Lifted from the comments, via Mr Muldoon, a pretty good example of The Unreliable Narrator:

In the above, we see Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram – a man pretending to be a woman – invoking “dignity and respect,” while peevishly insulting his audience by insisting that they should also aspire to pretence – by which I mean habitual dishonesty – that they should abandon probity, disregard the evidence staring them in the face, and become cowed, cartoonish, and absurd. Lest they be denounced as bad people.

From here, it looks an awful lot like an attempt at psychological bullying and demoralisation, a kind of abuse. Which, given the rote intimations of victimhood, is a tad ironic. One might say perverse. As noted previously, those who play The Pronoun Game, and who insist that others play along too, may not be as benign and morally fragrant as they would have the rest of us believe:

Demanding that others lie – and ignore or contradict the evidence right in front of them, daily – is, in short, rude. An act of hostility… The Pronoun Game, so much in fashion, is very often an attempt to bully others, to exert power, by making them say things, publicly and repeatedly, that they don’t for a minute believe to be true. 

And so, we arrive at a familiar question. If someone will lie about that, something so obviously untrue, what else would they lie about? Again, what we’re seeing has the air of a civilisational shit test. One underway on many fronts, and often with serious consequences for those who dare to retain a sense of realism.

And in entirely unrelated news, which I mention for no reason whatsoever, the US Air Force is currently facing a “critical staffing shortage,” with a “persistent shortfall” of around 2,000 pilots, and with recruitment levels so bad – the prospect of joining so unenticing – that the service is seeking out retirees to return to active duty.

Readers may, however, wish to speculate as to whether the kinds of people who would be most drawn to serving in the armed forces, and most suited to roles therein, are overly enthused by “unconscious bias diversity training,” a growing number of officers appearing publicly in drag, and scolding sessions on the importance of repeating those cross-dressing officers’ fabulist pronouns. Or by the news that a failure to do so – to lie on demand and thereby become absurd – could be considered “discrimination” and a basis for disciplinary action.

In light of which, the prospect of alienation doesn’t seem entirely far-fetched.

Those with a taste for condescension and farce will find more of Lieutenant Colonel Fram’s pronouncements here. Among them, a belief that the competence of the US military, and thus the fate of the world, may hinge on whether modern warriors stipulate their pronouns in all of their emails.

[ Expanded via the comments, which you’re reading of course. ]
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