We Seem To Be Experiencing Technical Problems
Via the comments:
I just want to let glit know that thon is valid, that vir pronouns are valid, and that seir identity is valid.
Cody wishes to educate you about what is valid.
And must therefore be respected. Indiscriminately, it seems. When not talking about her mental health issues and visits to psychiatrists – and, of course, talking about herself, or themself, repeatedly and at length – our non-binary being tells us that,
The times I feel most masculine are, like, when I’m wearing heels and in full make-up.
Not entirely unrelated: You will include your pronouns, or your grades will suffer.
Consider this an open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
There’s a plague of scorpions in Egypt!
That’s all I have.
And must therefore be respected. Indiscriminately, it seems.
Well, the word respect is used a little too freely, I think. One could, of course, be polite and avoid pointing out the unhinging that appears to have occurred. One may not wish to cause a scene or become entangled in some lengthy, probably futile exchange. But respect entails more than that, up to and including admiration, affirmation, deference, and deep regard, which, given the above, don’t seem entirely appropriate.
One of my sort-of neighbours is irretrievably neurotic and, given an opportunity, will impose her neurosis on others, via lengthy and repetitive blathering, regardless of relevance and factual replies, and seemingly oblivious to, or at least despite, the visibly tested patience of anyone nearby. I doubt she can help it, but it’s nonetheless tiresome, selfish, and often exasperating. With one notable exception, I’ve generally been polite and fairly accommodating; but respect is out of the question.
And needless to say, my tolerance, such as it is, is largely dependent on the fact I recognise that she’s broken.
That’s all I have.
Good enough for me.
By the way, if anyone has trouble with comments not appearing, email me, top left, and I’ll poke about in the spam filter. Which is being uppity again.
You will include your pronouns, or your grades will suffer.
The professor, who started academic life as an accountant, is the Bhagwan Mallinath Assistant Professor of Jainism and Yoga Studies, in the Yoga Studies department*, and whose “accomplishments” appear to be getting grants and fellowships, so a serious scholar indeed. However, I imagine anyone attracted to such an intellectually rigorous program will in true ovine fashion go along with the pronoun diktat.
However, those so inclined should check out his link to mypronouns.org.
The act of making a correct assumption may or may not send a “harmful message”. Right. Offer not valid in Sector R after curfew.
The pronoun site apparently was founded by this individual.
Apparently has not gotten the memo that Asians are now wipipo. Regardless, it is astounding that someone actually makes his whole life revolve around something as totally inconsequential as a pronoun.
And needless to say, my tolerance, such as it is, is largely dependent on the fact I recognise that she’s broken.
That, to the whole lot of them.
“You will include your pronouns or your grades will suffer.”
Could I suggest something along these lines:
I am male. If you’re familiar with the English language that’s pretty much all you need to know about which pronouns to use when referring to me.
The pronouns I use when referring to myself are “I”, “my”, “mine”, “myself” and especially “ME, ME, ME, ME, ME“. It’s ALL about ME.
That, to the whole lot of them.
Well, it’s an obvious irony. My forbearance isn’t respect or anything like it, but depends on an understanding that the sort-of neighbour isn’t entirely in her right mind. Otherwise, I might just assume she was indulging in some elaborate passive-aggressive spite – and respond accordingly.
There may, of course, be some overlap.
There may, of course, be some overlap.
By some you mean “a great deal” I take it.
…indulging in some elaborate passive-aggressive spite…
As I said, I imagine this lot will willingly go along with the charade, but for any who didn’t, passive[aggression works both ways and the obvious choices would be things such as Latin pronouns and insisting the proper declensions are used, or foreign curse words – “My pronouns are сука (suka)/pendejo.”
Scorpion swarms kill 3, injure hundreds in Egyptian city
It’s like a Hollywood movie.
By the way, Steve, here is how to embed your link:
<a href=”https://www.timesofisrael.com/scorpion-swarms-kill-3-injure-hundreds-in-egyptian-city/”>Yikes!</a>
And by the way, whenever you want to learn how to do something you see here, you can select the text that interests you, right-click, and then choose “View Selection Source”. This will display the actual HTML.
right-click, and then choose “View Selection Source”. This will display the actual HTML.
That sound you hear is a can of worms being opened.
By some you mean “a great deal” I take it.
In the case of the sort-of neighbour, I remarked, just once but quite loudly, that doing a thing that’s bizarre, an imposition on others, a waste of everyone’s time, and faintly insulting to boot – resulting in sighs, eye-rolls and audible grumbling – and then doing it again, and again, as if no-one had made their aggravation clear, isn’t a way to win sympathy for one’s “nervous issues.”
That sound you hear is a can of worms being opened.
😧 How the world ends: Techie tries to be helpful.
David, will you be shoving me into the Correction Booth before or after deleting my comment?
I just want to let glit know that thon is valid, that vir pronouns are valid, and that seir identity is valid.
Now they’re just making stuff up.
You will include your pronouns, or your grades will suffer.
Someone had commented wondering if there would be a wrong answer to the pronouns on the homework or exam. I seem to recall a rather popular actress, or an actress in a popular show, who got cancelled for “beep/bop/boop”, so I’m going to go with yes, absolutely, some of your pronouns will be wrong answers. Although with stuff like gleet, tron, vir, and sear, how can they tell?
Red Letter Media discuss Midnight Mass, which we touched on in recent comments.
“thon is valid”
Yes, it is. It’s the neuter singular impersonal pronoun in some dialects of English, said to be a contraction of “that one”.
So today we learn that the pronoun engineers are quite happy with being called “it” as long as it’s via a word most people have never heard before. Which says a lot about them, I think.
Which says a lot about them, I think.
They’re making ever-smaller hoops, through which you’re expected to jump.
My forbearance isn’t respect or anything like it, but depends on an understanding that the sort-of neighbour isn’t entirely in her right mind.
I just moved away from one of those after 23 years of forbearance. My neighbour would turn the hose on people, threaten small children, and accuse female neighbours of carrying on affairs with her husband. She would blare Wagner into the ravine behind her house when she felt any of the neighbours may have gotten too loud. She passively/aggressively stacked her garbage bins and recycling on our lawn days before scheduled pick-up and would call the police for unexplained reasons.
It all makes for a lovely Tinder profile.
Vir was always my favourite in ‘Babylon 5’…
Am I doing that right?
Our Rulers.
The hilarious part of all the pronoun crap is that the only titles of address remain Mr, Mrs, Ms. You also have gender neutral Governor, Judge, and military honorifics. You almost never use a pronoun when a person is present. So you can still only say “meet Mr. Smith” when introducing them and call on Ms jones in class. You don’t call on “he smith” so you can’t call on Xir smith. Wrong part of speech.
The pronouns would be absurd enough if they agreed on a couple of new ones, but by insisting on dozens and that each person can have his own which can change daily, they make it impossible for anyone to comply.
In addition, most of us do not know anything about the sex lives of our friends or co-workers or students, nor do we want to know. And I don’t want to know about it from these weirdos either.
they make it impossible for anyone to comply
Feature, not bug.
they make it impossible for anyone to comply,
Not entirely unrelated.
Something actually funny from SNL, poking fun at the woke:
they make it impossible for anyone to comply.
I think it was Ayn Rand who observed that a dictator is not looking for obedience to a specific, if cruel, set of rules. Rather, he wants to keep his subjects in a constant state of terror by means of the arbitrary, of never knowing what you might be punished for the day after tomorrow.
Rather, he wants to keep his subjects in a constant state of terror by means of the arbitrary
Hence all the innocent people who were arrested by the KGB.
Vir was always my favourite in ‘Babylon 5’…
For me it was always Londo. Dramatic flair and killer fashion choices always make up for deviousness and petty viciousness. Ask Mussolini.
(yeah, yeah.. I know.. no italics.. “learn to code” indeed)
Hence all the innocent people who were arrested by the KGB.
Most of the heavy lifting had already been done by the Cheka, the OGPU and the NKVD. As a result, the KGB could rely on subtler means to keep most of the population in line. Communist Russia was an authoritarian police state from the outset–just as Marx had called for–and it was taken to new heights by Lenin and perfected by Stalin. The apologists who suggest Soviet Russia was on the right path before Stalin don’t know their history.
(yeah, yeah.. I know.. no italics.. “learn to code” indeed)
<i>italic text</i>
[ Looks pointedly. Decides to keep last packet of chocolate biscuits for self. ]
Most of the heavy lifting had already been done by the Cheka, the OGPU and the NKVD.
True, although I tend to just use one of those names to stand in for all of them.
and it was taken to new heights by Lenin
I did know leftists who tried to put all the blame on Stalin.
In the case of the sort-of neighbour…
The appropriate response is to look her dead in the eye and say, “You need to get laid, woman.”
They’re making ever-smaller hoops…
This is the progress of progressive.
I did know leftists who tried to put all the blame on Stalin.
And the latest trend is to say Stalin was right all along (see also Mao, if you wanna make it with anyone anyhow). Meh. Whatever works. I’m sure it’s gonna be alright.
I did know leftists who tried to put all the blame on Stalin.
Putin and many of today’s leftists in the West would gladly bring back Uncle Joe–Stalin, not Biden. Biden is more like Uncle Joe from Petticoat Junction: slightly retarded, lazy, and easily influenced by whoever seems in charge.
Uh … NOT Babylon Bee
Dear God.
So on a lighter note, in unsolicited movie recommendations…if you’ve ever found yourself lying in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep thinking…If only…if only there was a movie mash-up of Papillon and Casablanca, gee that would be swell! Well have I got the movie for you. Passage to Marseille. Now y’all sleep tight now, ya’ hear?
Dear God.
The Critical Drinker
I accuse pst314
Why the left always projects.
The stupid, it burns.
Red Letter Media discuss Midnight Mass,
The end was a bit messy (and you’re right it needed more Father Paul at the end) but I enjoyed it.
The end was a bit messy (and you’re right it needed more Father Paul at the end) but I enjoyed it.
It was worth watching, certainly. It’s just that if I think of the more outstanding bits – the rowboat-at-sunrise scene; the use of Neil Diamond; Hamish Linklater’s performance; the confrontation between the girl and the drunk who crippled her… almost all of them come in the first five episodes, not the final two. Even in terms of the big monologues, mentioned in the RLM video, the first one, halfway through the series, is interesting, but the one at the very end sounds a bit woolly and a needless repetition. I’m sure it’s hard to wrap these things up neatly, but I did notice a drop in my engagement after episode five. I suppose it’s partly an issue of pacing. The first five episodes unfold leisurely and there’s plenty of time for character, atmosphere and odd little details. The slowness and the oddness sort of work together. But when the mayhem begins and everyone’s running about, not so much.
The stupid, it burns.
Multiple stupidities. And there are brightly colored tags or flags that can be placed in the chamber of a firearm to show that it is unloaded. I think I’ve even seen ones with a very long tail like a zip tie that go down the barrel, loop back, and are affixed to the tag–so that they cannot be removed by accident.
The ultimate comedic touch would have been for the court bailiffs to draw on the prosecuting attorney and yell “drop that weapon!”
The stupid, it burns.
Maybe the attorney is angling for a career as an “expert” on CNN.
I accuse pst314
Of what?
[ Assumes pose of innocent indignation ]
These people are not sane.
I caught some of the closing arguments by the prosecutors in the Rittenhouse case. Unreal. The chubby guy claimed that Kyle had other options than shooting. Besides getting killed? I think not. One guy had a gun pointed at him and the other had just hit him in the head with a skateboard and was grabbing his gun.
The one who pointed a gun around the courtroom claimed that by bringing a gun to the riot he lost all rights to self-defense. Wow. That theory would sure wreak havoc with the 2nd amendment.
These guys are evil.
These guys are evil.
You’ll get no argument from me.
I accuse pst314
[ replies with recitation of all the language violations in Demolition Man ]
How to patronise black people.
Pronouns, obviously.
I accuse pst314
Of what ? [ Assumes pose of innocent indignation ]
Ooh… there’s a record being kept…
“””[Looks pointedly. Decides to keep last packet of chocolate biscuits for self.]”””
And here’s me… down to my last wafer… does this establishment offer charitable sustenance to itinerant and indigent posters ?
does this establishment offer charitable sustenance to itinerant and indigent posters ?
[ From stock room, muffled laughter. ]
How to patronise black people.
Well, TBF…The politically savvy and racially woke Gregory McKelvey is simply acknowledging that black people are far more likely to overreact to ideas or thoughts or events or even something as insignificant as a comment on a blog with which they disagree. Change my mind…
“These people are not sane.”
I always try to avoid casting aspersions on the sanity of people I disagree with politically, but some of these bozos make it really difficult. If you’d photoshopped something like that two years ago, nobody would have known what the hell you were smoking. Yet here we are.
The last two years remind me of nothing so much as the Brass Eye “Paedogeddon” special. It’s more uncomfortable to watch today than it was twenty years ago, given some of the things we’ve learned since (not that it was ever easy; it received a record number of complaints to the BBC as it sailed majestically over the heads of the viewing public), but it still makes the point. It’s not hard to imagine Kate Brown talking “nonce sense” on that show, or in the earlier sketch, warning of the dangers of “Cake”.
Yes, there’s a problem here. But people are being whipped up into an unthinking mob mentality over it, and that’s not the way to deal sensibly with anything.
“itinerant and indigent posters”
Is there any other kind round these parts?
Statement released by Irish band Girl Band (no- me neither)
My first reaction was that this was word and tone perfect satire.
But RTE has never knowingly done satire.
So I fear that it is a performance of toe-curling, backbone-dissolving, nuts-shrivelling self-abasement.
a performance of toe-curling, backbone-dissolving, nuts-shrivelling self-abasement.
I’m struggling to comprehend what the supposed problem was, and how anyone might be “hurt or affected” – indeed “damaged” – by it. Details that, curiously, neither the press release nor the subsequent article provide.
nuts-shrivelling self-abasement
And presumably the original name “Girl Band” was a gesture of male feminist “Walk a Mile in her Shoes” allyship. So terribly sorry. Is this ok now? Rock and roll.
Statement released by Irish band Girl Band (no- me neither)
Will the Violent Femmes also be reassessing their name?
And what about Average White Band?
And here’s me… down to my last wafer… does this establishment offer charitable sustenance to itinerant and indigent posters ?
Here, have the packet, Oliver Twist, still half full.
The perfect thing for your next holiday, David.
A prescient Walt Kelly from 1958
“Prescient Walt Kelly”
Except the insect is not whipping up a mob to attack the turtle and force him to change the words. Instead, he did what any sane
personbug would do: Write his own damn poems.I wonder how long before “Doctor Who” showrunner Russell T Davies will be canceled for this:
Uma: Well, it was 1958…
They’re not there for the creation.”
It’s so obviously true, volcanic rage is the only proper reaction.
(“Volcanic Rage” will be the name of my next band.)
Here, have the packet, Oliver Twist, still half full.
‘Ere, Fagin, you can’t fool me. It’s actually half empty !
Uncle Xi says no social credit points for you.
You will care, tovarich meter reader.
“…common-sense legislation…”
Good to see NY has all their real problems sorted.
Will the Violent Femmes also be reassessing their name?
Gordon Gano of VF is a notoriously banal and predictably boring by the book lefty. Some feministas should read his lyrics to Add It Up to him and ask him if he finds them “problematic.”
being confronted with their dead name is extremely distressing and traumatic
Gordon Gano of VF is a notoriously banal and predictably boring by the book lefty.
Is there a string in his back that you can pull to hear him recite Marxist cliches?
I confess that I know almost nothing about the band. I only remember the name became because my Wisconsin and Illinois liberal friends from long ago talked about it a lot.
Dead souls are upset about dead names.
I was impressed with how the cabbie locked the bomber in his cab.

Can we claim to be traumatized by the violent image of a dude in a dress? That would be awesome but no, only the woke are authorized to talk crazy talk.
Good to see NY has all their real problems sorted.
It seems to me that, insofar as being reminded of one’s “dead name” may be upsetting to some trans individuals, this is largely because it undermines the pretence that’s being indulged in. And if any acknowledgement of reality, even a name on a utility bill, can result in trauma – as opposed to, say, mild irritation – then the problem may not be the name printed on a utility bill.
Also in NY, in the NYT, hard hitting investigative journalism.
Great googly moogly, think of all those stickers clogging landfills.
I guess “industry” and the “elite” Ivy League Cornell hasn’t heard of fish or horse glue, the former of which an old guy repaired an old guitar of mine with because that was what was originally used, apparently.
Good Lord, microcontamination from microplastics on microstickers. Best to eat them and let the sewage treatment plants ultimately deal with the microproblem then.
Good Lord, microcontamination from microplastics on microstickers.
I am microalarmed.
“For something to be compostable, it has to be made out of natural ingredients — something that was once alive and is now dead,”
“Is there a string in his back that you can pull to hear him recite Marxist cliches?”
More or less. It’s the typical tripe you hear from the likes of David Cross, Alec “Six Shooter” Baldwin, Vincent “Private Pyle” Donofrio, et al — wholly unoriginal, banal, predictable tropes about “Republicans are fascists” etc.
“I confess that I know almost nothing about the band.”
Their first, self-titled album is quite original and good but they never measured up to it. They scored some royalties later when songs from the album landed on sountracks to shows like How I Met Your Mother. If you showed your average lame-o proggy feminist type the lyrics to the song “Add It Up” they’d have a conniption fit.
Though the stickers are edible, they have no flavor and no nutritional value. … Produce stickers are not home compostable, so they won’t break down in the compost.
How can something be edible but not compostable? They want us to eat the microplastic so it ends up in the wastewater treatment plant rather than the landfill? I’ve got news for them – sludge cake. All those undigested microplastics end up in the sludge/sludge cake which then often ends up in a landfill. Same end result, just a much longer trip. And a LOT more evil carbon released to get it there than if the forking labels were just discarded in the trash in the first place.
The perfect thing for your next holiday, David.
Hey, it’s Dyna Moe! I commissioned a piece from her for my lovely bride, back when she was doing her Hipster Animals and Man Men stuff. Small world!
And if any acknowledgement of reality, even a name on a utility bill, can result in trauma – as opposed to, say, mild irritation – then the problem may not be the name printed on a utility bill.
It seems to me, too, that,
That too.
And feu de mort, what they call trauma is just what we used to call hissy fit. Almost never not faked.
Good news, everyone! Men no longer have to go through all that anti-androgen bother to pretend to be women at the Olympics.
Well, in much the same way, when someone has a meltdown or fit of depression because they’ve seen a spider in the bathroom, the real problem isn’t likely to be the spider. Likewise, if a trans man, i.e., a biological woman, finds it “very traumatic” to have a period, which tends to happen to women as a matter of routine, then the problem may not be the period.
when someone has a meltdown or fit of depression because they’ve seen a spider in the bathroom…
Does anybody have links to Jordan Peterson talks and interviews where he discusses the importance of not sheltering children from disappointments, things that frighten them, and so on? That people become stronger by facing fears and challenges? I’d like to pass a few on to friends who are dealing with stressed out kids fresh out of school.
Well, yes. Their premise seems to be that we can live without producing garbage or that garbage will magically disappear or we can make our garbage somebody else’s problem.
Landfills bad. Okay, let’s burn it. No carbon bad. Okay, let’s ship it to Asia, where, of course, they promptly burn it or dump it into the ocean.
How much carbon is released when stupid burns?
Hey, it’s Dyna Moe!
I poked and stroked ’til my wrist got numb, but I still didn’t hear no Dinah Moe Hum.
With apologies to Frank Zappa RIP.
I poked and stroked ’til my wrist got numb, but I still didn’t hear no Dinah Moe Hum.
[ Narrows eyebrows ]
Keep it clean: This is a family establishment.
[ Looks around ]
On second thought…
I poked and stroked ‘til my wrist got numb, but I still didn’t hear no Dinah Moe Hum.
If anyone’s getting aroused by this thread, I’m summoning a constable.
what they call trauma is just what we used to call hissy fit. Almost never not faked
As I’ve pointed out before, for the vast majority of sexual dysmorphics the dysmorphia is a self-destructive coping mechanism for childhood trauma so severe that they’re at high risk of suicide.
Interfere with the coping mechanism and you’re indirectly threatening their life, because the coping mechanism is the only thing staving off their suicidal ideation.
So no, it’s not “almost never not faked”. Presuming that the severely mentally ill are having you on for some kind of lark isn’t a helpful way of looking at this issue; it also plays into the hands of the people using the severely mentally ill as levers to disrupt society. “Ooh, they’re just faking for attention” isn’t a good look when you examine the suicide rates. Heathers was a work of fiction: people don’t actually commit suicide for attention.
This is a family establishment.
Yeah, the Guccione family.
If anyone’s getting aroused by this thread, I’m summoning a constable.
Everything’s out of control
We can dance, we can dance
They’re doing it from pole to pole
We can dance, we can dance
Everybody look at your hands
If anyone’s getting aroused by this thread, I’m summoning a constable.
Hmmm, I’ve never seen David cast a spell before. Intriguing.
[ Posts link to Hot Babes in Bikinis website ]
Daniel Ream: Agreed. We must distinguish between the crazy people and the sane people who use them for evil purposes.
We can dance, we can dance
[ feels top of head ]
Yup, no hat.
By the way, now that I’ve finished Midnight Mass, any suggestions for late-evening viewing would be welcome.
any suggestions for late-evening viewing would be welcome.
A Star Wars Christmas?
any suggestions for late-evening viewing would be welcome.
I can get this shabby treatment at home, you know.
The Bureau. I binge*-watched the first series of this French TV spy saga a couple weeks ago. Best thing of its kind since Alec Guinness in Tinker Tailor.
[ *If you can call ten episodes in five nights a binge. ]