Friday Ephemera
If at all highly-strung, maybe look away now. || He builds kalimbas. (h/t, Things) || Big cat diary. || Entirely for the benefit of pedestrians. || Today’s word is broken. || Crab treadmill. || Yes, but are they me…? || Riverside living. || Rome’s imperial poisoner. || Pondering canine head-tilting. || Upscale advent calendars. || “It should be really proud of itself for trying on these new pronouns.” || Pies of note. || Parenting of note. || Possible explanation detected. || The thrill of pumping. || The thrill of tea-bagging. || The Nor-277 tapping machine. || Rock, hard place. || It seems health “equity” requires a little contrivance. || An interesting choice of words. || And finally, wings made of water (and a little detergent).
An interesting choice of words.
“And how many camels have you spotted so far?”
monkey belonging to football coach’s stripper girlfriend bit a kid who was trick-or-treating on Halloween.
A new Zionist plot.
Why Modern Movies Suck
crab treadmill
I made the terrible mistake of scrolling down and reading the comments on that.
Re blonde babbling about it, itself, etself…
Why, why, why do they always quack like talking ducks? Is there a school of ducklicution somewhere?
Oops, ducklOcution. I fat-fingered. Sorry.
Here’s a takedown of Richard Dawkins by a fellow atheist that is unknowingly as pious as any believer in a more everyday faith (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc).
“…being a cautious man, Claudius always had a feather on hand. In the event he suspected poison, he could use the feather to tickle the back of his throat and make himself vomit.
His plan failed.
Because Locusta saw to it that the feather had also been soaked in poison.“
Always cover all contingencies!
The thrill of pumping. || The thrill of tea-bagging. || The Nor-277 tapping machine.
I see what you did there.
Special Assistant to the Imperial Giraffe Trainer.
Sounded like a fun job.
Morning, all.
Here’s a takedown of Richard Dawkins by a fellow atheist that is unknowingly as pious as any believer in a more everyday faith
I’m no great fan of Mr Dawkins, but as several readers point out in reply, the author, Hemant Mehta, seems determined to be pissy and indignant. He invokes Dawkins’ “ignorance” and dufferdom, and confidently alleges “bigotry” and scandalous anti-trans wickedness, but the actual quotes he chooses to prove this point don’t suggest anything of the sort. In fact, they sound quite indulgent. Idiocy and shocking moral wrongness are declared, with some agitation, yet what and why remain mysterious. It seems we must take these things on faith. I suppose denouncing people is so much easier that way.
I see what you did there.
This is my innocent face.
[ Holds up picture of adorable puppy. ]
Possible explanation detected.
Don’t do this.
There’s a clip from a few years ago – which, annoyingly, I now can’t find – in which another professed misandrist is asked a similar question. Her reaction, and subsequent screeching meltdown, is quite extraordinary.
The death of liberalism?
The death of liberalism?
If it’s for blind people, why would a blind person care what race you are or what colour top you’re wearing? Can’t blind people tell the difference between men and women’s voices?
He builds kalimbas.
They’re lovely. I want one.
They’re lovely. I want one.
They are rather charming. And they are for sale. The ones with tiny chains can produce some surprisingly complex sounds.
Today’s word is broken
The way he speaks reminded me of somebody. I had to cudgel my brains for a while until I remembered who it was.
Riverside living
I lived on a barrier island for a few years so, much like that city, it was rather linear. While in my locale there were plenty of stores, restaurants, facilities and such, over time it was a bit of a mind f***. Conceptually things seemed like any other similar area, yet it seemed it took forever to get anywhere to get things done. Traffic wasn’t heavy yet it was bloody annoying when the lights weren’t synchronized. It took me a few months to realize what the problem was and after a couple years I was happy to move to a more two-dimensional town. I can’t imagine living it a city that large and linear but maybe in that case the density, and it possibly being more two-dimensional in the vertical axis, would put more necessary stuff close by.
I had to cudgel my brains for a while until I remembered who it was.
Ha! Great show. And note how long that joke runs, over two minutes, which seems much longer than jokes in current TV comedies–perhaps because today’s viewers have the attention span of a toddler on crack.
“Remember, remember the fifth of November…”

Seen on the intertubes today:
It took me a few months to realize what the problem was…
Old farts from New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey in Continentals, Crown Vics, and Coupe de Villes who couldn’t go over 20?
How long, O Lord, how long?
Before the transits try to take over the pantomime season?
Just imagine, a man pretending to be a woman playing the role of Principal Boy which, traditionally is a woman pretending to be a man.
Then add in the Ugly Sisters, women pretending to be men playing the part of men pretending to be women.
Happiness is made of this.
Interesting choice of words
The next thing we know, the mainstream media will be telling us that just under a majority of Americans preferred Trump to Biden.
Or perhaps not.
Nick Filingham, who requires others to use he/him pronouns is a Caucasian man with a beard who wears glasses and is a Security Evangelist at Microsoft.
He should also mention that he speaks English, has slightly better sight in his right eye, and is developing arthritis in his right thumb.
WTF is a Security Evangelist?
“Ha! Great show”
Marilu Henner…
I think anon a mouse has gone toobin.
…the author, Hemant Mehta…
Well, that’s a blast from the past. Back when I was but a wee freshman of a physics major (and had not yet found religion), I sometimes read his blog, The Friendly Atheist. It was ostensibly devoted to a less confrontational and strident non-belief than was becoming popular in those days of the “New Atheism.” Apparently, Mr. Mehta has since been made to see the error of his accommodationist ways and has joined himself to the warm embrace of the greater screeching lunatic mass.
Oswald Bates loses his mind over the fact a black conservative woman was elected Lieutenant Governor.
WTF is a Security Evangelist?
Good question, security and Microsoft are two words not often seen together unless the “Security” is modified with a pejorative.
Parenting of note.
The little girl has more sense than her dad. The neighbours should make him famous.
The little girl has more sense than her dad.
On one level, it’s fairly trivial – it’s a bowl of sweets. On another, it’s quite dismaying in its implications. The girl, bless her, repeatedly refuses and voices concern for other trick-or-treaters, who, she fears, will now go without. But dad, if such he is, has no concern at all. Clearly, he feels entitled. It’s sociopathy writ small.
The neighbours should make him famous.
It wouldn’t be unfair.
Oswald Bates loses his mind over the fact a black conservative woman was elected Lieutenant Governor.
Michael Eric Dyson lost his mind a very long time ago. But still, the race grift has been good to him.
WTF is a Security Evangelist?
Seems likely that this is a person whose job is to constantly tell everyone how important security is, and to give Powerpoint talks about what they should and shouldn’t do. Presumably this would be a person who does not have the technical training and smarts to implement security-related technology, but who is able to talk and talk and talk and talk….
Remember Apple Evangelists, whose job was to tell everyone how wonderful Apple products were? And to shout over anyone who pointed out problems and defects?
“It should be really proud of itself for trying on these new pronouns.”
It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
canine head-tilting.
I’m pretty sure Twitter libs do the same head-tilting thing because they want to be as lovable as a clever dog.
It seems health “equity” requires a little contrivance.
There’s a commercial from the University health center that gets shown at halftime of every Loons match. It talks about health equity issues in Minnesota, mentioning at one point that your health outcomes can depend on your ZIP code.
The regulars at the bar are growing tired of my reflexive suggestion that maybe those people should move to another neighborhood if they don’t want to get sick.
Some days it pays to not even get out of bed.
Parenting of note.
Palate cleanser
It seems health “equity” requires a little contrivance.
It has been some time since I last saw the Ascian language in print.
It has been some time since I last saw the Ascian language in print.
It has been a long time since I have seen even a reference to the Ascian language.
“Why Modern Movies Suck”
The Drinker just gets better. Absolutely bang on the money here.
“The death of liberalism?”
I had that one lined up for this thread myself. Note the comment by Yascha Mounk:
No it does not. In what way is this “context” helpful? To whom is it helpful? To what end? Because I can only think of one, and it isn’t good.
“I remembered who it was.”
If only it ended the same way: “Forget I said anything. I don’t know what I’m talking about.”
Marilu Henner…
Mmm. Strongly vied with Lynda Carter (the standard by which all women are judged; I would say “Fie on Gal Gadot”, but she’s actually quite a – heh – gal herself) and Erin Gray from Buck Rogers for my budding affections as a young lad.
PS: I don’t suppose anyone knows why the GB keymap recently moved the quote marks one key to the right? It’s driving me nuts. I think I’ve caught all the wrong ones, but if I ever end up posting something like “this“, you’ll know why…
Pew Research Center brings the Peter Griffin chart to life.
And they are for sale.
Also at Amazon.
Loyal to the Group of Seventeen
Tell us a story of your people.
It has been some time since I last saw the Ascian language in print.
Gene Wolfe was prescient, making the Ascian invaders from North America resemble Maoists but even more insane.
Tell us a story of your people.
“In times past, loyalty to the cause of the populace was to be found everywhere. The will of the Group of Seventeen was the will of everyone.
Let no one be idle. If one is idle, let him band together with others who are idle too, and let them look for idle land. Let everyone they meet direct them. It is better to walk a thousand leagues than to sit in the House of Starvation.
One is strong, another beautiful, a third a cunning artificer. Which is best? He who serves the populace.
Let the work be divided by a wise divider of work. Let the food be divided by a just divider of food. Let the pigs grow fat. Let rats starve.
The people meeting in counsel may judge, but no one is to receive more than a hundred blows.
How are the hands nourished? By the blood. How does the blood reach the hands? By the veins. If the veins are closed, the hands will rot away….”
“And note how long that joke runs, over two minutes”
This one’s only 1:10, but it seems longer: “What does a yellow light mean?”
I miss comedy like this.
Dr. Talos whispered, “Look about you—don’t you recognize this? It is just as he says!”
“What do you mean?” I whispered in return.
“The castle? The monster? The man of learning? I only just thought of it. Surely you know that just as the momentous events of the past cast their shadows down the ages, so now, when the sun is drawing toward the dark, our own shadows race into the past to trouble mankind’s dreams.”