A Man In Uniform
Lifted from the comments, via Mr Muldoon, a pretty good example of The Unreliable Narrator:
Lt. Col. Bree Fram, a trans U.S. Space Force official spoke to the U.S. Air Force about inclusion and DEMANDED everyone to respect LGBTQ people and use pronouns.
The world is laughing at us pic.twitter.com/I9gftUQWYX
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 1, 2024
In the above, we see Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram – a man pretending to be a woman – invoking “dignity and respect,” while peevishly insulting his audience by insisting that they should also aspire to pretence – by which I mean habitual dishonesty – that they should abandon probity, disregard the evidence staring them in the face, and become cowed, cartoonish, and absurd. Lest they be denounced as bad people.
From here, it looks an awful lot like an attempt at psychological bullying and demoralisation, a kind of abuse. Which, given the rote intimations of victimhood, is a tad ironic. One might say perverse. As noted previously, those who play The Pronoun Game, and who insist that others play along too, may not be as benign and morally fragrant as they would have the rest of us believe:
And so, we arrive at a familiar question. If someone will lie about that, something so obviously untrue, what else would they lie about? Again, what we’re seeing has the air of a civilisational shit test. One underway on many fronts, and often with serious consequences for those who dare to retain a sense of realism.
And in entirely unrelated news, which I mention for no reason whatsoever, the US Air Force is currently facing a “critical staffing shortage,” with a “persistent shortfall” of around 2,000 pilots, and with recruitment levels so bad – the prospect of joining so unenticing – that the service is seeking out retirees to return to active duty.
Readers may, however, wish to speculate as to whether the kinds of people who would be most drawn to serving in the armed forces, and most suited to roles therein, are overly enthused by “unconscious bias diversity training,” a growing number of officers appearing publicly in drag, and scolding sessions on the importance of repeating those cross-dressing officers’ fabulist pronouns. Or by the news that a failure to do so – to lie on demand and thereby become absurd – could be considered “discrimination” and a basis for disciplinary action.
In light of which, the prospect of alienation doesn’t seem entirely far-fetched.
Those with a taste for condescension and farce will find more of Lieutenant Colonel Fram’s pronouncements here. Among them, a belief that the competence of the US military, and thus the fate of the world, may hinge on whether modern warriors stipulate their pronouns in all of their emails.
[ Expanded via the comments, which you’re reading of course. ]
I bet the Russians and Chinese can’t believe their luck.
This is, in part, the result of their efforts.
Let us not forget the most virulent forms of socialism arose in the West.
I’m sure it’s a total coincidence… /sarc
Well, I would guess that the kinds of people who would be most drawn to serving in the armed forces, and most suited to roles therein, are not overly enthused by “unconscious bias diversity training,” a growing number of officers appearing publicly in drag, and scolding sessions on the importance of repeating those cross-dressing officers’ fabulist pronouns. Or by the news that a failure to do so – to lie on demand and thereby become absurd – could be considered “discrimination” and a basis for disciplinary action.
The prospect of alienation doesn’t seem far-fetched.
[ Post updated. ]
So far, my twin grandsons, both active Navy, haven’t said anything about this being part of their training. I know one would most likely just ignore it but I worry about the other one since he can get pretty sarcastic – and open about it – when annoyed.
The armed forces’ “diversity” “training” includes much anti-white DEI propaganda–not to mention all the talk about how white men are all extremists and potential terrorists. White men have long been the backbone of the combat arms, but many families in which every generation has volunteered are now avoiding military service. Why serve when the government demonizes you and treats you as an enemy or potential enemy?
This is, I am sure, part of Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America”.
Please keep us informed of anything you learn in the future.
From the archive: Tremble, all ye enemies of freedom.
To demand people to comply into the world of their personal mental illness is in itself a delusion. Since people do not live or function in delusion but reality it’s absurd that someone’s delusions be constructed are normal & somehow respecting that delusional thought. The circular logic is in itself delusional.
This stopped being a joke a long time ago. The alphabet people have provided a safe haven for sociopaths and psychopaths. They are at the top of the untouchable pyramid. But there are serious consequences to allowing their behaviour to continue with impunity.
Here’s a tragic story of two L’s responsible for the death of one child and the abuse of another. As Chesterton said, “The modern world is insane, not so much because it admits the abnormal as because it cannot recover the normal.”
Hide the breakables. Banish the regulars until they put on collared shirts and ties.
[ Fetches hostess trolley, air freshener. ]
[ Sounds of repeated, increasingly frustrated toilet-flushing. ]
If enlisting in an organization where being a straight white male is an impediment to promotion and respect and where cultural revolutionary shaming is in store for anyone going off the reservation, tell me again what kind of society is one expected to volunteer for and risk one’s life defending?
Putting a mentally ill gay man in a dress….doesn’t turn him into a woman.
No more so than putting an oak leaf on his shoulder makes him a leader. Yet here we are.
All the dystopian futures (including 1984 in particular) and the experiences of Stalinism and Nazism rely on the ability of the totalitarians to get the population to lie and to believe it. Parents believe lies about their children and vice versa, the government and corporations lie to citizens and workers and the citizens and workers lie to the elites. The old Soviet saying, “we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.”
People may call themselves anything they want. I am under no obligation to go along with their delusions or to participate in their actions that legitimate their fantasies.
“You can ignore reality, you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
–Theodore Dalrymple, Frontpage Magazine interview (August 31, 2005). Archived from the original on June 29, 2013.
Cadets at the military academies swear not to lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate any among them who do. But it’s the official policy of the USAFA that a man can become a woman, and anyone who does not believe that is subject to discipline.
In other words, cadets must lie, and tolerate liars.
No wonder they have recruiting problems.
Lieutenant Colonels, whether retired (like me) or active duty, have long been the butt of jokes here in San Antonio, spearheaded by the late Roddy Stinson of the San Antonio Express-News. This bozo takes butt to a whole new level..
[ Looks around, notices lack of broken glass. Marvels. ]
“You all have the power … to ensure the multiple perspectives that we know make us stronger as we devise winning war-fighting strategies”
I have … just … so many questions.
No, really.
Queer female Social Democrat worries about “unabashed hate…for incarcerated people, especially those on death row”.
There’s that toxic female empathy again.
Given the barely concealed narcissistic rage in his voice, odds are he is a straight man with autogynophilia, and he cross-dresses because it’s a huge turn-on.
And there are reasons to be annoyed. To say nothing of demoralised and dismayed.
In his condescending and unconvincing way, Mr Fram bangs on about the importance of “raising awareness on issues.” By which he means issues pertaining to autogynephiles and the sexually dysmorphic – people such as himself.
I’m guessing those “issues” won’t include the very high rates of Cluster B personality disorders, or the very high rates of paedophilia and violent sexual assault, or the very high rates of self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Things of that kind. And which have not previously been regarded as ideal attributes for people serving in the military.
And yet Mr Fram tells us that “inclusion” in the military – inclusion of the emotionally unstable, the delusional, and the dangerously mentally ill – is “a national security imperative.”
Imagine you have a team that keeps winning the league, thanks to a star striker who scored 60 goals a season, most of the team’s goals.
One day, the other team members and some fans turn on the striker, for being selfish and horrible, hogging the goals, making the other players look bad.
Problem is, you can argue all you want about goalscoring “equity”, the team plays better with more “diversity” of goalscorers etc.
The bottom line is you lost 60 goals.
Similarly, in Western countries, the air force, and police, fire brigade, construction work, etc etc lost the star player that made things work – the working class white male.
And turns out you aren’t the winning team any more.
a tragic story of two L’s responsible for the death of one child and the abuse of another
There’s a lot to unpack in there, not least the fact that ten years ago two out married lesbians would have been unthinkable in a city like Burlington.
It’s not worth fisking but it’s a perfect storm of Can-Left delusional psychopathy: the ill-defined chronic illness, the fistfuls of medication, the native foster children, children as rescue animals, the “gay couples are just as good parents as straight couples”, the gay marriage, and CAS placing children with parents with more red flags than a Chinese Red Army parade, and then flailing to cover their ass with “internal investigations”.
(CAS in this area is fairly infamous for refusing to place foster children with parents of a different race or who are conspicuously Christian. Unless, apparently, you tick all the right boxes).
Regarding our own air force and the begged questions of “diversity” and its benefits, this may be of interest:
And yet, “diversity” is deemed by some of such importance that, as seen in the linked post, fitness tests and other basic filtering can apparently be done away with. As an impediment to progress.
I was reminded of this item, in which we were told that – in the name of “social justice” – we need more deaf and disabled astronauts. Because space exploration just isn’t difficult enough and dangerous enough as it is. And choosing astronauts with hearing problems, poor eyesight and motor-control issues will make things much more exciting.
Sadly, the video of the super-progressive panellists has since been deleted, but the text may offer some clue as to the giant, throbbing brains of those involved.
Throbbing tumors, more likely. And note the presence of astronomers. I haven’t been keeping track, but there sure seem to be a lot of “woke” Maoist astronomers nowadays, people who think the Guardian is the height of intellectual and journalistic accomplishment.
The struggle continues, with articles in Wired and “Scientific” American and elsewhere. And Lucianne Walcowicz “identifies” as non-binary and uses “pronouns”. Of course.
My dad used to jokingly quip that I should become an astronaut since I was just taking up space. As a veteran of the Army Air Corps in WWII, I can’t image what he would say about this guy after calling him a turd knocker.
Well think about it. Who do they serve? Aside from a few telescope owners, no one is going to pay to have some astronomy done around their house. As interesting as astronomy is, astronomy degrees are about as useless as sociology degrees. Much more useless in fact. They are beholden to government and university grants. In fact, most astronomy consumers have no real understanding of what they are being told. They think those colorful pictures of galaxies and such are real as presented. Like you could fly by in a spaceship and actually see that.
My WWII combat infantry veteran father would shake his head and say, “Your generation.”
It is necessary in the military to be simply one of many. To march in unison. Soldiers have to suppress their feelings, their sex drive, their wishes and needs. A focus on the individual and their quirks destroys cohesion and any hope of unified action. Idiots.
But I blame a lot of this nonsense on life being too easy. People don’t have to struggle and lose their focus on the mission (for military) or job for other work.
This. This, this, this. Yet life is perceived as difficult, and even made difficult. See the Dostoyevsky quote mentioned here recently. The accelerating pace of technological change enables this. The resulting acceleration in wealth makes it easier for society to just pay people off rather than educating them in how to achieve for themselves. Instead that wealth gets channeled into “education” in how hard and miserable life (supposedly) is. And if it isn’t miserable for yourself, you are “educated” to see and enable misery in others. This becomes your artificial “struggle”.
[ Peers over new spectacles. ]
I can now see what you’re up to in sharper focus.
And judge accordingly, obviously.
I can now also see the amount of crud on my old spectacles.
If you are looking over your new glasses* and not through them, what you are seeing is probably not what you think you are seeing.
*(eyeglasses, not to be confused with binoculars, telescopes, or other like optical devices also called glasses)
I can once again read extremely small print.
It’s so exciting.
Riders of the Purple Wage, to quote Philip Jose Farmer, except that he seemed to think it was a good thing whereas reality has shown it to be a disastrous trap.
Does the extremely small print say “No refunds, credit note only”?
Throbbing tumors
Band name
Shouldn’t you be peering through the new spectacles?
Say that again, please, but more slowly.
Doritos makes a very odd choice for brand ambassador in Spain
Bitch II