Brown Science
According to Cheryl E. Matias and Paul T. Le, both of the University of Colorado at Denver, the belief that the apprehension of, and substance of, scientific discoveries is independent of whatever one’s skin colour may happen to be, is a problem. One that results in the spread of “whiteness ideology,” and thereby “white supremacy.”
Nikita Vladimirov pokes through the mental wreckage:
According to Matias and Le, “our science is out of touch with the experiences of our students of Colour and, instead, represents post-colonial discourses of White power and control.” “Whiteness embraces White ideology, and because Whites are at the apex of the racial hierarchy, whiteness becomes normalized and is invisible to those who benefit the most from it,” the scholars observe. “This is particularly troubling because the normality of whiteness means that Whites do not believe that they are actively investing in White supremacy or racism, which keeps oppression intact.”
And Kafkatrapping, apparently, is the apex of woke scholarship.
Because if you demur, or suggest that the laws of electromagnetism don’t dramatically alter depending on the melanin levels of the person doing the maths, then you just don’t care about “students of Colour” being “victims of deculturalization” and being “invalidated.” Indeed, you are “erasing the values and culture of indigenous people,” and are bolstering “post-colonial discourses of White power and control over people of Colour via forcing the internalization of Western science knowledge.” Instead, all people of pallor must denounce themselves as oppressors, embrace “other ways of knowing” and “re-imagine what science education spaces can look like.”
Sadly, however, and despite the assertions above, the aboriginal alternatives to Maxwell’s equations and commutative algebra remain oddly unspecified.
In the comments, Karen M notes with amusement that science education is construed by Dr Matias as “forcing the internalization of Western science knowledge,” and adds,
This is called teaching. It’s why the students are there.
Indeed. One might even suppose that internalising Western science knowledge might help students pass science exams and perhaps find science-related jobs. Say, in the West, where the students in question happen to live. Or in fact anywhere, given its global nature.
However, like so many of her peers, Dr Matias shuns the obvious in favour of contortion. And so we’re told that “colour-blind” teaching – which is to say, treating students fairly, as individuals, rather than tribally, as racial mascots – is itself somehow “racist” and must be done away with. Apparently, we must have different rules for different groups, based on how brown they are. She also claims that white teachers cannot “effectively teach urban students of colour” unless they first “deconstruct,” and reject, their own “hegemonic whiteness,” an “invisible” phenomenon that makes them racist by default. Purged of their appalling whiteness, they may then begin “sharing the burden of race.”
Again, the basic conceit is that “urban students of colour” are incomprehensible creatures, akin to leprechauns, and not subject to normal proprieties; and that in order to impart even rudimentary information, one must first disavow one’s own values and standards, which other, paler students are nonetheless expected to meet. This, we’re assured, is “social justice.”
Needless to say, the logical terminus of this mindset is not a happy one.
Reading samples of the guff produced by those fraudulent wordy morons has made me approximately 15% more racist than I was this morning. That is perhaps the only measurable outcome of the careers of oxygen thieves like Matias and Le.
Well, you have to wonder what these posturing clowns make of all the “of Colour” students who cope perfectly well with course material and go on to become “of Colour” scientists and researchers. Are they “deculturalized,” “colonised” and somehow inauthentic? By being competent and successful, have they somehow been “invalidated”?
you have to wonder what these posturing clowns make of all the “of Colour” students who cope perfectly well with course material and go on to become “of Colour” scientists and researchers. Are they “deculturalized,” “colonised” and somehow inauthentic?
Remind me again who the racists are.
Remind me again who the racists are.
Well, quite.
According to Matias and Le, “our science is out of touch with the experiences of our students of Colour and, instead, represents post-colonial discourses of White power and control.”
I can’t help thinking that our exquisitely woke lecturers should widen their circle to include some competent students. The ones whose grades speak for themselves and who don’t feel a need to hide behind self-flattering conspiracy theories and other “post-colonial” claptrap. And again, it’s odd that the authors of this pernicious woo invoke “other ways of knowing,” as if some aboriginal folk wisdom would instantly overturn the world of semiconductor design, but without actually specifying what those “other ways of knowing” might be, or why they might be more effective than the methodologies currently in use.
One is a research and teaching assistant in the Biology Department, while the other is an assistant professor in the Education Department.
From the school directory (addresses omitted):
Le, Paul
Denver Campus – Student
Matias, Cheryl
School of Educ and Human Devel – (ASST PROFESSOR)
This explains why, when I paint myself brown, I can fly.
Yes, that word is doing some very heavy lifting.
Given the scholarship above, it’s strange that all this “white,” and therefore racist, “science knowledge” is so widely and successfully assimilated and developed, to the advantage of millions of people with skin darker than mine. Such that those not-entirely-white people in China and South Korea, for instance, are designing and manufacturing the phones that millions of us are using. Presumably, the people at Samsung feel terribly oppressed and “invalidated” when we hand over our money.
But hey, I’m sure a smartphone processor breakthrough based on indigenous healing dances is just around the corner.
Yes, that word is doing some very heavy lifting.
Education departments are notoriously filled with fools and frauds. “Research Assistant” can mean “bottle washer no smarter than the Education professors”. One of the notorious purveyors of crackpot Afrocentric theories of science was touted as some sort of scholar but in reality was one of those ilk–lab safety gofer if I recall.
Education departments are notoriously filled with fools and frauds.
As noted recently, departments of Education and Angry Studies attract students with some of the lowest SAT scores, while offering by far the most generous grading.
That these tend to be hotbeds of woke theorising is, I’m sure, entirely coincidental.
This way of knowing science in the absence of other ways of knowing only furthers whiteness and White supremacy through power and control of science knowledge
Science is hard.
Research Assistant, in the US at least, usually means grad student, fwiw. PhD students, sometimes Masters. That was my official title the whole time I was in grad school.
And I’m sorry, but the law of gravity applies to all objects, living or not, regardless of melanin content. Idiots. The Laws of Physics don’t care WHAT you look like. They exist and apply regardless if there are even any humans on the planet to harness them.
How many more bridges and buildings need to fall before someone finds enough balls to call this stuff out for the idiocy that it is? The Angry Studies side of campus can huff and puff and produce this BS all they want, but on the science and engineering side, crap like this could have dangerous consequences!
Sadly, however, and despite the assertions above, the aboriginal alternatives to Maxwell’s equations and commutative algebra remain oddly unspecified.

Pshaw! Top Aboriginal Scientists are working on far more advanced problems than puny European minds can comprehend:
It also goes without saying that if the proponents of this horseshit had an IT issue or a serious health problem, they wouldn’t willingly rely on the “ways of knowing” traditionally favoured by, say, the Nlaka’pamux people, whose technical and medical expertise, while free of “whiteness,” was somewhat limited.
You might feel better about this tripe if you read Cheryl E. Matias’ webpage at the University of Colorado, Denver.
She’s completely insane. But she’s up for you to email her and get to know her in person.
Over a soy latte.
But be warned; she quotes the wisdom of the late lamented rapper Tupak Shakur where somebody else might drop a meaty wedge of Goethe. Because she’s all urban and edgy and stuff;
Associate Professor of Urban Education. As if the kids in some free-fire inner-city hellhole skrewl don’t have enough problems in life, they’re gonna be saddled with credentialed idiots fluffed up by Prof. Matias providing what will be called an ‘education’ with a straight face.
Such that those not-entirely-white people in China and South Korea, for instance, are designing and manufacturing the phones that millions of us are using.
I used to work in the industry.
The actual design work is almost always done in North America. Manufacturing is outsourced to the factories in China, where consistency and QA is abysmal (but cheap). Companies that outsource design usually end up rehoming it just to fix the problems – in fact, that was my former employer’s core business, redesigning consumer electronics projects that had an unacceptably high failure rate.
I was thinking of phones designed in South Korea and manufactured in (among other places) China. Hence the reference to Samsung.
…but without actually specifying what those “other ways of knowing” might be, or why they might be more effective than the methodologies currently in use.
This was what popped out at me. I sincerely hope some Real Scientists call these two out for this baseless nonsense, forcing them to do some actual damn science showing evidence for their assertions.
Provide proof that “other ways of knowing” produce results equal to or better than the poisoned-by-whiteness scientific method as practiced by today’s scientists. Call up your friends at the University of Wakanda or Jumanji Technical Institute, and let’s compare methodology and results.
The really frustrating thing for me is that these people are so thick, they’ll insist that the well-earned mockery and derision heading their way is just a defense mechanism on the part of white folk, because we’re so very delicate. Perhaps we’d be better served just to reply “There’s no arguing against logic like yours,” because you can rest assured that “not even wrong” will go right over their heads.
I was thinking of phones designed in South Korea
South Korean companies are designing and manufacturing very good quality automobiles and appliances.
“Instead, all people of pallor must denounce themselves as oppressors and “reimagine what science education spaces can look like.”
– Ahhhh, no. No we don’t.
it’s strange that all this “white,” and therefore racist, “science knowledge” is so widely and successfully assimilated and developed, to the advantage of millions of people with skin darker than mine. Such that those not-entirely-white people in China and South Korea, for instance, are designing and manufacturing the phones that millions of us are using.
And also following on from comments relating to this…
I live in Asia and it constantly amazes me that Yank wackydemics pretend that science, hard work etc are the oppressive values of systematic whiteness. I don’t think they really understand that the rest of the world is a real thing. They ought to go to Tokyo and see what civilisation really looks like.
Certainly low build quality and patent fraud are rife in China, but there are a lot of smart companies brewing there. Silicon Valley and similar areas elsewhere in the West are still tremendously technologically creative places, but China is catching up. Luckily for the West, the dead hand of the CCP does a good job of stifling enterprise.
If anyone has trouble with comments not appearing, email me and I’ll jiggle the spam filter.
I don’t think they really understand that the rest of the world is a real thing.
They’re basically in the business of peddling racial cartoons. I don’t think realism would suit their purposes.
The cool thing about this whiteness theory is that it is exempt from the scientific method, because white supremacy.
Somewhat Related
Well that’s it right there. Everybody in the room thought it was hilarious when someone said you can’t call lightening down from the sky. There was no prompting. It was spontaneous and from everyone in the camera shot. There’s no hope for those people. They’ve bought into voodoo and mumbo jumbo.
Then mama grey dreds stands up and castigates someone for expressing an opinion by explaining to him that the rules exist so everyone can express an opinion. Talk about a kafkatrap.
Where are the research papers from the Zimbabwe Centre for Advanced Studies? Have all their technical geniuses been recruited by the white Europeans and Americans?
Not so much recruited, as seduced into the Heart of Whiteness. May the gods have mercy on their poor bewhited souls…
Certainly low build quality and patent fraud are rife in China, but there are a lot of smart companies brewing there.
My understanding is that low build quality is a product of dishonesty, not stupidity.
The cool thing about this whiteness theory is that it is exempt from the scientific method, because white supremacy.
Such theories are tempting to all sorts of defective minds: Assert that something pleasing is true, and then invent reasons why evidence for that truth cannot be produced. Racial pride, fraud, etc.
(or why evidence pulled out of one’s butt should be accepted)
In the “White Devil Science” post linked above, I said,
The Clown Quarter certainly offers a lesson in how quickly and widely standards can fall, such that the ‘scholars’ above aren’t laughed out of every room they enter.
One of the notorious purveyors of crackpot Afrocentric theories of science was touted as some sort of scholar but in reality was one of those ilk–lab safety gofer if I recall.
Surely you can’t be attempting to sully the name of that renowned Melanin Scholar, Hunter Havlin Adams, III?
If the picture at that link is of Cheryl Matias, she looks white to me. Why doesn’t that disqualify the results of her study?
My understanding is that low build quality is a product of dishonesty, not stupidity.
Yep. I once read an article (Popular Mechanics?) that explained how this comes about: the Chinese manufacturer produces a prototype that meets the (say, American) customer’s specifications, but once production begins, corners are cut, cut again, and cut some more, without the customer noticing (because they aren’t really paying attention, and certainly not doing any QC checks). Nothing gets done about the truly sub-standard products until the American company’s customers begin complaining.
(This is why the original engine mounts on my Acura Legend lasted 14 years, while the Chinese-made replacements didn’t even last a year.)
Surely you can’t be attempting to sully the name of that renowned Melanin Scholar, Hunter Havlin Adams, III?
Oddly enough, Hunter Havlin Adams, III’s theories aren’t really that much more ridiculous than those of W.E.B. Du Bois, who is considered a “great scholar”.
Oddly enough, Hunter Havlin Adams, III’s theories aren’t really that much more ridiculous than those of W.E.B. Du Bois, who is considered a “great scholar”.
Details please? I wonder if I have forgotten or didn’t read enough Du Bois to discover this.
I sometimes wonder if the Clown Quarter of academia might actually be a massive and rather perverse behavioural experiment, the point of which is to see just how credulous and mentally deformable human beings are.
The Clown Quarter certainly offers a lesson in how quickly and widely standards can fall, such that the ‘scholars’ above aren’t laughed out of every room they enter.
There seems to be very real fear that lives and livelihoods can be ruined simply by mere whiffs of accusation of racism, etc, such that any laughter generated by such fools is hurriedly stifled. These SJW activist types appear to have the more sensible folk by the short and curlies.
I would agree 100 percent with this report if it in any way resembled what this article actually said. Upon reading the study, however, I must disagree. While the authors are clearly SJW, they in no way claim that physics relies on skin color or that math is oppressive. They are writing about science education and the way that racist (white) norms effect the way that students of color are treated. As a woman, I, too, recall professors who were shocked and surprised that I didn’t need any one to help me with my calculus homework, who assumed that I wasn’t going to stay in the field, and who found my ethical concerns “hysterical.” That’s what they are talking about, not actual science.
That said, they come off as being pretty “hysterical” themselves.
Details please? I wonder if I have forgotten or didn’t read enough Du Bois to discover this.
W.E.B. Du Bois is the original source of the “out of Africa” theory of civilization, claiming that the ancient Egyptians were black sub-Saharan Africans, and that ALL western technology, arts and philosophy were “stolen” from black Africans. Which is why the “widely respected” Revrund Al Sharpton could say this with a straight face:
Du Bois’ work as a genuinely tireless civil rights activist is an entirely different subject from his odd-ball theories of history.
(*Which is one reason why this Encyclopedia of the Negro – later Encyclopedia Africana – project never got off the ground, because the philanthropists who’d pledged to fund it backed out when they saw what he’d planned to include.)
…Cheryl Matias…
In her bio she tell us she “… enjoys spending time with my young boy-girl twins.” Normally I’d whitely assume this means she has a son and a daughter, but who knows?
whitely assume
[ snort ]
They are writing about science education and the way that racist (white) norms effect the way that students of color are treated.
I get sick of this “people of colour” shit. The authors mean people of African descent.
Asians etc suffer no disadvantage in science education (actually the reverse, people tend to over-credit them with “natural” ability).
A lot of Arabs are opposed to modern science because they regard it as irreligious — but those ones don’t blame White people from holding them back. The rest of them tend to over-assert the Arab origins of science.
Given the massive influx of Latin Americans into the US, I’m not buying anyone who alleges that they are put off by the current system’s “Whiteness”. They feel discriminated against because they so badly want to get into the system.
That leaves people of African descent. They are the only ones affected by the “White” norms. Others manage. They, apparently, cannot.
While the authors are clearly SJW, they in no way claim that physics relies on skin color or that math is oppressive.
They do, though, seem determined to have us believe that the norms of modern science education are a form of “white ideology” and “represent post-colonial discourses of white power and control,” and that the customary reliance on notions of objectivity, replication and peer review merely facilitate the “spread” of this “whiteness ideology.” Which apparently, and in ways far from clear or convincing, is biased against minority students, who are, we’re told, “deculturalized” and “invalidated” as a result, and whose melanin levels somehow grant them “other ways of knowing.”
Which, again, suggests rather dogmatic and obnoxious assumptions of the part of the authors, who themselves seem eager to racially essentialise minority students, to render them exotic and mysterious, as if they were akin to leprechauns, and to conflate skin colour with insight, some secret knowledge. Which sounds a tad racist. As I said a while ago, it’s rather like turning to one of your students and saying, “You, the brown boy. What’s the negro perspective on this engineering problem?”
And so I suppose the extent to which one might find the authors’ claims absurd or disagreeable depends in part on one’s appetite for racial essentialism and racial condescension. As you might have gathered, I think it’s pernicious hokum, and insulting – firstly, to any number of educators, who are construed as tools of “white supremacy,” and whose efforts to be fair regardless of race are dismissed, perversely, as racist. And secondly, it seems insulting to any competent science student who happens to have brown skin.
forcing the internalization of Western science knowledge.”
This is called teaching. It’s why the students are there.
This is called teaching. It’s why the students are there.
Heh. Yes, you’d think that internalising Western science knowledge would help them pass science exams and find science-related jobs. In the West.
In what world is Cheryl Mathias coloured?
Even the term “Western science knowledge” is loaded, hokey and inapt. Regardless of who originated what, and regardless of what shade of brown or pink they were, “Western” science knowledge is global and often collaborative across continents. It is science knowledge.
In what world is Cheryl Mathias coloured?
She’s of Filipino descent. Which is now, apparently, a “social justice” credential.
Fetch the good towels. And coasters, lots of coasters.