The D-Words
Lifted from the comments, a technological feat:
Traffic cameras in Chicago disproportionately ticket Black and Latino motorists.
Readers are invited to spot the word that’s doing the heavy lifting. It appears 1o times in the article quoted above, excluding variations.
The red-light and speed cameras are, we’re told, “distributed roughly evenly among the city’s Black, Latino and white neighbourhoods.” Despite which, “the ticketing rate for households in majority-Black ZIP codes” is “more than three times that of households in majority-white areas.” And so, explanations are searched out, including the width of a given road, the effect of passing vacant lots, and the geographical distribution of grocery stores. “Structural racism” is of course invoked, a phenomenon that apparently includes ticketing cyclists who choose to ride on the pavement, illegally.
Those presented as victims of injustice, of “racial inequity,” include Mr Rodney Perry, whose photograph accompanies the piece, and who, in a single year, has received eight tickets for speeding and three for running red lights. The article appears not to have had room to include the views of those injured or bereaved by Chicago’s law-breaking motorists, despite an eye-widening spike in accidents, fatalities, and hit-and-run crashes. Nor, it seems, was there room to consider the possible effect of endless, widespread excuse-making for antisocial behaviour, and its role in making such behaviour more likely, not less.
See also the words disparate, disparity and disparities, which occur no fewer than 22 times.
Update, via the comments:
Rafi notes the article’s supposed candidates for our sympathy – the best that could be mustered, presumably – and adds, “They chose poorly.” Well, as a pin-up for victimhood, a basis for our collective weeping, Mr Perry is a, shall we say, suboptimal choice. But apparently, we are expected to sympathise with Mr Perry, our habitual lawbreaker, and to indulge his excuses, on account of his difficulty paying the $700 in fines that resulted from his repeated law-breaking. As if the financial consequences were inexplicable and somehow unforeseeable. Though it seems to me that not being in the best position to pay the fines that normally result from such law-breaking is a pretty good reason to avoid said law-breaking – specifically, repeatedly running red lights and thereby endangering other people’s lives.
At which point, it’s perhaps worth noting that many of the, as it were, racially insensitive cameras are located near schools.
Update 2:
In the comments, Jacobus adds,
So, it’s racist to enforce the law equally because certain individuals feel entitled to break those laws more than others? Or have these certain individuals been taught that law breaking is their right and are upset that these cameras do not acknowledge that special privilege?
It seems we’re supposed to believe – emphatically and indignantly – that Mr Perry and Mr Olatunji Oboi Reed, our candidates for victimhood, are being induced to break the law and to drive in ways that are dangerous to others, including repeatedly running red lights, because of “fewer pedestrians and more vacant lots.” Cyclists and dog walkers are also invoked as possible factors, along with the claim that a black person may have to drive to the nearest grocery store, a feat rarely undertaken by people of pallor, obviously.
And all of this is presented as if the gentlemen’s behaviour, their choices, could only have external causes. Other variables apparently being unworthy of consideration. And so, Mr Reed, an “activist for racial equity,” expects city officials to “eliminate any racial… disparities in camera ticketing,” while avoiding any mention of behaviour and personal responsibility. “The root cause of traffic violence in our society that is disproportionately impacting Black and brown people is structural racism,” says he.
As a result, the default narrative, the woke conceit, is just a little odd. Namely, if black people are being injured or killed as a result of reckless driving, very often by other black people, this is “traffic violence” and “structural racism.” But attempts to enforce the law and reduce the number of such incidents are also “structural racism” and must therefore be done away with.
Via pst314.
I’m with the woke on this one. F*** traffic cameras. If the cops want to give a traffic citation they can haul their ass out to where the traffic is.
I am against traffic cameras on the same premise that Dustinator above pointed out – you are deprived of facing your accuser, and the red light ones do tend to cause more crashes (from the law abiding).
But human cops are already under the gun for supposedly stopping blacks more because of “racism”, while letting white people speed. So a radar camera would only be concerned with the speed of the vehicle, not who was driving it. And they were fine with that until they looked at who kept getting caught. You have BLM and the St George celebrations, DIE admins poking around in every corner of existence (except the ‘Hood), Defund the Police and the auto-excusing of black people’s misbehavior, traffic cameras in downtown Chicago, and what did they think was going to happen? You have a segment of the population that is not expected to obey rules or laws, but you didn’t tell the cameras that. The cameras were not programmed to ignore cars driven by this particular segment of the population, assuming they even could be.
@Ol’ Jim, hisself:Several years ago, NJ decided that its State Troopers were racist and targeting black drivers.
Now over to Heather MacDonald, herself:
In other news, is he soon to be “The Rape Artist Formerly Known as Prince“?
That feeling when there’s so much disproportionality and so many disparities that the structural racism creates what some point to as actual racism: people noticing the behavioral propensities of particular racial groups.
Modern western politics are turning into a game of noticing. Either you study the statistics and call things racist or you hide the statistics (and BART security videos) to keep the public from drawing obvious conclusions.
With tinted windows even worse.
Has anyone ever attempted to study the demographics of who buys tinted windows? Race, sex, age, income, criminal history, etc, etc?
I do get the impression that drivers with tinted windows tend to be more aggressive/break traffic laws more frequently.
Modern western politics are turning into a game of noticing…
It is increasingly the case that one must read the rhetorical excretions of the the establishment (news, government studies, academic publications) the way people in the Soviet Union read Isvestia and Pravda: Assume that what they say may be a complete lie. Notice what they do not say. And so on.
On tinted windows.
Well, lots of factors play into that. I drive a ferocious muscle car, a Challenger Hellcat; my own windows aren’t tinted, but many Hellcat drivers and other fast-car enthusiasts like the tinted windows for a fashionably aggressive look. But I observe that in states like Texas and Florida, soccer moms will almost always have tinted windows on their slow-moving SUVs and mini-vans, to keep the interiors from becoming boiling hot during even the shortest grocery stop.
Most US states permit window tinting on the sides and rear windows, but the front windshield must be untinted, or tinted only for a few inches at its upmost bound.
But to return to the root issue: When a cop turns on the lights to pull someone over for speeding, they usually only know the make and model of the car, at best. And haven’t had anything like a clear look at the driver. It would take some strange and even dangerous driving by cops to try to achieve “equity” in pull-overs. Are they supposed to chase down drivers, pull alongside to identify their race, and then turn on the lights?
Seriously, is there anything more objective than a traffic camera?
A traffic camera will give you a ticket for a right turn on red, but not because of your race.
This is becoming self-parody (everything is racist) but since the woke have no sense of irony or humor, self-parody goes right over their head.
Since the woke have no sense of irony or humour
Is it pronounced ‘black’ or ‘blak ?
Ah, but it’s structural. As everyone knows, whites in the United States tend to live in high-density downtown areas where they can take public transport to work and walk to the store. Blacks, on the other hand, have been driven by white violence into the exurban sprawl, with no public transport, no walkable corner stores, long commutes to work, and children having to be driven to all of their activities.
Between this and all the bicycle theft I think reparations have already been paid.
On tinted windows. Well, lots of factors play into that…
…many…fast-car enthusiasts like the tinted windows for a fashionably aggressive look.
Makes sense. And I suppose fast-car enthusiasts are more likely to drive aggressively than Corolla and Volvo drivers.
Red light cameras were banned in Texas. They made a lot of money for the companies that installed them but studies showed they caused more accidents.
Traffic tickets should be about enforcing laws that make the roads safer. NOT about revenue. Many red light cameras seem to be installed for the purpose of collecting more revenue, and the penalties get raised for the same reason. I have seen “no turn on red” enforcement in locations and times of day that were devoid of traffic.
And we all know about speed traps.
– the traffic guys install more cameras in black neighborhoods (so only black people get caught) or,
– the people who decide speed limits set them lower where black people drive or,
– the people who decide where to put traffic lights put more of them where black people drive or,
– black people are bad are concealing their license plates or,
– the cameras are racist, they wait for black people to drive by (so order the “biased against white people” cameras) or,
– after noting a violation the camera deletes records for white people (how do it know?) or,
– the people who review the records and decide who to ticket are racists (a white guy and a black guy both ran a red light, send the ticket to the black guy) or,
– black people violate the law more often so they get more tickets.
Are there other choices?
The racist rhetoric just keeps getting more aggressive.
To quote Jim Carrey from Liar Liar in response to an repeat offender client of his after he was “cursed” with telling the truth:
… cyclists who choose to ride on the pavement, illegally.
Maybe they choose to ride on the sidewalk? Just checking.
It appears 1o times in the article quoted above, excluding variations… See also the words disparate, disparity and disparities, which occur no fewer than 22 times.
Repeating them doesn’t make it true.
Repeating them doesn’t make it true.
Well, as so often, the fashionable words – disparity, disproportionate, etc – seem to be used almost like incantations, repeated endlessly, as if they had magical properties. It’s a good way to beg the question, of course, and thereby avoid thinking about certain, rather unflattering aspects of reality. See, for instance, the ludicrous Mr Ibram X Kendi, who insists, “When I see racial disparities, I see racism.”
Again, question-begging. Which, one assumes, is the goal.
They chose poorly.
As a pin-up for victimhood, an object of our pity, it’s not a great choice, no. And remember, these are presumably the best candidates that the article’s authors could muster.
And so, we’re expected to sympathise with Mr Perry, our habitual lawbreaker, on account of his difficulty paying the $700 fines that resulted from his repeated law-breaking. As if the consequences were inexplicable and somehow unforeseeable. But it seems to me that not being in the best position to pay the fines that normally result from such law-breaking is a pretty good reason to avoid said law-breaking – specifically, repeatedly running red lights and thereby endangering other people’s lives.
At which point, it’s perhaps worth noting that many of the, as it were, racially insensitive cameras are located near schools.
My fault for scrolling down on the aggressive racist Twitter link. Brain bleach needed
And remember, these are presumably the best candidates that the article’s authors could muster.
At which point, it’s perhaps worth noting that many of the, as it were, racially insensitive cameras are located near schools.
Schools are a white man thing–authentically black blacks despise them and despise blacks who study hard.
And at the same time: Black educational failure is whitey’s fault.
cyclists who choose to ride on the pavement [sidewalk], illegally.
And often do so very aggressively. If you merely look shocked to see a punk on a bicycle zooming towards you at high speed, he is likely to immediately threaten you.
So yes, there is something deeply wrong with “urban black” culture. Such words as “sociopathic” and “evil” and “depraved” are entirely apt, albeit unfashionable among the Smart Set.
I hope the salami ad was a spoof…but these days who knows.
The traffic thing reminds me of a post by a young black man (Chicago I think) who happened to go out while dressed in coat and tie. He was astonished that white people smiled at him and even held doors open for him. He could not bring himself to draw the logical conclusion that if dressed gansta style people fear you for good reason, but not because of your race per se.
“Traffic tickets should be about enforcing laws that make the roads safer.”
IMNSHO, speed radar is the worst thing to have happened to road safety. Sit at the side of the road, wait for the ‘ping’, write ticket. Cameras are just an extension of this.
Tailgating? Unsignalled lane changes? Burned out lights? Eh, whatever, maybe later.
I hope the salami ad was a spoof…but these days who knows.
Bitelabs did that ad to generate publicity: They have publicly invited celebrities to contribute tissue samples to be cultured, but nobody has done so as yet.
MNSHO, speed radar is the worst thing to have happened to road safety…
You have a point. Although there is some correlation between speeding and the other violations you mention.
If you merely look shocked to see a punk on a bicycle zooming towards you at high speed, he is likely to immediately threaten you.
I replaced the wooden staff of my umbrella with a steel rod of similar diameter. You’d be surprised at how many are surprised when a simple umbrella proves to be nearly as stout as a length of rebar.
You can’t imagine how amused I was when the terrible movie came out featuring well-dressed spies with tactical umbrellas. (Kingsmen? I think that was the title.)
You can’t imagine how amused I was when the terrible movie came out featuring well-dressed spies with tactical umbrellas. (Kingsmen? I think that was the title.)
I have an umbrella in the traditional English wooden handle, black fabric, “brolly” style, but the handle unscrews and there is a thin rapier-type blade attached to it. Of course in the heat of battle, I wouldn’t be able to get the blade out in time, so the rod mod the Guv did to his is a far better option. I need to modify an umbrella like that. A bowler hat like Oddjob from the Bond film, and the deadly ensemble will be complete!
I think you’re right about Kingsmen – a movie which had the obligatory Evil Christians that need to be mass murdered scene, but it also had Samuel L. Jackson as the bad guy – and featured the exploding heads of many a world dignitary (including Obama, if I remember right). So it was equal opportunity in that regard, which was unusual.
“I replaced the wooden staff of my umbrella with a steel rod of similar diameter.”
Blueprints, pls!
I’m getting tired of being strafed by cyclists without bells, or apparently, vocal cords. Maybe if I fake a limp, I could carry a very stout walking stick.
“I replaced the wooden staff of my umbrella with a steel rod of similar diameter.”
Blueprints, pls!
*Imagines all David’s middle-aged male followers spending Saturday in the shed, converting umbrellas into deadly weapons*
I replaced the wooden staff of my umbrella with a steel rod of similar diameter
Curious, all my umbrellas have a steel rod fitted ex factory.
So, it’s racist to enforce the law equally because certain individuals feel entitled to break those laws more than others? Or have these certain individuals been taught that law breaking is their right and are upset that these cameras do not acknowledge that special privilege?
Well, it seems we’re supposed to believe – and believe quite emphatically, indeed indignantly – that Mr Perry and Mr Reed, our candidates for victimhood, are being induced to break the law and to drive in ways that are dangerous to others, including repeatedly running red lights, because of “fewer pedestrians and more vacant lots.” Cyclists and dog walkers are also invoked as possible factors, along with the claim that a black person may have to drive to the nearest grocery store, a feat rarely undertaken by people of pallor, obviously.
And all of this is presented as if the gentlemen’s behaviour, their choices, could only have external causes. Other variables apparently being unworthy of consideration. And so, Mr Reed, an “activist for racial equity,” expects city officials to “eliminate any racial… disparities in camera ticketing,” while avoiding any mention of behaviour and personal responsibility. “The root cause of traffic violence in our society that is disproportionately impacting Black and brown people is structural racism,” says he.
As LW notes upthread, the default narrative is a little odd. Namely, if black people are being injured or killed as a result of reckless driving, often by other black people, this is “traffic violence” and “structural racism.” But attempts to enforce the law and reduce the number of such incidents are also “structural racism” and must therefore be done away with. And this mindset is being cultivated and encouraged by Mr Perry and Mr Reed, and by the authors of the piece quoted above.
Further news from the City of Big Shudders.
As Chicago teachers demand to be paid not to teach, Chicago students demand not to learn. And to be protected against non-existent threats. And “the funding of mutual aid projects.” And “providing every student with a personal laptop.” And “ensuring one full-time therapist for every 30 students.” thinks this National Safetyist agenda, in which vast sums are spent to teach nothing about anything to anyone anywhere, is inspiring. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here; appropriately enough for poor doomed Chicago, it’s a lesson about shakedowns.
And all of this is presented as if the gentlemen’s behaviour, their choices, could only have external causes. Other variables apparently being unworthy of consideration. And so, Mr Reed, an “activist for racial equity,” expects city officials to “eliminate any racial… disparities in camera ticketing,” while avoiding any mention of behaviour and personal responsibility.
Well, it’s worth pondering the likely effect, on any demographic, of being repeatedly told, with a frequency and enthusiasm that’s hard to overstate, that almost any kind of suboptimal or antisocial behaviour should be trivialised and excused, such that “taking responsibility” for one’s own actions entails invoking racial conspiracies and thinking up ways to blame other people. And then being applauded for it, as if devising elaborate, somewhat contrived excuses were a kind of activism and therefore righteous.
I doubt the long-term effect would be wholly positive.
Or, “Yes, he’s robbin’ y’all. OH WELL.”
Or, “Yes, he’s robbin’ y’all. OH WELL.”
“The victim shouldn’t have shot him. He should have just called the police afterwards.”
“The police shouldn’t have shot him when he shot at them.”
“The police shouldn’t have chased him when he fled the robbery.”
“The police shouldn’t have piled on him when he resisted arrest.”
It seems to me that if you were malevolent and wanted to undermine a racial minority, to degrade both long-term life chances and moral character, then attempting to exempt that minority from normal expectations of behaviour, and lawfulness, would be a good way to do it.
It’s all about using a convenient minority as a tool to achieve totalitarian power. Once the Marxists are solidly in power, they will do an about-face and treat black lawbreakers with brutality. (But not with as much brutality as they will treat peaceful political dissenters.)
I’m vacationing in my home town and here it’s even more apparent how f’d up and backwards everything is. Went to my high school’s basketball game last night. This was a school that when I graduated was about 12% black, ??? Asian and Hispanic (mostly Cuban and a Peruvian guy), significant Jewish minority this being south Florida, predominantly white culture. There had been racial tension the year before I got there but this was ironed out by broadening the Homecoming court by creating about 5 other similar things (Basketball Queen, Miss Hurricane, etc.). Last night my wife and I were the only white adults excepting the three referees and maaaaybe one faculty member. The team we were playing was from a school that in my day was faaaar more white than we were. But their demographics were similar to ours last night. The thing that got me was how few people were there for a school of 1600 students (about 3000-3500 in my day). The students who were there, overwhelmingly black…maybe two white kids, seemed mostly respectful and into the game but I suspected by the small size they were only there because they were friends or relatives of the kids on the team. Practically no girls there. A couple of moms and grandmas. There was zero school spirit. No band (we usually had a small contingent for basketball…basically the 1/3 of the kids who could actually play anything), no cheerleaders, no alma mater sung (though the lyrics were still posted on the wall). Security had a wand metal detector, no cash entry (schools are going to touchless payments even up in the GA mountains but I don’t think touchless was the driving factor last night), no concession stand. When I got home I looked up the demographics. This is a school, as back in my day, whose boundaries draw from extremely wealthy areas and some lower income areas, but not poverty stricken and not (to my knowledge) crime ridden…well, relatively speaking. Multi-million dollar homes with million dollar yachts on the Intracoastal Waterway. I went to school with kids whose parents were doctors, plumbers, pool cleaners, lawyers, judges, mechanics, car salesmen, etc. A broad mix. When we got home I looked up the data on the school today. Essentially the same boundaries. The thing is though that everyone I still know here, even people of moderate means, scrape all they can to send their kids to private schools. The current racial mix is, if you check, 42% Hispanic, 36% Black, 17% white. Though according to Wikipedia, they combine the white and hispanic to call it 60% white. And the grade they give it for “diversity”? An ‘A’!
Today’s word is paragraphs.
Heh…yeah…sorry about that. It all kinda bled together. I was going one direction then this other thing popped up in my head and then this other seemed to fit in there, then dammit I had to get the statistics that I remembered seeing last night from…what website was it…
Part of my writing problem is I can think of a dozen different ways someone will misinterpret what I’m trying to get at, especially with a sensitive subject, so I start piling on context to qualify my point and before I know it, I have a mess.
I also can’t bloody spell anymore, not that I was ever a good speller but damn…I misspell stuff now that I never used to have a problem with. I get really frustrated when spellcheck can’t help me with something I’m only one letter off from. But that sends me off on a tangent. Probably the biggest thing I miss about work is it kept my thinking disciplined. Actually, that’s about the only thing.
I misspell stuff now that I never used to have a problem with.
Ouch. I’ve noticed that I make far more typos than I used to. Maybe a symptom of the same thing…
Part of my writing problem is I can think of a dozen different ways someone will misinterpret what I’m trying to get at…
Would it help to instead just qualify with some boilerplate “I hope I’m expressing myself clearly. If it seems all wrong, tell me what you think I meant and we can work towards mutual understanding” or something like that but more concise?
Having done field research on police DWI/DUI enforcement I feel qualified to make the following assertions:
1. Police generally choose the easiest route to quitting time, involving the least work and inconvenience while still performing required duties.
2. Between the hours of 8 pm (start of shift) and midnight, traffic is heavy making identification of impaired drivers difficult. Stopping a nonimpaired driver and issuing a nuisance ticket – such as excessive speed, illegal turn, lane restriction, improper display of license, etc – is a waste of time. Officers handling DUI/DWI enforcement do not receive accolades for ticketing from their superiors because grant renewals which fund their jobs depend on DWI/DUI arrests.
3. Between 8 pm and midnight, officers often engage in “cooping” – that is, hanging out at a friendly business such as a towing company for free food and coffee. After midnight, spotting impaired motorists is much easier because virtually every vehicle that is speeding, making illegal turns, running stop signs, or failing to use headlights, etc is being operated by an impaired driver.
4. Police have no thought of the race or gender of drivers when making a stop. It is not a factor in their decision. I observed white officers stopping white, black, male and female drivers at about the same frequency as their black colleagues.
The passage of time has made possible the telling of these never-before-revealed stories:
Number 1: A man was sleeping in the back seat of his car in a parking lot. A driver missed a turn, jumped the curb and slammed into the sleeping man’s car. Police arrived and ordered breathalyzer tests on both men – the driver and the sleeper. The driver was ticketed for the accident and reckless driving – his breathalyzer score was below the threshold for DUI – and released. The sleeper – trying to do the right thing by not driving while impaired – was arrested for DUI when his breathalyzer score was above the DUI limit.
Number 2: A DUI officer stopped a vehicle for several infractions around 1 AM – speeding, no headlights, failure to stay in lane. The driver was an attractive blonde female about 22 years old. Her breath test exceeded the DUI limit. The officer also tested her companion – an equally attractive female – who also exceeded the limit. The officer released the women conditionally: They were to walk across the street to a coffee shop, have coffee and something to eat and wait until 2 AM when he would check on them. They agreed.
I doubt this has any bearing on automatic tickets issued by red-light cameras in Chicago, but I will add that the subjects in the first story were black and those in the second story were white. The officers in both stories were white. Make of this what you will.
The driver was an attractive blonde female…
“Young and pretty” does get girls all sorts of breaks…sometimes.