Friday Ephemera
An interesting approach. || A notable misunderstanding of how a chair works. || That time it rained meat. Lung tissue, specifically. || When obnoxious mediocrities get a taste for power. || Pizza delivery of note. (h/t, Obo) || The eternal struggle. (h/t, Julia) || Einstein’s flying car, 1931. || Consequences. || Stems. || What’s that smell? || Space without the space. || Stumbling on the Moon. || An interactive gulag map. || Best not to, I think. || 6,000 years of history, 1858. || How they see themselves. || Hardcore dude. || Commodity City. || “You cannot go round a corner in fourth.” || Foxes. || Fallout. || Life is unfair. || And finally, your time here is finite: “If you’re in your last 10% of time with someone you love, keep that fact in the front of your mind when you’re with them.”
Who exactly was filiming that woman attempting to get out of the chair?
>The Evergreen State College in Washington is preparing for a nearly-$6 million budget cut to compensate for an expected 20% decrease in enrollment next year.
Amazed it was only a 20% reduction.
Finnish foxes have a lot more white than midwestern U.S. foxes.
About 30 years ago I saw a fox that was black where a normal fox was red. (Gray foxes can be pretty dark, but this was a member of the red-fox species.). Ever since the invention of cell phones I’ve been hoping to see another one and get a picture.
Israel Folau, perhaps the best rugby union player on the planet, recently tweeted that homosexuals would go to hell if they do not repent. As a devout Christian, he is only going according to what the Bible says. Hasn’t stopped the perpetually outraged from piling on, with sponsors taking back his Land Rover and the head of Qantas, major sponsor of the Wallabies considering pulling their cash. Not surprising considering the CEO of Qantas is gay himself. Now we have Ms Catherine McGregor opining. Not sure if this is a swipe or more an article about herself but it is something to behold.
‘While not a theologian, I am an unabashed believer in God. I pray. My formal religious affiliation is tenuous. Though raised a Catholic, I abandoned my faith within two years of leaving school to become an angry atheist. I ultimately returned to my original faith after a long battle with drugs and alcohol.’
The Bullshitization of Academic Life.
The author identifies the problem quite well, but then immediately goes off the rails when it comes to a proposed solution.
Walking back to your place
Stumblin’ on the moon
Ok, just me then.
An interesting approach.
Oh, bloody, utter, buggered hell.
“That time it rained meat. Lung tissue, specifically.”
Eew. That took a surprisingly disgusting turn, even for a bit specifically marked as being about the time it rained lung tissue.
“When obnoxious mediocrities get a taste for power.”
When obnoxious mediocrities meet, you mean. B… but Sturgeon’s a sort of Lefty Gary Johnson! (The more I look at that chart the more bizarre it appears. Teresa May is more authoritarian than Mao and Castro, apparently. It must be all those political opponents she locked up in labour camps.)
“How they see themselves.”
And more evidence that they don’t actually know what they’re championing.
Meh. I didn’t see a single vault or supermutant. This is going to be like The Avengers, isn’t it? I watched that whole movie, and there isn’t even a mention of Steed or Mrs. Peel. And don’t get me started on Hancock. Charlize Theron doesn’t look the least bit like Hattie Jacques.
A notable misunderstanding of how a chair works.
. . . . and that after somehow first getting into that chair . . .
recently tweeted that homosexuals would go to hell if they do not repent. As a devout Christian, he is only going according to what the Bible says. Hasn’t stopped the perpetually outraged from piling on,
I don’t get that sort of stuff on two levels. According to the theory, anyone who doesn’t repent of any sin is going to hell, gayness or otherwise. And according to theory, pride and wrath are sins so…? But on the other side, if one doesn’t believe in God at all or one doesn’t believe in a similar manner to the one telling you that you are going to hell, why should you care?
As a devout Christian, he is only going according to what the Bible says. Hasn’t stopped the perpetually outraged from piling on
Listening to Dennis Prager earlier this week addressing the outrage du jure from the Very Offended People on how ever could there be CHRISTIAN ministers at the US Embassy in Jerusalem because ::::gasp:::: they believe all non-Christians are destined to hell..
Dennis said it didn’t bother him at all … as a devout Jew, he doesn’t argue theology, he argues behavior. And he doesn’t give a second thought to where a Christian believes he will be after death, he just cares on how a Christian treats him when he’s alive.
I believes this calls for at least a 20% tip.
I believes this calls for at least a 20% tip.
Fresh meat. 🙂
Morning, all.
The author identifies the problem quite well, but then immediately goes off the rails when it comes to a proposed solution.
As the author in question is David Graeber, mentioned here, I think we can assume that the conclusion – free money now! – was arrived at well in advance and regardless of any practical details.
And more evidence that they don’t actually know what they’re championing.
The political affectations of wokelings often sound about as deep and considered as their fashion choices – it’s another pose, another costume to be seen in. And it’s curious how often these hefty, purple-haired, omni-tattooed beings, the ones who disdain “patriarchal” beauty standards, also have cartoon avatars in which they appear prettier and thinner.
I suspect there’s some sort of parallel.
I do find it amusing that every single Mission: Impossible movie is a different genre of spy film, and yet none of them are actually Mission: Impossible.
Ok, just me then.
I promise it wasn’t.
An unquenchable thirst.
Via Damian.
Meanwhile, in the Guardian.
Via Obnoxio.
Ah, the jewel that is London.
Fresh Meat
In case you didn’t know.
I do find it amusing that every single Mission: Impossible movie is a different genre of spy film, and yet none of them are actually Mission: Impossible.
I’m not a huge fan of the series and don’t generally rush to the cinema when they appear. I did enjoy Ghost Protocol, though I sometimes struggle to remember what happened in which film.
That’s the creepiest-looking comic character I’ve ever seen, but the strip was funny.
Hey! The only other person on earth who has seen, or at least admits to having seen, “Dreams.” Hal, let’s form the world’s smallest fan club!
I only remember 3 things about that movie:
—the fox wedding
—the creepy giant mutant flowers
—thinking “Well, it had to happen, but it’s still a damn shame Kurosawa finally started believing his own publicity.”
Ah, the jewel that is London.
The suburbs of Vancouver, “Here, hold my coffee”.
This is what happens when head office decides to remove the suggestion boxes from retail establishments, I guess.
(And I find it sophomorically amusing that Farnsworth’s link is from LiveLeak because that’s also sort of what’s happening in the video)
Ah, the jewel that is London.
Someone in the comments suggested the perpetrator looked like Diane Abbott
I hate to link to these guys but good news everyone, the female unibrow is back !
Iranian, was she ? At least the Iranians have come to their senses about this, though I am sure Miss Kesa of Vice is chagrined her brows are paired and betraying, “…a small, dedicated group of eyebrow activists”.
A notable misunderstanding of how a chair works.
Chairs are hard.
Chairs are hard.
In fairness, it is one those Escheresque four-dimensional chairs.
Meanwhile at The Guardian, today’s exciting episode of “Things That Never Happened…
a) “The scene could have taken place anywhere in America.” – Really ? Leftist bastions included ?
b) I spend a lot of time in various parts of Mississippi, from cities like Jackson (blue) to tiny spots like Water Valley (red), and “The Heat of the Night” days are long gone, mixed race couples, groups, and gatherings are common and accepted all over.
c) Not to worry – the kid is only four, when is is eight he will become Woke™ and ask, “Daddy, why did you try to teach me to be a racist ?”.
The pathology of these bozos that they have to make up this crap is stunning.
Billie Holiday sings the Oscar Mayer jingle.
This will probably be taken down by YouTube because it is funny, but as it was done by a Person of Pallor, it is no doubt racist, or something.
Meanwhile, in Canada:
I think this is what’s called intersectionality. On the bright side, this also happened in Canada –
The lady went full chimpanzee.
“The Heat of the Night” days are long gone, mixed race couples, groups, and gatherings are common and accepted all over.
And it’s curious how often these hefty, purple-haired, omni-tattooed beings, the ones who disdain “patriarchal” beauty standards, also have cartoon avatars in which they appear prettier and thinner.
I remember seeing a graphic of the ultra-woke feminists of Gamergate pictured in real life alongside their computer-generated renditions of themselves. It was a hoot.
I remember seeing a graphic of the ultra-woke feminists of Gamergate pictured in real life alongside their computer-generated renditions of themselves. It was a hoot.
Yes, Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu, Carolyn Petit, Randi Harper et al have all had absurdly flattering avatars that bore little relation to their actual appearance, and certainly not their dispositions. In each case, the avatar was much prettier, much thinner, and possessed of precisely the aesthetic attributes that they claim to despise.
“The Heat of the Night” days are long gone, mixed race couples, groups, and gatherings are common and accepted all over.
These people have no “knowledge” of the world outside their bubbles beyond caricatures they’ve seen on television. You’d think they’d read an article by Salena Zito occasionally, but I suppose that requires too much effort.
His last words: “Well, since you asked, honey, I don’t think blue lipstick is good with blonde—“
Speaking of eyebrows, there’s a site of celebrities with eyebrows photoshopped out. For most, the effect is so so, but for some reason, Anne Hathaway without eyebrows looks really weird.
I was vaguely aware of Gamergate, and Brianna Wu stuck in my mind since he was clearly neither a “Brianna” nor a “Wu” (unless he married someone named Wu). Anyway he looks like he has given up on the female hormones since the Gamergate picture I saw of him.
Gamergate must have been their 15 minutes of fame, I haven’t seen news of any of them since then. Then again, none of them would be likely to turn up in the type of news story that would catch my eye.
MY avatar, should I ever learn how to make one, will probably make Amazon decide I’m Hindu rather than black, as it will have 8 arms representing the 8 or 10 things I am being usually being asked to do at once. My employer values “multitasking.”
For the record, I am not now nor have I ever been black, but Amazon has decided I am.
Because someone’s got to do it.
Anne Hathaway without eyebrows looks really weird.
Weird? Understatement!
I’m keeping the bedside light on tonight…
In film news.
It was Friday night, 22 February 2015.
No it wasn’t.
No it wasn’t.
[ Slides drinks voucher along bar. ]
…I haven’t seen news of any of them since then.
You can catch up here, Mr. Wu is running for congress. No, seriously. Not to be outdone, in case you missed it, the artist formerly known as Bradley Manning, AKA USDB Inmate Manning, has thrown his hat in the ring for senate.
Re “Meanwhile, in Canada” … the most delightful aspect of that contretemps — even beyond the fact that the Canadian Human Rights Commission is being set up to decide whether or not transgender females have an enforceable human right to Brazilian Wax jobs — is that they are going to come up hard against a fascinating example of Victim Poker. Because the spa complained-against ONLY denied the transgender complainant the demanded Brazilian because their male waxer was on leave and their female employee is a hardcore Muslima who refuses, on grounds of religion, any contact with male tissue. The Commission, I posit, will have to offend — mightily — at least one protected group; I have to say, if I were the Commission I’d go with ruling against the victim class historically less prone to reactive violence, but being the HRC, who knows?
“No it wasn’t.” Ah, the W.S. Gilbert trap…awkward.
Because someone’s got to do it.
My two favorites for describing UK political press commentary and analysis.
. . . is that they are going to come up hard against a fascinating example of Victim Poker. . .
There is actually a reference that may help with the poker playing.
“Why women live longer than men”
Because women won’t climb the roof nor operate a chainsaw? =)
. . . but it’s still a damn shame Kurosawa finally started believing his own publicity.
Ehn, not really.
Kurosawa was a painter, where he painted Kagemusha and Ran, and then literally drew from his own dreams to make Dreams.
After some googling, I’d say the Massachusetts incumbent is safe.
Black man reacts to white man culturally appropriating another black man.
NSFW for language.
Black man reacts to white man culturally appropriating another black man.
“If you aren’t moist right now I don’t know what’s going on in your life.”
Hilarious and of course St. SRV is always a good listen.
Oh, just one or two layers of occurrences might be going on here . . . . mebbe . . .
Seen at Ace’s – someone really didn’t think the Prince Harry one through…
The cute avatar/grotesque reality sub-thread reminded me of the following. Don’t know whether it’s been mentioned hereabouts or not.
“When obnoxious mediocrities meet, you mean. B… but Sturgeon’s a sort of Lefty Gary Johnson! (The more I look at that chart the more bizarre it appears. Teresa May is more authoritarian than Mao and Castro, apparently. It must be all those political opponents she locked up in labour camps.)“
That chart is pure lefty projection. For all that Theresa is one of the more authoritarian of the recent Prime Ministers (because she isn’t conservative enough to reject lefty populism as the drivel it so obviously is. And the years of drinking the water in Marsham Street – which aggressively destroys liberal brain cells), that libertarian/ authoritarian axis is horribly incompetent.
“Because women won’t climb the roof while operating a chainsaw? =)”
Fixed that for you.
Wu is running for congress.
I suppose it might result in fewer of those ugly, godawful games that no-one wants to play.
Eleanor Penny, by the way, is not only an editor for Red Pepper, but also a senior editor for Novara Media
Happy Royal Wedding Day all!
What’s this? Bar bill? [reads] You mean you charge for those pickled eggs?
I’ll just leave this here while I go to the cash machine.
Happy Royal Wedding Day
Ah yes, the Jeremy Corbyn supporting Novara Media. Kinder, gentler politics indeed.
I’ll just leave this here while I go to the cash machine.
[ Phone pings. ]
Bless you sir. May hedge trimmers never disturb your crafty afternoon nap.
I am at a bit of a loss trying to come up with a real reason why this would be needed by any sane person, though I may have just answered my own question.
Kinder, gentler politics indeed.
Remind me: Didn’t the French Revolution end with most of the major revolutionary protagonists turning on one another in an orgy of executions, ultimately opening the door to Napoleon’s dictatorship, decades of total war across continental Europe, and a template for modern Fascism?
Perhaps Penny junior was letting on far more than she intended … out of the mouths of morons, and all that …
May hedge trimmers never disturb your crafty afternoon nap.
Why thank you, sir.
Remind me: Didn’t the French Revolution end with most of the major revolutionary protagonists turning on one another in an orgy of executions?
Indeed. All revolutions eat their own. Eleanor Penny ought to be a little more careful about what she wishes for.
P.S. Thank you David for fixing my little italics screw-up earlier. I’d have done it myself, but unfortunately my computer crashed on me.
P.S. Thank you David for fixing my little italics screw-up earlier.
And you’ll notice that I did it quietly, in the background, without even drawing attention to how fabulous I am as a host.
Indeed. *Quietly raises a glass and makes a toast to your fabulous modesty*
The glorious mainstream media, gatekeepers of truth.
“You can catch up here, Mr. Wu is running for congress. No, seriously. Not to be outdone, in case you missed it, the artist formerly known as Bradley Manning, AKA USDB Inmate Manning, has thrown his hat in the ring for senate.”
What was PJ O’Rourke’s definition of politics again? “The pursuit of wealth and power without merit”?
“Didn’t the French Revolution end with most of the major revolutionary protagonists turning on one another in an orgy of executions, ultimately opening the door to Napoleon’s dictatorship, decades of total war across continental Europe, and a template for modern Fascism?”
And it’s not as if we haven’t tried that kind of thing ourselves. Didn’t go so well.
Anyhoo, apropos of nothing other than I stumbled across it last night and it seems oddly appropriate on a Royal Wedding day, a little vexilogical* humour (that’s flag jokes to you).
*Vexilological? Sounds right, looks wrong.
Tried to spot you in the buffet line at the wedding après-party. What sort of a hat were you wearing?
Although to be fair, I was stuck with the other Americans attempting to stab cocktail weenies in BBQ sauce with toothpicks from a Crockpot and drinking Old Style keg beer from red Solo cups. We all wound up hanging out in the kitchen.
Tried to spot you in the buffet line at the wedding après-party.
I had a bout of insomnia and slept through the whole thing.
—Albeit I did have one bit of curiosity, wondering who was going to be the designated cartwheel turner this time around . . .
Brianna Wu thinks private companies shouldn’t be allowed to colonise the moon, because they could cause devastation by dropping rocks onto the earth.
…because they could cause devastation by dropping rocks onto the earth.
Excellent, he’ll fit right in with Hank “My fear is…[Guam]…will tip over an capsize” Johnson.
Never let it be said that the U.S. Congress has nothing but the best and brightest.
“The moon is probably the most tactically valuable military ground for earth,” the tweet said. “Rocks dropped from there have power of 100s of nuclear bombs.
See “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”. But Heinlein, in contrast to Wu, knew his physics and engineering: his railroad-car-size loads of rock, falling at terminal velocity, had an energy release on impact of about 10 kilotons. And to launch those loads he had a very large and powerful linear accelerator on the moon whose purpose was to launch cargo pods destined for Earth.
. . . because they could cause devastation by dropping rocks onto the earth.
Wu wants to join Mo “Rocks tumbling into ocean causing sea level rise” Brooks . . .
Never let it be said that the U.S. Congress has nothing but the best and brightest.
As Pst314 points out, at least rocks from the moon can be engineered.
Graduation advice . . .
