Friday Ephemera
Drink or soak? || Mystery solved. (h/t, Julia) || That’s not a zoom lens, this is a zoom lens. || Close enough. (h/t, Dicentra) || Old but gold. (h/t, Obo) || Hey, ladies, come get some. || Cosplay interruptus. (h/t, Damian) || His is bigger than yours. || Cardboard machines. || At last, space beer. || “Good evening, Stuttgart.” || Jelly Tetris. Well, I’d play. || Journalism is a proper job. || I repeat, journalism is a proper job. || The 93 penises of the Bayeux Tapestry. || We want plates, revisited. Includes meat on a clipboard and other horrors. || These old trousers are older than your old trousers. || Continue the research. || Now make fire. || And finally, via Dicentra, and quite understandably, he’s still haunted by it.
I can’t remember whether I got it from this blog, but the ‘Put it on a plate’ song is pretty epic.
I am not surprised that the world’s oldest, most raggedy pants were…made in China. 😄
David, that’s JellO Tetris. Jello blocks, to be specific. The recipe’s in my mom’s old Joy of Jello cookbook (which we don’t know the whereabouts of at the moment so anyone wanting the recipe will have to google, sorry).
Hey, ladies, come get some.
I just know when you say something like that, I need to sneak up on the link.
and you didn’t disappoint.
I just know when you say something like that, I need to sneak up on the link.
Setting aside the chap with the… condition, I think it was the missing shoe that made the whole thing classy.
So have you set a date yet?
Via Tim Newman, architectural snags:
architectural snags
I’m assuming it serves some crucial load-bearing function, as opposed to being a purely aesthetic random beam. You know, to impress visitors and endanger small children.
Cosplay interruptus.
Perfect. 🙂
Space beer. Because every astronaut wants chunks of space vomit floating around the capsule.
Because every astronaut wants chunks of space vomit floating around the capsule.
Could be worse: “Pieces of faecal matter free-floated around the command module for several minutes.”
Now make fire
I’d be happy if it just taught the human how to hold a camera!
A zoom lens that powerful, and they use it to ogle an air-conditioning unit? Sheesh.
I was hoping the ultrazoom would hone in on a window in the distant tower and show Trump and Putin colluding in flagrante. That, or Hillary in her tent nursing a PBR.
Apparently, they’ve created “something beautiful.”
Apparently, they’ve created “something beautiful.”
Rats in garbage.
Rats in garbage.
Yes, the verminous connotations don’t seem entirely inapt. And yet they imagine themselves our betters.
Another well reasoned argument.
A zoom lens that powerful, and they use it to ogle an air-conditioning unit?
One thousand frogskins for the thing, and no wind filter for the mic.
Alexa, how do you operate this mysterious device from the past ?
Cosplay interruptus.
No capes.
No capes.

Doctor Strange begs to differ.
I’m assuming it serves some crucial load-bearing function, as opposed to being a purely aesthetic random beam.
Seismic retrofitting.
A zoom lens that powerful, and they use it to ogle an air-conditioning unit? Sheesh.
One thousand frogskins for the thing, and no wind filter for the mic.
Exactly. I believe that was shot in Calcutta of all places? We already caught Bin Laden, right?
Socialism, baby.
“Jelly Tetris.”
Tetris with physics simulation.
“The 93 penises of the Bayeux Tapestry.”
Well, it was made by women.
“Apparently, they’ve created ‘something beautiful.’”
With walls and border guards. I thought they were against… oh, I’ve given up trying to understand Lefties.
“Socialism, baby.”
See what I mean?
Socialism, baby.
Crap. Too early in the day to start drinking?
Too early in the day to start drinking?
[ Slides bafflingly elaborate cocktail towards Darleen. ]
Too early in the day to start drinking?

Nothing for me, thanks. I’ll just have the lunch special:
If there was free access, someone would take extra and sell it under the table.
The lunch special is…is…what is that?
Transplaining, or how to explain something likely to become all too evident. What could possibly go wrong with being, ahem, upfront?
So, does that make her a lesbian? Or is it translesbian?
“his stick is bigger than yours”
Way way back, my alsation-mutt came into the backyard dragging, by one end, a ten foot long 4″x6″ timber.
From the look in his eyes, he knew. He had found the God Stick (as it was ever after known in my family).
Damn thing must have weighed 25 kilos.
My neighbor, who had placed it in the street gutter so he could get his boat trailer off the road, was not so thrilled.
Caitlyn is a trans-identified male, dating a female. He’s engaging in a heterosexual relationship regardless of the two sharing one wardrobe.
Socialism, baby.
One word: arbitrage
Oh, yeah. Like the law of supply and demand, I guess that won’t exist in The New World
Space Beer. Beer farts in your spacesuit. What a great idea!!
Caitlyn is a trans-identified male
You mean she hasn’t done the Big Snip?
Now that’s how you denounce white geometry.
You mean she hasn’t done the Big Snip?
The Big Snip was not a film in which the protagonist was played in the first half by Humphrey Bogart and in the last half by Lauren Bacall. #IStandCorrected
You call those trousers old? I saw a college student wearing something very like those walking in Oxford MS the other day. I think a factory in China churns them out by the gross.
“…Like the law of supply and demand, I guess that won’t exist in The New World….”
It’s all demand. No supply.
You mean she hasn’t done the Big Snip?
Irrelevant. The best he can attain is being a simulacrum.
Archeologists 1000 years in the future who test the dna from his skeleton will still label him “male” regardless of grave artifacts.
The lunch special is…is…what is that?
The pickled eggs got frisky.
Redneck boot sandals.
The film . . . was a major hit in Brazil, Russia, Germany, and Mexico.
Enviromentally conscious performance art.
Riposte of note.
I repeat, journalism is a proper job.
His (white) family must be proud.
His (white) family must be proud.
We’re now at the stage where expensively educated middle-class progressives assert their piety, and their imagined superiority, by making obnoxiously racist clickbait comments – for which, they expect to be applauded by other expensively educated middle-class progressives.