It’s all about a heightened awareness of the road. || Welding helmet of note. || Massage, drumming, and fire, together at last. || Skillz. || Not skillz. || I have concerns. || Assisting the encore, or lady not left hanging. || Surprisingly calm, considering. || Some clutter, toilet needs attention, £80,000. || I’m told it can get competitive. || Parenting. || Night vision. || New Doctor Who monster detected. || Scenes of duck up-picking. || And in pub-purchasing news. || The progressive retail experience, parts 566, 567, and 568. || Airbending attempted. || At last, the statistics of simultaneous blinking. || A little kicking required, methinks. || Incoming. || Incoming 2. || Lost flock of sheep found. || He had four hamsters in his pants, not gerbils, as stated. || And finally, fear not, he has jugs and jugs of it.

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