Today’s tip: Don’t let demented people take control of traffic.

Oh, there’s more

[ Added via the comments: ]

Note the protestors’ readiness to bark racial slurs at random people – “little white fucker” – while denouncing as “racist” anyone who would rather not submit to their street thuggery. It’s a strange mental dance, but typical of the type. And so, having surrounded a slowly moving car, hoping to menace and intimidate the elderly driver, and having hammered on the car with weapons that they just happened to be carrying, and having thrown themselves against the car, and having then bounced off, unharmed, and having then doxxed the driver, hoping to ruin his life… well, apparently, this is heroism of the highest order. A kind of super-woke sainthood.

We’ve been here before, of course.


For reasons as yet unknown, the videos, filmed by Brandon Farley, have disappeared from YouTube and Twitter.

Update 2:

The links in the main post now work again, in that they direct you to the missing footage on Mr Farley’s Twitter feed. Still waiting for the videos to reappear on YouTube.

Update 3:

Videos restored.

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