Incongruous Men
Further to the eye-widening incident mentioned in the later paragraphs here, another taste of trans ideology in Canadian women’s shelters:
At first, Jane says she’d just tried to avoid Max [a pseudonym], who she described as being over 6’ tall and obviously male. But just weeks after arriving, Jane says she caught him in the hall outside of her room, completely nude but for a bra he was holding to his chest as he modelled his body in the full-length mirror near Jane’s door. He was fully intact and was not covering his genitalia in any way…
Jane attempted to complain to staff over what had happened, but says her concerns were given a low priority and dismissed… “They just said ‘some people don’t respect boundaries.’ Nothing was done.”
Other incidents, including the bullying of a severely disabled resident and the repeated theft of kitchen knives, along with threats to use them on other residents, prompted further complaints.
But the staff member quickly expressed that they were more concerned about Jane having perceived Max as male.
The man in question was, belatedly, moved elsewhere. However, a second dysmorphic man, also unstable, appeared in the shelter, resulting in additional questioning of the shelter’s effectively unisex policy. Which in turn had consequences for the complainant:
“We are a trans-friendly house. We will be having more trans women coming in. So, the decision has been made that this is not the right place for you,” the manager says, before accusing Jane of being “dishonest” about her position on trans rights during her intake… “The fact is, you’re transphobic. We are a non-transphobic agency, and it is not appropriate for you to be living here,” the manager is heard saying, “I asked you when you moved in, and you lied — you said you weren’t transphobic.”
Given the subject matter, it’s not a happy read. But it does, I think, convey where modish pretensions can lead.
In the comments, sH2 juxtaposes the shelter’s annoyance that Jane should perceive Max as male with Max’s evident delight in displaying his penis. “Hard not to,” he adds. Well, in the case above, and in the case of Tyler Porter, mentioned previously, and doubtless in many others, I suspect that’s rather the point.
When a dysmorphic man demands to be perceived as a woman and to be allowed among actual women in a supposedly women-only space – say, a shelter for abused women – and he then goes out of his way to show, repeatedly and unequivocally, that he is not in fact what he claims… well, this probably tells us something. And so, we get a demand that others ignore the evidence swinging about in front of them – and instead submissively pretend. Think of it as an attempt to dominate and erode probity, a form of psychological bullying.
It turns out that when you make women, many of whom have been brutalised, share a space with mentally ill men, the result is not, amazingly, one long, girly pillow-fight.
Shower together, you bigots!
they were more concerned about Jane having perceived Max as male.
‘some people don’t respect boundaries.’…‘this is not the right place for you’
The left ruins everything it touches. Intentionally. I’ll believe the West is returning to sanity when these leftists are openly treated with contempt, are shunned, and are systematically excluded from positions of power and authority.
they were more concerned about Jane having perceived Max as male.
Trans bigots need to accept that sex is immutable and male describes sex not gender. Not an unreasonable request given what we’ve already been forced to swallow regarding gender.
I guess the moral of the story is that women need to stay the hell out of the shelters.
Which is sad, because now they’ve been victimized twice. Once by some ratbag, and then by the mental cases running the shelter.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if all the money keeping those Leftists employed sort of dried up, and went to some other organization instead?
I’ll believe the West is returning to sanity when these leftists are openly treated with contempt, are shunned, and are systematically excluded from positions of power and authority.

How’s that working out for ya? Have you met the Admiral?
the decision has been made that this is not the right place for you,” the manager says,
Today’s word is ‘irony’.
Trans bigots need to accept that sex is immutable and male describes sex not gender.
Only a science denying transphobe would say that. (Caution)
It turns out that when you make women, many of whom have been brutalised, share a space with mentally ill men, the result is not, amazingly, one long, girly pillow-fight.
As I commented on the other thread, the women’s shelter network in Canada has been owned by vicious feminist nihilists for pretty much ever. They drove the only men’s shelter out of existence and its operator to suicide by ganging up and denying him funding and legitimacy.
They drove the only men’s shelter out of existence and its operator to suicide
This man?
Eastman, yes. What Wikipedia doesn’t mention (IMAGINE MY SHOCK) is that there was initial interest in directing public funds there, but the DV industry did a full court press to delegitimize him and paint any councillor or MPP that wanted to direct finds there as an evil misogynist. They were protecting their iron rice bowl.
What’s worse is that when he solicited private donations they did the same thing. It wasn’t just about competition; he had to be destroyed lest their narrative be undermined.
What’s worse is that when he solicited private donations they did the same thing.
they were more concerned about Jane having perceived Max as male
Just a few short weeks since Ricky Gervais was pilloried by the usual suspects for transphobic scaremongering when making the exact same point.
“It’s HER penis you bigot”.
she caught him in the hall outside of her room, completely nude but for a bra he was holding to his chest as he modelled his body in the full-length mirror near Jane’s door. He was fully intact and was not covering his genitalia in any way…
they were more concerned about Jane having perceived Max as male.
Hard not to.
Hard not to.
I suspect that’s rather the point – in the case above, and in the case of Tyler Porter, mentioned previously, and doubtless many others. And so, the dysmorphic man demands to be perceived as a woman and allowed among actual women, in a supposedly women-only space, before going out of his way to show, repeatedly and quite unequivocally, that he is not what he claims. Think of it as a demand that others ignore the evidence swinging about in front of them – and instead submissively pretend. Think of it as an attempt to dominate, a form of bullying.
Who knew that women’s lib would devolve to discovering that men make better women than do women?
I think Glamour Magazine had a pretty good idea that it would happen when choosing their Woman of the Year way back in 2015.
Top New Biden Staffer Defended Underage, Gay Prostitution “Rentboy” Website Raided By Feds in Jaw-Dropping 2015 Article.
Men with penises bad! Must shame!
Women are loving and nurturing by nature, in contrast to the evil penised people.
Women with penises? Most goodest! Must praise!
Am I doing this right? I am trying to convert to the Church of Woke and eradicate my innate conservatism but sometimes I find the new catechism confused and contradictory.
“Women are loving and nurturing by nature”
While also being equally strong and ferocious,as depicted in pretty much any Hollywood movie. And as capable of being say a killing machine in the army, though for some reason that doesn’t translate to conscription being extended to women, and those dying like dogs in Ukraine or Afghanistan are pretty much all toxic males.
That’s partly why the trans gang are so successful. The assault against common sense, language, honesty and decency started decades before then, preparing the ground so to speak – and to a large extent by the same women screaming about men being allowed in their toilets.
San Francisco man puts dildos on passing cars. Are there any adults left in San Fransicko?
Because no mentally unstable man would ever lie in order to get an advantage. Right? Right? How naive can these people be? Oh, and when people like myself warned about slippery slopes 4 yrs ago or so, there was usually an irrelevant remark like “photographing women in bathrooms is already illegal” or other useless statements.
I just had no idea how slippery and how steep these slopes turned out to be. And now the Biden admin has announced that schools (even elementary) that don’t allow trans into girls locker rooms will lose meal assistance funding (without formal rule-making, and a move that is illegal because lunch $ has nothing to do with bathrooms).
The obvious solution is for women to remain cloistered and only venture into public masked and accompanied by a trusted male relative or a husband. Then there would be no need for shelters, women’s sports, driving licenses etc.
We’re halfway there.
The trans incursions are the perfect terrorist operation. Just one guy once in a while is sufficient to spoil women’s shelters for all women. One high school student (who can be pretending) can affect 2000 fellow students. One trans swimmer can set records that no woman will ever beat.
Another addition to David’s “retail experience” list.
Kim thought he could never be a parent. Then he gave birth to baby Morgan
A trans man doesn’t want to appear feminine and be misgendered – understandable.
Why do I feel like the opposite scenario – where he is perceived by everyone to be an expectant mother – would be even more upsetting? There is no winning move here.
Unimprovable – hats off to the author.
For some reason, there’s no mention of where the sperm came from. Whose embryo ended up implanting is unclear, but the child is going to end up resembling only one legal parent. Incidentally, I notice the author studiously avoids specifying the baby’s gender (and the name ‘Morgan’ is ambiguous).
I went down a bit of a rabbit hole and found this letter from the birthing parent (for once, probably the best terminology), with a remarkable line:
I feel sorry for anyone growing up gay or gender non-conforming (or non-Bumiputera – sometimes institutional racism does actually exist) in Malaysia, but can someone decode for me what ‘people of colour’ means in this context?
Ignoring the title the opening line “as a queer trans man” gives the game away
The article is a long way of saying “woman gives birth”. Everything else is window-dressing.
On that note, in what sense is he queer? Going by the current rules, isn’t theirs a heterosexual relationship? Granted, it’s pretty unclear what ‘queer’ actually means.
It turns out that when you make women, many of whom have been brutalised, share a space with mentally ill men, the result is not, amazingly, one long, girly pillow-fight.
We’re living in the clown timeline.
We’re living in the clown timeline.
Well, the degree of unrealism is quite a thing. To take a group of distressed women, many of whom will have recently escaped relationships with men who have anger management issues, and then make them share a space with dysmorphic men, many of whom are likely to have reservoirs of resentment and anger management issues, doesn’t strike me as an obvious basis for good times.
It’s almost surreal.
But hey, progress.
Men giving birth in Australia is still rare.
I suppose one could consider “none” to be rare, but related.
The trans man (XX) who gave birth seems likely to have been taking lots of hormones to look male. The getting pregnant. That is an experiment that you would not be allowed to perform at a medical center. The pregnancy hormones are critical to normal development. Clownworld but not the fun kind. More like that clown that peers out of sewer grates.
but related
“Science nerd” Celeste begs question, name-calls those who disagree, congratulates self.
How surprising.
but related
“Followed by Laurie Penny.”
Zombies on the train.
I feel sorry for anyone growing up gay or gender non-conforming (or non-Bumiputera – sometimes institutional racism does actually exist) in Malaysia, but can someone decode for me what ‘people of colour’ means in this context?
Interesting point. Kim Lee seems to be Chinese and therefore an ethnic minority in Malaysia. So she would indeed be subject to institutional racism as you note, but from an ethnicity which would also be described as ‘people of colour’. Does that mean Malays are honorary wypipo in Malaysia but POC elsewhere? Or does being a POC get you extra oppression points even when your oppressor is another POC? Tricky to unpack.
Mind you, the person you refer to is evidently delusional so trying to ascribe some sort of logic to her statements is probably a lost cause….
Brittney Griner’s coach rants that media-hyped WNBA “stars” have no real place in the public’s heart, and that the WNBA lesbians are especially unappealing. With friends like that. The Russians, in their belief that Griner would be a high-profile hostage, are holding her in more esteem than the Americans.
Hate crime detected.
The activists weren’t wrong that there weren’t many people abusing various trans-accommodations several years ago.
The problem was that the slippery slope was obvious. When they objected to ANY restrictions on them, and allowed people to merely identify as trans, without even the least bit of gatekeeping, they made it clear to the bad people who were paying attention that they could get away with a LOT simply by claiming to be trans.
They took a system that was not much abused, and insisted on carving out an easily abusable niche. And so now, the niche is as defined by it’s abuse as it’s proper use.
If you truly desire to ‘convert to the Church of Woke’ eradicating your innate traits will be made much easier by eradicating your frontal lobes.
“eradicating your frontal lobes”: so true. The desire to virtue signal and belong to the “right” team is so great that clear and obvious bad consequences are routinely ignore when voting. Such as voting for someone who clearly declares that he will shut down fossil fuels. Or insisting on trans rights by women when it bites them on the ass most directly.
…clear and obvious bad consequences…
Insanity is the ultimate positional good.
Insanity is the ultimate positional good.
We can fight that by refusing to cater to such people.
And so, we get a demand that others ignore the evidence swinging about in front of them – and instead submissively pretend. Think of it as an attempt to dominate and erode probity, a form of psychological bullying.
The progressive serving experience?
Hate crime detected.
As I understand it, that person never existed and if she did exist, which she didn’t, despite all evidence to the contrary, she was actually a man at the time. Apparently, there are things we are not allowed to remember.
These are the rules, it seems.
Incongruous Men
Band name.