Her Name Is Amanda
Or put another way, “In a noteworthy and scandalous turn of events, a white nationalist is being allowed to speak at a university, which almost never happens; therefore arguments in favour of free speech are used primarily, perhaps exclusively, by white nationalists. Because no-one besides white nationalists cares about free speech.”
It’s a right-wing code, apparently.
She’s a basket case.
She’s a basket case.
How dare you, sir. She’s one of Salon’s finest.
Though you’d think Amanda might register that the novelty of Jared Taylor speaking at a university – the fact that this event is deemed scandalous, aberrant and newsworthy – rather undermines her claim. Insofar as the majority of people who regard free speech as both a given and desirable, including speakers on campus, are not in fact white nationalists.
a. She’s a basket case.
b. She’s one of Salon’s finest.
c. All of the above.
Incidentally, while I’m not overly familiar with his output, I did manage to make my way through this bizarre, rather boggling debate between Mr Taylor and the self-described “identity extremist” Tariq Nasheed.
They’re terrified that if people can hear what Jared Taylor actually says, instead of what they claim he says, they might agree with him.
She’s not trying to censor anyone though, she’s just saying if you defend free speech you’re totally a Nazi and should be censored.
She’s not trying to censor anyone though,
It’s definitely not censorship when Antifa, cheered on by people like Amanduh, turn up and assault those trying to attend the talk, smash windows and attack the police. No, not censorship at all.
As a follow up, do any of these leftists know that it was left-wing violence against normal people trying to exercise their rights in post WW1 Germany that led directly to the rise of the actual Nazis?
We got a code now?
I’m still trying to figure out the secret handshake.
this bizarre, rather boggling debate between Mr Taylor and the self-described “identity extremist” Tariq Nasheed.
I need a bath.
I need a bath.
I suppose it’s dismaying or hilarious, depending on your mood. I think the most telling moment is around halfway through when Taylor says something to the effect that, “I think the races would be better off living separately… and it sounds like you agree with me.”
I have been convinced that Marcotte is a clinical sociopath ever since 2014, when she wrote the essay “MIT professor explains: The real oppression is having to learn to talk to women.”
I have been convinced that Marcotte is a clinical sociopath ever since 2014,
I’m struggling to get past the opening sentence – “Laurie Penny has an excellent column up right now.” I may need a minute.
And regarding sociopathy, I feel obliged to remind readers of this.
It’s only fair, really.
I have been convinced that Marcotte is a clinical sociopath ever since 2014
It’s significantly under-diagnosed in women.
Mandy and Laurie Penny are two peas in a pod. Both seem to be fading from the public eye and thus, tend to be ever more strident and obnoxious as they get older.
And, BTW, our monthly meeting of the “Vast Right-Wing White Supremacist Cabal” meeting is set for next Thursday in the basement of St. Luke’s Methodist Church in Cut Bank, Montana at 7:00 PM, unless the Youth Choir practice goes over. We’ll be disseminating the latest list of approved code words and dog whistles. The Ladies Auxiliary will provide a pot-luck supper. BYOB.
It’s significantly under-diagnosed in women.
That’s really very unfair. I mean imagine what men would be like if say women from back in the day were trained to stand up whenever a man entered the room, or people stumbled all over themselves to help them the minute they began to cry, or if they weren’t expected to have successful, high earning careers and could be respected and admired and even attain high social status simply for having common courtesy and graciousness… amongst other things. Why really, it’s all men’s fault when you look at it rationally.
Amanda’s never been known for joined-up thinking.
She’s a basket case.
How dare you, sir. She’s one of Salon’s finest.
David, the two statements are not mutually exclusive. Some would say they’re complementary.
BYOB to a METHODIST church?
BYOB to a METHODIST church?
It’s the liberal wing of Methodism. Shhhhh. They don’t know we’re meeting in the basement.
Top Tip: If you find yourself, as a professional journalist, arguing against freedom of speech in any way, regardless of the excuses you’re making for yourself, it’s time to sit down and have a really good, hard think about your premises.
Then give yourself a slap and stop being such a bonehead.
“As a follow up, do any of these leftists know that it was left-wing violence against normal people trying to exercise their rights in post WW1 Germany that led directly to the rise of the actual Nazis?”
Oh, of course they don’t. They’ve been told all their lives that it was a unique historical evil that nobody really understands, probably related to Hitler being a sort of proto-Bond-villian character with hypnotic powers or something.
“And, BTW, our monthly meeting of the “Vast Right-Wing White Supremacist Cabal” meeting is set for next Thursday in the basement of St. Luke’s Methodist Church in Cut Bank, Montana at 7:00 PM”
7? Dammit, it clashes with the Illuminati’s movie and pizza night.
She’s a basket case.
Now, now, she’s certainly no Kurt Eichenwald, I’ll give you that.
Dammit, it clashes with the Illuminati’s movie and pizza night.
I know. We’ve got a rumble set with the Illuminati in the parking lot of the Tastee Freeze at 10:00 PM. The Ladies Auxiliary is choreographing the finger-snaps and dance moves.
Mz Marcotte freely expresses her views in open media for all to read, or forego.
She is VERY oppressed, isn’ t she?
BYOB to a METHODIST church?
Bring Your Own Burrito.
Let’s just say the Ladies Auxiliary pot-lucks can occasionally be a bit… hit or miss.
Let’s just say the Ladies Auxiliary pot-lucks can occasionally be a bit… hit or miss.
Well, Ludmilla’s cabbage rolls have led to an early adjournment once or twice. IYKWIMAITYD.
Why should you always take two Baptists with you when you go fishing?
Because if you take one he’ll drink all your beer.
Somewhat related, dastardly “fascist” Janice Fiamengo talks about her attempts to speak in the Land of the Mao-lings.
Why should you always take two Baptists with you when you go fishing?
Why do Baptists object to couples having sex while standing up? They’re afraid it might lead to dancing.
BYOB to a METHODIST church?
Jews don’t recognize the divinity of Christ. Protestants don’t recognize the authority of the Pope. Methodists don’t recognize each other at the liquor store.
Jews don’t recognize the divinity of Christ. Protestants don’t recognize the authority of the Pope. Methodists don’t recognize each other at the liquor store.
What’s the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant? A Catholic will say hello in the liquor store.
A search of theothermccain dotticom ‘s archives will yield a treasure trove of Amanda’s cray cray …
We need an international movement to demand “so, therefore __actions__ should be taken by __individuals/government__” be added to the end of any bold statement. I’m so very tired of people making these assertions as if they are in the middle of a conversation and excusing the missing half of the thought (or “thought”) – the important half to the rest of us.
Call it an intersectionality of the under-diagnosed.
Necklaces? Winnie Mandela???
That seems a bit awkward.
Is this the code for entrance to the underground volcano lair of the Patriarchs built by slave labor where we plot our misogynist bigoted privileged rise to power while puffing on cigars and eating culturally appropriated food?”
Can it be that code?
Arrest her for writing this column, and tell her, when she asks why, ‘Oh, didn’t you hear? Free speech is not allowed any more.’
I’d like to personally thank the illustrious [*] Marcotte for dragging leftism out into the light and exposing it. Turns out it was a mere vehicle for baseless proclamations by society’s most vociferous projectionists all along.
*no idea what it goes by. Is it okay or is that evidence of white supremacy?
Mandy and Laurie Penny are two peas in a pod. Both seem to be fading from the public eye and thus, tend to be ever more strident and obnoxious as they get older.
Oh, I don’t know; I find ancient self-involved types with zero self-awareness to be impossibly charming. https://vimeo.com/195105192
Incidentally, while I’m not overly familiar with his output,
Dude is weapons-grade delusional…
“She’s not trying to censor anyone though, she’s just saying if you defend free speech you’re totally a Nazi and
should be censoredare forcing them to censor you.FTFY…
I find ancient self-involved types with zero self-awareness to be impossibly charming
The silver green hair is a dead giveaway…
Jesus Christ, David, etc? I was perfectly happy with my day, and then you launch me to that dumb twitch’s empty head cargo. Goddam it. I’m gonna stomp away in an upset manner.
WTF, NOT ETC. You vile spellchecker.
I figured you were just swearing at all and sundry assembled here.
Pickled egg?
Jesus Christ, David, etc?
Damn. For a minute there I thought David (& others?) had been deified. Though surely that would have made the papers.
Her greater point isn’t AS insane as it immediately sounds. But I did come across this gem;
Apparently, saying mean things about Jesse Jackson is racist. Even if his race is never brought up. Personally, I find this more insane than the initial post, because while there are racists ‘hiding’ behind freedom of speech, this person seems to think that any criticism of black people is racism.
Amanda Marcotte is a parody account right? Please tell me I’m right.
Christ, this chick again? Nuttier than squirrel shit.
WTF, NOT ETC. You vile spellchecker.
Heh. It did seem a bit random, what with the question mark.
What’s the difference between a Catholic and a Protestant? A Catholic will say hello in the liquor store.
An Episcopalian is a Catholic who flunked Latin.
A Presbyterian is a poor Episcopalian
A Methodist is a Baptist who’s afraid of drowning.
Goddam it. I’m gonna stomp away in an upset manner.
No refunds. Credit note only.
The doctor went home on a huff. He was driving a blue Huff at the time.
—Groucho Marx
I blame all on my spellchecker. And David may indeed be a minor deity.
And ‘hate speech’ is now used predominantly, perhaps exclusively, as left-wing code for ‘right wing speech’. This helps us how?
Salon’s web traffic has been taking a hit lately.
The obvious explanation is that they publish some of the most asinine articles found anywhere, but what would explain their previous popularity?
The Salon Media Group is a 5 cent stock that trades over the counter. Their financial situation is dire. Last quarter they lost $696,000 on revenue of $1,247,000 (although you have to go to their SEC statement for that — their press release only states the operating losses. Never a good sign when the press release is not forthright about the numbers). Their total liabilities are $4,259,000 and growing rapidly — although I can’t conceive who would lend to them.
Salon is in a desperate bid to reduce their costs, but between their finances and lagging popularity there’s an excellent chance it’s going down. I’m surprized it hasn’t already.
Will that put a damper on Marcotte’s career?
Killer marmot
You just made my day
Their total liabilities are $4,259,000 and growing rapidly — although I can’t conceive who would lend to them.
Guessing they’re simply not paying their bills. Probably owe a good bit owed to their contributors, who will likely ultimately get stiffed and then blame capitalism.
Marcott was abruptly discharged from a U. S. Presidential campaign when she and the other feminist the candidate hired decided that insulting the Virgin Mary was a good political move.
The last good Salon article I read was about 15 years ago, by a lady who tangled with dog-mom types and the rescues they run, while she was shopping around for a pet. It could be summed up as “You think cat ladies are weird? Well, let me tell you about these dog ladies…” but it was well written and made several good points. Not your usual Salon material.
May David be with you.
And with your spirit.
And blessed be the flocked wallpaper.
and the celestial choir of henchlesbians.
And David opened the jar and said, “Take this pickled egg, and eat it.”
Killer Marmot:
Several times over the past few years, I have written letters to Salon saying to them that if they wish to trim the unproductive fat from their payroll, Marcotte would be a great place to start. I hope they’ll take my advice one day.