Eighteen Years
And this place is still here.
Do help yourself to cake. For newcomers, here’s a pretty good introduction to what goes on here. If you like… that, well, there’s plenty more.
Oh, and open thread.
And this place is still here.
Do help yourself to cake. For newcomers, here’s a pretty good introduction to what goes on here. If you like… that, well, there’s plenty more.
Oh, and open thread.
Happy birthday, blog!
Blog, are you going to celebrate by hoisting a few pints?
And if so, will this affect the reliability of the spam filter?
Thanks for all the fish!
Congratulations are in order but I’m trying to cut down on . . . whatever the Hell that thing is.
This seems a fitting accompaniment to an 18th year.
You don’t look a day over 17.5 years.
Blog birthday present in tip jar.
Bless you, madam. May you be spared the social awkwardness of an elderly, farting houseguest.
[ Slurps coffee. ]
Regarding that heteronormative Lego nonsense.
Happy birthday, David’s blog.
True story?
Bless you, madam. May your earbuds pair flawlessly.
Oh yes.
[ Slides festive confection closer to aelfheld. ]
An absolute milestone! Congratulations!
Happy Birthday, let’s have a fight!
Now watching the debate on the geometries and naming of fried potato pieces.
Congratulations on your blog reaching adulthood. Here’s to many more years.
Congratulations. So are blog years like dog years?
Heh. Feels that way.
Bless you, sir. May you always remember to clean your air-fryer drawers, and not leave them enclagged until the next time you want to use them.
That glorious cultural enrichment.
As I am still injured and am suffering heroically, The Other Half has taken care of Sunday lunch.
I am now eating something called Dirty Fries.
Apparently, they came from a bowling alley.
Why do you think David doesn’t get invited anywhere any more?
[ Consoles David by sliding bowl marked “nuts” down the bar to him ]
No surprise: Mother of cop-killer is also a criminal low-life.
What’s a nosh without a drink? Here, have this.
They’re mad as hell. Oh, can’t you tell? Louis Armstrong is spinning in his grave.
What’s that in blog years?
Lego pieces are clearly homosexual. There are no front hole Lego pieces. If, by chance, there are a few specialty pieces with front holes, they are abnormal proving homonormativity.
[ Rustling of bin liner, slides single Nestlé Shreddie to Steve. ]
Oh, and ping!
As for let’s have a fight!, I apparently have misunderstood the use of the word ‘fanny’ in UK-speak? So…isn’t that a bit awkward for women who were named Fannie in the UK? Or maybe only American women go by that name. As a child I seem to recall that being a more British reference akin to ‘bum’, though apparently I was confused.
Bless you, sir. Should you glance out of the window and see a neighbour’s cat high up in a tree, maybe 60 or 70 feet, on your property, and should you see that said cat appears unsure of how to get down again – cats generally being better at climbing up things than climbing down them – may you not be so distracted by this mildly dramatic scene that you have to be reminded, with some urgency, that you’re in the middle of cooking.
I think that shreddie is also 18 years old.
The cat survived, by the way.
I laughed and I’m not sorry.
I think I am seeing this for a second time, saw it today on Scott Adams’ feed. This is another reason I will give some respect and an ear to some things the otherwise smarmy Jon Stewart has to say. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode about knowing what a car reservation is. Stewart knows what an audit is. It’s the government institutional scum like her who don’t know. Yet they are ever so knowledgeable and smart and you little people just don’t understand.
Also, “Tell me that story”. Like he’s a child or something. I just want to slap people…hard… who talk like that. Here’s my…story…where’s my f*****g money b****?
Brings whole new meaning to the Bee Gee’s song, Fanny, Be Tender with My Love.
Wasn’t the name of that song Love, Be Tender with My Fanny?
Four and twenty minions baked in a pie?
Ironically, it was the infamous Lego sex preferences study that clarified so much of what’s wrong with modern entertainment.
Congratulations, now your blog is legally old enough to drink, vote, and appear in adult material!
Progress on the soft-boiled egg front!
I think we just found jobs for those now-ex-US government employees.
I noticed that, too. Aside from being condescending as hell, it also implies that everything is an arbitrary narrative, and that his “story” is just an invention with no more correspondence with reality than anything else. Including her explanations about “waste, fraud, and abuse,” I assume.
Fine, lady, you can pick apart the definitions all you want, but the fact remains that you can’t account for billions of dollars, and if you were a private company, you’d be arrested for that.
On the one hand, I’d think DoD (and any other agency) would want to be scrupulous about record-keeping, but then what’s the fun in that? What’s the incentive?
She is laughing. I am going to a job tomorrow that I am no longer enamored with. They take a certain amount of the money that I am paid. And she is laughing at the thought that the money should be accounted for. I am really starting to understand the French Revolution for the first time.
Old lesbian is unhappy.
Some kinks really do need to be slapped back into the shadows.
That woman’s attitude reminds of the fact that the EU accounts were never signed off by auditors, so around 2007 they just changed what “signed off” means.
The money was still unaccounted for; nothing had improved, but because the auditors couldn’t directly prove ‘waste, fraud and corruption’, then the accounts were considered “signed off”.
So during Brexit whenever someone would bring up that fact that taxpayer money sent to the EU was disappearing, sycophants would adopt the same kind of attitude as that woman.
Without computers would it be possible to keep track of the various disgruntlements of the perpetually indignant?
Aeifheld: re Old lesbian is unhappy., I find it charming that one of the commenters on X referred to him as The Incredible Sulk.