Your Salary Will Be Paid When We Can Be Bothered To Get Around To It
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is a government agency that coordinates medical care and social well-being in the Beaver State. During the pandemic, OHA was responsible for coordinating Oregon’s vaccination drive and disseminating information about COVID-19—both vital tasks. The agency’s office for equity and inclusion, however, prefers not to rush the business of government. In fact, the office’s program manager delayed a meeting with partner organisations on the stated grounds that “urgency is a white supremacy value.”
You see, among the woke, you can’t reschedule a meeting without denouncing the works of the white devil.
Update: In the comments, Connor adds,
As our host would say, ‘cultivated neurosis’.
Well, yes. Apparently, it’s somehow not enough to simply reschedule a meeting to accommodate those who aren’t quite prepared. Instead, you have to ostentatiously invoke and then denounce some imaginary “white supremacy,” a supposed “value” of which is getting things done promptly. Because preferring a meeting to happen sooner rather than later, at some undetermined time and place, is seemingly a bad thing and, by implication, The Fault Of All White People. It’s as if these creatures have some bizarre mental checklist of ideological tics and affectations that must be inserted incongruously into almost any humdrum interaction.
The related “white” evils of punctuality and forethought – also known as adulthood – have been touched on here before.
Consider this an open thread. Or don’t, whatever.
It’s curious just how much time, and how much mental contortion, is devoted by the woke to excusing slacking, a lack of focus, and a kind of shirty incompetence.
The above being a very small sample of what’s lurking in the archives.
In the future, I shall be certain to specify a White Supremacist Ambulance for all emergencies.
In the future, I shall be certain to specify a White Supremacist Ambulance for all emergencies.
If you poke through the items linked above, it’s also curious how the peddlers of this noxious claptrap expect others to tolerate a lack of regard and basic courtesy that if applied to anything of importance in their lives – travel plans, medical treatment, the payment of salaries, etc – would doubtless result in complaints and a great swelling of indignation.
There seems to be an urgency, nay a frenzy , when a certain melanin endowed cohort loot stores. Promptness indeed, but only scant forethought.
Attention, woke authors – remember to alienate your readers.
have been touched on here before.
From David’s link:
Since retirement and thus am now spending a greater percentage of my human interactions with average people…well…I used to think that the smart people were stupid. I had developed some faith in the 90-110 IQ range folks but no, they’re idiots as well. It’s not quite so much the stupidity itself but the cowardice. The only thing that motivates these people to do anything seems to be things oriented toward their more infantile wants. They truly are effectively sheep. They will accept any absurdity so long as they can avoid attempting to take control over the situation. This concept of agency isn’t just lost on POCs, as frequently noted here. It’s everywhere. The hopeless/helplessness is actually comfortable for them. And with that gone, the concept of urgency lacks purpose or value. It’s superfluous.
You see, among the woke, you can’t reschedule a meeting without denouncing the works of the white devil.
As our host would say, ‘cultivated neurosis’.
As our host would say, ‘cultivated neurosis’.
Well, yes. Apparently, it’s somehow not enough to simply reschedule a meeting to accommodate those who aren’t quite prepared. Instead, you have to ostentatiously invoke and then denounce some imaginary “white supremacy,” a supposed “value” of which is getting things done promptly. Because preferring a meeting to happen sooner rather than later is seemingly a bad thing and, by implication, The Fault Of All White People.
It’s as if these creatures have some bizarre mental checklist of ideological tics and affectations that must be inserted incongruously into almost any humdrum interaction.
For some mysterious reason I believe Yasmin does not really know what “asexual” means.
In the future, I shall be certain to specify a White Supremacist Ambulance for all emergencies.
Also: specify a No Sense of Urgency Ambulance for all “equity and inclusion” commissars.
So, it’s a work day somewhere?
*goes back to brisket*
Whoever the hell this person is has a sad.
“Hurtful”. What a twit (feel free to substitute a vowel). I suppose it is only a matter of time before you can get arrested for not giving a rat’s ass who she or others of The Gender Clown Patrol diddles.
Meanwhile, western militaries doing stupid woke stuff has become commonplace, but but Doris and Rupert – pretty low bar for being offended.
Fascist propaganda makes this guy feel completely unsafe.
Remember John Cleese’s training video Meetings Bloody Meetings?
It’s as if these creatures have some bizarre mental checklist of ideological tics and affectations that must be inserted incongruously into almost any humdrum interaction.
They’re just doing what Hollywood, TV, novels, pop music, education, #Science, etc. have been doing for decades now. Never pass up an opportunity to insert the leftist narrative. Even conservatives…”conservatives” must at the least accommodate it.
For some mysterious reason I believe Yasmin does not really know what “asexual” means.
If that’s what they say ‘asexual’ means, then that is literally what ‘asexual’ means. Do try and keep up. Get with the program. Etc.
4th of July even the hamsters BBQ.
Do try and keep up.
I will educate myself, do better.
4th of July even the hamsters BBQ.
Oh yes, of course. I’d forgotten. Felicitations to all passing Americans.
Attention, woke authors – remember to alienate your readers.
Chesterton described this sort of thing as “not even worth misunderstanding”.
Immigrated from China to Canada at 8 years old, so explores themes of the injustice of foreigners in foreign lands being made to feel like foreigners in foreign lands, about her struggle for justice where white Canadians should feel equally like uninvited foreigners, about young immigrants assimilating to English and losing fluency of their parents’ language and how that’s also the fault of the white Canadians. By writing Chinglish poetry that neither Chinamen nor Englishmen can understand, she creates a language for expressing the heroic struggles of … herself.
She’s also only 19 years old and studying poetry in college. So she imagines her work getting the kind of reverential line-for-line analysis that poetry on college curricula gets. A high opinion of herself, but she actually is the kind of writer likely to turn up on a reading list for 331 Modern Voices in Immigrant Poetry. And she’s certainly played the Orientalism card on her white classmates in seminars: by asking what ching chong means you’re exercising a colonial mindset where everything “exotic” has to be safely categorized in a Eurocentric system, and you’re treating me not as a first-class authority but as a native informant.
Never mind, they are all pongos, aka brown jobs.
However: the precedent set by the RAF when last year they dropped airman and airwoman in favour of gender-neutral “aviator”
Well, their airships got that wrong. “aviator” has a specific meaning of someone who flies (which airmen and airwomen generally do not do as a trade) and is not gender neutral. The female equivalent is “aviatrix”
Proud once to have been a Crab aviator.
“I want to exist as a bisexual person. The most hurtful response I get when I speak about my sexuality is ‘I don’t care’.”
Now that’s just funny.
#wedontcare. I could get behind a movement like that. It’s like kryptonite to narcissists.
The female equivalent is “aviatrix”.
Yes, refers to what they do off duty.
I will now denounce myself because blazing coats cause climate hysteria.
The most hurtful response
Other candidate most hurtful responses:
#How terribly uninteresting
#Go tell it on a mountain
#I’m busy
Fair point, firmly made.
She’s also only 19 years old and studying poetry in college. So she imagines her work getting the kind of reverential line-for-line analysis that poetry on college curricula gets. A high opinion of herself, but she actually is the kind of writer likely to turn up on a reading list for 331 Modern Voices in Immigrant Poetry. And she’s certainly played the Orientalism card on her white classmates in seminars: by asking what ching chong means you’re exercising a colonial mindset where everything “exotic” has to be safely categorized in a Eurocentric system, and you’re treating me not as a first-class authority but as a native informant.
She was raised on fiction. Virtually everything her mind has consumed that she was told has value was a lie. But she doesn’t know that. She has as much understanding about where the real things that she consumes come from as my dog understands where his dinner comes from. She is not alone. While her perceptions may be much more concentrated, high density than most people, she is not much different in this regard than most people. The Narrative defines not just her world but her value and future as well. Any inconsistency with that Narrative is obviously the fault of fascism, be those fascists people like us or other people much like her. Whatever she experiences must be shoehorned into that Narrative.
Other candidate most hurtful responses:
The female equivalent is “aviatrix”.
Yes, refers to what they do off duty.
Come to think of it, I’ve seen “meretrix” used now and then but never “meretor”. Seems unfair, considering what most public officials are.
she creates a language for expressing the heroic struggles of … herself
Between this and the “you cant play our D&D knockoff online unless you have token Chinese people in your group”, there seems to be a genre forming.
Canada being what it is, I have a number of friends whose families escaped war-torn third-world countries to Canada when they were very small children. So I have some sympathy for the challenges of growing up completely disconnected from one’s parent culture. It’s a bit like being adopted.
But this is not that. Any Chinese family that moved here within the last fifteen years is rich, politically connected, and almost certainly part of the Thousand Talents plan. You’ll notice it’s the daughters who engage in this kind of foolishness; the sons are expected to become doctors, engineers or lawyers.
Instead, you have to ostentatiously invoke and then denounce some imaginary “white supremacy,”
The term of art is “shibboleth”.
“Chesterton’s Urgency.”
Whoever the hell this person is has a sad.
“I want to exist as a bisexual person. The most hurtful response I get when I speak about my sexuality is ‘I don’t care’.”
As a bisexual person (albeit one who leans more in one direction than the other), I’d like to say I couldn’t agree less with her. Speaking for myself (and only for myself), I like it when someone says, ‘I don’t care.’, or even, ‘So what?’. As far as I’m concerned, if people view my sexuality as un-noteworthy, that’s progress.
“I want to exist as a bisexual person”
So what’s stopping her? More to the point, why does she want to? This feels like something she thinks she must do, rather than something she feels ardent desire for.
As far as I’m concerned, if people view my sexuality as un-noteworthy, that’s progress.
Well, quite. However, there are those who insist on foregrounding their sexuality whenever humanly possible and shoehorning the subject into almost any conversation or aspect of life, thereby retaining at all times their supposedly fascinating “identity.” Their little badge. This unhappy compulsion seems most common among those who, without some identitarian gimmick to fall back on, would be recognised as, well, underdeveloped and rather empty.
I mean, if the bulk of your personality can fit comfortably inside the realm of sexual appetite, or discussions of sexual appetite, then there just ain’t much personality there.
More to the point, why does she want to?
She wants attention and validation. For what is largely immaterial.
It’s also worth noting that, for instance, straight white man is now a favoured term of disdain, a generic hand-wave, and is often used to imply dullness or irrelevance, a person who is unworthy of interest as a person. Yet the same reductive terminology is supposed to imply great intrigue and hidden depths when referring to, say, a black bisexual woman. As if this were in itself some obvious improvement and proof of being compelling.
Though why escapes me.
Though why escapes me.
[ Raises hand. ]
[ Lowers hand. ]
Never mind, that “why” was purely rhetorical, of course.
“I want to exist as a bisexual person”
It’s like playing Calvinball, except with a psychotic bully.
4th of July
Congrats to Los Yanquis on their national day.
Couldn’t ask for better downstairs neighbours.
Do try and clean up after yourselves this year though. We can see the mess from up here.
“Coloreds can’t get their shit together without white people telling them when things need done.”
– The Wisdom of the Enwokened
Anyone, I repeat, anyone, who is on time, does the job well, dresses nicely, is polite, etc will do better than anyone who does not. Oh, and stay out of jail. Just ask asian immigrants. That you should be given stuff while assaulting people and not showing up is a pretty big ask.
It is pretty hilarious that an agency charged with an urgent mission (health care during covid) should declare that being on time and urgent is white supremacy.
A desperate plea for help.
A new “Must See” film. Not a parody.
Meanwhile another exciting episode of “trans” tolerance.
Hey kids! Hop on the bandwagon!
I am giddy with anticipation. No. Really.
A new “Must See” film. Not a parody
So she joins the Hitler Youth then?
So she joins the Hitler Youth then?
Probably, then becomes a high ranking SS sniper and single-handedly takes out all the Red Army snipers in Stalingrad leading to the Germans capturing Moscow and her being awarded the Knights Cross with Swords, Diamonds, and Ovaltine by Hitler himself who declares her an Honorary Aryan.
Being torn between her African and Aryan identities she then declares she is a trans man by the name of Helmut von Schmertz and defects to England where embracing her African roots becomes a subaltern in The King’s African Rifles and while being prepared for travel to India, was seconded to Montgomery, because of her SS background, to serve on his staff as an intel officer. Her inputs in plans lead to the successful invasion of Sicily for which she was Mentioned in Despatches and awarded the Distinguished Service Order.
shehe was again torn between allegiance to the UK and the US because of her father, soshehe asked to be transferred as an exchange officer to the US Forces and sent to Los Alamos where she was instrumental in developing “Little Boy”. For this she received an Article 15 and Army Achievement Medal.The rest, as they say, is history.
Based on a true story.
Gay spiders are the worst. Eight legs, all mincing.
Gay spiders are the worst. Eight legs, all mincing.
And yet they’re all so hairy, like bears. This sexual identity stuff is so confusing….
Lol. Where can I subscribe to your online scriptwriting class?
Meanwhile another exciting episode of “trans” tolerance.
It’s a standard pattern. And the number of dysmorphic men who react to even mild demurral by sending threats and unsolicited dick pics, along with somewhat unsavoury references to children, shows that dysmorphic men should obviously be allowed in women’s intimate spaces. Because hey, what could possibly go wrong?
For those who may not know, “Article 15” is punishment and “Army Achievement Medal” is a you did OK award.