The machine uprising, day 5. (h/t, Emil) || The machine uprising, day 6. || Someone else’s dinner. || Arsehole detected. || A map of undersea cables. || A triumph of elastication. || Combat aircraft concepts. (h/t, Things) || Courtesy in odd places. || Suburban scenes. || When you need nine hours of cassette-play. || Music typewriter, circa 1950s. || Your expectations of punctuality are “white supremacy,” and sexist, and also homophobic, you bigot. || His incriminating browser history is probably worse than yours. || Hers, I dare say, is bigger than yours. || Bit snug, some chafing. || Couch glider. || Assorted German pipe organs. || Pick your champion. || The progressive retail experience, part 452. || Passenger came prepared. || When you defer to the lie, complications will ensue. || And finally, with some patience, it takes a village to park a car.

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