Because It’s Too Bloody Hot
And I can’t think when it’s hot. Hence, yay, open thread. Feel free to share links of possible interest and then bicker about them. I’m assuming, by the way, that we’ve all checked this week’s pyramid of white supremacy, as last week’s pyramid of white supremacy may by now be out of date and insufficiently woke. And that simply wouldn’t do.
If all else fails, you can always poke through the reheated series and greatest hits.
I’m assuming, by the way, that we’ve all checked this week’s pyramid of white supremacy
Looks like academic standards are racist too.
Looks like academic standards are racist too.
Well, it does seem to rely heavily on contradictions, double standards and bizarre definitions. And so, if you’re pale-skinned and trying to understand a situation carefully, rather than jumping to conclusions, this is now proof of your complicity in “white supremacy,” and a prelude to lynching, genocide and lava falling from the sky. As is choosing not to allow demented leftist politics to take over your entire life, apparently.
Note too that, if white, you must simultaneously believe and not believe “people of colour,” depending on whether said person “of colour” conforms with a narrative of eternal victimhood. (If they do embrace said narrative, you must never, ever speak over them, even to correct a point of fact.) Likewise, you must embrace the role of unconditionally deferential white ally – say, by internalising the pyramid of white supremacy and all subsequent pyramids – while simultaneously denouncing “white saviour complex,” which also leads to lynching, genocide and lava falling from the sky.
You’d better turn over your paper. The test began five minutes ago.
As its an open thread, for those who missed it here’s an off topic comment I made recently:
Remember this story from last November?
Well, the market has spoken and you’d need to be an SJW not to laugh:
And they’re not alone, the University of Missouri has had to lay off staff after parents and their children declined the opportunity to put themselves in to massive debt to play SJW for four years, resulting in staff layoff’s.
Remember this story from last November?
Here’s a link for the Lindsay Shepherd story, mentioned above. For those who haven’t heard it, the audio recording of her ‘interview’ is quite a thing. If you’ve assumed that the “pyramid of white supremacy” must be some aberration or outlier, think again.
I think there should be a special medal struck for a chap who does to a conference on how socialism makes sense organised by the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty and tells them it doesn’t and will never work. The speech is paraphrased in two parts.
I’d love to see how it was received.
Tim Newman, here.
Speaking of the province of Ontario, note that they have recently elected prog antidote and Trumpalike in the form of Doug Ford (brother of somewhat well-known and now deceased drug aficionado ex-mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford). This is after some five years of leftist leadership which featured all the usual bonkers policies.
Hot? In England? I didn’t know that ever happened.
We’re supposed to be in the mid-90’s this weekend, humidity to match.
Hot? In England? I didn’t know that ever happened.
It doesn’t happen often, granted, so you can imagine the shock. And anything above 25° is like the surface of the Sun to a pale Brit. To this pale Brit, anyway.
@TomJ: Niemitz is a clever, articulate guy. He was on R4 talking about alternative healthcare provision systems, and came across well. Needless to say, his noting that other systems of medicine that weren’t the NHS had merits, and just maybe could teach us a thing or two was received sceptically by the other guests.
We’ll be at 21, w/ humidity percentage in the ‘90’s. On the other hand, even the very poor here usually have at least a window a/c, and I’m guessing that is not the case in chilly old England?
(Siberian reader: “Look at this, Olga! They are talking about air conditioning. What is this ‘air conditioning’?”
“I don’t know, Yuri. And what’s this about ‘hot weather’? How can weather be hot?”
“Another typically incoherent blog entry. I’m going to ask for a refund. In rubles!”)
A pair of posters from the Spanish Civil War although produced by opposing sides they find common ground.
I’m guessing that is not the case in chilly old England?
It’s not common in homes, no.
If anyone has trouble with comments getting snagged by the spam filter, email me and I’ll cajole the damn thing.
Offer to buy it a window a/c if it’ll release its hostages.
Something I’ve noticed about articles in which polyamorists tell their stories is they are all written by women.
lavishing in the flaccid attention of two or more omega males
[ Faints. ]
This one is, I think, an interesting clue of panic mounting among the intellectually superiors:®ion=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region
…this week’s pyramid of white supremacy…
I couldn’t help but to notice that the pinnacle of White Supremacy™ is genocide, so does that mean when PoCs such as the Khmer Rouge, the Tutsis, the Japanese in WWII, the various pre-Columbian Mesoamericans killing each other off, etc., etc., etc., were white supremacists ? Did they just become temporarily white ? Is there a white supremacy gyrus in the brain responsible ?
Meanwhile, we at 0731 have passed your hot, (but what is a comparatively nippy temperature here), might I suggest if you find yourself overheated that you repair to the veranda and have a henchlesbian fetch you a mint julep to cool off ? Works wonders here, particularly if there is a gentle breeze to waft the scent of magnolias.
“And I can’t think when it’s hot.”
Your name wouldn’t be Detritus, would it? 🙂
this week’s pyramid of white supremacy, as last week’s pyramid of white supremacy…
These insufferable people and their nonsensical pyramids can all go futter themselves.
I shall take my pale arse off the the correction booth forthwith, but I doubt any amount of reprogramming can help me make sense of that steaming pile of excrement.
“This week’s pyramid of white supremacy”
How long until the left starts building them with flat tops to accommodate sacrificial altars?
“It’s too darn hot,
It’s too darn hot.
I’d like to sup with my baby tonight,
Fulfill the cup with my baby tonight.
I’d like to sup with my baby tonight,
Fulfill the cup with my baby tonight,
But I ain’t up to my baby tonight,
Cause it’s too darn hot…”
—Cole Porter
The loveable left.
Cole Porter
There you go, classing the place up no end.
Remember this story from last November?
Some context: WLU is not a serious university to begin with. It’s not quite Brock University[1], but the University of Waterloo calls it “the high school down the road” for a reason. The current vogue in the US for Everyone Going To University has been the norm in Canada for decades; it’s much cheaper, for one (~$40,000CAD for a four-year honours degree), the universities are government funded to a much higher degree, and there’s copious government student aid available. All that means that there are some universities that operate on the basis of taking the students that couldn’t get in anywhere else, and WLU is one of them. The admission cutoff for WLU is usually about 60% – if you graduated high school, you’re in.
While some people in Canada are shocked by this story, that’s largely because Shepherd is young and pretty; “oh, how could you ever be so mean to the poor waif”. Absent that, the sentiment is “it’s WLU, what did you expect; they’re not a real university anyway”
The drop in enrollment isn’t going to matter as much as the article makes it seem, either; the Waterloo area has been going through a massive boom in university enrollment anyway for the last decade, to the point that much of the area around the universities is now filled with recently-built private, multi-story student dorms. Within the last decade, both WLU and U(W) have exhausted all their available campus space for building and expanded into additional properties, including satellite campuses. A 12.5% dip may sound like a lot, but compared to the near doubling of the student cohort over the last 5-10 years, it’s a temporary blip.
[1] “If you can walk and talk, you can go to Brock”[2]
[2] Brock produces the majority of B.Ed graduates in Ontario
Ungainly, irascible populist leader observes original structural principles, explodes modern rightist taxation fallacy:
Hot? In England? I didn’t know that ever happened.
My outdoor sensor on a north facing wall is registering 29C, the north facing kitchen is 30C. Despite all the doors and windows being open the digital thermometer in the conservatory has given up the ghost. The cat’s nowhere to be seen, I suspect he’s found a cool place somewhere.
I’m off to the gym to cool down, assuming their air con hasn’t died.
I’m off to the gym to cool down, assuming their air con hasn’t died.
I’m looking forward to a short, fiercely air-conditioned ride into town, where, I’ve just realised, we’ll be dining on hot and spicy Japanese food. It seemed like a good idea when we arranged it, just before the Sun went supernova.
Today’s words are educator of tomorrow.
There you go, classing the place up no end.
Bit of trivia: that song has nothing to do with the rest of the musical, and was written solely for performing in front of the curtain during a lengthy set-change between acts. When it came time to make the movie, they realized there was nowhere for it to go, and so they wrote a scene where Cole Porter and Fred Graham lampshade the fact by lamenting that the number doesn’t fit anywhere, and Ann Miller performs the number out of protest.
I’m guessing that is not the case in chilly old England?
This is not a country with extreme but consistent weather, so I can pretty much predict what would happen were anyone to be so rash as to buy a temporary/portable air con unit to cool the bedroom down and thus enable sleep.
Here’s the anecdotal evidence:
The Bastion Of Oik is a former farmhouse which sits about 250 yards away from the main road on the outskirts of an unremarkable West Cheshire town. The road is accessed by a single track lane, part tarmac, part gravel, which runs between two meadows. I have the sole responsibility for upkeep. We don’t ever have hard, long or harsh winters here- the region is noted for its uncommonly clement weather. The winter of 2009/2010 proved to be something of an exception and basically our lives took on a Sisyphean dimension as Mrs. Oik and I struggled daily to keep the lane sufficiently clear of snow so that we could get out occasionally in our car and go shopping for food.
When the next winter was approaching, I was ready. Some years before a friend had invented a “power barrow”, a small petrol powered dump truck which featured four wheel drive for steep terrain, and I had bought one of the prototypes. After 2010, he drew up and had manufactured a snowplough attachment and I ordered one, and also in the autumn took delivery of two tonnes of rock salt.
My friend came around to deliver and fit the plough to the dumper and I gave him a hand. It was three days before Christmas 2010, the sun was shining and it wasn’t cold at all, the temperature hitting 13C as we toiled away in our tee shirts before enjoying a cold beer once the task was accomplished.
In February 2011 we removed the still-unused snowplough, and now it sits forlornly in a corner of the barn upon the unopened bags of rock salt, waiting for a winter that will probably never come.
Bit of trivia: that song has nothing to do with the rest of the musical, and was written solely for performing in front of the curtain during a lengthy set-change between acts.
This place gets classier by the minute. I may have to dust.
This one is, I think, an interesting clue of panic mounting among the intellectually superiors:
An infuriating read. And, of course, all of the “ignorant” (according to the writer) are conveniently of only one viewpoint. Quelle surprise.
Here’s David Starkey on the subject of the origin of the vapidity of “performance art”:
“Bit of trivia”
Very interesting. Thanks!
Speaking of pyramids: Apparently, building a pyramid of the skulls of the victims of human sacrifice is totally cool. (at least when the builders aren’t vile, imperialist, white people)
I’ll send in my planning application tomorrow.
The speech is paraphrased in two parts.
The first comment, quite the rant. There has never been in history a capitalist economy that did not succumb to corruption and exploitation. Yes. Never been. Unlike the socialists. Meshes with the new (to me anyway) line that Cuba, NK, old USSR were really capitalist countries, and thus their failures. Sigh…It’s all so absurd.
Hot? In the 90’s here with high humidity (which showed up early this year) that we can pretty much expect to be the rule through September. I’m cryin’ for ya. Which leads to one of my peeves. I don’t hold any special animosity toward the metric system per se. All fine and useful when measuring stuff that needs to be subdivided and multiplied, etc. for whatever purposes. But I can’t for the life of me understand why Celsius is so quasi-universal. Who cares what the temperature outside is relative to the boiling point of water? To satisfy some sort of hoity-toity universalism? Why not use Kelvin then? The good Mr. Fahrenheit created a very useful, nearly twice as granular scale. Zero, very, very cold. 100, very, very hot. Water freezes 1/3 down the scale, room temperature another 1/3 dow, with some adjustments for early 18th century equipment inaccuracies. Harumph…
Right, off to feast. Play nicely.
I shall endeavour not to sweat.
@Bloke in North Dorset (at 08:18)
Lindsay Shepherd is suing Laurier and one of her inquisitors for C$3.6M. Jordan Peterson has retained the same lawyer and is suing for defamation to the tune of C$1.5M.
(Sorry if this topic has been covered here before.)
In February 2011 we removed the still-unused snowplough, and now it sits forlornly in a corner of the barn upon the unopened bags of rock salt, waiting for a winter that will probably never come.
This is why you get snow-removal equipment which servers other functions. Something like a flame-thrower. Removes snow, weeds, old leaves, and unwanted guests!
Re: “hot”. Yeah, I’m with WTP (Winnie The Pooh?) on this one. Currently 91F here in balmy South East Texas. 77F/25C is colder than I keep my house (with my nice, big, central A/C system).
The news yesterday was that the American Library Association has removed the name of Laura Ingalls Wilder from their children’s book award, changing it to a title undefiled by the horrid racism so notable in the Little House series. It is now called The Children’s Literature Legacy Award.
This announcement was greeted with cheers at the Association meeting last weekend. Virtue prevails! Hosannah!
At least they are not stripping the books off the shelves.
WTP – What The Ph…or William Tecumseh Peabody (i.e. not to be confused with his boy Sherman)…or some other convoluted thought that wizzed through my partially inebriated brain about 10 years ago.
@WTP: thanks for the clarification. I’d always wondered.
Vegan dogs.
Guardian, natch.
I’d always wondered.
Yes…I used to run a blog back then called Sherman’s Cowlick. Only about four people ever read it. Not that I put much effort into promoting it. Hence only about four people. None that I knew in meat space. My wife never even knew about it, I don’t think. I know we never discussed much of what I wrote on it. Plus I burned out on it after about a year. It’s kinda written in engineerglish.
This evening I discovered white chocolate ginger cheesecake with chili toffee ginger sauce.
Just sayin’
Found at American Digest:

“Typically consumed raw, it’s chewy, salty, and surprisingly sweet.”
Jordan Peterson on legitimate force.
The first comment, quite the rant. There has never been in history a capitalist economy that did not succumb to corruption and exploitation. Yes. Never been. Unlike the socialists. Meshes with the new (to me anyway) line that Cuba, NK, old USSR were really capitalist countries, and thus their failures. Sigh…It’s all so absurd.
Absurd is that it’s true: The ostensible right is to blindness and capitalism what the left is to blindness and collectivism.
Unless you make two distinctions – that the problem is both philosophical while the outcomes are judged by their pragmatic effects – the partisan takes on both systems are equally false. Whataboutism does not apply.
Both work when man is pure and neither when he’s not: If you want to debate the nature of force and its relative (il)legitimacy in collectivism, then you admit it is in inherent failure before it begins. The exact same argument applies to capitalism, however.
When You So Woke, You Asleep”
Is it a good omen if even the BBC is making fun of this?
Ann Miller performs the number out of protest.
Just the sort of protest I like to see.
I just wrote to my uncle (my aunt’s from Korea) to see if he’s tried those fish. Will report back.
Xkcd, of course, covered that issue.
From memory:
Kelvin: 0 ? Dead. 100? Dead.
Celsius: 0? Cold. 100? Dead.
Fahrenheit: 0? Very cold. 100? Very hot.
Step aside, you lowlies, feminist science coming through.
This one is, I think, an interesting clue of panic mounting among the intellectually superiors
I see that in order for Dr Van Norden to assemble his argument, such as it is, he begs questions, misquotes his opponents to the point of parody, appears proudly ignorant of widely available data, and conflates the encouragement of a thing with its active suppression. Not an ideal performance by a professor of philosophy. Especially one whose authoritarian fantasies are ultimately based on his own pretence of rigour and intellectual superiority.
I mean, when you find yourself appealing to the alleged wisdom of Herbert Marcuse, for God’s sake, alarm bells should be ringing. Or circus clown music.
@Posted by: Pst314
“Is that the Cole Porter who wrote ‘Kiss me, Kate’?”
“Alas, no, this is the Cole Porter who wrote ‘Anything Goes'”.
“Oh! They’re the same one!”
From one of the better Flying Circus episodes.
“the alleged wisdom of Herbert Marcuse”
While reading it, that was the eye-widening moment I tossed the article into the recycling bin.
While reading it, that was the eye-widening moment I tossed the article into the recycling bin.
Marcuse’s position, which seems very much in fashion among Mao-lings and the academic left, was basically a license for the most ludicrous vanity. To paraphrase the root message: “Being leftwing, I am persecuted but brave, indeed heroic, and am always and forever right. I do not need to listen to my opponents because no one will ever show me to be wrong, about anything, ever. Especially if I force them into cowering silence with threats of mob coercion and physical intimidation.”
If you were able to subtract self-flattery from leftism, along with titillating thoughts of thuggery, the whole thing would deflate catastrophically, like a mistreated soufflé.
…feminist science coming through…
University of Zambia: “Hold my katata…”
when you find yourself appealing to the alleged wisdom of Herbert Marcuse, for God’s sake, alarm bells should be ringing. Or circus clown music.
That. 😀
University of Zambia: “Hold my katata…”
I can’t tell if the article is sarcasm or the comments on the article are sarcasm or both or neither. Grip on reality is slowly loosening.
That. 😀
And yet here we are with self-styled intellectuals in effect saying, “I’ve thought of everything already and have nothing more to learn.” And we see discussion, civility and reciprocation dismissed as personal complicity in some ill-defined oppression. And self-imagined intellectuals announcing, quite proudly, that they don’t have to substantiate their assertions to anyone outside of their self-defined “marginalised communities” because, er, power dynamics.
It’s a recipe for smug morony. And look at the creatures it attracts.
It’s a recipe for smug morony. And look at the creatures it attracts.
i”m not so much concerned about the creatures it attracts as the creatures it creates/converts. These “morons” are on a roll. Their idiocy is spread far and wide. This isn’t something as self contained as say, Scientology or some such. I hear some of this crap over the wall from my high-tech co-workers. Such people have money (for now) and power (for now) and have a tremendous capacity to do a whole lot of damage before the s*house caves in on them, taking many of us with them.
Update: uncle has not tried the penis fish. I told him to live a little & report back.
I can’t tell if the article is sarcasm or the comments on the article are sarcasm or both or neither.
As we take a trip down memory lane, I fear it is not sarcasm.
Of course, not taking it seriously means you are a white devil (even if you are not) and need to have lightning thrown at you.
“Is that the Cole Porter who wrote ‘Kiss me, Kate’?”
“Alas, no, this is the Cole Porter who wrote ‘Anything Goes'”.
Any moment now the Dirty Vicar will walk into David’s fine establishment.
so does that mean when PoCs such as the Khmer Rouge, the Tutsis, the Japanese in WWII, the various pre-Columbian Mesoamericans killing each other off, etc., etc., etc., were white supremacists ?
No, they’re just cultural appropriators…
Woke civility.
According to Mr Klion, if anyone to the right of him politically, including Claire Lehmann and Jordan Peterson, notices an increase in threats and deranged behaviour coming from the left, and suggests that such threats and behaviour reflect badly on those indulging in them, then the people noticing this are merely being “triggered.”
Mr Klion imagines himself as part of an “insurgent” movement and is now frantically blocking anyone to the right of him politically.
As Glenn Reynolds says, “The Left is taking things well”
Perhaps it was an underprivileged youth, the sort of whom Laurie approves of rioting?
Perhaps it was an underprivileged youth,
But Laurie has assured us, repeatedly, that opportunist theft – of trainers, phones, laptops and such – is a sign of “desperation” and “a political statement.” A statement she favours. Are they only “dickheads” when they steal from her?
I’m so confused.
The Left is taking things well
The Twitter page only half-ass loaded for me, so I didn’t see any user portraits. It wasn’t until I read the “Good god man…” response that I realized it was “Elie” and not “Ellie”.
Perhaps it was an underprivileged youth,
A post of its own, I think.
One notes that the bottom of this week’s pyramid includes “Prioritizing Intentions Over Impacts,” which has to be in the running for most self-unaware pronouncement of the week.
I guess that “impacts” affecting the feelz of a brave and strong protected class are totes important, while “impacts” affecting the livelihood of millions of workers don’t count. Because “those aren’t real impacts” or something.
Note this later post by ElieNYC:
“What can we do to stop this? *Legally* nothing. Not a damn thing. The bad guys won. THEY’VE WON EVERY DAY SINCE SCALIA DIED. And if *legally* is your boundary, then you are of no more fucking use here.”
“Woke civility”
From the Grauniad:
“David Klion
David Klion is a freelance writer in Brooklyn and a former editor for Al Jazeera America and World Politics Review. He has a master’s degree in Soviet history from the University of Chicago and has lived and worked in Russia.”
And he pines for the Soviet Union, no doubt.