Friday Ephemera (757)
Incoming. || Incoming 2. || Substantial component. || I have questions. || Drywall toast, a project for dads everywhere. || He doesn’t practise a relationship model. || Odd dog. || Our Betters deploy adhesive tape. || Children of privilege gather in woods, howl about their chains. || Patient of note. || The dog ate her pretend penis. || Modern-day palm reading. || A library of computer-games magazines. (h/t, Things) || Man commits murder, flees scene, then phones police to complain about being “misgendered” in a supermarket. || At last, transgender candles. || Weaponised astrology. || You want one and you know it. || Nommy-nommy-nom. || Tinned fish recipes. || It’s fine. || Freed. || On Mills & Boon, 1981. || Eighty-three minutes of Mrs Thatcher. || And finally, not smoking, just misting.
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I asked Grok if it were possible for someone to use the X API to post the same content to multiple accounts at once, and Grok said no, because you have to authenticate to each account separately to POST to it. It’s against their anti-spam policy to allow it.
It said that there are no doubt comms coordination places that push content to different offices and tell them “post this to your account at this time.”
Right down to the boldface type. Do they really think nobody notices? I guess it ends up not mattering.
Mostly among the homeless and other drug users, and mostly person-to-person contact.
When civilization breaks down, the diseases rush to fill the vacuum.
“In 1968, in San Francisco, I came across a curious footnote to the psychedelic movement. At the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic there were doctors who were treating diseases no living doctor had ever encountered before, diseases that had disappeared so long ago they had never even picked up Latin names, diseases such as the mange, the grunge, the itch, the twitch, the thrush, the scroff, the rot.” — from Tom Wolfe’s The Great Relearning
Do they really think nobody notices?
People do notice, it is just that the opposing team is in the “Yasss Kween” mode and doesn’t care (because Teh Message) and/or is so stupid to as to think each is an original thought.
Our betters explain:
Never any acknowledgement that the “lack of housing” is a consequence of a lack of sanity, not some mysterious deprivation perpetrated by a cruel society.
Someone (Shellenberger?) speculated that they keep the homeless populations around in perpetuity because they’re a standing reproach to capitalism. As if the persistence of the problem helps justify Tearing It All Down at some future point.
(I came over here to link to this, which is in the same vein.)
If they were to turn DOGE loose on California in general or San Francisco in particular, they’d get to experience “tearing it all down” but not in the way they expected.
Could well be.
But it is also a profitable industry, which employs large numbers of people who don’t want to endanger their phony-baloney jobs.
Note the obligatory “people experiencing homelessness”.
More blather here, all about spending more money on such people without requiring that they behave responsibly.
[over here embracing the healing power of Boolean AND]
Oh indeed, indeed.
There is something similar I’ve been noticing in regard to animal shelters. They seem to operate in a manner such as they actively discourage dogs or cats from being adopted. There’s a intimidation factor telling people something along the lines of if you don’t think that you can 100% handle the responsibility of pet ownership, for as long as that animal may live, well by God you better not even think of adopting one.
After the hurricane disaster in NC food and clothing collection was being coordinated through the local animal shelters in north GA. As we had recently lost my best buddy in September and had a good amount of dog food left, and as there was an advertised need for pet food donations, wife and I gathered some of Rocky’s food and some additional cold weather clothing of ours and took it to an animal shelter in the area. I’m still a bit far from adopting a new pet but my wife hinted that it won’t hurt to just look. Us being right there and all. When we asked if we could take a look at what was available we were told that we would have to make a separate appointment to do so. It’s a business now and the business is not about getting pets into furever homes, as they call them. It’s about creating a perpetual crisis to generate revenue.
See also Jerry Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy. It’s all about self-perpetuation.
There is in fact a debate among authorities on Jewish law what the phrase “if the sun shines on him” means. One takes it somewhat as you said: by day the thief figures that no one is home, so his plan is just to grab what he can and hightail it out, while by night he knows people are home and so he’s prepared to kill to get his way (and therefore can be lawfully killed while in the act). The more widely held view takes it more metaphorically – whether it’s “clear as day” that he has no intent to kill even if the homeowner tries to stop him, vs. where the homeowner can’t be sure of that, and therefore is entitled to use deadly force against the intruder.
Meanwhile, in the world of the witless douchebags.
Our brightest and best.
Our brightest and best.
Related, mayor offers condolences.
Yes, it is. Halfway through now.
And for those who missed it, this interview with Marc Andreessen is strongly recommended.
I miss Jerry.
Thank you for that elucidation.
leftism, activist pseudo-scholarship, and violence.
I fear you’re right.
Jefferson may have had it wrong – the blood of liberty’s enemies should work as well if not better.
His full words cover that: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
That’s from this 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith
When you go looking for an alternative to No Context Brits but are defeated by the language barrier.
Eighty-three minutes of Mrs Thatcher.
I knew that “charge hand” belonged to the trouble down t’mill semantic domain, but I had to look it up to confirm that it’s a kind of sub-foreman, or in Polly Toynbee’s opinion, an example of how the slightest gradation of social status can go to the heads of the lower classes.
Well. Color me surprised.
“You do not hate the left as much as you should.”
Not so much ‘do’ as ‘can’t’.