world of the woke, where all shoes are clown shoes, a little pushback:
A teacher in Minnesota who had complained about racial quotas in school discipline has been awarded over half a million dollars in a settlement. Aaron Benner, who’s black, alleged retaliation by the St Paul Public Schools in the form of four “personnel investigations” following his criticism of discipline policies… Benner said, “We are crippling black students with racial equity plans that do a disservice. We should not be telling minority students they will not be disciplined the same as other students when their behaviour is unacceptable and sometimes even violent.”
Those ‘progressive’ discipline quotas – essentially, a racial ‘free hits’ policy – have of course been mentioned here before, along with their predictable and horrifying consequences.
As I noted at the time,
What’s remarkable here isn’t that young thugs and budding sociopaths will quickly exploit immunity from punishment based solely on their race, but the fact that grown adults, supposed professionals, many of whom will be parents, either didn’t see this coming or realised what would happen and went ahead anyway, thereby screwing everyone else.
Such that seven different experiments, in seven different cities, resulted in seven dramatic surges in classroom violence, up to and including actual riots. While white teachers who found themselves being punched in the face, resulting in trips to hospital and permanent injury, were subsequently lectured on their “unconscious biases” and “white privilege,” and told to take comfort in free emergency whistles.
This, then, is “racial equity,” according to our betters. See how it shines.
Update, via the comments:
I got nuthin’. Nada. Zilch. Though I’m putting it down to my lofty standards rather than, say, a lack of mojo or imagination.
Consider this an open thread, in which to share links and bicker.
Branding decision of note. (h/t, Damian) || They do this better than you do. (h/t, Dicentra) || Baby barn owl hears thunder. || Bus terminal rotation. || Abductees. || Objects in ice. || Mobile phone sales, animated. || Flat-lay inventories of emergency vehicles. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || A drone, some cheesy music and a roller-coaster. || Today’s words are impulse control issues. || Walking in the rain. || “A camera took images of a corpse every 30 minutes. The corpse showed signs of movement.” || Sanitation worker’s museum of trash. || Toilet-mirror note of note. || Heh. || Also heh. || At last, herbal tea on a lollypop stick. || And finally, when your headline includes the words “massive semen explosion.”
Matthew Continetti on the competitive pieties of woke schooling:
Parents opted their children out of standardised tests, which they deemed “structurally biased, even racist, because non-white students had the lowest scores.” Without tests, there was no way to measure the progress of the student body. The school, without telling parents, changed all of its bathrooms, “from kindergarten to fifth grade,” from single-sex to gender-neutral. At a Parent–Teacher Association meeting, families split into warring factions. One side was furious at the school for making such an important decision arbitrarily and autonomously. “The parents in the other camp argued that gender labels — and not just on the bathroom doors — led to bullying and that the real problem was the patriarchy. One called for the elimination of urinals.”
Mr Continetti is referring to this first-hand tale of bewilderment and woe, in which there’s much to widen the eyes. Regarding the toilet drama mentioned above, this bears quoting:
The school didn’t inform parents of this sudden end to an age-old custom, as if there were nothing to discuss. Parents only heard about it when children started arriving home desperate to get to the bathroom after holding it in all day. Girls told their parents mortifying stories of having a boy kick open their stall door. Boys described being afraid to use the urinals. Our son reported that his classmates, without any collective decision, had simply gone back to the old system, regardless of the new signage: Boys were using the former boys’ rooms, girls the former girls’ rooms… As children, they didn’t think to challenge the new adult rules, the new adult ideas of justice. Instead, they found a way around this difficulty that the grown-ups had introduced into their lives. It was a quiet plea to be left alone.
Update, via the comments:
We’ve been here before, of course:
Parents only discovered the campaign – which asserts that white pupils are complicit in an “invisible system of privilege” – when their children began complaining about it.
Also, open thread.

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