Danger, Will Robinson
When the topic of gender and genitals came up…
Koe Creation, the rather animated lady above, is, she says, a “second-generation queerspawn” – by which she means the product of a polyamorous household – and is allegedly, via some unspecified process, an expert in “sex-positive parenting” and “non-violent communication,” on which she offers “guidance.” She – or rather they, because pronouns – works within the “polyamorous and kink communities” and holds workshops in bondage and sadomasochism, and is therefore, obviously, spending lots of time with small children and talking about their bodies.
Ms Creation, also known as Valkyrie Jacobson-Smith, is now upset that “the trolls” have found her public announcements and have not been overly impressed or encouraged by them. Insufficient enthusiasm – and any kind of demurral – apparently warrants the designation troll. Presumably, the wider public – those outside of “polyamorous and kink communities” – should be thrilled to discover that pre-school children are being taught by a self-styled “expert” in bondage and sadomasochism, and being quizzed on their genitals, and being used as a basis for “intergenerational dialogue around relational identities (such as polyamory, sexuality… and kink).”
Because, hey, there’s nothing creepy or concerning about that at all.
Yes, dear reader, it’s terribly unfair when people fail to affirm your radicalism and subversiveness, with children aged three and four – a subversiveness of which you’re so proud – based on “moments when that rhetoric happened to come up in the classroom.”
Also, open thread. Share ye links and bicker.
Looks like polyamory isn’t great for kids.
Ms Koe’s contact page has an interesting image.
the rather animated lady above,
Mental breakdown in 3… 2…
I wonder if she was abused, growing up.
Oh wait, no I don’t.
*backs away slowly*
In which case, the question would be which option is more comforting – it actually happening, or a teacher of pre-school children pretending that it did on social media in order to attract applause from her peers?
Is one significantly more encouraging than the other?
“talking about consent”
Did the parents consent?
Hmm. Ya think so?
“Historic first test between Australia and Afghanistan likely to be cancelled”.
Presumably the Aussies thought he actually meant this, the naïve, trusting fools:
Yeah. Except for… y’know, any alliances trying to push democracy in, say… oh, I don’t know… off the top of my head, Afghanistan. Or authoritarians who behead people for dancing and playing cricket.
But nasty Tweets questioning the result of totally the most transparent and secure election in world history, or “misgendering” and “islamophobia”? They’re right on that, don’t you worry.
I wonder if polyamorous “families” are like Indian tribes with casinos – run afoul of tribal leaders and notwithstanding your lineage as, say, full-blooded Morongo, you can be cast out and no more casino profit checks for you.
I couldn’t help but think that someone like Koe is the type to be booted from the group because she IS an expert and I could imagine someone like her letting her other partners know, they’re simply doing it wrong and AS THE EXPERT and a “second-generation queerspawn” – as if that gives her some hereditary title of honor – she knows best.
From Koe’s website:
Though a poster child for the alternative Seattle community, Koe yearned for a realization of theirself beyond the “shadow of their tribe.” This drive for a singular identity led Koe to leave the alt-Seattle scene to find the self that no one person or family could make for them.
If searching for a single identity, perhaps she might start by refraining from referring to herself in the third person plural.
According to a 2018 Forbes article:
Since 2001, 2.77 million service members have served on 5.4 million deployments across the world with soldiers from the Army accounting for the bulk of them. Deployed personnel were under 30 years old on average, over half were married and about half had children [ … ] a substantial number of those serving across all services have gone on several deployments. Around 225,000 soldiers who served with the Army deployed at least three times or more.
Some Americans, particularly those in the special forces community, have deployed even more frequently. Delta Force Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler [who] was the first U.S. soldier to die in combat against ISIS [ … ] was a veteran of 14 combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
While one section of society has quite literally risked, and sometimes lost, life and limb in what has been understood as an existential struggle, yet another section of the very same society has done everything it possibly can to demean, alienate and ostracise the “cissexual” (mostly) white (mostly) males in the former section.
Surely Miss Creation, who astonishingly turns out to be 30, must know someone who’s served or at the very least has a relative who has?
I get vertigo just thinking of the chasm that’s opened up over the same two decades.
If searching for a single identity, perhaps she might start by refraining from referring to herself in the third person plural.
Correct, but I’m sure the irony is lost on her.
To sane eyes, she comes off as an imbecilic illiterate that one must struggle to interpret. But look how proper pronouns raise that excerpt to a more eloquent state:
“Though a poster child for the alternative Seattle community, Koe yearned for a realization of herself beyond the “shadow of her tribe.” This drive for a singular identity led Koe to leave the alt-Seattle scene to find the self that no one person or family could make for her.”
That makes sense to me. When I see that other pronoun jibberish, I just move on.
Looks like polyamory isn’t great for kids.
Are you sure? My Mensa friends assure me that it’s just fine. Just as psychologically and sociologically healthy as monogamy. /sarcasm
…the question would be which option is more comforting – it actually happening, or a teacher of pre-school children pretending that it did…
“So which is it? Are you lying now, or were you lying then?” is a question I find myself asking with increasing frequency.
In other news, academic sacked for racism sues with claim
racismCRT is a legally protected belief.Surely Miss Creation, who astonishingly turns out to be 30, must know someone who’s served or at the very least has a relative who has?
I have seen an article that stated only 30% or so of those <30 knew someone or had an immediate family member who was or had been in the military. Further, only about 0.4% of Americans are in the active component, the reserve component added bumps that up to about 0.6%, about 7% of Americans are veterans.
Despite there being Joint Base Lewis-McChord next door in Tacoma, and all sorts of squids in the general Seattle area, one has to consider the bubbles in which the likes of Miss Creation live (for example, her apparent angst that the "new teacher" might not share the groupthink) and though she may have seen someone in the military or Air Force, actually getting to know one, doubtful.
Surely Miss Creation, who astonishingly turns out to be 30, must know someone who’s served or at the very least has a relative who has?
I have seen an article that stated only 30% or so of those <30 knew someone or had an immediate family member who was or had been in the military.
Self-selection at work: I have far-left relatives who hold the most amazing, hostile opinions about those who serve in the military. Most people quickly learn to avoid those who hate them, so it’s a good bet that veterans and patriots quickly choose to avoid these fools, and so they continue to lack exposure corrective facts and opinions.
I have far-left relatives who hold the most amazing, hostile opinions about those who serve in the military. Most people quickly learn to avoid those who hate them, so it’s a good bet that veterans and patriots quickly choose to avoid these fools, and so they continue to lack exposure corrective facts and opinions.
I quite shamelessly believe that this bears repeating frequently. Often even. Especially to people like your leftist relatives. And even many “conservatives”. Especially those in the DC cocktail set.
Given Ms Creation’s background and social media footprint, readers may wish to imagine the pre-school teacher job interview: “Bondage and sadomasochism, you say? Excellent. Just what we’re looking for. The parents will be thrilled…”
“Historic first test between Australia and Afghanistan likely to be cancelled”.
So, clicked on said link – Ms noted that one “fighter” was shod in… Tevas style sandals???
I chuckled, I did.
…so it’s a good bet that veterans and patriots quickly choose to avoid these fools, and so they continue to lack exposure corrective facts and opinions.
In my travels of late I have of necessity been where I had to work with or along side many of this ilk and the general COA is to fly under the radar until someone says something so head bangingly ignorant that something has to be said. 1-2 SD to the left, they might listen, but the real problem comes from those so hard over they won’t even listen to facts and alternate opinion, or better still, tell you your facts are wrong*.
I rather suspect our “teacher” is of the latter group.
*(My favorite trivial example is a nitwit at a party of academics proclaiming Hueys had two engines, a piston engine to turn the rotor blades, and the jet engine to push it forward.)
academic sacked for racism
On the one hand BWA HA HAAA!
On the other, unless I’m misreading the situation she was sacked for being privately racist. I think people should be perfectly entitled to hold racist views and to make racist comments. I’m uncomfortable with employers policing their employees private lives or beliefs. That applies as much to promoting particular ideologies as to denigrating others.
On the gripping hand BWA HA HAAAA!
until someone says something so head bangingly ignorant that something has to be said. 1-2 SD to the left, they might listen, but the real problem comes from those so hard over they won’t even listen to facts and alternate opinion, or better still, tell you your facts are wrong*.
Sister-in-law, the former nurse, posted some Atlantic article about Texas and Gov. Abbot ranting about ignorance. Now this was the same SIL with whom I had my first argument about 3 years ago regarding the obvious (to me anyway) falsehoods and historical fictions in the “Hidden Figures” movie. I gave her ample opportunity and provided clear evidence about how bad it was. She stubbornly stuck to refusal to acknowledge a single point while condescending to me about how the facts are unimportant. So rather than debate the subjectivity of the Texas/Abbot article, I asked her simply if Trump ever told people to drink bleach. She went away for a while but about a day later came back with the “he said to inject disinfectants, don’t mess with me (former endearing name she used to call me)”. I pointed out that the “disinfectant” was light, that this was quite clear if you watched the video, and to believe otherwise either reflected poorly on you reasoning skills or an indication that you were brainwashed by the media. I saw where she replied to me, apparently sometime between midnight and 5AM. I didn’t get around to reading it until later when I discovered that not only was her post gone, but she had deleted her entire FB account. Because dealing with objective fact is truly too traumatizing.
second-generation queerspawn
No matter what trendy terminology or pronouns used, the plain boring scientific truth is that every human alive on this planet today was formed from the human sperm meets human egg and the resulting fetal human incubated in the uterus of a female human body. And unless test tubes or turkeybasters were involved, that sperm got to the egg via the usual male human reproductive organs in contact with female human reproductive organs.
And this is the Party of Science. Believe in Science! Follow The Science! It’s only “Science” when it suits them.
Because dealing with objective fact is truly too traumatizing.
The common refrain I (and I think most of us) hear is “We’ll have to agree to disagree.” Or in my mother’s case, “I don’t want to argue about this any more.” It’s the supposedly “adult” way of taking your ball and storming off for home because you’re not winning.
Ideally, whatever it was you were arguing over seeps into the consciousness of your counterpart and they slowly start to internalize whatever your argument was. In my mother’s case, this often results in me having the same argument six months later, except that she’s taking my initial position and I have to delicately admit that she’s right and I don’t know what I was thinking when I first argued with her. In the fraught political age in which we live, it’s more often the case that I’m just branded a doubleplus ungoodthinker and coolly excluded from future gatherings.
Which I’m honestly okay with, since I’ve found that life is too short to waste on such pursuits. There’s a very good reason that my retirement plan involves a sailboat with a maximum of 2 or 3 people aboard.
I quite shamelessly believe that this bears repeating frequently.
I agree, although it gets wearying. I’ve been doing it for most of my adult life, and, sadly, I don’t have much energy anymore, particularly with regard to my leftist relatives.
a sailboat with a maximum of 2 or 3 people aboard.
‘Cos of all the room that leaves for knives, right?
Meanwhile, one step closer to the Jackson Pollock flag….
Libs of Tik Tok is basically a blog content generator, huh?
There’s pr0nstars that get off on knowing they’re being…watched. I wonder if these types get off on the attention they know they’re getting.
In my mother’s case, this often results in me having the same argument six months later, except that she’s taking my initial position and I have to delicately admit that she’s right and I don’t know what I was thinking when I first argued with her.
Oh, this…but in the context of what was previously discussed regarding couple’s therapy. My wife can get uptight or upset about certain things beyond our control but that technically she is right about. Over time some of those things, ones that do bother me but I don’t consider worth bothering with, do start to bubble up into my conscience concern radar (see OODA). Back when we went to our first counselor, one of those things came up in discussion and I, for some reason, pursued it a bit. Well! Mr. Counselor gets all gowny-growny-grown-up on me to tell me in no uncertain terms how I am being immature by not just letting such a thing go. So there I sat, all hummana-hummana-hummana, wanting to point our that she obsesses over such things far, far more often than I. But of course, I knew that saying any such thing would only make the situation worse. Again, The Truman Show.
Conservative: “Whatever people get up to in the privacy of their own homes…”
Purple-Haired-Side-Shave: “…should be required to be taught in schools!”
Conservative: “Well, um, no, that’s not…”
Man Wearing Penis Costume: “Too late, it’s law now! Stay in your home and give us your children.”
Conservative: “You know, this positions us well for 2022. Dem’s gonna get shellacked!” [ smiles to self as daughter books double mastectomy on WhatsApp ]
Which I’m honestly okay with, since I’ve found that life is too short to waste on such pursuits.
The only way I have learned to cope is that since coming up here to the mountains, where I know very few people in the immediate area, I have been learning to get comfortable with the idea that I really do not need most of the people who were once rather important people in my life. It seems lately that most of the people that I do care about now are people whom in my younger years were frienemies at best. And regardless of what y’all say, I must thank Facebook for that. In spite of all its problems, it has taught me who my friends are. Well more accurately, who are not truly my friends.
I wonder if these types get off on the attention they know they’re getting.
I think we can assume some strain of narcissism is involved.
Jackson Pollock flag
Maybe the answer is a pointillist colour blindness test chart type flag with Balls or Fuck off as the test element.
Oh, well, I suppose landing on a pad during instead of the roof is hugely different in a panicked bug out, but how does Snopes “know” that while the embassy types were forming their calm and orderly queue (cough) that the Shithook wasn’t really doing an OGE hover waiting for them to get their act together ?

Fact Check: Snopes, mostly guessing and covering for the left since 1994.
Given Ms Creation’s background and social media footprint, readers may wish to imagine the pre-school teacher job interview: “Bondage and sadomasochism, you say? Excellent. Just what we’re looking for. The parents will be thrilled…”
Bet that’s *why* they hired her.
The pandemic isn’t COVID, it’s the derangement subsuming every institution.
Can’t ever have too many knives, Karl. Nor
caltropsLego bricks for cockpit security at night.“Snopes”
“The sky is blue”
PAAAARP! Mostly false.
What’s true:
A clear sky during daytime is mainly blue.
What’s false:
Clouds often make the sky grey, or partly white. At night, the sky, especially in urban areas, can be completely black. In the evening, skies can be red, orange, or even, occasionally, green.
Snopes is a f#@*!n’ joke. But the British broadcasting regulator Ofcom is pleased to cite it as an authoritative source. They might as well link to Viz Comic’s “Top Tips”.
[ Pries open window, fetches can of Oust. ]
It seems lately that most of the people that I do care about now are people whom in my younger years were frienemies at best.
I have of late come to the conclusion that one’s friends are not those who share one’s interests, but one’s values.
Koe yearned for a realization of theirself beyond the “shadow of their tribe.” This drive for a singular identity led Koe to leave the alt-Seattle scene to find the self that no one person or family could make for them
TL;DR: having discovered that being deliberately shocking and tediously rebellious in typical adolescent fashion does not garner much attention when everyone else around her was doing the same thing, Ms. “Creation” (not her real name) moved somewhere where it was easier to get the reaction she desires from normal people.
Although if I’m honest San Francisco seems like a lateral move.
Looks like polyamory isn’t great for kids.
I had to sever ties to a college friend of mine because he’s deeply involved in the kink/poly/BDSM community, believes that children as young as 13 can be capable of fully informed adult consent because he was at age 13[1] and is raising his twin daughters accordingly. He lives in the Castro.
[1] Narrator: He wasn’t
I have of late come to the conclusion that one’s friends are not those who share one’s interests, but one’s values.
True. But that’s the thing. I am now much closer friends with people with whom I had significant values differences 40 years ago. Hence, frenemies. They now have had 20 years or so of the School of Hard Knocks and now finally “get it”. But they get it coming from a much more rebellious start. My friends with whom I shared values of staying in school, keeping your nose (mostly) clean, respecting authority and such, it’s those (a big majority of people I’ve considered friends) who simply cannot wrap their heads around the idea that by thinking for oneself, one might possibly see things differently from them.
I have of late come to the conclusion that one’s friends are not those who share one’s interests, but one’s values.
True. But that’s the thing. I am now much closer friends with people with whom I had significant values differences 40 years ago.
In my case, I was somewhat liberal in my youth and then slowly “got it”–after which it became very difficult to remain on good terms with all those liberal friends and relatives who saw conservatives as being evil and stupid.
I’d recommend an AI that controls automatic guns with plentiful ammo when you are in the high seas. There is at least one case where the owners of such a vessel were alive while thrown over the side over very deep water while tied to an anchor.
Bah The text that follows is due to my anger over current affairs around the graveyard of empires. It doesn’t add anything to this blog.
If I had ever wanted to die like that, I would have joined the Navy versus the Army. Of course, there might have be a chance where I might have died in shallow water during an amphibious invasion. Given I was a tanker for most of my career, I would have been fine until one of the various ways tanks are “neutralized” would have ended me.
When I was a signal weasel in a division signal battalion, a small group of toddlers with pointy sticks would have taken out most of our signal nodes. When I was a signal weasel in an MLRS battalion, the nuke that would take out the missile launchers would probably have taken me out as well.
So it goes.
TomJ’s link at August 17, 2021 at 12:07 “In June, finding that gender-critical views were a protected belief, the employment appeals tribunal said only views akin to nazism or totalitarianism were unworthy of protections for rights of freedom of expression and thought under the Equality Act.”
So, Nazism which is a Socialist society which discriminates on the basis of race, i.e. skin colour, is banned as a belief.
Yet Critical Race Theory demands the adoption of a Socialist society which discriminates on the basis of race, i.e. skin colour, and is to be celebrated and supported instead of being banned.
Thanks Grauniad, and the Employment Appeals Tribunal. It does seem that all beliefs (animals) are equal, but some are indeed more equal than others. If belief in totalitarianism is also not protected, then every communist’s beliefs shoud be not protected; although a communist will tell you that there were problems with every implementation of communism so far then communism is not totalitarianism in and of itself. They would be wrong there too.
Given Ms Creation’s background and social media footprint, readers may wish to imagine the pre-school teacher job interview: “Bondage and sadomasochism, you say? Excellent. Just what we’re looking for. The parents will be thrilled…”
They only hire the best…
Oh dearie me. Ms Creation, also known as Valkyrie Jacobson-Smith, is now upset that “the trolls” have found her public announcements and have not been sufficiently impressed by them. Insufficient enthusiasm – and any kind of demurral – apparently warrants the designation troll.

Presumably, the wider public – those outside of “polyamorous and kink communities” – should be thrilled to discover that pre-school children are being taught by a self-styled “expert” in bondage and sadomasochism, and being quizzed on their genitals, and being used as a basis for “intergenerational dialogue around relational identities (such as polyamory, sexuality… and kink).”
Because, hey, there’s nothing creepy or concerning about that at all.
Yes, dear reader, it’s terribly unfair when people fail to affirm your radicalism and subversiveness, with children aged three and four – a subversiveness of which you’re so proud – based on “moments when that rhetoric happened to come up in the classroom.”
It just happened, you see.
Ms Creation (or Jacobson-Smith) also has a YouTube channel, where she talks about herself and how fascinating she is.
It has seven subscribers.
She does seem genuinely upset in that tiktok video though which itself is pretty odd. As if the very idea that her act may not be universally venerated is a shock to her.
She does seem genuinely upset in that tiktok video though which itself is pretty odd. As if the very idea that her act may not be universally venerated is a shock to her.
Narcissism will do that. Trying to keep the lies and delusions in some sort of order – maintaining the pretence – can, I gather, be quite stressful and exhausting. I mean, if you’re seriously damaged and yet feel compelled to celebrate and propagate the thing that damaged you, and will damage others, it must get a little… complicated.
It doesn’t surprise me to learn that this person is Jewish.
Speaking as a Jew I find myself more and more frequently despairing at the bat-sh1t craziness and, worse still, the outright malevolence of so many of my co-religionists. FFS this is no time to be making even more enemies.
A fragile artifice. It’s still unsettling watching people getting a slap no matter how richly they deserve it.
Miss Creation
I need a safe space
Prison is a pretty good safe space and, corrupting minors, you are right on track for it.
Here she is at Halloween.
Here she is at Halloween.
Summoning uncanny forces, no doubt.
[ Added: ]
I wonder, is there any “look-at-me-see-how-different-I-am” trend that she hasn’t taken part in?
I mean, if you’re seriously damaged and yet feel compelled to celebrate and propagate the thing that damaged you
People in the kink/poly/BDSM “community” are there because they are badly damaged and are working out a self-destructive coping mechanism.
Those relatively normal people who end up getting sucked into the community shortly end up getting damaged in the same fashion.
So either way.
The final conversation I had with an acquaintance who was heavily into the SFcon/kink/poly/BDSM community revolved around the fact that not a single person she knew in that community was in anything like an objectively healthy, stable long-term relationship. All of them had or professed to have some form of mental health issues and the women especially seemed to end up in an endless cycle of emotionally or physically abusive relationships.
The last straw was when I said, somewhat snarkily, “maybe being in a relationship where your boyfriend puts a hood over your head, beats you with sticks and makes you have sex with strangers isn’t actually good for you.”
It doesn’t surprise me to learn that this person is Jewish
There’s a strong overlap between “Jews” and “upper middle class intellectual urbanites” and it’s the latter class where this madness flourishes (pace Stephen Molyneux, “I don’t trust anyone who’s never had at least one back-breaking, dripping-with-sweat manual labour job because those people understand what’s real”).
What concerns me is that the much-vaunted nouveau conservative Gen-Z/zoomer cohort has noticed this correlation and the “let’s check the Early Life section” and “Every. Damn. Time.” memes are proliferating. I’ve seen worse anti-semitic cartoons in some meme groups than in Middle Eastern newspapers.
is there any “look-at-me-see-how-different-I-am” trend that she hasn’t taken part in?
When your parents are the rebellious freaks it’s hard to get their attention by being a rebellious freak. Perhaps someone should suggest she take up Southern Baptism.
When your parents are the rebellious freaks it’s hard to get their attention by being a rebellious freak.
I see where Bowe Bergdahl’s name is back in the news. Of course those were far more innocent times back ten years ago or so.
I fancy that the extent of her Jewishness* is having a parent (or two – or given that she’s apparently from a ‘polyamorous’ background, several) who had parents who had parents who were Jewish. She doesn’t strike me as someone who keeps a kosher home and attends shul on the Sabbath.
*Like the people Daniel Ream describes.
It doesn’t surprise me to learn that this person is Jewish
She doesn’t strike me as someone who keeps a kosher home and attends shul on the Sabbath.
Mere ethnicity when she rejects every religious principle and cultural value does not a Jew make.
There’s a strong overlap between “Jews” and “upper middle class intellectual urbanites” and it’s the latter class where this madness flourishes
Yes, it’s largely a class thing, and a leftism thing – which is itself a class thing, very much geared to social positioning.
People in the kink/poly/BDSM “community” are there because they are badly damaged and are working out a self-destructive coping mechanism.
I rather wish Tim Newman was still doing his blog series on devotees of polyamory. The parade of neurotic inadequates was quite instructive.
Share ye links and bicker.
Not seeing much bickering, so… Only a barbarian would break their egg at the little end! Savages! Heretics!
What kind of waiver/release would I need to create safe space to talk to youth about #Kink, away from their parents? #sexed
Conventionally, a waiver contains within it a declaration of the risks that the child will be exposed to (for example the possibility that despite all reasonable precautions they might drown at the waterpark), and an acknowledgement that the parents are the authority on whether, and under what preconditions, to expose their child to those risks.
But in this context, a “safe” space means one where the parents aren’t informed about the activities or the risks. In fact, the parents are risks, creating Complexes and Repressions every time they say no to their child. And the boundary created by parental authority is by definition a starting point for kink, and not the line that mustn’t be crossed.
So what could a waiver say…. I the undersigned approve of my child being introduced to perversions including (but not limited to) _____ , not that it’s any of my business what my kids get up to in the privacy of their bedrooms or in school with their kink mentors. I specifically approve of my child being encouraged to do things I disapprove of, or rather I disapprove of that, wink-wink. I don’t believe any discussion to be required about how my child might be fucked up by this experimentation, but I agree not to sue the school whatever happens.
Only a barbarian would break their egg at the little end!
A wider brim, as it were, does give (slightly) better access.
A wider brim, as it were, does give (slightly) better access.
What are you, some sort of secular materialist? A filthy empiricist? This is a matter of holy truth! Arrgh! Arrgh!
Only a barbarian would break their egg at the little end! Savages! Heretics!
Acckkhemm (* throat now clear *)….a-LOOOOM-en-um.
(* exits, stage left *)
[ Rummages under bar, throws vase. ]
Pronounced vaahhz.
“RIP to the undisputed and undefeated carrot in a box champion”
I realize some will dismiss him as just another comedy luvvie but I genuinely liked his comedy.
Sean Lock
Share ye links and bicker.
Not seeing much bickering, so… Only a barbarian would break their egg at the little end! Savages! Heretics!
That was a very, er, swift response…
Pronounced vaahhz.
The reason there is a TRUNK at the back end of your JAG-WAAR is because in the very olden days there was an actual trunk back there to store things, not a damn boot.
She doesn’t strike me as someone who keeps a kosher home and attends shul on the Sabbath.
Well, the pre-school where she currently works is a Jewish pre-school run by Congregation Emanu-El, “one of the two oldest Jewish congregations in California” so she has their stamp of approval.
That was a very, er, swift response…
I do have a few modest proposals for Western nations.
I suspect this item goes beyond bickering into casus belli. Not just “our galleons sail at dawn” but “holy war”:

Just in case you missed the latest episode of “You Can’t Cook THAT, you white supremacist!”
Only a barbarian would break their egg at the little end
Only solipsists read their bytes little-end first.
I rather wish Tim Newman was still doing his blog series on devotees of polyamory
Pshaw. Everything Tim knows about polyamorists he learned from me. Literally. I’m in his book.
Fun comics fact: Joel Siegel and Joe Shuster, the creators of Superman, were Jewish. “Kal-El” means “Instrument of God”.
For a whiskey purist, yeah peanut butter-flavoured whiskey is probably blasphemy. But my first thought on seeing that there bottle was “Mix that with one of those fruity liqueurs – blackcurrant or something jammy like that – pour over ice, maybe a spritz of soda for a little fizz, and viola – a PB&J cocktail.
I’ll see myself out.
I suspect this item goes beyond bickering into casus belli.
Meh, it’s whiskey with an “E”, that rot-gut stuff Americans think is an acceptable substitute for the real thing, which isn’t spelt with an “E” and comes from Scotland. I therefore find myself unbothered by it.
Only solipsists read their bytes little-end first.
I suppose an IT reference was inevitable. I am indifferent to big- vs. little-endian architectures, but I do have a special place in my
heartspleen for a predecessor who wrote code using big-endian variables although the application was to run on little-endian hardware. Caused no end of trouble for his successors when they ported to a modern language.I’ll see myself out.
No, no, that’s not the door. You want this one labeled “special correction booth”.
Just in case you missed the latest episode of “You Can’t Cook THAT, you white supremacist!”
It’s time to go medieval on these SJW bullies.
rot-gut stuff Americans think is an acceptable substitute for the real thing, which isn’t spelt with an “E” and comes from Scotland.
I know some Bourbon drinkers who would eagerly disagree.
Literally. I’m in his book.
Comic Book Guy, Table Game Guy, IT Snob, Canadian Curmudgeon…those wouldn’t bother me personally, but do you really want to be known as the “Polyamory Guy”?
I know some Bourbon drinkers who would eagerly disagree.
Given that many California wines have been beating French wines in double-blind taste tests, I wouldn’t be surprised if the whiskey situation were similar. Not that I actually know anything about that.
I know some Bourbon drinkers who would eagerly disagree.
Bourbon? That sugary Kentucky kid stuff? It’s an affront to Tennessee Whiskey. Which itself is pretty much the only reason to keep Tennessee around since all the real country singers left…or died. But then again I’m not all that country…but then again, not all that not. Though those Vols do come in handy every four years or so. But then they also gave us Algore…and helped elect presidents Clinton and Carter…so…? Though we was talking about whiskey, right? I should probably have a talk with Mr. Jack Daniels and make up my mind about a few things. Though those Tennessee idjots have been trying to screw that up as well.
do you really want to be known as the “Polyamory Guy”?
It’s much worse than that: I’m the 50-year-old drunk businessman in the hotel bar who schools the narrator on crazy women.
Given that I am a teetotaler and was barely forty at the time the book was written, it amuses me greatly that this was Tim’s mental image of me. I like to think that in the film adaptation I’ll be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
I’ll be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
I was thinking Harry Dean Stanton, but you do you.
Danger, Will Robinson
Never fear,
SmithBiden is here!Good news everyone, Blue of trans.education is here to teach us about emoji pronouns.
The tendency of some abused and damaged people to subsequently seek out other abusive and damaging situations, and even proselytise so that others may be abused and damaged too, seems relevant. And illustrated by Ms Creation, whose grasp of boundaries seems at best intermittent.
[ Added: ]
Broadly speaking, I’m not overly interested in what other people get up to for kicks, but it’s hard not to notice that some niche “communities” seem to attract a high concentration of rather odd, unhappy people. And when members of said “communities” attempt to blur customary boundaries between their own adult world and that of small children, the little red warning light really ought to be flashing.
Again, one has to wonder about the pre-school teacher job interview. Did no-one notice Ms Creation’s preoccupations and how they might be thought inapt by parents, or did they find it ideologically titillating and a positive basis for employment?
…because in the very olden days there was an actual trunk back there to store things, not a damn boot.
Does that count as “bickering”?
Did no-one notice Ms Creation’s preoccupations and how they might be thought inapt by parents, or did they find it ideologically titillating and a positive basis for employment?
Being obtuse is a social and intellectual status indicator. It’s what qualifies you for leadership. It’s a sign of wisdom. Qualities that a society values when seeking out administrators for running institutions responsible for enlightening future generations when said generations are at their youngest and thus most impressionable. It’s how we got here, after all.
Did no-one notice Ms Creation’s preoccupations and how they might be thought inapt by parents, or did they find it ideologically titillating and a positive basis for employment?
Suspicious though I am of writers of opinion pieces including what often seem highly improbable conversations with young children, I came across this in Quillette earlier today:
When my younger daughter was in the third grade, she began to feel apprehension about defining herself. “How will I know if I’m bi?” the eight-year-old asked one day at dinner. “What if I can’t tell?” My older daughter, in the seventh grade [12-13 years old], is currently one of the only girls in her class who does not self-identify as someone on the gender/orientation 2SLGTBQ+ spectrum. Her neutrality (not hostility nor intolerance) to seventh grade sexual politics has resulted in some of her classmates branding her a “homo,” a word that has an interesting etymology: it has retained its derogatory connotations, but now means, evidently, “homophobe” rather than “homosexual.” The trend for self-identifying with a sexual identity other than “cis-” has even led some seventh graders to identify as a new sexual category “semi-bisexual,” which means “bi-sexual but attracted to only one gender.” In other words, straight.
I haven’t linked to the full article (‘The Language of Sex’ by Marilyn Simon) because, to be honest, I didn’t think it was especially noteworthy.
But I’ve included it here because one of the most striking things to me about Creation / Jacobson-Smith and her self-congratulatory “squeeee”-ing is how conformist and pleasing to the establishment it is.
She even makes explicit the fact that her squeal of excitement is because she and her similarly “neurodivergent queer” colleague won the praise of an older and more experienced colleague.
If Creation / Jacobson-Smith’s views, and all those others who feature regularly on liberals of TikTok, were just those of harmless eccentrics from some fringe subculture, then it honestly wouldn’t be worth my time to even notice her, let alone pay attention to.
But as it is, her theatrical displays are the visible embodiment of the work of large, very well-financed, and often government-funded institutions and organisations. I think that Quillette quote (on the school system in Canada), if accurate, is an alarming demonstration of precisely that.
Depressingly, therefore, it is very much worth paying attention to and considering what, if anything at this late stage, could be done about it.
@Farnsworth M Muldoon & @pst314
one has to consider the bubbles in which the likes of Miss Creation live
Self-selection at work: I have far-left relatives who hold the most amazing, hostile opinions about those who serve in the military.
I guess you’re both right there.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much more densely populated the UK is and, therefore, typically harder to not see the outcomes.
My hometown is a large northern city and most everyone knows at least someone who has served in the armed forces; I no longer live there, but the three places I’ve lived in since (including my current home) are all quite close to military barracks or bases.
Hence, when you go to a grocery store and are served by a 6’+ young man in his 20s with one arm or see a man in his 40s on the beach with artificial legs you can be pretty sure that neither had those misfortunes in an industrial accident.
In other words, even though far fewer personnel were deployed compared to the US, it seems you’re more likely to come across veterans here simply because of the way the towns are organised.
Being obtuse is a social and intellectual status indicator.
Yes, not uncommonly.
It’s often struck me how few parents seem concerned by the kinds of people to whom they entrust their children, five days a week, for years. As if only the well-meaning and non-deranged would apply for the job, or be in charge of hiring others.
Setting aside for a moment the ideologues, my own unremarkable comprehensive school had employed several child molesters, two of whom were seen indulging in, shall we say, inappropriate behaviour, and one of whom indecently assaulted my school friend’s sister and was consequently given a dramatic, and public, beating by her father. A third teacher was obviously interested in such intergenerational possibilities, albeit with boys, though was never seen quite crossing the line, and a fourth teacher was happy to let his fifth-year students know about his sexual relationship with a teenage girl who’d left the same school only a year earlier.
I very much doubt my school was some outlier in this regard.
Crikey, so a “seat” was a “boote”. Must have been some sort of proto-rhyming slang.
… it seems you’re more likely to come across veterans here simply because of the way the towns are organised.
Really no different on this side of the pond. If you live in San Diego with the various Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard bases in and around you are far more likely to know someone than if you lived up the road in LA.
Yes, not uncommonly.
Good for the father who beat up his daughter’s molester.
From your link:
And yet Dr Wilson thinks we should approve of paedophiles who claim to remain celibate yet seek out employment in positions of authority over children, and intimate contact with children
That is excellent evidence that Dr Wilson has malevolent intentions and indeed likewise regarding the education establishment that supports him. Encourage everyone to treat them as enemies of children and of our civilization.
And from that comment thread:
I seem to recall from my German Lit days that Gustav von Aschenbach in Der Tod in Venedig was not a character worthy of emulation.
I have not read Death in Venice but the few comments I recall hearing from literary folks seemed to regard the story as merely funny and sympathetic–which casts (further) doubt upon the moral state of literary intellectuals.
Complaints that the new sex-ed curriculum was in part intended to make it easier for paedophiles to ‘groom’ and entice new victims were dismissed as scare-mongering, anti-homosexualist, racist, bigoted, and of course, ‘reactionary’.
Also true. Furthermore, I believe that leftists in general tend to like anything that seems likely to tear apart families and cause social dysfunction. Once they have total power they reverse their positions, but in the meantime anything that might serve the Revolution is fine and good.
Good for the father who beat up his daughter’s molester.
Absolutely. I only saw some of it from a window across the car park, but it was by all accounts a vigorous kicking. The teacher responsible was never seen again, at least not in our school. He just disappeared without explanation – though given the spectacle and gossip, one was hardly necessary. The dad in question had always seemed cool to me, as other kids’ parents sometimes do – he owned a video recorder and a Betamax copy of Alien – and my estimation of him rocketed after the event above.
I could relate other, slightly less dramatic incidents, including a male PE teacher who was remarkably interested in first-year boys’ shorts. By my estimate, at least 5% of the teaching staff were nonces – and known as such by many of the kids, if not, apparently, the staff – which should give pause for thought.
Some day in the not-too-distant future anecdotes like David’s will not be celebrated, but rather used as evidence of the generations of oppression suffered by whatever euphemism for “pedo” the inner party has come up with, and therefore justification for hate speech laws and special dispensation for their latest designated victim group.
Anyone want to bet against?
I very much doubt my school was some outlier in this regard.
Ah, UK comprehensives of the 70s/80s. A different world.
After I left I found out the (attractive, young) art teacher would ask pupils to stay behind for extra tuition. Several friends independently mentioned this and now I look back to various in-class incidents and hints from other teachers it makes sense. Also, she once asked me and I was clueless so didn’t go. Still not sure if I’m grateful for my ignorance.
We had the pedo too, though he was the fat jolly sort who liked young boys; as a treat he’d take pupils swimming. So far as I know nothing physical happened, so I think he was keeping the boundaries.
Also, I was introduced to beer by my music teacher who took a few of us to the pub.
Like a said, a different world.
I’ll never listen to Don’t Stand So Close To Me the same way again…