Friday Ephemera
Best to watch the leash, madam. || Beverage of note. || Ah, Blighty. || They do, er, this better than you do. || Their difficulties were a mystery. (h/t, Fay) || On the matter of mincemeat. || Strange times. || Ancient ruins, reconstructed. || Pete Drake and his talking guitar, 1964. || At last, vegan Christmas dinner, for gamers, in a can. || Get a load of this guy. || These origami cicadas are better than yours. || Itsy bitsy. || The Maginot Line. (h/t, Things) || Visualising Moore’s Law in action, 1971 – 2019. || Close enough. || What could possibly go wrong? || “You can’t have Christmas without Star Trek, right?” || Unpriced goods on aisle four. (h/t, Damian) || And finally, the humans have some kind of force field.
Oh, and via the comments:
But please, spare a thought for all those leftwing poets.
Beverage of note.
Soooo, in a restaurant, will there be a cockage fee?
Ancient ruins, reconstructed.
OTOH, they could have just gone to Nashville.

Peter Sellers: A Hard Day’s Night:
Satire or reality?
Pete Drake and his talking guitar, 1964.
Alvino Rey and his talking guitar way before Drake. Along with the talk box, one of his “talking” techniques of rolling the volume on and off was later used by the late great Roy Buchanan, usually in conjunction with a bend, to make a unique cry/wail you can’t get with a bend alone – around 3:09 in this video
Putin, it had to have been Putin, any other explanation is just unpossible.
Twitter is a cesspool at the best of times, but the meltdown on the losers in the British election is spectacular to see. Anyone to blame but themselves, it seems.
Watches final British election returns. Retires to bed happy.
How much I wish I could have had the same sentiments after the Canadian election, sigh.
Morning, all.

Watches final British election returns. Retires to bed happy.
Alas, I can think of one woman who won’t be thrilled:
Make that two.
A Guardian perspective.
Anyone to blame but themselves, it seems.
Apparently, it’s all down to “right wing white supremacy.”
Apparently, it’s all down to “right wing white supremacy.”

Alas, I can think of one woman who won’t be thrilled: . . . . A Guardian perspective.
I’m reading of the Conservatives collecting 364 seats.
Back in 2015, the final count was only 330 or so . . . .
A Guardian perspective.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.
Apparently, it’s all down to “right wing white supremacy.”
Labour: Spends the last 20 years demonising the English as racist, xenophobic, homophobic, fascistic Little Englanders.
Also Labour: ” Why won’t they vote for us?”
” This is some f**kin National Geographic s**t….”
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.
As noted here many times, from pretty much the start, you have to marvel at just how readily socialists, professed egalitarians, will display naked disdain for actual working-class people, whose values and priorities often deviate from those of their self-imagined betters. What we might call The Islington Sensibility. Such that readers of the Sun newspaper can be framed by Guardian columnists as “Middle England,” “Little England,” an enemy of the left, and therefore contemptible.
From crime and policing to mass immigration, there is, I think, a pattern, a shift in allegiance. One that’s apparently been noticed by quite a few voters. A point demonstrated, at times vividly, in this documentary by Martin Durkin.
What could possibly go wrong?
Can you say “Attractive Nuisance” children? I knew you could!
Perfect for pubs where the owner is looking to be sued into destitution, with shades of WKRP in Cincinnati – “As God is my witness, I did not know glass could cut you!”
Unpriced goods on aisle four.
It’s fresh but it won’t feed four people.
A Guardian perspective.
Another Guardian perspective*.
Apparently, it’s all down to “right wing white supremacy.”
Of course; along with the Russkis and also an “establishment media that is a mouthpiece for the right” – amazing that your nitwits say the same thing as ours when they lose.
*(“Our Washington-based research firm, Fusion GPS, conducted much of the early investigations into Russia’s support of the Trump campaign, aided by our colleague Christopher Steele…) The Guardian, always with the sources they think are unimpeachable…
I may be wrong, but didn’t this already happen around the 5th & 6th centuries ?

“Never mind the dog’s bollox, we’re the Brexit Pistols.”
I may be wrong, but didn’t this already happen around the 5th & 6th centuries?
I’ll attempt to translate.
Something along those lines.
Dog’s bollox from here:
Re Make that two…
So curious…is it the case that if one lives in some Godfersaken place like Pakistan or Canada, or even (WTF?) Ireland, if one makes their way to the UK they can vote in a UK election? I’m not following the ‘logic’ on this. Surely I (or Miss Elenaor) have something wrong here?
Further to Laurie’s bewilderment, this seems apposite.
Also, this.
Your British robins are adorable little birds. The North American robin is a ravenous thrush that would have been ripping those flowers asunder seeking fat earthworms to devour.
Labour: Spends the last 20 years demonising the English as racist, xenophobic, homophobic, fascistic Little Englanders.
Also Labour: “Why won’t they vote for us?”
More samples of a trend:
According to unfunny far-left comedian and self-styled “decent person” Mark Steel, if you’re pleased at the election result, or just relieved to have dodged the bullet of Jeremy Corbyn being in power and having dinosaur Marxists in charge of the economy, then you’re a “nasty, selfish, racist, foul fuckwit.” No other possibilities being conceivable, you see.
See also the ludicrous Paul Mason.
It’s as if they just can’t help themselves. Apparently, we now have “a vicious right-wing regime.”
This rather explains a lot, never go full Bernie.
Mincemeat is both meat and minced. So there.
Mincemeat is both meat and minced.
And it’s made out of mouses. Can’t prove it right now but I’m sure there’s a video somewhere…
This Russia thing has gone beyond funny into dangerous delusion. Perhaps it’s the steady diet of Disney movies adults now consume, with their competent but maniacal villains and protagonists beyond reproach. It was standard practice to blame America/Britain first but I guess after several generations of lefty rule that particular dissonance is now a net electoral liability.
Given the rules of Oppression Olympics I guess Russia drew the short straw, what with being white, traditional, and no longer full communist. At least anti-commie scaremongers of yore could use actual instances of ideology based oppression to support an overall villain narrative. Now? We’re supposed to believe a 2nd world frozen backwater is chock full of bored internet wizards intent on thwarting progressive election aims worldwide? Fucking WHY?!?
And it’s made out of mouses.
You may be thinking of another Christmas treat?
You may be thinking of another Christmas treat?
Nah. I’m thinking of a more elusive, and yet at the same time ironically ubiquitous, French Canadian delicacy.
French Canadian delicacy.
Oooh la la, very niche!
Hmmm, I believe Jo Swinson is demanding a second “People’s Election”?
and yet at the same time ironically ubiquitous
Yes, Savoir Faire is everywhere!
… I believe Jo Swinson is demanding a second “People’s Election”
A question for youse in Blighty – I have seen similar noise about a “People’s Vote” having been denied – if this wasn’t a “people’s vote”, what the hell was it, or is this just more yammering about there not having been another Brexit specific referendum, which again, this really was at least in part, what the hell do they want ? Another do-over where just the commies get to vote ?
Apparently, the Conservatives won because they “promised to persecute immigrants.”
It says so here.
Remember, we begin hunting the poor at 9pm.
A question for youse in Blighty…
Well, a “People’s Vote” is a bit like a referendum, but one where the people vote the way they’ve been fucking told.
Theodore Dalrymple’s take on a Journal of Medical Ethics paper exploring the moral hazards of transwomen (that’s bloke-to-bird for the uninitiated) in sport.
The paper’s conclusion was breathtaking in it’s baldfaced double-think:
I like bullet point lists, and translate this serious paper in a serious journal as follows:
– We believe treating women and transwomen fairly is a laudable goal.
– But we also believe that goal should no longer be pursued because we have a super smart plan to achieve fairness, which, again, is the goal.
– The plan is this: ciswomen in sports can go f*ck themselves.
The malicious stupidity burns bright with this one. “Deciding between competing interests is hard, so y’all should just pretend there’s no competing interests and BOOM, Bob’s your Aunt – problem solved.” I mean, are lefty women really going to buy this forever? (Yes)
we begin hunting the poor at 9pm
Who here was also surprised by the success of The Purge movie(s)? The premise is too stupid to be anything more than a sketch or short story. I thought maybe it was the “kill the rich” fantasy aspect that appealed to the masses, but then someone told me the rich benefited the most and therefore propagated the “Purge”. Ugh, oh well, still better than The Last Jedi.
The paper’s conclusion was breathtaking in its baldfaced double-think
A less contorted perspective can be found here.
baldfaced double-think
It’s so hard to keep up with these intersectional agonies.
I rather thought that feminists were completely dedicated to the concept that there could be no possible differences between men and women, to the extent that when Harvard President Lawrence Summers suggested distributional IQ differences might explain the paucity of women in science it so outraged biology professor Nancy Hopkins that she “felt I was going to be sick”. Resulting in the inevitable hounding of Summers from his position.
That being so, it’s difficult now to summon much sympathy when they complain of being beaten at their own game.
Karl – careful to not confuse “feminists” with “women”, despite the former claiming they speak for ALL of the latter. Having said that…yes, the solution to this particular problem is wholly up to women to discover and implement.
Theodore Dalrymple’s take…
From the article:
careful to not confuse “feminists” with “women”
Fair point. And these “women” of which ye speak. How many of them rushed to Larry Summers defence exactly?
And these “women” of which ye speak.
And immediately on posting that I can think of three – right off the top of my head! But it’s not yet close enough to Christmas for me to charitably withdraw my remark 🙂
…we begin hunting the poor at 9pm…
Speaking of the transgendered, start with AuntieFa, they seem to be upset.
Swinson, on Radio 4’s Today programme, was asked by Justin Webb whether she believes that “biological sex exists”. She replied: “Not on a binary, from what I’ve read. I’m not going to pretend that I’m an expert in the subject but I don’t think that things are as binary as are often presented.”
Well, considering the bicameral division of parliament and the history of the Lib-Dems, that’s a rather sad and wistful thing for Swindon to be saying.
“On the matter of mincemeat.”
The real confusion comes when you want a pie with mince in it. (For future reference, the usual term is “mince round”.)
“vegan Christmas dinner”
“Get a load of this guy.”
“mince round”???
No look it’s really quite simple – a mince pie has mincemeat in it and a mincemeat pie has mince in it.
I’ll leave this little comment from another blog here for y’all across the pond to enjoy.
…a delusion that their preferred solution will change that despite every fact pointing to the reverse outcome.
Curious. If that were so, why their hysterical, nay demented, opposition to it?
Speaking of preferred solutions, who’s a good widdle totalitarian ? Yes you are, yes you are.
“Whereas the pro Brexit people I have encountered on the Net are remarkably similar in their views to the more rabid Trump supporters in the US who support Brexit for much the same reason that Trump supporters support him; hostility to things outside their country, a feeling of powerlessness in the face of bureaucratic government, and a delusion that their preferred solution will change that despite every fact pointing to the reverse outcome.”
He assumes that getting rid of those responsible for “a feeling of powerlessness” is considered a bad thing. Because that person cynically assumes that if Britain succeeds in hoisting over the side one set of unelected, unresponsive rulemakers in Brussels, that they will fail in doing the same to those that will replace them in London.
Just checking.
(Personally, I blame John Mortimer, for whinging on about those miserable, fat, Belgian bastards* in his Rumpole stories.)
* Python reference
Given Jeremy Corbyn’s repeated association with numerous terrorists, and what seemed to be a persistent anti-semitism encouraged by him in the party, the left must be high on something to think they’ll persuade anyone with their new line ‘Johnson won because you’re all racist!’
Mince pies as they are are quite delicious, but it must be said the old medieval idea of preserving mince meat with fruit and spices was quite persistent. I believe you can find Mrs Beeton recipes (late 19th century) for mincemeat containing actual meat. And pretty much all of her fruit mince recipes contain suet, anyway.
I think it’s a delightful idea. The effect would be quite like a sweet curry.
On the one hand, “pro-fa” riots, protests, insults, teargas (eventually).
On the other hand, delightful mince, mincemeat, and meat pies.
On the gripping hand, it’s Friday the 13th and my water heater blew up, to the tune of $3K.
Life. WTF, mate.
who’s a good widdle totalitarian
The Red Guard lives and Mao smiles.
On the one hand, “pro-fa” riots, protests, insults, teargas (eventually).
On the other hand, delightful mince, mincemeat, and meat pies.
On the gripping hand, it’s Friday the 13th and my water heater blew up, to the tune of $3K.
Life. WTF, mate.
Also, penis fish.
On the gripping hand…
Every leftist is Crazy Eddie but without the wisdom.
The Red Guard lives and Mao smiles.

Nonsense, she is apolitical, just ask her.
Also, penis fish.
Kansas Woman. Yes, Kansas.
Kansas Woman.
Some things you can’t make up.
That and her lights, horse and carriage, peanut butter and chocolate, just made to go together.
Meanwhile, and related, Jeremy Clarkson discusses problems with filming the first episode of the fourth season of The Grand Tour.
What with all the news excitement, I’m just getting around to clicking the links….
The Maginot Line
What is the German for “speed bump”?
I’ll take lame WWII jokes for $600 now, Alex.
The Maginot Line

What is the German for “speed bump”?
Well, I did say it was lame.
I’s afreard you got that bass-ackward there.
Crazy Eddie was ignored because it pushed ideas which had never been tried before. Crazy, sure, but novel.
Leftists should be fought because they insist on replicating the disasters of history.
Crazy, and guaranteed to fail with a massive death toll. Again.
penis fish…
Well, OK, [chuckles genteel-like] I’ve seen odd-looking stuff in the water before…[scroll, scroll]
Look, I come in here expecting to decompress from the stresses of modern life. Like the water heater explosion. And then someone thinks it might be funny to sneak in a horror show like that [shudder] penis fish beach.
(Any odds on this being the first time that phrase has been written anywhere?)
So here’s the deal.
I want a double, neat…no. TWO doubles, neat, of whatever that is in the Klein bottle hidden behind the expired Hump Fat jars.
And I want whoever took the key to the upstairs hot tub to cough it up, pronto.
And then I’m gonna go up there and get me another Gentle Correction from the henchlesbian on duty.
All you heathens can stay down here and watch another showing of Cries And Whispers.
penis fish beach.
(Any odds on this being the first time that phrase has been written anywhere?)
Every other language calls it some variation on “penis fish”, except English, which calls it the “fat innkeeper worm”.
The etymologist in me is warning me not to investigate that discrepancy.
I want a double, neat…no. TWO doubles, neat, of whatever that is in the Klein bottle hidden behind the expired Hump Fat jars.
As our inimitable host would say, “No refunds. Credit note only.”
Although, with respect to your water heater, I can commiserate. My dishwasher committed hara kiri today. Lightly leaking water in an undetectable spot, just enough for the computer to shut the whole thing down with an “LE” error.
Unexpected Penis Fish.
It is rather like a real-life Viz comic, innit.
Not an entirely unfair comment.
Eleanor Penny, Laurie’s sister, seems to believe – and very much want to believe – that a fairly soft conservative government will immediately result in nightly racial purges and parents eating their children.
I can’t help suspecting that the erupting tearfulness is the result of effort and contrivance. A performance of sorts.
The leftist intelligentsia, I see.
Eleanor Penny, Laurie’s sister, seems to believe – and very much want to believe – that a fairly soft conservative government will immediately result in nightly racial purges and parents eating their children.
It’s interesting that if Boris Johnson refers to an EU Withdrawal Agreement as a “surrender bill” and dismisses specious arguments as “balderdash” then he is using inflamatory language to encourage violence and divide our society.
When a lefty talks – sorry bleats – about “long term war” and holding those who disagree with her “personally accountable” as she is “incandescent”, then that leftie is just being caring.
But thanks for sharing the link, David. I laughed out loud. I mean what a silly little girl she is.
I laughed out loud. I mean what a silly little girl she is.
And yet eerily of a type. And given the relatively humdrum nature of British politics, I can’t help thinking that political affiliation isn’t an ideal vehicle for something akin to religious fanaticism. I mean, if the election of Boris Johnson, a squishy conservative by any measure, reduces you to apocalyptic wailing and weeping, or recreational scuffling with the police, then there’s probably something wrong with you.
No laughing.
No laughing.
I think I’ve posted this before.
(Technically, it’s Christmas lights on a palm tree.)
Penisfish meets essential men’s wear accessories.
essential men’s wear

Oh, let’s stop dicking around and get serious.
I may be wrong, but didn’t this already happen around the 5th & 6th centuries ?
Well, sort of. We took it a bit further in 1776…
No laughing.
UK version…
Oh, let’s stop dicking around and get serious.
Hmm. I might not be able to pull that off – will be flying and the TSA isn’t especially sensitive enough…
Whiling away the hours on Thursday evening, I turned to Tinder and Bumble for distraction from the prospect of a return to the 70s but with worse music.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with these dating apps, profiles are shown on the basis of popularity. If you get more matches, you will be shown to more people. You can, however, pay for your profile to be given a brief moment in the sun – usually about 30 minutes.
On Thursday evening, after weeks of silence, large numbers of profiles kept popping up exhorting me to vote Labour. These profiles generally had fewer photos than normal and nothing in the usual biography sections other than hashtags and quotations from the Labour manifesto. After the vote closed, and on Friday morning, these profiles disappeared.
Am I grouping or is it possible that Labour attempted to use dating apps to get London based millennials to vote for them? Seems like a waste of money if so.
UK version…
pst314, I’s afreard you got that bass-ackward there.
Crazy Eddie was ignored because it pushed ideas which had never been tried before. Crazy, sure, but novel.
Leftists should be fought because they insist on replicating the disasters of history.
As I recall, Crazy Eddie also pushed ideas which had failed many times before–the Crazy Eddie drive, various technical and political solutions to the deadly Cycles, and so on. Sometimes new ideas but also old ideas.
My thought was merely that while Crazy Eddie seemed to always have noble motives, leftists usually have reprehensible motives–and they are pushing ideas which have failed disastrously time and again. (But did not fail for the rulers, who enjoyed luxurious lives and the exercise of power over others.) (And here you can detect that when I wrote ‘wisdom’ I was using it to denote both good judgement and good morals.)
A quote from the novel for those who have not read it:
“When a city has grown so overlarge and crowded that it is in immediate danger of collapse . . . when food and clean water flow into the city at a rate just sufficient to feed every mouth, and every hand must work constantly to keep it that way . . . when all transportation is involved in moving vital supplies, and none is left over to move people out of the city should the need arise . . . then it is that Crazy Eddie leads the movers of garbage out on strike for better working conditions.”
Penisfish meets essential men’s wear accessories.
Trust GQ to pay a silly twat to pontificate sophomorically. I doubt there is anyone at GQ who is not a silly twat.
Unexpected Penis Fish.
I am thankful that I do not live in a neighborhood where there is such a thing as an expected penis fish.
Ken Loach:
No (although no other Labour leader has consorted with active terrorists either), but every single Tory leader for the last forty years has. And some of them still managed to win.
Some idiot on that thread (it isn’t short of them) saying that “Labour doesn’t get to play by the same rules as the Tories”. No, it doesn’t. But for the first time in decades, it was forced to: even the media couldn’t hide from Corbyn’s sinister past. And its supporters, used to an easy ride – there have been “n days to save the NHS” at every election I can remember, and it’s never challenged; hell, not even this time – can’t can’t handle it.
“I doubt there is anyone at GQ who is not a silly twat.”
Seems like a safe working assumption.
More sweet, sweet leftist tears of tolerance…..
via Titania McGrath
Ken Loach
Ah yes, him.
Today’s words are tolerance and compassion. From an aspiring doctor too, no less.
“Today’s words are tolerance and compassion.”
Oh, yah. Those working-class voters are, like, rahlly, rahlly… stupid, yah?