Thursday Ephemeraren’t
I know. I’m full of surprises.
Due to my having other commitments, you’ll have to fling together your own pile of links and oddities in the comments. I’ll set the ball rolling with one way to spend that $3,000,000 you’ve got lying around; one man and his chicken; a moment of triumph; a display of woke parenting; and via Dicentra, an achievement unlocked.
Oh, and careful with that axe, Karen.
an achievement unlocked.
Please tell me that’s faked.
a display of woke parenting;
So tattooed strippers are role models for little girls now?
So tattooed strippers are role models for little girls now?
But Trump is the bad influence. Obviously.
More chicken pics and background to that story here!
“Curse those Black people and their…”
Checks notes:
via Yeyo
“Curse those Black people and their…”
Checks notes:
And then I saw the words sociology professor.
Re: “the horrors of black whiteness” – Mao came in for a lot of criticism for turfing academics out of university and making them dig turnips, but I am warming to the idea…
Please tell me that’s faked.
Hi John my name is Tuan and I live in a zoo in Chester which is in Ingland, sory England. Its a lot colder than at home but the people are nice and one gave me his old phone. I am geting quite good at tetris but i dont like human porn because noone’s hairy enough.
Hope your well
Hey, I dig turnips. They’re wonderful.
Hey, I dig turnips. They’re wonderful.
Have you heard of a chap, name of Baldrick?
one way to spend that $3,000,000
I am so glad that is a “Buy It Now”, I hate the auctions.
a display of woke parenting;
1) It is New Orleans, so the chances of finding normal is only slightly higher than in San Francisco, 2) if it had been a boy you know the rant would have been about early reinforcement of cis-heterosexual patriarchal behavior and objectification of wxmyn, 3) I am old enough to remember when
burlesque dancersstrippers tried to look attractive.achievement unlocked.
I am not sure that is any different, worse, or scary than 90% of “smart”phone users now.
Woke maritime museum.
A novel ban to avoid “sexual harassment gray areas”.
Oh well, CPR had a good run.
It is New Orleans, so the chances of finding normal is only slightly higher than in San Francisco
Which is why it’s worth a visit or three.
Which is why it’s worth a visit or three.
Used to be, between the hurricane, casinos and gambling, it is just a weird Biloxi with occasionally better music, but at least Biloxi fixed their hurricane damage.
Aside from the drive through daiquirí joints, it was always a lousy place to live.
Pluralist‘s article about woke parenting was disturbing. But I had to LOL (literally, not figuratively) at the next article.
“Portland Libs Deny Woman Housing Because of Her Astrological Sign: This Is a ‘Safe Space’ for Geminis”
“‘My concern is that you’re a Capricorn.'”
Have we reached peak Portland yet?
I know. I’m full of surprises.
I’m scared of change.
If change frightens you, I’ll take it! And your bills too!
“”Curse those Black people and their…”
Checks notes:
I’m beginning to think that what Mises called “polylogism” is really the root of all evil.
“I am not sure that is any different, worse, or scary than 90% of “smart”phone users now.”
Hey, the phones are smart so we don’t have to be.
“I’m scared of change.”
I don’t even know what day it is any more.
Race Card ™

I don’t even know what day it is any more.
I blame bank holidays.
Race Card ™
Wow. Imagine being trapped inside that head. Trying to keep track of all the lies.
“Mixed white/Indian/Syrian. Bi trans man” is troubled by NHS priorities.
Transnarcissism in 144 point extra bold. I am not sure what a bi trans man is (other than wanting to have the cake and eat it too) but “top surgery”, come on, you are not 8 years old, it is either a mastectomy or breast implant. Yes, your surgery is cosmetic, no, unlike the breast cancer patients, you won’t die if it is delayed unless you kill yourself. Of course that would mean “gender dysphoria” really is a serious mental illness and should be treated as such rather than surgically and pharmaceuticaly, and why the hell should the taxpayers of the UK pay for such stuff in the first place ?
Meanwhile, at the other end of the “gender spectrum” we find a young miss who appears a tad picky, all things considered.
A powerful moment (sic) and the aftermath.
What never seems to occur to Mr. Beresford and his ilk is the sheer fatuity of their argument:
Firstly, it just isn’t true. If it were true, no defendant would argue against being remanded in custody once charged. In fact, as one defending solicitor once put it to me in a sotto voce aside when I was opposing bail for his client, a violent toe-rag just like the one who killed Mr. Beresford’s cousin, “They claim they aren’t afraid of prison, but they all want fuckin’ bail, don’t they?”.
Secondly, if it were true that the knife -wielding scrotes aren’t scared of prison, that is not a reason to resile from the use of custody. This is because the deprivation of individual liberty is now the ultimate sanction that the criminal law can apply (in Britain, anyway). If the thug disdains said ultimate sanction then he utterly rejects the social contract, whether out of stupidity, sociopathy, or both. For the safety and peace of mind of the vast majority who do not share the mindset of the thug, durance vile* should be the default option.
*I first came across the use of this archaic term in a novel by the late and much-missed George V. Higgins, in my opinion a truly wonderful writer who transcended the crime/mystery genre in which he was unfairly pigeonholed.
Imagine being trapped inside that head.

if it were true that the knife -wielding scrotes aren’t scared of prison, that is not a reason to resile from the use of custody.
Indeed. And even if true, a more obvious conclusion is that the prospect of prison should therefore be made something to be feared, perhaps by changing the nature of what a stay there is like. There’s also the not inconsequential fact that stabby vermin find it much harder to maim and kill the law-abiding, including the cousins of TV weather presenters, when they’re bricked up in a dungeon.
[ Added: ]
It’s worth noting, again, that almost every poll taken suggests that a large majority of the public favours a much more punitive approach. A three-strikes-and-we-put-you-out-to-sea-on-a-fucking-raft law would, I suspect, be very popular. And less expensive.
This reminds me of the old saying “if everywhere you go you seem to be surrounded by assholes…”
A powerful moment (sic) and the aftermath.
Related, a St. Louis SJW group throws bail for a main arrested for beating his wife with consequences a few hours later no one could possibly have have foreseen.
Five years, sailing around the world, alone.
How many times do you suppose that chicken got choked?
[ Reports to the Scold-O-Matic for correction ]
Speaking of crime, if complex, slow-burning detective dramas are your thing, you may enjoy season five of Bosch on Amazon Prime. It’s keeping me entertained, as did the previous seasons.
A chicken in pants:
I have to wonder if the chicken lost all its rear feathers and it’s being kept warm.
Why people hate modern architects – exhibit A:
a moment of triumph
A further reminder of how and why one sympathizes with and is utterly unsurprised by what cats do instead.
a young miss who appears a tad picky,
If the price of chutzpah rises, she will be financially secure for life
a display of woke parenting;
“So powerful and brave” is, I believe, the expected response
Fukushima agricultural exports bounce back from nuclear disaster to hit record high

“Try our famous Fukushima talking tomatoes–they scream when you slice ’em!”
There’s also the not inconsequential fact that stabby vermin find it much harder to maim and kill the law-abiding, including the cousins of TV weather presenters, when they’re bricked up in a dungeon.
A bit in parallel, I’m reminded of Doonesbury, 79/3/8 . . .
Insipred by David’s cultural contributions, I offer a musical interlude.
You Can’t Take My Door.
One man and his chicken
That’s really clucked up.
For God’s sake, someone tell me what the hell happened to a nice suit, polished shoes, a fresh haircut, and splashing on a little after shave!?

How to Wear Makeup for Your Job Interview—Men’s Edition
Karen the axe thrower has some excellent reflexes.
On another note, my father was born and raised in Bad Axe, Michigan.
Top 50 racist things.
Wearing make up will soon become the secret handshake identifying you as a nontoxic male, safe to hire. Naming Michelle Obama as your role model will seal the deal. Job skill optional.
England’s first science fiction magazine.
Why people hate modern architects – exhibit A
Another woke jackass has suggested a minaret:
A minaret, from the Arabic word for “beacon,” is a tower commonly found on mosques and associated with Islamic religious architecture.
What he wants to build isn’t a minaret anyway. When a spire from a Christian church was repurposed as a minaret, it would be attached to the main building, because that’s where the Christians had built it. An Islamic minaret built as such is detached from the main mosque, or at the very least on its corner.
It is a concern that an architect doesn’t know basic details like that.
I wonder if he thinks the main mosque in Paris should have a Christian spire to commemorate all the French people killed by Islamic nutters in the last decade?
It is a concern that an architect doesn’t know basic details like that.
Yes, but I no longer expect architects to know anything, and assume until shown otherwise that they are (at best) amoral egomaniacs.
Those Muslim “no-go” zones that are a figment of fevered right-wing paranoia:
They’re just like normal people.
They’re just like normal people.
Imagine the brain-storming session that led up to that.
Nautical incident of note.
Also, consider evolution.
Have you read the Bosch books? If so, how do you think it compares?
Notre Dame, historical context:
They’re just like normal people.
They should have left her there.
They should have left her there.
That, or turned her into an art installation.
Is this sort of what things looked like after she was freed?
I can’t help thinking “gluing tits to the floor” sounds like something the Piranha brothers would do.
Have you read the Bosch books? If so, how do you think it compares?
No, so I can’t offer a comparison. Actually, I haven’t read a novel in almost two decades. They tend to have too much padding for my taste, as a rule.
Speaking of padding, Avengers: Endgame was a bit underwhelming. A reminder, unfortunately, of the importance of pacing.
Back in the day, when there was still a Northwest Airlines in the US, there was a sudden push to change all instances of “cockpit” in the ops manual to “flight deck”.
On account of cockpit is sexist and patriarchal and toxic and stuff.
Wrath of Gnon writes:

Harry Mount (from The Telegraph, May 17th 2013, and also in the book “How England Made the English”) recounts meeting a newly graduated Architect. I’ve had many similar conversations.
Why people hate modern architects – exhibit A:
The burning of Notre Dame was a disaster but a far far greater disaster would be allowing modern architects to desecrate it.
It would be…. impolitic to state my course of action regarding these plans, but let’s look to Vlad Tepes for the way forward.
John Bolton said that the United Nations (in New York) would be improved by removing the top 10 floors.
Pretty much every school of architecture would be improved by removing all floors.
Avengers: Endgame was a bit underwhelming.
It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great. It’s the problem with two-part cliffhangers – part two is never as good as the set-up.
‘A glass box’
So an Apple store, then.
It’s the problem with two-part cliffhangers – part two is never as good as the set-up.
Yes. If the cliff-hanger is very good, it’s difficult to deliver a pay-off that lives up to expectations.
Infinity War juggled the various characters, tones and plotlines with surprising efficiency and while keeping a sense of narrative momentum, which was quite a feat. Given the scale of the thing and number of elements that had to be positioned, the film had an unexpected economy. But Endgame is much more bloated and convoluted. It feels laboured, and occasionally boring. The pacing and structure aren’t strong enough, or economical enough, which costs the film dearly, robbing it of focus and urgency. It also feels very, very long. There are great moments, to be sure – lots of them – but overall, it’s an inferior film. It’s as ambitious as Infinity War, in its way, but not as successful.
Also, Brie Larson.
Also, Brie Larson.
Is there a betting market for Plank Larson picking up an Academy Award nomination for her cameo role?
Yes, it’s an eco-loon, but I couldn’t help cringing a little.
Have you read the Bosch books? If so, how do you think it compares?
I have read them and while some of the stories and details are different (in the books Bosch is a Vietnam Vet, a former tunnel rat) the character and tone of the stories has translated nicely from page to screen. I think Titus Welliver as Bosch is inspired … he’s so close to the person I see when I read there was no jarring moment of working at suspension of disbelief when viewing the series.
It probably helps that author Michael Connelly is exec producer of the show.
Is there a betting market for Plank Larson picking up an Academy Award nomination for her cameo role?
She really is quite charmless, whether acting or not. I doubt Marvel can build a franchise on her charisma.
Mr Muldoon’s contribution about 50 things being racist jolted me as early as number 45: Male Pattern Baldness.
This is the reason I will not now have a bevy of mirrors (approved collective noun) in each room in which I can casually observe my own white privilege — and therefore see my racism. In other words, when people ask ‘what’s your best side’ for photos I will never say ‘Top rear.’ I have no wish to be exposed asa racist.
Historical pondering: Why, after Pearl Harbor, did the Japanese not immediately invade the west coast of the States when they had all the advantages? Now, the following explanation for the lack of invasion may or may not be true, but if it is true, food for thought:
Why, after Pearl Harbor, did the Japanese not immediately invade the west coast of the States when they had all the advantages?
The point about Americans being armed aside, their advantage is overstated. The US Pacific Fleet still had three carriers, three battleships, most of the 20 cruisers, all of the 30+ submarines, and most of the assorted destroyers and other smaller ships.
“Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics”, as the saying goes, the Japanese still had another 2500 miles to go to get to California without Hawaii as a resupply/refit station while also supporting fighting in China, the Philippines, Indochina, Malaysia, and so on. If they had made it to California, they would also have encountered three infantry divisions, a number of regimental combat teams, and the 2nd and 4th US Army Air Forces. Under conventional school solution thinking at the time, in order successfully to invade, they would have needed to have moved, self supported, about 12 divisions, most of their carriers, and all the support craft, 5500 miles without loss.
They knew they didn’t have the men or materiel to pull this off – they may have been fanatical, but they weren’t completely stupid.
It’s the problem with two-part cliffhangers – part two is never as good as the set-up.
Actually, can anyone think of a big two-parter with a cliff-hanger, whether in film or TV, in which the second part, the resolution, lives up to the set-up and delivers on expectations?
Australian customs boldly protects the nation from the scourge of assault rifles.
The latex gloves are a nice touch, though.
“my father was born and raised in Bad Axe, Michigan.”
I love American place names.
“Is this sort of what things looked like after she was freed?”
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say, “No”.
“Another woke jackass has suggested a minaret”
You’re not averse to his other proposals?
“a memorial to the generations of peasants who were exploited to fund it, and the heretics murdered by its client”
“a monument to le gilet jaune inconnu, complete with a dayglow spire”
He’s pulling yer plonker, mate!
Thank you Farnsworth @ 13:56. Saved me the trouble. Japan’s purpose at Perl Harbor was to damage the US fleet to the degree that it would buy them enough time to complete their conquest of Asia. The Japanese actually saw themselves as saviors of the yellow man. Something that I really didn’t grasp until seeing it written on the wall at the Yasukini shrine in Tokyo in the clearest English I ever saw on a sign in Japan. I remember that moment well as it really opened my eyes to the BS that I was taught in school about Japan in WWII vs. the factual reality that my father had tried to teach me given his real world experiences.
…the BS that I was taught in school about Japan in WWII vs. the factual reality…
Yep, despite having near complete control of the SLOCs between Japan and Alaska, their inability to send enough men and materiel even to hold Attu and Kiska might have been a tipoff to the Imperial high command that invading the west coast was probably not a swell idea.
they may have been fanatical, but they weren’t completely stupid.
Yep. And to keep the US off kilter, they did send seven submarines to the West Coast in order to keep everyone in a state of hysteria. My dad was 14 at the time of “Battle of Los Angeles” and remembered the lights and anti-aircraft barrages vividly. Turns out they were firing at nothing but such was fear after the Japanese actually had shelled the coast near Santa Barbara the day before.
…in order to keep everyone in a state of hysteria.
Hollywood ! Hollywood ! Not having the disadvantage of being at extreme range without adequate resupply, the Germans, though whether they shelled the east coast is the subject of debate, were much, much better at attacking shipping off the coasts.
To be fair, however, the Japanese did kill six people in Oregon with balloon bombs.
hold Attu and Kiska….
…turns out they were firing at nothing…
My dad’s experience as a replacement on Attu and Kiska, when IJA had pulled out but this wasn’t known for sure was that a good amount of ammunition got fired into the sea thinking the Japs had regrouped and were attacking again.
As this is open thread…can anyone recommend a movie playing here in the US that is worth seeing? We’re not into the comic book stuff unless it’s Batman or Spiderman…or possibly Dead Pool, and I have a free ticket that is only good until the end of the month.
From the Evening Standard:
“Chef and author Nigella Lawson has an unusual talent: she can consume a whole jar of pickled eggs in one sitting. Popbitch reports that Lawson once won a £200 bet with the comedian Arthur Smith over how many eggs she could eat in a row. Lawson lost count but says she’s certain she polished off “more than 20”.”
You know David, I always wondered who the big-assed girl sitting in the booth-for-two in the corner was.
You’ve been remarkably quiet about some of the glitterati who hang about this place.
Nigella Lawson
The meaning of names can be very interesting.
Snorri, for instance, is an old Scandinavian name meaning something like “attack”–a good name for a Viking boy.
Ursula means “little bear”. Ursula
UndressAndress presumably misunderstood and thought it meand “little bare”.Nigella used to mean “we were expecting a girl”. Now it might mean “I want to be a girl.”
I wondered why I hadn’t seen the ravening pack of pickled “eggs” roaming the bar lately.
Nigella may be the pickled egg queen, but Sona-whoever has her beat on hump fat!
The meaning of names can be very interesting.
I notice you skirted past “Popbitch”. Odd? Perhaps. Or not.
I notice you skirted past “Popbitch”.
Oh look Dennis, there’s some lovely popbitch filth down here.
I notice you skirted past “Popbitch”.
Sheer lack of familiarity with the word. I nobly resisted the temptation to comment on something of which I knew nothing. (Looks down modestly.) Is it British?
Woke comic strips. It’s hard to describe quite how bad they are:
Woke comic strips.
Remember the awful educational comic strips from Everyday Feminism? (Who cares about punchlines! What you need is more Maoist self-criticism!)
Woke comic strips.
Not entirely unrelated.
It’s hard to describe quite how bad they are:
Well, there’s 30 minutes gone I’ll never get back. I just kept scrolling … like slowing down to gawk at a car wreck.
I got my latest blog post from a stray comment here by Farnsworth linking a newspaper article, so thanks, old chap!
…so thanks, old chap!
For you, on the house – one comment though, might need to asterisk Clementine Ford as the actress of that name is substantially easier on the eyes than the one to whom I believe you are referring…had me confused for a moment.
I had no idea there was an actress! And I was wondering whether my Australian readers knew who Laurie Penny was….
…I was wondering whether my Australian readers knew who Laurie Penny was…
I am pretty sure she has made an Antipodal ass of herself along with all the other continents except maybe Antarctica.