Friday Ephemera (699)
Safety measures. || Incoming. || She has a red mullet. || More beating needed. || His are bigger than yours. || The thrill of competitive bed-making. || Bin men fortified with beef and tea. || On fish and chips. || Today’s word is clientele. || He’s creating a persona that embodies who he is. || I know you’re distressed and in pain, but let’s talk about me and my pronouns. || “They need to get him.” || Next to Godliness, I’m told. || Test question 17b. || The tools at hand. || Two-mile-wide glass domes and other abandoned megaprojects. || Electric car charging stations, Chicago, 1916. (h/t, Things) || Only seventh? || Setting an example for the kids. || The thrill of crabs. || Inevitable. || The laws of physics are indeed mysterious. || And finally, when the flash is not your friend.
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What’s happened to pst314? Hasn’t been heard from since mid-September. There’d usually be at least 5 comments by now. Hope their all right.
Another excellent collection of phryday ephemera David. I can see why it’s so exhausting.
One impressive bit is the doona covering.
My god that can be an arse of a job
I had sorta hoped that with everybody nowdays filming everything, behaviour might have improved, but it doesn’t seem to have worked out that way.
Maybe the filming has made good people more reluctant to step in and nip things in the bud. Or maybe now they are too busy filming.
What should we go for here?
Pressure differentials ?
There’s a gradient of some sort there
Thanks for this
Recirculation. Common in downstream flow around blunt objects.
It’s hypnotic!
Note the flow immediately behind the square obstacle.
The alternating vortices being shed downstream are called a Karman vortex street. They exert alternating forces on the object, and were probably the power behind the destruction of Galloping Gertie.
I tried to edit my first comment. The editor worked, but SAVE gave the error Sorry it is no longer possible to edit this comment.
Even though The whole exercise took less than five minutes.
Real life Popeye.
Morning, all.
But why aren’t they grunting and muttering while wrestling with a duvet cover, armed with bulldog clips?
I’ve lost count of the clips in which some feral behaviour is underway and one of the victims shouts “I got it all on video” or something to that effect. As if this, in itself, were some kind of corrective. We seem to have lots of filming, often from multiple angles, thanks to multiple onlookers, but not much actual intervention, or subsequent punishment.
Maximum points.
That was a downer. How to make sure your own kids don’t do well in life.
Bringing the ghetto to your doorstep. How lovely. Though, as you say, I’d imagine those strategies won’t pan out so well over time.
If it’s all a bit discouraging, there is a more charming incident.
For many years, a neighbour has had an ‘honesty box’ on a small, home-made stand outside their house, so that passers-by can have surplus produce from their vegetable garden, or unwanted toys, or whatever. People leave the suggested, very nominal charge, or, for the toys, whatever they deem appropriate.
Almost every time I pass it, I’m faintly pleased that it exists. It does seem rather symbolic. And it serves as a reminder that I’ve lived in neighbourhoods where such a thing would immediately be vandalised and thrown into the road.
Her parents must be so proud.
I know you’re distressed and in pain, but let’s talk about me and my pronouns.
Imagine sharing videos of yourself, videos you regard as flattering, in which you complain and mouth profanities because someone was polite to you. Videos in which you claim that the person being polite was a “bitch” and “disgusting” because they failed to grasp that hair dye is how we’re now supposed to determine a person’s sex.
Again, the sheer degree of the perversity, the contrivance of it all, will get you every time.
November 3, 2023 9:37 am
I know you’re distressed and in pain, but let’s talk about me and my pronouns.
Oops! Too quick on the draw last comment. Anyway, Our Host does not disappoint. Friday’s freak is a humdinger.
And remember, these aren’t people who were filmed unwittingly while having a bad day and being irrational. These are people who are choosing to share videos that they think will impress their peers and make them look good. These are exercises in woke piety and status-seeking.
This is the ideal. As they imagine it.
I’m afraid that may be because the punishment, when it occurs at all, seems to target those who tried to help, or even just defend themselves. I wonder if Daniel Penny is having second thoughts about helping right about now as he faces up to 15 years in prison for restraining a scrote well-known to the police which unfortunately resulted in the scrote’s demise.
Given the case is being tried in the district of a Soros-DA, Mr. Penny will need a miracle to avoid doing time, and even if a miracle occurs his life will have been ruined by legal debt and negative publicity.
Previously in Manhattan a bodega owner was charged with murder for killing an armed robber who was attempting to rob the bodega. He was eventually released and the charges dropped because of community uproar and possibly because he belonged to a prog client group, being Hispanic. Poor Mr. Penny is both a young, white male, and a former Marine – multiple strikes against him. His ‘plot armour’, as they say, is non-existent.
How far we’ve come. Must be all that progress I keep hearing about.
It seems to me that a society in which thieves and thugs are forcibly immobilised and given a vigorous beating, with the criminal’s wellbeing as a fairly low priority, is morally preferable to a society in which the law-abiding just stand around, impotent and resigned, while waiting to be preyed upon again, and again, often by the same creatures, until they have nothing left to steal or destroy. Including their self-respect.
The first scenario may entail the injury, perhaps even the ceasing-to-be, of some sociopaths and habitual predators. The second scenario entails the demoralisation – in both senses – of the entire society.
What’s the gender equivalent of prosopagnosia and can we claim it, then call such people ableist over it?
The filter keeps misgendering him.
Just heard from pst314. Fear not. He’s just busy at the moment.
Busy? BUSY?
That’s outrageous.
I know, right? It’s a bloody indignity.
next to godliness: yes indeed, there are times when a naked woman is NOT a turn on.
Library: saw last night on Fox interview with a lady in Loudon county, Virginia who has been going to school board meetings to protest sexually explicit books in school libraries and even assigned reading. This is what the Left calls censorship if you object.
Electric cars: what did progs use before candles? Electricity. EPA just came out with greenhouse regs that basicly end fossil fuel plants (too much CO2 emissions) even though the supreme court said they had no authority under the Clean Air Act to do so a couple years ago. This is on top of putting requirements for car mileage out of reach for ICE cars. Being at the top of the food chain was nice while it lasted.
That’s tea sorted.
When this is what passes for rigorous debate. Among self-styled intellectuals.
Previously and very much related, the second update to this.
I did feel a hankering. Maybe tomorrow’s lunch.
A friend’s two year old grandson would love that.
And oligo-neurality.
You know you want to.
Always respect the man who raped you.
Putting it mildly.
There’s one not too far away on a street I drive down occasionally. It does gladden the soul a bit.
He’s just busy at the moment.
Thanks David.
Bloody cheek. Doesn’t he realize he has responsibilities to this blog.
IIRC, one of the objections to the establishment of a police force is that it would cause the populace to lose the habit of protecting itself.
Certainly we’ve seen, having given them a monopoly on the use of force, the constabulary finding it less trouble to employ that force on the law-abiding rather than the criminally inclined.
Meanwhile, under the bridge.
Answers on a postcard, please.
Not under nearly far enough.
No, really.
For those who missed it, and very much related to the above:
Make Way For The Activist-Wanker Caste.
From the Activist-Wanker Caste post:
Sometimes, an example of what you’re talking about comes along that seems almost too on-the-nose.
Hey, it’s a job.