The White Devils’ Work
When wokeness means gaslighting:
Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.
The strained use of the word locate is, I think, the first warning that horseshit will follow. And what follows includes an exhortation to not “fall back on racist assumptions” – from a man making, and taking pride in, racist assumptions. Such that a white majority population is deemed uniquely oppressive and objectionable, unlike the majorities of other, browner countries, and people can be categorised, pejoratively, as “white” or “white-aligned.” Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.
If the above isn’t sufficiently vivid and perverse, I’ll direct you to this, posted recently, and in which children are apparently expected to pretend similar things, quite hard, and pretend until they believe.
Because, you see, when a black thug assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man – attacking him, unprovoked, and slamming him into the ground – this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously. The thug in question, Mr Antione Watson, apparently having no agency of his own, and no responsibility, on account of his magic blackness. And that’s why Mr Watson looked so satisfied with himself as he strode away afterwards, leaving a man to die.
To watch the footage linked above and then deduce that Mr Watson, the aggressor, is actually a victim, a mere puppet of Diabolical Whitey And His Infinite Cunning – and that Mr Watson’s malevolence is in fact, somehow, someone else’s fault – is, we’re assured, “intersectional empowerment.”
Update, via the comments:
Another lively young man helpless to resist those “white supremacy” vibrations.
Via Tyler Durden, more hot woke takes. And so, should black thugs rob and assault people of North-East Asian ancestry, the go-to explanation is “the xenophobic policies and racist rhetoric that were pushed forward by the prior administration.” And if your elderly loved one was sucker-punched and killed by a black thug, or beaten to death by a mob of black youths, or thrown from a train platform by a black sociopath, the important thing is, it’s all Trump’s fault. Despite the effect clearly predating its alleged cause, i.e., ORANGE MAN BAD.
Apparently, the phenomenon is nothing whatsoever to do with a mindset such as this one, expressed in song.
Via Ben Sixsmith.
Mr Nguyen is currently busy ignoring, muting, and blocking his critics on Twitter. They are, it seems, unworthy of his brilliance. Possibly on account of them being merely “white” or “white-aligned.”
Wokeness, dear reader. Not even once.
The replies:
When, as they say, you have no real argument.
In other news, JK Rowling is “closely aligned with white supremacists.”
Diabolical Whitey And His Infinite Cunning
Band name.
Is this an escalation of “knockout game”? If the body slam itself didn’t kill him it looked like he could have suffered a broken neck and skull fracture sliding headfirst into that garage door. Brutal stuff, I’m not sure a 20 year old would have survived it.
No, really. Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator.
A three-fold problem: the education biz attracts evil people, excludes good people, and indoctrinates the rest into embracing evil ideas.
Is this an escalation of “knockout game”?
Of course. Or at least a continuation, considering that previous victims of this Authentic African American Pastime have also died.
It’s starting to look like Negroes are the biggest threat to America. I mean to say, just look at what they did to Africa, Haiti, Jamaica, Chicago …
Well, I used to not believe in white supremacy but these people are making me question it – if only white people have agency and responsibility for their actions and everybody else is as helpless as little kittens to control their own destinies, well, doesn’t that make white people a superior form of human? I mean, I see all these “sensitivity training” things for white people because presumably they can change their opinions and their reactions and their beliefs but at the same time I see all these statements on how everybody else is “just born that way”, that presumably all blacks think alike, all women think alike, all gay people think alike, and they can’t help themselves, they are incapable of deciding for themselves their own opinions and reactions and beliefs.
That poor, innocent elderly Thai fellow should just have yelled out:
I can’t breathe !
I am assured it is the panacea.
No, the biggest threat is white liberals and outright leftists. And always remember that cultural pathology did not used to be so widespread in black America. A standard-deviation difference in IQ does not guarantee criminality, but the addition of a widespread ideology of victimhood and paranoia makes it far more likely.
That poor, innocent elderly Thai fellow should just have yelled out:
I can’t breathe!
Nope; Appropriation.
Speaking of “white devil” hallucinations, a BLM rioter has been fired for burning conservative books at the library where he was employed.
Mr Nguyen is currently busy ignoring, muting, and blocking his critics on Twitter
We should all be grateful that TwatBook has allowed the entire world to witness the rantings of Aunt Petunia and Uncle Bob, who’s earlier rants were confined to their attic living space…
Shorter Mr Nguyen:
“Stop hating on us Asians so we can stand together to hate on white people.”
It is a call for unity, of sorts. I’ll give it that.
I used to not believe in white supremacy
As I’ve opined before – the more these coloured folks declare themselves incapable of living in a civilised society, the more inclined I am to believe them.
When I worked construction there was a story about a hapless apprentice that the foreman complained about endlessly to the superintendent. Every problem on the job was attributed to this young assistant. When the Boss finally met with the two, he thanked the boy and said “anyone that makes that many mistakes has to be doing all the work.”
the more these coloured folks declare themselves incapable of living in a civilised society, the more inclined I am to believe them.
I was planning to sell one of my cars directly to another buyer as I have done a few times in the past. In the past, while well aware of the standard risks involved I didn’t worry excessively about potential buyers being capable of conning me. Now, given what has transpired in the last year, there is no way that I could be comfortable doing so. The random chance of a person of color using such a transaction to create a situation, the potential for blackmail and such, is just too much. And evil wins out again.
When Dwayne and his two homies, who all showed up on foot, want the keys for a test drive only someone who’s literally Hitler would say no.
Related: “This is outrage in search of heresy.”
When you really need a handgun permit
This white man maybe not so superior
if only white people have agency and responsibility for their actions and everybody else is as helpless as little kittens to control their own destinies, well, doesn’t that make white people a superior form of human?
Funny. I mentioned that very thing once upon a time.
I was assured that such thinking was rayciss. But true, nonetheless.
Funny. I mentioned that very thing once upon a time.
I was assured that such thinking was rayciss. But true, nonetheless.
Not here, presumably.
The article refers to criticism of a black cartoon character enjoying pepperoni pizza rather than fried chicken. So, fried chicken would have been OK?
The film itself sounds rather sweet as was Inside Out.
The film itself sounds rather sweet as was Inside Out.
It does and I love Pixar films. Haven’t gotten around to Soul yet, now I need to hunt it down. The sheer cussedness of the critics in making every choice of the film – even the premise of disembodied-preborn-souls – is so grating and depressing, I agree with this comment under the article
I want to shout at those critics “Get a life!”
The film itself sounds rather sweet as was Inside Out.
Pixar has a good reputation for making sweet, humane movies…which is one reason why liberal critics would attempt to tear it down. (Another reason is that critics need attention to make money, and what better way than by trashing something?)
I want to shout at those critics “Get a life!”
But politics is their life.
Oh dear lord, have we reached peak stupid yet?
have we reached peak stupid yet?
Not even close. Like peak oil, new sources and methods for unearthing stupid are found every day.
Like peak oil, new sources and methods for unearthing stupid are found every day.
Unless, of course, Biden signs an executive order preventing the search for stupid on government lands.
I’m spending too much time trying to figure out “white mom influencers” and why so many people hate them.
Dear lord, haters, there’s this button on Instagram where you get to choose to follow or not. Shut up and use it.
ay kundT akryye moar) ree muft ool yooz nunsDamnturd mefuds ov spewink? ond punkc’hewachin] mayks Finks kwicker end eezyer frus tew reed n kumpreeend / (sarkazem)*
*Or, written in “racism” (by which I mean standard English): I couldn’t agree more. We must all use non-standard methods of spelling and punctuation. Makes things quicker and easier for us to read and comprehend. (Sarcasm).
Oh dear lord, have we reached peak stupid yet?
As we’ve noted before, many times, wokeness has a competitive, self-ratcheting dynamic. And as it’s premised on unrealism and colossal bad faith, it’s not clear what the upper limit could be. Proportion and probity clearly don’t constrain it.
As Darleen says, “This is outrage in search of heresy.” The woe is pretentious and inconsolable.
The NFL has a place for Antoine.
TheTooner: “The NFL has a place for Antoine.”
Yes: tackling dummy with every player, offensive and defensive, required to hit and slam him multiple times each training session.
White momfluencers
There’s a Star Trek episode in which an alien species describe humans as “Ugly bags of mostly water”.
I read the drivel of such people, in such articles, in such magazines and I think “Ugly bags of mostly mental illness”.
And I weep for us.
The NFL has a place for Antoine.
So does hell.
“The NFL has a place for Antoine.”
Most likely as a mascot.
What the hell is this?
‘Short guy syndrome?’ I never knew I was so dangerous at 5’7″.
So I shouldn’t ever be too afraid of a 6’6′ mugger, but I should be terrified of dwarves?
Oh, short man’s disease is real. Very, very real. Many/most of the nastiest people in history were short men with an attitude. Tammerlaine, Stalin, Adolph, Mao, Ghengis Khan, Mussolini, the entire nation of Japan…not to mention Boris Baddinov and Mr. Big…or that plankton guy from Sponge Bob.
Because, you see, when a black thug assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man – attacking him, unprovoked, and slamming him into the ground – this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously. The thug in question, Mr Antione Watson, apparently having no agency of his own, and no responsibility, on account of his magic blackness.
Their argument boils down to asserting that blacks are animals, that they lack any agency, or responsibility, or any moral sense. No one blames a rattlesnake personally for biting someone. It’s just what rattlesnakes do.
Is that really the argument they want to make?
The NFL has a place for Antoine.
So does hell.
Posted by: Joan | February 13, 2021 at 21:44
So does Death Row.
A standard-deviation difference in IQ does not guarantee criminality
Of course not, but it does, however, make it much more likely. A white subpopulation with an IQ one standard deviation below average – e.g., the Jerry Springer set – is disproportionately criminal itself. The average IQ of prison inmates? One standard deviation below average.
Fun fact: in a group with an IQ one standard deviation below average, only about one member in six (1/2e) has an average or higher IQ. Only about one in 36, (1/2e)^2, has the IQ of the average college graduate (115) or higher.
trying to figure out “white mom influencers” and why so many people hate them
Have you met women?
90% of SJW cancel culture is middle-class women competing for status within the herd. The remaining 10% is weak men pandering to them.
The remaining 10% is weak men pandering to them.
You’re too kind. Way more than 10%. And most of whatever remainder there is lacks the balls to stand up to any of it. Thus, here we are.
Black woman put Gorilla Glue in her hair because of (join in, you know the words…) White Supremacy.
NBCLX: “Never being able to come close to Eurocentric ideals of beauty …”
I should hope not! For non-Caucasian women to try to copy fashions and styles of Caucasian women would be cultural appropriation and we all know that cultural appropriation is very bad. Women of other [non-Caucasian] cultures should stick to the beauty fashions and styles of their own cultures and be proud to be who they are without stealing from Caucasians.
The strained use of the word locate is, I think, the first warning that horseshit will follow. And what follows includes an exhortation to not “fall back on racist assumptions” – from a man making, and taking pride in, racist assumptions.
I thought the first warning was ‘B.A. Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley’.
I thought the first warning was ‘B.A. Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley’.
It doesn’t bode well, no. Though I’m guessing that Mr Nguyen has made quite a career by exploiting the cartoonish racial hang-ups of his peers.
Again, as so often, note the disregard for reciprocity. Racial assumptions about black people are bad and to be avoided at all costs, and simultaneously, racial assumptions about white people are totally where it’s at, cat. But wokeness is premised on non-reciprocal posturing and is quite literally stupefying. It can make otherwise clever people say, and sometimes even believe, remarkably stupid things. In large part, this is because wokeness promises status and appeals to vanity, and vanity is a powerful drug.
It doesn’t bode well, no. Though I’m guessing that Mr Nguyen has made quite a career by exploiting the cartoonish racial hang-ups of his peers.
I doubt that, at age 49, he is capable of changing his career to one that does not involve lying.
Of course not, but it does, however, make it much more likely.
Indeed. That was in the back of my mind as I wrote my comment, which is a reminder of how easy it is to fail to express one’s thoughts fully and accurately.
I believe that low IQ is correlated with low impulse control, although I do not know to what extent that is directly due to lower mental ability and to what extent it is due to an awareness of lower prospects in life which in turn results in a greater willingness to engage in risky behavior.
But wokeness is premised on non-reciprocal posturing and is quite literally stupefying. It can make otherwise clever people say, and sometimes even believe, remarkably stupid things. In large part, this is because wokeness promises status and appeals to vanity, and vanity is a powerful drug.
Logic and reason have nothing to do with any of this. It’s all a power game based on riding the mob. They have the mob in theirs hands, thus they win. Logic and reason are no more the tools to get us out from under the descending boot heel of these clowns than uttering mystical incantations will. The mob must be addressed one way or another.
BTW, ran across this yesterday. Not sure why it surprised me, perhaps because I would have thought I would have heard it by now, but there is a low level politician in the US actually named Calvin Ball. He is, of course, a Democrat.
there is a low level politician in the US actually named Calvin Ball. He is, of course, a Democrat.
Heh. I do remember enjoying Calvin and Hobbes.
Another lively young man helpless to resist those “white supremacy” vibrations.
helpless to resist those “white supremacy” vibrations.
*insert Theremin riff off Good Vibrations*
Another lively young man helpless to resist those “white supremacy” vibrations.
Seen on Instapundit: “You know, if they keep this up, people might start judging ‘white supremacy’ by its enemies. Is that a good idea?”
Trans lunatic Jessica Yaniv is now harassing 911 operators.
I believe that low IQ is correlated with low impulse control, although I do not know to what extent that is directly due to lower mental ability and to what extent it is due to an awareness of lower prospects in life which in turn results in a greater willingness to engage in risky behavior.
Having thought about this as some length, I’ve concluded that low IQ correlates with low impulse control simply through lack of foresight.
Any explanation that includes the “awareness” is, I suspect, a bit wide of the mark.
Anecdata: In grad school I lived in a house with a bunch of other people, one of whom was a woman whose husband (whom I never met, for reasons that will become clear) was doing post-graduate work at the University of San Quentin. She related the saga of her worse half’s streak of bad luck.
Turned out hubby’s special(i)ty was burgling someone’s house, then calling up the victim and offering to come over and sell him his stuff back. He failed to foresee the subtle but noticeable flaw in his plan. Professor Moriarty he was not.
When he got out of the prison for that one, he did the exact same thing a second time, which is how he wound up in San Quentin. There he complained to her about how unfair it was, since others had burgled houses and not been caught.
I’m not making this up.
Any explanation that includes the “awareness” is, I suspect, a bit wide of the mark.
I dunno; I have listened to lectures in which this phenomenon is discussed in terms of a “I lost in the IQ crap shoot so what have I got to lose” attitude.
When he got out of the prison for that one, he did the exact same thing a second time
It has been said that prison is where bad criminals go to learn how to be better criminals (hence “University of San Quentin”) but maybe that woman’s husband was too stupid to even learn there–I certainly hope he never learned to be a more skillful criminal.
@ JG: “… low IQ correlates with low impulse control simply through lack of foresight.”
People with lower IQs and, especially, mental retardation or intellectual impairment – labels vary around the world – typically fail to note all the factors or variables involved in completing specific tasks safely. Short term memory is often an issue: the lower the IQ, the smaller capacity for ‘pieces’ of information in the active or working memory. Such people act on the very obvious requirements of a task, but miss other features that may be of great importance. With those having lower IQ scores actual learning takes more [correct] practice trials.
I have had clients with borderline IQs who were known for executing the same sorts of crimes repeatedly with a degree of skill that comes with many learning trials, but were always caught. Their thinking never went as far as planning how to evade being identified and caught after committing the crimes. They might have had poor impulse control, but, equally, couldn’t develop a logical sequential plan of action that included how to remain free after the initial act. Their world view was always short term.
Such that a white majority population is deemed uniquely oppressive and objectionable, unlike the majorities of other, browner countries,
Such that a white majority population is deemed uniquely oppressive and objectionable, unlike the majorities of other, browner countries
You have to wonder how they square that viewpoint with, e.g., the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus.
With those having lower IQ scores actual learning takes more [correct] practice trials.
I’ve read that psychologists estimate the intelligence of animals by how many repetitions it takes them to learn something.
On the subject of low IQs…
@ JG: “You have to wonder how they square that viewpoint with, e.g., the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus.”
You’re being logical and logic hurts the brains of the Woke because it goes against their self-indulgent toddler-level emotionalism.
You have to wonder how they square that viewpoint with…
I doubt any such attempt is made – with any of the objections that, among others, may come to mind. This is the advantage of woke posturing – arguments and assertions don’t have to be load-bearing, or honest, or remotely credible. They don’t have to correspond with reality, even with the most obvious and everyday facts. Wokeness is generally internalised and regurgitated as a marker of in-group status, or a browbeating device. More than anything else, that’s what it’s for.
The notion that educators are “evil” is a bit of an overreach. Unserious, poorly educated or shallow might suffice. Perhaps the fellow Goldman who the Takimag writer David Cole portrays in his article ‘Following Science Of The Cliff’ might qualify, but even then, the term idiot might best be applied.
On the subject of low IQs…
I am very thankful that I can live most of my life isolated from such ignorant and stupid people.
You have to wonder how they square that …
Again, using logic and reason to argue any of this is as irrational as invoking mystical incantations.
I am very thankful that I can live most of my life isolated from such ignorant and stupid people.
Please let me know where one can acquire this isolation to which you refer. Near as I can tell, they have me pretty much surrounded.
Please let me know where one can acquire this isolation to which you refer.
Secret volcano lair with sharks and lasers. $500,000 deposit, not refundable.
But seriously: suburbs + retirement. No more commutes into a city with far too many lowlifes. No more constant need to be careful not to contradict the liberal narrative and offend a coworker.
Yeah…retirement has had the opposite effect on me. Though my retirement has been somewhat covid-driven. Though back in 2018 I was planning to semiretire last summer. The lack of work, deep thinking work, gives me way too much time to think about the idiocy in which we are stewing.
When he got out of the prison for that one, he did the exact same thing a second time
I wish I could remember the source, but a person visiting prison to interview the inmates came across one who bragged about his skill at stealing cars. The person let him ramble on for awhile, and then asked, “If you’re so good at it, what are you doing here?”
The man grew very quiet, and you get the impression that he never made the connection before, and that perhaps he should train for a new profession.
At the heart of this anecdote is the notion that we don’t realize something until it is expressed. Like the time my wife and I were complaining to her sister, visiting us, about a bush in the middle of the yard. It had been planted by the previous owner, was very unattractive, and we went on about the problems we had with it and trimming it back, etc.
She asked: “Why don’t you just rip it out?”
My wife and I looked at each other as if light bulbs had appeared over our heads. By the end of the day, the bush was gone.
And, no, our IQs are NOT below the medium. I hope.
She asked: “Why don’t you just rip it out?”
So, you are descendants of Isaac Asimov, famous for his “Asimovian Idiocies”? 😀 Well, you have a lot of company. Hi there.
@ UTF: “…came across one who bragged about his skill at stealing cars.”
One of my likely lads committed over 800 minor crimes – car stealing, breaking into schools [including the special school he had once attended], petty theft, shoplifting, etc. – between age 14 and 18. In the old days he would have been consigned to an institution, given a benevolent clip or three around the ears and taught to work on manual tasks such as gardening and cleaning always under supervision. When asked about him by my departmental managers – his antics consumed a lot of our time – I would respond that he was only smart enough to commit crimes, but too stupid to get away with them. Unfortunately he, being a heavily muscled lad about 6’2″ in height, graduated to armed robbery and rape and boasted to all and sundry that he wished to become as bad as a local and notorious murderer, gangster and stand-over man called Chopper Reid. The lad faced the same problem in planning his more serious crimes: he didn’t plan.
Unfortunately he, being a heavily muscled lad about 6’2″ in height, graduated to armed robbery and rape and boasted to all and sundry that he wished to become as bad as a local and notorious murderer, gangster and stand-over man called Chopper Reid.
I hope that lad got properly dealt with before he killed anybody.
…retirement has had the opposite effect on me… The lack of work, deep thinking work, gives me way too much time to think about the idiocy in which we are stewing.
That is a valid “on the other hand”. On the other other hand work and family responsibilities (eldercare) had prevented me from going to Tea Party protests and from reading all the books that looked worthwhile.
Very much OT but headlines that mislead:
France edge Ireland in nailbiting contest
Report on a rugby match
pst314: “I hope that lad got properly dealt with before he killed anybody.”
Last I heard he was addicted to some heavy substances and was a shell of his old violent self – still criminal, but increasingly handicapped by his addiction. It’s probably the first time I have been in support of of one of my [ex-] clients becoming addicted, because it was never going to end well: every time he came before the Courts and was sentenced to gaol further reinforced in his mind that he really was as bad as his hero. A lad such as that cannot be reached by any of the caring and sharing SJWs with love in their hearts. Up to the mid-1990s people like him were kept under control in residential institutions. Around the western world most such institutions closed between the 1970s and 1990s, so certain people who did function with support were suddenly on their own. How many street people in California and other places fall into that category?
NTSOG: I fully agree.
According to family lore my mother might well have been murdered by a local lunatic who liked to lurk in the museum where she worked. (This was years before she met my father.) Fortunately that was in the 1940’s and the individual was institutionalized before he could harm anyone.
Around the western world most such institutions closed between the 1970s and 1990s, so certain people who did function with support were suddenly on their own.
Apropos of nothing, anyone remember a movie starring Jack Nicholson (simply everyone’s favorite actor)…something about a cuckoo’s nest. I was told it was very instrumental drawing attention the horrible conditions in our mental institutions. They fixed all that stuff, or so I heard.
we don’t realize something until it is expressed.
I have a theory that this is why prayer and/or therapy works. Though it is heavily dependent upon the problem space relative to the perceived abilities of the one(s) doing the listening.
WTP: “… the horrible conditions in our mental institutions.”
Yes the conditions in many institutions whether psychiatric or those for the developmentally disabled had become terrible. I worked in one such institution in Florida and in 8 in Australia as a consultant. To give an idea of how bad such places were it was common to hear of new staff who signed on for their first shift beginning in a residential unit at 6:00 AM having resigned by 11:00 AM so traumatic [and often dangerous] were the conditions. The original purpose of institutions, created in the late 1800s, was to provide asylum to those who were unable to cope in the mainstream world and who might be victimised. However over time and with the growth of the eugenics movement [early 1900s] the role of such institutions changed. Instead of being seen and maintained as safe and humane places of residence and vocation – many such institutions ran their own farms and provided meaningful work for the residents – for those who were vulnerable, they became dumping grounds for people who were seen as a threat to mainstream society and also a way of stopping such people breeding further ‘degenerates’. [Mandatory sterilisation was common in a number of countries and occurred in the USA into the 1970s.] The behaviour of people housed in institutions was not improved by being there. For specialists such as myself there was a lot to learn about abnormal psychology in such places, but the behaviour of the residents in those places should never have been allowed to become so extremely aberrant in the first place. By the mid-1900s they were terrible places overall. However governments around the world, having closed institutions and saved $millions, generally did not provide adequate replacement services for many of those who needed support and a degree of control and daily guidance, especially those who lived on the fringes of society in the community. Many of these people then became inhabitants of gaols [just another form of residential institution] as a result of their activities -often they would commit minor crimes so as to be put back into prisons where they were safer. Hence we come back to the issue of street people with few supports given them.
More hot woke takes. Because when black thugs rob and assault people of North-East Asian ancestry, this can only be because of “the xenophobic policies and racist rhetoric that were pushed forward by the prior administration.” And so, if your elderly loved one was sucker-punched and killed by a black thug, or beaten to death by a mob of black youths, or thrown from a train platform by a black sociopath, the important thing is, it’s all Trump’s fault. Despite the effect clearly predating its alleged cause, i.e., ORANGE MAN BAD.
Apparently, the phenomenon is nothing whatsoever to do with a mindset such as this one, expressed in song.
Because when black thugs rob and assault people of North-East Asian ancestry, this can only be because of “the xenophobic policies and racist rhetoric that were pushed forward by the prior administration.”
When such fine gentlemen as Yahoo Muslim take inspiration from Trumphitler’s rhetoric and translate it into direct acti… er, crime, this clearly indicates that they are also absolutely, guaranteed, Trumphitler voters as well. Which means they also ain’t black.
Thus is this all still whitecrime.
You have to wonder how they square that viewpoint with, e.g., the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus.
They couldn’t blame Trump for that.
But they did blame Belgium and its colonizing ways–even though Belgium had granted Rwanda its independence decades earlier in (checks duck duck go) 1962.
There’s a game I’ve been playing – trying to imagine what laughably ludicrous behaviour the evil cabal now running our lives might require of us next for the shits and giggles. (Imagining they have a dark sense of humour seems to be helping me cope.)
We had “How about we tell them they need to wear, like, three masks??!!” or “What about enforcing COVID swabs anally??”. Unfortunately nothing we’ve come up with so far has been sufficiently farcical to not come true.
My next suggestion is a mandated app which screams at other people’s phones if you get too close. Or a vaccine suppository.
Wanna play?
You have to wonder how they square that viewpoint with, e.g., the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus.
“Have they ever even heard of the Hutus and Tutsis ?” Magic 8 Ball says unlikely.
Speaking of Yte Devils…

Eventually these types of twits will run out of things and anti-colonialism will be have to be decolonized, though the photo shows the proper response.
“Nato should examine how it can power tanks and jets with alternative energy, such as solar panels” suggested Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO.
“He told the seminar that his background as a UN envoy on climate change helped with the proposals.”
Hmmm. Some kind of background as a military strategist might serve NATO better?
Incidentally, the M1 Abrams consumes about a gallon of diesel per minute across rough terrain. That’s a power consumption equivalent to around 40kwH per minute.
The Abrams has an upper surface area about 30 square metres; completely covered with solar panels generating (generously) 200W/m2 would provide 6kW. Operated for 8 hours, these panels would thus generate enough electricity to drive the tank for about 72 seconds.
Perhaps NATO could use solar panels to start their tanks’ diesel engines?
“Nato should examine how it can power tanks and jets with alternative energy, such as solar panels”
It’s annoying how so few publications give links, but a browser search found what appears to be the original source. Also here.
From those links:
“Nato should examine how it can power tanks and jets with alternative energy, such as solar panels, to reduce its carbon emissions, the alliance’s secretary general said.
Reducing reliance on fossil fuels would also make troops less vulnerable to attack because they would not have to rely on long supply lines getting fuel to the front line, Jens Stoltenberg said.
The Nato chief suggested that militaries should advance research into low-emitting vehicles because of the advantages they bring, at an online seminar titled New Ideas for Nato 2030.”
“Dutch soldiers increasingly use solar panels instead of diesel generators during operations.”
Now, I can accept the idea of using solar panels to power auxiliary equipment (radios, etc) so that it is not necessary to user diesel generators or to periodically start up the tank’s engine to recharge its batteries. But I would hope that noone in a position of authority would be so stupid as to think that solar panels could replace a tank’s diesel or turbine engine.
David, I just posted a comment about that NATO official. It seems to have been eaten by the spam filter.
Hmmm. Some kind of background as a military strategist might serve NATO better?
From the reliably red Wiki…
What could possibly go wrong with a CV like that ?
It seems to have been eaten by the spam filter.
Thank you, David. I wonder what it found tasty in my dry words.
What could possibly go wrong with a CV like that ?
Absolutely nothing, from the point of view of the left.
But I would hope that noone in a position of authority would be so stupid as to think that solar panels could replace a tank’s diesel or turbine engine.
That ship, alas, is way over the horizon, but one would hope that someone at that “online seminar” either laughed in this ninny’s face, or at a minimum pointed out that “easily breakable things that can’t be camouflaged” are generally incompatible with warfare in general, and armored warfare specifically (as the solar powered M1 is taken out by a guy with a paintball gun).
Don’t get me started on solar powered fighters (as the entire formation crashes because they went IFR…)
Don’t get me started on solar powered fighters
Please don’t tell me that someone suggested that.