[ Shakes Glitter Out Of G-String ]
Time, I think, for an open thread. And while I’m being good to you, I’ll throw in one of these, as a bonus.
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As always, thanks for the support, the comments, and the company.
Now share ye links and bicker.
Every word in the English language is racist, including ‘and’ and ‘but’. Especially ‘but’.
Just sold her. Sniff 😢
Whatever happened to ‘the two happiest days of a sailor’s life’?
(Holy moly — I did not expect the sad face to be italicised!)
art historian.
I enjoy reading about Mediaeval history, but the above assertion comes as a bit of a surprise.
Whatever happened to ‘the two happiest days of a sailor’s life’?
Well, as the bard has it – parting from the bitch was a sweet sorrow.
Italicising emojis is a slightly odd concept true. In principle of course, it could be represented by any deformation – I rather like the idea of the expression turning slightly more ironic.
Here’s a refreshing lone voice in the wilderness to enjoy – linked from the Noah Carl article.
“art historian”
It is noteworthy how often ideologically obsessed scholars discover their own childishly cultish beliefs mirrored in the material they study.
During that time period, I could also sleep easily at night with a clear conscience knowing I was now one of ‘the good people’ on the left, a proud ‘bleeding heart’, no longer immersed among the religious nut-jobs, the money obsessed corporate shills, the war-hawks, and the racists who comprised the ranks of the right.
I’m not finding this fellow very refreshing, to be honest.
I’m not finding this fellow very refreshing
Keep reading…
It is noteworthy how often ideologically obsessed scholars discover their own childishly cultish beliefs mirrored in the material they study.
Case in point: Hell world exhibit #398: The Tolkien Society descends into wokeness with such papers as “Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings” and “Pardoning Saruman?: The Queer in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings”
how often ideologically obsessed scholars discover their own childishly cultish beliefs mirrored in the material they study.
I’m just going to leave this here, I think.
“How Tolkien’s works are all about me, my mental illness, and how I wanna cut my own dick off: a lecture”
[ snort ]
Fear not Alphabet People, Wolf the Red’s got your back.
I’m not finding this fellow very refreshing
As Karl said – keep reading. Yes, the writer was a smug, self satisfied Good lefty. But then the scales fell from his eyes. It was a good article.
My university’s Office of Institutional Equity (that cursed word is everywhere now) has now sent me an Official Reminder that my Mandatory Equity training is Due at the end of the month. Yeah well I have science to do, and your stupid Woke crap can wait. Except it can’t – I’m not sure what will happen if I don’t attend my online struggle session, but I’m sure my name will go on a list somewhere, and that won’t end up anywhere good.
…Mandatory Equity training is Due…
More thoughts on the subject.
More thoughts on the subject.
Wow the blatant racism in that thread toward that black guy who refused to be oppressed. Ye gods – these people with their smug “do the reading” and their coon memes. Yet make an OK sign and the world comes down on your head.
Yes, the writer was a smug, self satisfied Good lefty. But then the scales fell from his eyes.
They’re not contradictions, if you take it that the principles are something like the following:
(1) We offer you freedom from any authority that’s bigger than you, any tradition or expectation or standard that hurts your self-esteem or hinders your self-invention, any social obligation other than contracts entered into and exited by mutual consent.
(2) This society of frictionless free individuals will be rationally managed by a scientific bureaucracy, which will have an extraordinary amount of power, but isn’t an oppressive authority by definition (1) – it’s procedural and fact-based and doesn’t impose any values except for the value of not imposing values. The Scientific Monoauthority is run on a public health basis, with decisions taken out of the realm of the political.
(3) We have a place for pseudo-authorities, defanged of any real powers, as a way of easing the transition into the Scientific Monoauthority and of channeling sentimentality and group loyalties away from any possibility of harming principles (1) and (2). Keep on waving those banners, sportsball fans.
(4) Our energies are especially focused on discrediting the historical achievements and moral authority of white men. This is necessary by principles (1) and (2) because most of the authoritative traditions and institutions have been created by white men. This also allows us to harness the energies of righteous hatred and spite and envy, the Scientific Monoauthority being a bit too cold and rational to get people excited.
(5) We have a (transitional) place for non-white-male counter-authorities as a means to the end of principle (4). The more energetic and intransigent the counter-authority the better – black aggression and Muslim backwardness are to be encouraged at this stage as long as it’s aimed at fucking up white societies. We believe that whatever counter-authorities think about themselves or whatever plans for domination they have, their place in our grand plan is to turn into pseudo-authorities, Islam for example turning into the Church of England with diverse hats.
Given those principles, it’s predictable what science, or reading of science, will be amplified and given authority, and what science will be problematic and in need of “contextualization”… Science depicting human potential as infinite: good by principle 1. Science depicting the individual as constrained in his self-invention by Nature: problematic by principle 1. Scientific management, public health, decisions taken not politically but on a rational basis: good by principle 2. Science that calls into question racial distinctiveness, or that depicts white achievements as random luck or illicit usurpation – good by principle 4. Science that highlights non-white specialness, or the emphasis in science history on Muslim scientific achievements – good by principle 5.
Morning, all.
Via Darleen.
To be fair to Wolf the Red he does at least include the word ridiculous in his profile.
Wouldn’t it be funny to discover they’ve been poisoning the hair dye?
I smell “critical race theory” on her breath.
So do I.
Can you smell the “critical race theory” on her breath?
I can indeed.
Some developments in South London – it’s a win, apparently.
Details of the victory in question here.
And previously from the same august institution – a 137-day protest against allegedly racist staff; (alleged) widespread sexual harassment of students by staff; and that Student’s Union Welfare and Diversity Officer who explained that “as an ethnic minority woman, [she] cannot be racist or sexist towards white men, because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender.”
Also Ping
[ Picks stray glitter out of whiskey ]
Also Ping
Bless you, sir, and madam. May you know the enhanced suction of a belatedly emptied vacuum cleaner.
Wouldn’t it be funny to discover they’ve been poisoning the hair dye?
Ms Obsorne describes herself as an “activist,” naturally, and an “astrologer and psychic.”
Again, wokeness and woo.
Mmmm … hump fat.
I sense some cultural appropriation, Covid Kabuki.
Tip jar tickled, barkeep.
Tip jar tickled, barkeep.
Bless you, sir. May your kitchen sponge never look fatigued.
Barkeep, please accept this small token of my appreciation. Ping
But also, where is the goddamn Friday Ephemera, I’m dying here.
But also, where is the goddamn Friday Ephemera, I’m dying here.
It’s Friday already???
Barkeep, please accept this small token of my appreciation.
Bless you, sir. May your houseguests’ shoes be free of filth.
where is the goddamn Friday Ephemera, I’m dying here.
I didn’t have time to compile a batch I was happy with. And despite appearances, I do have standards to maintain.
[ Picks stray glitter out of whiskey ]
[ Adds bar snacks to Nikw211’s tab. ]
So after perusing a few of the tiktok … links, I am forced to conclude that having biological males who act as such around the children is especially bad, whilst having biological males who dress up as women and who also prefer to have other men insert organs into them is “A-OK” to have around children and to edjumicate ’em.
The future, not so bright it is.
I see that the Brett Weinstein video with the mRNA developer and the angry homeless guy that I linked to earlier has now been deleted by YouTube.
Ah that YouTube – protecting us from information since 2005.
The bugs are thick this time of year.
So many Fagins in academia.
For a while it seemed the Kiwis were the sane corner of the Anglosphere. Then they elected a Gov’t including Greens, and now this…
and now this…
Dr Cremin has been mentioned here before.
He is unwell.
Coming from the perspective of a trans woman raised to be a man, Dr Cremin believes the traits that have become associated with masculinity, particularly those which supress [sic] tenderness and compassion in favour of aggression and dominance, are not only harming ourselves and the planet, but are perfectly suited to the needs of capitalist societies.
That sounds groundbreaking.
[ Adds bar snacks to Nikw211’s tab. ]
Entrepreneurialism at it’s finest.
That’s what I like to see.
I see Dr Cremin is no longer going by “Colin”.
Wouldn’t it be funny to discover they’ve been poisoning the hair dye?
LOL. Lab-leak hair dye theory started here with Karl!
I’m sure the book cover with the stockinged 1940’s babe is a playful and nuanced invocation of the mid century American male’s fear of the femme fatale, and that it has nothing at all to do with Cremin’s own fetishes.
And ooh la la, we’re moving in très sophistiqué circles, quoting the French sociologist Bordieu (2001). But Bordieu was only saying the same thing as the intro to a Madonna hit in the year 2000. The equation of masculine status concerns with a fear of being “demoted” to femininity was common currency in chat shows and pop psych books in the 1990’s – if only those silly fearful men knew that the way to resolve their own issues was to become feminists, because once women are raised in status, men wouldn’t have anywhere to be demoted to.
But Cremin is ridiculous not because his dressing up in sheer stockings turns him into a woman and therefore lowers his status, but because he has no chance of attaining female status and all he gets for his presumption is to emphasize his own masculine oafishness.
Somehow, I believe if some Young Earth Christian fundamentalists demanded that their views were more important than natural science and that certain lines of scientific inquiry be declared off-limits, most rational scientists would vigorously oppose them.
Yet, here we are.
Yet, here we are.
“Why Is the Society for American Archaeology Promoting Indigenous Creationism?”
The rampant and inexorable purity spiral of oikophobia currently consuming everything we hold dear.
Next question.
Masculinity is toxic and backward and horrible…until a spider appears in the bath.
Yet, here we are.
Even back in the early aughts (during my relatively brief flirtation with higher education) I had an archeology professor who hinted that those individuals calling the shots in relevant Native American groups treated their authority as a license to run protection rackets on dig sites that turned up any human remains.
“Trans woman raised to be a man”.
There used to be a simple word for people like that, now what was it?
“Trans woman raised to be a man”.
Our sociology lecturer has evidently hopped on the trans bandwagon, despite having previously claimed not to be transgender or to have gender dysphoria, and despite repeatedly describing his fetish – a desire to cross-dress in incongruous locations, thereby attracting attention – in overtly fetishistic terms.
As Karl said – keep reading.
As a matter of fact, I did.
Perhaps the bit that I quoted was hyperbole. OTOH, I’m a West Pointer as well as that author. I was also in the first class to have a Philosophy course as a mandatory subject; since West Point back in the dark days of the late 1970s was still fundamentally an engineering school, that’s the direction they chose to teach philosophy.
The class that graduated in 1976 were the authors of a rather large cheating scandal based around an electrical engineering exam. (EE was a required course at the time as well as when I showed up not long afterwards.) One of the ideas thrown out in the analysis of that scandal was the idea that perhaps teaching cadets philosophy would lead them to not do that sort of thing.
With my now 20/20 hindsight, I’d think that it’s more of placing your military in long conflicts that your politicians are unwilling to win but require the military to report as if we are winning. Once you start lying, the junior officers who see the lying now teach at the various academies and thus introduce the rot there.
As it so happens, there was another major cheating scandal this year at West Point. The current Superintendent there is in the class of 1983; I rather thoroughly hazed some of his classmates (I do not believe he was one of them.) during so-called Beast Barracks in the summer of 1979.
The rot may have taken longer this time, so there’s that. (We weren’t fighting in South VietNam for ~20 years, after all.)
So much for bottom line up front. The people that I knew to be liberal assholes when I was at West Point are still liberal assholes 40+ years later. The author of that piece was, IMO, an absolute fool and/or lying asshole sometime in his past; his past includes 20 seconds ago. Believe as you will.
Thanks, barkeep. Tip jar hit.
Thanks, barkeep. Tip jar hit.
Bless you, sir. Should you carefully write your shopping list to match the layout of the local supermarket, such that items are listed in the order that you will encounter them as you waft around the store, may you never discover on arrival that said supermarket is being refitted, resulting in a seemingly random and near-total relocation of stock, thereby making a mockery of your list-ordering efforts.
seenheard of nude pole dancing, but never bear pole dancing.Bear Naked Pole Dancing.
Two new posts at Calvin & Muad’Dib!
I know people who need this:

This seems like fun:


How do I get to Carnegie Hall?

I’m not finding this fellow very refreshing, to be honest.
While not quite as skeptical as RC, I’m having trouble being encouraged by this as well. I’m a bit more forgiving, but I have a sneaking suspicion that were I a WP’r I’d be less so. I can believe what this guy says but, like many such people, I still think he’s lying to himself. If I hold out hope that people such as that can have their eyes opened, it’s mostly because it’s the only choice I have. Seems he should have woken up to some of this long before 2017. But then again, he was steeping in academia and thus protected from the real world. Though he does to some degree acknowledge that blind spot in the comments. What I find very unrefreshing is his repeating something that I pretty much already know, to wit:
While I have probably repeated such here often, actually seeing someone acknowledge it in this context is actually more disturbing. Given earlier context that I’d wager even a super-majority of academics, have now been completely cowed into silence and complicity by the intersectional ideologues, burying their heads deeper in the sand… I’d be more comfortable with the delusion that such people were blind than afraid. When they’re afraid, they are far more likely to join in by paying lip service to the system. Something I find far, far more contemptible than silence. Silence is forgivable. Not knowing everything about every single person’s specific situation, one can understand and even accept silence. What is contemptable is the traitor. And while I’m on a rant…one other thing, similar to the lip-service traitor act, is when those who keep their heads down show contempt for those who do find the courage to speak up. Most especially when the cowards protect their own egos by assuming that those with courage are somehow stupid. Because if those with courage were actually smart, they’d shut up and join the coward crowd. Sometimes I hate them more than the traitors.
How do I get to Carnegie Hall?
Singing alpacapella?
By not being such a llama queen?
Performing anything by Wolfgang llamadeus Mozart?
Okay, I’ll stop.
For some reason Steve E.’s coat is on fire in the alley.
And yet I was the one that provoked Steve.
For some reason Steve E.’s coat is on fire in the alley.
Naah, unkind: if he can come up with “alpacapella”, I’ll forgive him almost anything.
[Note to Steve E: almost anything…]
By not being such a llama queen?
You don’t guanaco there.
As this is an open thread, just in case Facebook bans me for this I’d like to archive this somewhere that I can reference it later if necessary…
For some reason Steve E.’s coat is on fire in the alley.
It only appears to be on fire. My coat is made of specially treated alpaca wool…never mind. There goes another $300 bucks.
Not sure how that got corrupted on post but the link should work if you copy paste and delete to just the underlined part (back to the 76322)
What happened to Hobbes?
What happened to Hobbes?
Spice worm.
The above is why I leave my coat at home.
For some reason Steve E.’s coat is on fire in the alley.

Maud’Dib is always on point:
On closer examination of pst314’s map of Culinary Horror 2013, I love that Switzerland is marked as “Nestle”. Apparently there is some justice for the palate.
An enjoyable read for Father’s Day.
Not sure if the headline writer was being a smartass.
Not sure if the headline writer was being a smartass.
Next week: The Awesomeness of Smoking 60 a Day!
“The creative process taught Zack about generating novel ideas,” the candidate writes on his website.
Today in racism: electricity.
Today in racism: electricity.
Initially I thought that was a parody, but it doesn’t seem to be. I like this part:
So, am I to understand that the utility companies size up the customers, evaluate their racial make-up, and then set the price per kilowatt accordingly? And the regulators haven’t picked up on that?
Is it, perchance, possible that, on average, black and white families have different habits that affect electricity usage?
No, no, it must be racism. Invisible racism.
Today in racism: electricity.
I notice that the grounds for invoking “structural racism” include the fact that black customers are, on average, less likely to pay their utility bills. Though, inevitably, a more roundabout phrasing is used.
Initially I thought that was a parody, but it doesn’t seem to be.
It’s the Union of Concerned Scientists, so it cannot be parody. Far left.
Invisible racism.
As we’ve seen many times, if you rely on “disparate impact” as grounds for invoking “structural racism,” and thereby demanding special favours and exemptions, where you end up can be alarming in its consequences and moral degeneracy.
My electric bills are lower than those of my neighbor across the street. This must be due to racism, right?
Actually, it’s because their house is all-electric, and mine isn’t. They heat the house with electricity in the winter, and I don’t. Also, my house is better insulated so I don’t run the A/C as much in the summer.
Did this in-depth analysis of electricity bills take this kind of thing into account?
Did this in-depth analysis of electricity bills take this kind of thing into account?
Of course not, that would go against the preconceived conclusion.
Of course not, that would go against the preconceived conclusion.
I just have a very hard time understanding how anyone can write something like that article without being ashamed to look in the mirror.
Did this in-depth analysis of electricity bills ”
Well, if one peruses said “report”, this tidbit does tend to cast a certain, well, light on the entire matter:
“of self-reported electricity expenditures” (page 2, Para 5)
“Self Reported” doesn’t ‘xactly give the highest confidence level…
I just have a very hard time understanding how anyone can write something like that article without being ashamed to look in the mirror.
The left sees lying as virtuous when done to advance leftism.
Something for your trouble, David. Keep up the good work.
Something for your trouble, David.
Bless you, sir. May you know the fleeting satisfaction of a clean and tidy fridge.
Keep up the good work.
Is 14 years not enough?
[ Sighs, resumes heroic labouring. ]
Well, if one peruses said “report”, this tidbit does tend to cast a certain, well, light on the entire matter:
Hmm, after reading the entire report, it is apparent that the article misrepresents it in order to condemn the electric grid as racist. For instance, the article claims that
Except that it doesn’t show that. The study covered
(So the difference between my house and my neighbor’s would not be so great, taking into account my expenditures on propane.)
Furthermore, the report states that
What part of that has anything to do with racism on the part of the electric company? Or, indeed, any company supplying energy to residences? Why assert that they are to blame in any way for what the report plainly states are due to other factors:
It’s like Google deciding that, because they hire more male programmers than female, that must be due to sexism at Google as opposed to the experiences of men and women through their childhood and young adulthood which cause programmers to be disproportionately male. (Note that I don’t believe the differences are due to sexism, but if they were, they wouldn’t be due to Google’s hiring decisions.)
Apologies for the rant, David. I get frustrated by obvious lies in the service of oikophobia. I added a little to the tip jar to make up for it.
I added a little to the tip jar to make up for it.
[ Fondles tip jar. ]
By all means, rant on.
And bless you, sir. May you discover Belgian chocolate ice cream stashed and forgotten at the back of the freezer.
It is hard to find answers if we never ask the questions. How do we make the grid antiracist?
Surely this “hard” question answers itself?
We provide everyone with the appropriate amount of free electricity they might reasonably require, as determined by the Union of Concerned Fascists. And then cut off their supply.
And electrocute anyone who hasn’t used that required amount until they have.
Another point that the article failed to mention:
How, exactly, do the electric companies contrive to charge black families more than white families within the same cities? How, exactly, do they manage to slip that past the regulators?
Lies in the service of oikophobia.
Wasn’t it the Union of Concerned Scientists that originated the bogus 97% consensus on
Global Warming®™Climate Change®™ which then was repeated 38,671,934 times by the moron media and resulted in 27 trillion dollars of taxpayer money to be spent?How, exactly, do the electric companies contrive to charge black families more than white families within the same cities?”
Shhh. Don’t you know that most household electric meters have (wait for it…)
white faces?
In case anyone hadn’t already guessed from the article’s complete lack of mention of political parties, Mr. Weiner is a Democrat and running in the Democratic primary.

Welcome to the liberal idea of utopia:
I denounce myself:

A very elderly person said that he once tried to use the TV remote to make someone speak up:
