World Of Woo (2)
Via Mr Muldoon in the comments, our betters at work:
Laughable, yes. But not harmless:
All school principals, district office administrators, and superintendent teams were required to attend the anti-white supremacy training put on by the city DOE’s Office of Equity and Access… “It requires discomfort,” said Matt Gonzales, who serves as an outside adviser on the DOE’s school diversity task force and is a director of New York Appleseed, an advocacy group for school integration. “Having to talk about someone’s own whiteness is a requirement for them to become liberated.”
Ah, salvation via struggle session. How wonderfully Maoist.
White employees who object when accused of harbouring deep-seated bias are branded “fragile” and “defensive,” one insider who received the training has said… [New York schools chief, Richard] Carranza says that those sceptical of the training “are likely the ones who need the training the most.”
Previously in the World of Woo.
I thought it must be a photoshop…
Civilization is doomed.
Shadow projection.
I thought it must be a photoshop.
You could pretty much replace it with a list of random attributes and household items –
– and it would be functionally the same.
This, then, is the standard of intersectional piety.
Organizations that are people of color-led or a majority people of color can also demonstrate many damaging characteristics of white supremacy culture.
So these are characteristics of (some) work cultures.
But, but, but, they were indoctrinated by white supremacist thinking. Erm, and the patriarchy”
Not to mention some of these are recognised as worldwide issues in established management literature.
Apparently, a “sense of urgency” – or more commonly, punctuality and a preference for acting promptly – is a “damaging” characteristic. Because attempting to meet deadlines “promotes white supremacy thinking.”
It’s not just woo. It’s pernicious woo.
Their ideas about what constitutes “perfectionism” are just wibble.
You could spend a week or more fisking this pile of woke poo.
“pile of woke poo” – Band name
The disdain for punctuality is a recurring theme among peddlers of this hokum. See, for instance, the first two paragraphs here.
I think “Defensiveness” refers to when SJWs attack and people defend themselves (instead of just capitulating).
How many of these people are getting PUBLIC FUNDING to engage in this bullshit?
‘Perfectionism’ is racist and ‘quantity over quality’ is also racist.
Okay then.
Observations from the “higher” education arena (instructors in the role of Christians v the lions, played by students):
Within about the last ten years the verb “to conversate” has emerged. As in “Me and this girl was just conversating and my girlfren was like trippin out”.
Punctuation is also in retreat as is paragraphing don’t get me started on syntax and composition The word “rather” is often used in place of “whether”.
Faculty are advised not to correct student writing if they are not teaching a writing class. They are still permitted to grade it. For now.
Okay then.
The imperviousness to contradiction is quite a thing. And so, the Mao-lings demand the doxxing, harassment, firing and/or assault of anyone they deem a “white supremacist,” while defining “white supremacy” so as to implicate just about any white person who’s prompt or punctilious, or inclined towards politeness.
Today’s words are dumb malevolence.
Wait a minute. Are you sure this isn’t a sign at a White Supremacist meeting?
Punctuation is also in retreat as is paragraphing don’t get me started on syntax and composition
There the ostensible normies aren’t exactly helping. It begs the question where this problem came from if not our massively back-slid culture. Yesterday potus tweetered country’s for countries, the errant apostrophe being another fixture of the times. And don’t get me started on reason and logic.
We all built this thing that’s taking us down and we wll go down before we fix it. That’s how this works.
I thought it must be a photoshop…
A good one. The twit with a microphone earnestly lectures an audience featuring a bald Offender just as earnestly stretching his mind taking it all in. She’s diligently reading along, point by point. He’s reeling at this revelation, point by point.
You pays your fees, you gets your adjunct-level, community college enlightenment. Or was this volunteered over at a Unitarian coffee?
You could spend a week or more fisking this pile of woke poo.
Indeed, the list of things in that steaming pile that are just plain wrong, contradict something else in the pile, or just silly only goes to show that the authors of this dreck have spent their entire misbegotten lives in the Clown Quarter, and never once set foot in an actual business or organization that had standards and had to produce results.
It is interesting to note that the “Showing Up For Racial Justice” team has a diversity problem.
Speaking of “racial justice”, we seem to have gone the full 360 as “The term ‘people of color’ erases black people. Let’s retire it”.
Ignore the fact that this nincompoop lives in LA which has loads of all kinds of “spaces”, RTWT, evidently “inclusive spaces” means segregated.
No, two band names:
Pile of Woke
Woke Poo
Though I could see the first being the first album name of the latter band name as well. It’s not like I’m uptight about this or anything.
And in the interests of beating a dead horse…
Original band: Pile of Woke. Years go by, personality conflicts ensue, someone gets cut out of song credits they felt the deserved even though all they did was suggest a Gm7 instead of a Gm, the band breaks up into different parts each claiming ownership the original Pile of Woke brand, many more lawyers get involved, fights over ownership of the original name ensue, lawyers get richer, band members get even poorer, eventually the drummer and bass player need money to pay off their old drug debts owed to some very shady people so they go out on the road as Woke Poo. In the movie version, I’m thinking Bruce Willis as the drummer.
As for the subject matter of this post, it’s too depressing. The normals of the world are oblivious to the degree that this idiocy is accelerating and they prefer to bury their heads in the sand or stick fingers in their ears and go “lalala I’m not listening”, or insist that it is the fault of those of us pointing and laughing (well, I can’t laugh anymore myself) at this that cause it to spread. I have been trying to warn people about crap like this for damn near 30 years now and all I get is referrals to see (batshit crazy) psychiatrists. So I learned to shut up. Kinda. Then the internet came along…As someone much more popular than me once said, in a different context and in a sense more on the side of these idiots and thus partly responsible for ushering in this age of idiocy, I wanna get me kicks (retirement) before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.
Are you absolutely certain that the slide is from a meeting opposing white supremacy? Because the points on the slide read like a laundry list of racist tropes about the non-white.
Within about the last ten years the verb “to conversate” has emerged. As in “Me and this girl was just conversating and my girlfren was like trippin out”.
Meh. Chuck Berry was there, 54 years ago.
As I was motorvatin’ over the hill
I saw Maybellene in a coup de ville…
White Supremacists: The white man is
Defends what is right
Social Justice Warriors: The white man is
Aware of urgency
“Ignore the fact that this nincompoop lives in LA which has loads of all kinds of “spaces””
Oh, trust me, there’s plenty of ‘spaces’ in the greater Los Angeles area where she can be guaranteed there’ll be absolutely NOBODY that’s not African-American. Odd that she doesn’t seem to want to go to those places.
Sorry. I thought we were supposed to be listing random words and then blaming white people.
I can’t be bothered to do the whole list (does that mean I’m a white supremacist or not?) but here are a few thoughts:
” Power Hoarding.”
White people having power in majority white countries.
” Fear of Open Conflict. ”
World Wars 1 and 2 just called and would like to have a word with you.
” Individualism.”
Because we’re not part of a hive.
” Objectivity.”
Is objectively superior to subjectivity.
” Right to Comfort.”
To quote Alan Whicker: ” Any fool can be uncomfortable.”
” Power Hoarding.”
There’s also a thing buzzing around in The Hive called “Opportunity Hoarding”, but there’s absolutely no zero-sum game aspect. It’s not like people can just go out and create opportunities for themselves, you know.
Power Hoarding
For those who missed it, not entirely unrelated.
I seek out inclusive spaces
Inclusive, exclusive. Tomato, tomahto.
Space habitats. More expensive than helicopters, granted, but still my preferred approach.
Damn Ypepo and their …
(throws entire deck in air and picks up cards one by one)
Grammar. Deck chairs. Umbrellas. Nobel prizes. Uggs. Thoughts they never express. Wankel rotary engines. Azaleas. Neo-Georgian architecture. …
There’s also a thing buzzing around in The Hive called “Opportunity Hoarding”…
Stossel offers a different opinion than “Dr.” LaBossiere, however, I imagine that even if our brave prof didn’t believe in “opportunity hoarding”, it is required dogma in the Clown Quarter he inhabits (which is rather interesting as he “teaches” at an HBCU which were designed to improve opportunities).
Damn Ypepo and their…
Uggs and Wankels deserve to be on the ash heap of yte sins.
Wankel is the socialism of modern engines.
In theory, it works much better.
which is rather interesting as he “teaches” at an HBCU which were designed to improve opportunities
Farnsworth, as you like to go spelunking in such places you might be amused/interested/whatever to know that “ethics” is also one of the subjects that he teaches. Enjoy.
White people having power in majority white countries.
Correction: white people having any power. (Unless they are leftists, in which case they have absolute power over everyone else.)
Unless they are leftists, in which case they have absolute power over everyone else.
That should be the right’s core argument. It’s philosophical hill to die on. Simple force – the tyranny of the majority.
World of Woo
At first glance I saw “World War Woo”.
At first glance I saw “World War Woo”.
Now there’s your movie.
Now there’s your movie.
It’s like World War Z, but with less sympathetic villains.
“World War Woo”
Gives “pitching woo” an altogether new meaning.
A confused individual.
a confused individual
A stint in a gulag/laogai might un-confuse him…but probably not. Regardless, give him a few months of nonstop struggle sessions and see if it improves the clarity of his thinking. Being a Maoist–correction, libertarian Maoist–he would have no reason to object, right?
…correction, libertarian Maoist…
A libertarian Marxist Leninist Maoist Anarchist (from his logo).
while defining “white supremacy” so as to implicate just about any white person
Objection. There is no such restriction that white supremacists have to be white. Numerous black, latino, and asian people have been accused of being white supremacists due to displaying characteristics such as punctuality, sense of responsibility, or a worth ethic.
Funny, at the organisation I work with in Papua New Guinea, most of the managers tick every one of those boxes, and none of them are white.
…none of them are white.
Ergo, they are therefore de jure ytes, probably brainwashed from the
liberationoccupation and colonialization by Commonwealth and US troops during WWII“Look ! Up in the sky !”

“It’s a bird !”
“It’s a plane !”
“It’s a zeppelin !”
“No ! It’s Ensign Insulin !”
It’s been done.
It’s been done.

Bit of a difference between a just plain morbidly obese character and a “mutant” with the “ability to alter size and mass of her body”.
Also Big Bertha…
It’s been done.

Wait until you see comic about AOC and how the “artists” are depicting SanFranGranNan Pelosi.
Damn, Darleen.
How about a little NSFSH (not safe for sane humans)