The Unsayable
Further to the first item here, on the academic taboo of affirming bourgeois values, Ben Weingarten interviews the woman at the heart of that particular storm, law professor Amy Wax:
Ben Weingarten: There was controversy over your first piece and maybe it’s in part because, while many of your critics would say that every culture is different and who are we to judge which one is superior… they would also say the bourgeois culture that you support is actually inferior and retrograde and regressive — something interesting, I think, in their position.
Amy Wax: Except that they exemplify many of the bourgeois values themselves. And as I point out to them – which only infuriates them more – they try to inculcate those values into their own children. I’m not sure why they do that if they think those values are worthless… They practice what they preach against in many instances.
The whole thing is worth a listen.
To get a sense of the pretension Professor Wax is describing – the laughable perversity of it – try to imagine some of those pretenders – say, tenured academics at Harvard and Yale – aping underclass chav culture in their own comfortable, middle-class homes, with their own comfortable, middle-class children. Apparently, we’re expected to believe that these Woke Denouncers Of Bourgeois Values would be thrilled by their own offspring being involved in burglary or getting pregnant at 15.
You almost have to admire the gall of these clowns.
I’m not sure why they do that if they think those values are worthless…
The short answer is that they wish to restrict the benefits of those values to only a select few. If the hoi polloi can rise up the socio-economic ladder by following the proverbial “few simple steps” then what’s the point of being at the top by virtue of the accident of one’s birth without merit or actual achievement. Better to keep the proles in their place so that they don’t monopolize the reservations at all the best restaurants.
To get a sense of the pretension Professor Wax is describing – the laughable perversity of it – try to imagine some of those pretenders – say, tenured academics at Harvard and Yale – aping chav culture in their own comfortable, middle-class homes, with their own comfortable, middle-class children. But apparently, we’re expected to believe that these Woke Denouncers Of Bourgeois Values would be thrilled by their own offspring being involved in burglary or getting pregnant at 15.
You almost have to admire the gall of these clowns.
many of your critics would say that every culture is different and who are we to judge which one is superior
Look at the results.
Look at the results.
Or the emigration numbers. Not a lot of Americans fleeing to Venezuela (alas).
It social mobility is to mean anything then there must be downward mobility as well as up. The middle class aren’t going to let that happen to their children, no matter what they claim about opportunities for all.
It’s cliche, but I’ve learned so much about society trying to raise my 2.5 year old. I always knew childhood development was important in the abstract, but HOLY FUCK is it a big deal having seen it in practice. I think there are two types of parents who disdain bourgeois values:
(1) The hippie types who strive to live a counter-cultural lifestyle and raise their children accordingly. These types can range from lovably eccentric to downright evil but at least they practice what they preach. Results vary.
(2) The “limousine lefties” who live bourgeois lifestyles thru and thru and – crucially – think that everyone else does. So when they see poverty and criminality they assume that bourgeois values simply failed to help those people, therefore the value system is inherently flawed (the same applies for their disdain of laissez-faire socioeconomic policy). The bigotry of low expectations blinds them to the fact that abandoning bourgeois values is something only the rich can afford to do (see: Penny, Laurie et al).
abandoning bourgeois values is something only the rich can afford to do (see: Penny, Laurie et al).
That, on roadside hoardings. And on busty ladies’ T-shirts.
Not a lot of Americans fleeing to Venezuela (alas).
I sure wish Sean Penn would flee there…
apparently, we’re expected to believe that these Woke Denouncers Of Bourgeois Values would be thrilled by their own offspring being involved in burglary or getting pregnant at 15
Theodore Dalrymple: “Never has so much indifference masqueraded as so much compassion”
Consent Morality as Social Neglect
“For example, how does one shift contexts from ostensibly apolitical ones to those that are explicitly political (assuming one’s mathematics teaching is contextualized at all)?” he asks.
That parenthetical packs quite a wallop. One struggles to understand how the area under the curve changes depending on the political context. Is there a function F(x) describing such effects?
A pregnancy at 15 is no big deal, they’ll just hustle Daddy’s princess off to the abortionist, as they did when she was 14 and will do when she’s 16. And it’s highly unlikely that her brother will ever have to worry about a burglary conviction. He’s a boy with a promising future; we wouldn’t want to ruin that over one mistake, or 10 mistakes, and anyway Dad has a friend who plays golf with the judge.
What liberals refuse to admit is that most Americans don’t have that financial shield. If you don’t have the $400 or so to kill the baby, as about half of Americans don’t, then you’ll have to have him. And the vast majority of us do not play golf with the judge. The farther down the ladder you are, the less you can afford to do something illegal.
I am absolutely certain this Eric “Rico” Gutstein fellow does not hold a degree in mathematics, but in Sociology, or some related rubbish subject.
(After an inordinate amount of time wasted trying to track this crackpot’s CV down, I am still at a loss. The UIC website refuses to open in any browser I have installed.)
Oh, hey! Success, it opened. PhD in Computer Sciences. Still a crackpot, though.
(After thinking about this, I believe “Rico” has been mentioned in these pages before.)
The farther down the ladder you are, the less you can afford to do something illegal.
Depends on the crime. Granted, for those with connections and such, and considerable wealth, this may be true. But for those in the middle-upper class without such connections or certain ones in the public eye, you know the ones with the “wrong” ideas, a minor crime is much more ruinous. A drunk in a bar or a punk on the street starts something with me and I retaliate, I’m quite certain I will pay a much bigger price, lose my job (because I actually have one), etc. And at the other end, I am 100% convinced, and I don’t say 100% lightly, that if I had been caught mishandling classified information the way Hillary was, especially if I had destroyed evidence the way she and her crinies did, I would be financially ruined and most likely doing some amout of prison time.
Help smash the bourgeoisie. Steal a Professor’s car today.
What Professor Gutstein(Champ’s link above) is attempting to do with his “Critical (there’s that word again) Mathematics,” leavened with “Social Justice” is to make sure his students are capable of ignoring all dispassionate, objective evidence which contradicts the progressive/leftist received wisdom. Thus, as with the Laurie Penny links mentioned above, statistical evidence that single motherhood is likely to lead to a life of poverty will be dismissed as part of some structural oppression and thus hidden from the rest of us so as not to infect our benighted minds.
And from the Dalrymple piece:
The intellectual’s struggle to deny the obvious is never more desperate than when reality is unpleasant and at variance with his preconceptions and when full acknowledgment of it would undermine the foundations of his intellectual worldview.
Professor Gutstein undoubtedly desires to provide a theoretical framework to do just that, so that the “intellectuals” do not have to suffer the cognitive dissonance they experience when the facts contradict their “feelz.”
I agree with you, WTP (and I know something about secrecy classifications). Any Federal employee who did what Hillary did would have lost his clearance and job, if he was lucky, and gone to prison if he wasn’t.
In all U. S. jurisdictions it’s a safe bet that defending yourself with a weapon will cost you AT LEAST $10K; if Big Brother doesn’t come after you the bad guy, or his survivors, will file a civil suit.
And people wonder why Americans are so grumpy.
abandoning bourgeois values is something only the rich can afford to do
“You’re a rich girl, and you’ve gone too far
‘Cause you know it don’t matter anyway
You can rely on the old man’s money
You can rely on the old man’s money…”
Big Brother doesn’t come after you the bad guy, or his survivors, will file a civil suit.
Or the media, as per George Zimmerman. It’s an absolute disgrace how we have let the mob and the media (BIRM) destroy that human being.
I think this is an example of the Swamp that Trump keeps talking about draining…
abandoning bourgeois values is something only the rich can afford to do (see: Penny, Laurie et al).
As noted many times, the anti-family, anti-capitalist, anti-bourgeois posturing favoured by Ms Penny and her ilk is much easier to indulge in if, like Laurie, you had a comfortable bourgeois upbringing, and spells at Wadham and Harvard, such that you can travel the world tweeting about how oppressed you are.
And I think this bit bears repeating:
Much as the faculty poseurs who find Mao-ling thuggery titillating would not fare terribly well if such ‘radical’ behaviour were the norm and brought to their own doorstep.
OT, in case you missed this, too good not to share.
in case you missed this, too good not to share.
I suspect the evening might drag a little.
Wow, that would be a fun date.
On the author of the intersectional dating piece:
“the future increasingly belongs to the small number of individuals who can, Obama-like, scrape together some biological claim to blackness without being weighed down by African-American cultural traits”
they try to inculcate those values into their own children. I’m not sure why they do that if they think those values are worthless… They practice [sic] what they preach against in many instances.
Relativism is self-refuting.
(Another t-shirt slogan, perhaps?)
Regarding Miss Witt (an inapt name, I think) she says this on the twitters:

Correct me if I am getting this wrong, but isn’t that precisely what she is doing ?
Meanwhile, if a DNA test indicates “North Africa”, does that make one a PoC ? Asking for a friend who is so pale as to be almost translucent and wants to know if wypipo are culturally appropriating
myhis carpets, or if there is generational pain from having been oppressed during the Third Punic War.Regarding Miss Witt (an inapt name, I think) she says this on the twitters
“I have dedicated my life to tilting at windmills.”
I’m paraphrasing, of course. But only just.
On the Intersectional Feminist First Date, question 4, “What are your thoughts about sex work?”
Answer: “Well, for the last twenty minutes, I’ve been regretting not going to the strip club, instead of what I’m doing now.”
On the Intersectional Feminist First Date, question 4…
I think the right answer is,” Why ? Are you charging by the act or the hour ?”
I would be more worried by why question 2 was asked before the sex worker question.
On the Intersectional Feminist First Date, question 4…
Date with intersectional feminist: an interior monologue.
Not so fast, Farnsworth. Your “friend,” was actually a part of colonizing group of Phoenicians who appropriated those carpets from the indigenous peoples to begin with. Not to mention the PETA-defying abuse those elephants suffered shagging their asses over the Alps several decades before that.
Although, now that I think about it, Hannibal grew up on the Iberian Peninsula. Perhaps your “friend” should play up the “migrating Hispanic” angle.
Alternate title for article: “These Are the Ten Questions I Plan to Ask If I Ever Have A Date:”
London Metro police are struggling for an answer.
Your “friend,” was actually a part of colonizing group of Phoenicians…
Yeah, but as all it says is “North Africa”,
Ihe could also be part Berber, who where oppressed by the Phoencians and the Romans, and the Arabs, and the Berbers were the original Moors, soIhe is probably triggered by Volkswagen (originally literally Wypipo Nazis!) culturally appropriating the name “Tuareg”.London Metro police are struggling for an answer.
Amazing. Of course the article has an accompanying photo of a Somali looking kid* arrested for suspicion of knife murder, “Police confirm deaths of Abdikarim Hassan, 17, and Sadiq Aadam, 20”.
I am guessing this is another imponderable mystery.
*No doubt rayciss comment based on having seen Somali kids in Somalia)
London Metro police are struggling for an answer.
Bourgeois values, clearly.
London Metro police are struggling for an answer.
Well, I think we can safely guess which heinous crimes the police will crack down on with earnest.
…”he” is probably triggered by Volkswagen (originally literally Wypipo Nazis!) culturally appropriating the name “Tuareg”.
Not to mention “fahrvergnügen” with the aforementioned elephants. (FWIW, I always thought the first sequel Son of Punic War was the best of the Punic War trilogy.)
aping chav culture in their own comfortable, middle-class homes, with their own comfortable, middle-class children
I do believe a link to the infamous “Tokyo Breakfast” is in order.
[ Muffled tittering. ]
I see your “Tokyo Breakfast” and raise you a banned Berlitz “Learn English” commercial/advert in Dutch. (Google it, as discretion prevents me from posting an actual link.)
Re: Lara Witt on Everyday Mentalism.
I don’t want to have to have laborious discussions where I have to prove to someone that white privilege or non-black privilege exists.
Non-black privilege? One for Asian SJWs to note – you are now on the wrong side of lunatic history, what with your law-abiding academic success and other vileness; you might as well be white. I guess it was bound to happen.
Ms Witt is not unattractive, but I don’t think I’d make it beyond question 1 before shouting: “Look! A badger!” and heading out through the nearest door/window/flimsy-looking wall.
Google it, as discretion prevents me from posting an actual link
[ Tittering intensifies. ]
“Tokyo Breakfast”
The chicken and waffles was a brilliant touch.
“They faced an “inability to ‘reform and re-envision’ a space founded on ‘white, cis feminism’ (read: white supremacy),” they say on their website.
And so, the era must end.”
So, even while they’re super-woke radical feminists, they are still white supremacists…go figure..
So, even while they’re super-woke radical feminists, they are still white supremacists
Clearly each of them has a duty to build a gulag and incarcerate themselves indefinitely.