Elsewhere (259)
Toni Airaksinen pokes through the scholarly journal Feminist Media Studies:
“The purpose of including an abortion plotline is to make jokes about abortion, recognising that such satire is valuable for some people as both a means and an end,” [sociology lecturer, Gretchen] Sisson explains. “Comedy has often been used as a subversive way of challenging predominant social structures,” she adds, arguing that because comedy has a history of challenging taboo social issues, abortion “is even intuitive new ground for comedy to address.”
When not devising new realms of feminist comedy, Dr Sisson is an advocate of third-trimester abortion. And hey, destroying nascent human life – whether for health reasons, personal convenience, or as a display of feminist piety - what could be funnier?
David Solway on the comedy-cum-despair of being a college-level teacher:
Where was one to start trying to educate an adult student who thought the Great Depression began in the 1960s; who was unable to distinguish between the First and Second World Wars; who thought that Moscow was the capital of Missouri… or who averred, in a paper on George Orwell’s Animal Farm, that “George Orwin, arthur of The Animal Firm, was heavily into natur.” You can’t make this stuff up.
And Toni Airaksinen, again, on another educational breakthrough arrived at via feminism:
Together, [professors] Laura Parson and Casey Ozaki interviewed eight female students majoring in math or physics to learn more about why women struggle in STEM. From their interviews, the professors learned that many women feel pressure to conform to so-called “masculine” norms. According to the professors, these masculine norms include “asking good questions,” “capacity for abstract thought and rational thought processes,” “motivation,” the expectation that students would be “independent” thinkers, and a relatively low fear of failure. “This requirement that the average student asks questions and speaks in class is based on the typical undergraduate man,” they contend.
Apparently, this “masculine” ideal – of diligence, rationality and a willingness to ask questions – “is very difficult for women students to achieve,” on account of female students not possessing an “unencumbered male body.” Dr Parson has of course entertained us before with her claims that the scientific method and notions of objective reality are “masculine” conceits and therefore oppressive. Instead, says she, we should rely on “feminist critical discourse,” of which her own writing is presumably an example. Again, if you think of modern leftism as a kind of perverse counsel, an attempt to erode realism, stoicism and self-possession, along with academic standards and expectations of competence, and to ruin the lives of the vain and credulous, it can save a lot of time.
As usual, feel free to share your own links and snippets, on any subject, in the comments.
Apparently, this “masculine” ideal – of diligence, rationality and a willingness to ask questions – “is very difficult for women students to achieve,” on account of female students not possessing an “unencumbered male body.”
No one talks down women like feminists do.
No one talks down women like feminists do.
Further, the professors contend that the time-consuming nature of STEM coursework also inhibits female success, since a tough course load reinforces “the masculine ideal of working an unlimited number of hours based on the unencumbered male body.”
OK, I’ll bite, what is an encumbered male body, and if a female has one, can she than take a “tough course load” ?
How does this square with the fact that in the US there are more female than male med students, but manage one of the most brutal course loads anywhere ?
Auburn – formerly Alabama Polytechnic Institute – should be embarrassed to have Parsons on their faculty.
the comedy-cum-despair of being a college-level teacher
And yet, the government-education establishment wants to further debase the grammar school and high school curriculum because it’s still too “patriarchal” and “oppressive” to girls/women and minorities. The USA has the lowest achievement levels in mathematics and science, and lowest education standards, in the industrialized world, and yet the “progressive” left want to lower those standards even more.
I noticed in the second Airaksinen Campus Reform link, “Professor” Parson has a “white knight” in the comments:
Ms. Parson deserves a medal for speaking bravely. I fear, though, that’s not what she’ll get…
Oherfergawdsakes. [ facepalm ]
CR uses Facebook comments, so I go to this fellow’s Facebook page to see who would post something so silly, and he’s got libertarian-esque quotes from P.J. O’Rourke, Dave Barry and Ayn Rand in his profile. Now I wonder if Will is being sarcastic.
Generations ago, some argued that women should not be in the sciences because they were too emotional and could not think logically.
Now we’re getting the same argument — from feminists.
Know what women need? A political movement that works in their interests. That’s sadly lacking these days.
No one talks down women like feminists do.
Killer Marmot,
Now we’re getting the same argument — from feminists.
H.L. Mencken said it best:
“A misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate one another.”
Victor Davis Hanson on mass immigration and instability.
Further on the David Solway link:
James Joyce.
Oh boy, here we go…
He also got a rebuttal from one of the PJM readers I believe is worth quoting in full.
Perhaps a bit harsh, but I see Art’s point. My experience with Joyce (“inflicted” on me in high school at the age of 15) was similar to that of the student who made the clever cartoon Solway included in his piece.
Perhaps a bit harsh, but I see Art’s point.
Oh, regarding Joyce, I don’t think it’s harsh at all.
Dr Parson has of course entertained us before with her claims that the scientific method and notions of objective reality are “masculine” conceits and therefore oppressive.
They don’t call it the Clown Quarter for nothing…
To his credit, my high school English Lit teacher wasn’t so obsessed that he expected all of us to “get” Joyce, and gave me an “A” on my term paper (on Tolkien’s Middle Earth saga as an attempt to reclaim Norse mythology from Wagner and the Nazis). I was also a 10th grade student taking a 12th grade college prep course.
“Apparently, this “masculine” ideal . . . is very difficult for women students to achieve, on account of female students not possessing an “unencumbered male body.”
If anyone here needs an unencumbered male body, let me know.
I still have a few down in the basement.
It’s time to ask the age-old question: who benefits?
Who benefits by having the female children of the ruling class educated by crazy people?
They don’t call it the Clown Quarter for nothing…
As R Sherman quipped in the ephemera thread:
Loaded questions, absurd conclusions, and a sample size of 8. This is the “feminist critical discourse” that Dr Parson rates so highly.
Yet another one from Toni Airaksinen:
“According to Rachel Scherr and Amy Robertson, professors must work to “disrupt privilege” in their classrooms by de-emphasizing “male-socialized traits such as independence, competition, and individual victories.”
Orville and Wilbur Reddenbacher invented popcorn at Kittyhawk in 1903.
Wasn’t it once the case that saying women couldn’t think stand up to the slightest pressure, or weren’t capable of organised thought, was the sort tosh spouted unreconstructed oafs who needed a good slap? Now it’s apparently the sort of tosh sprouted by feminists in search of a good hug.
Times have changed . . .
As I have noted on these pages before, my son’s favorite math and computer engineering profs are female. They a) know their stuff and b) are very good at teaching it, such that those who succeed in their courses (a majority of males, BTW, who have the highest respect for them) have their pick of employment offers. Clearly, these women have succeed despite the evil Patriarchy’s attempt to oppress them. (Both profs are approaching retirement, so they’ve been around awhile.)
The bottom line is that there are some very good women in STEM. Query the rush to diminish their achievements by suddenly diminishing/eliminating the standards which they met or exceeded?
I read the Solway piece yesterday. While I agree that there are too many unqualified “students” in American institutions of higher education, I found Solway’s essay tedious in the extreme. As noted above, he seemed more interested in proving how smart he is than supporting a thesis. Rather typical of most academics I’ve met. They’re the sort of people whose letterheads announce they are “Dr. John Doe, Ph.D.” Yeah, thanks for that. We get it.
Related from Purdue University which we’ve discussed here before, IIRC.
I found Solway’s essay tedious in the extreme.
He’s not the best ambassador for his own argument. But some of the particulars of student ignorance were interesting. I had to keep reminding myself that these were the considered thoughts of college students.
Regarding my previous, the last item here, by Duke Pesta, seems relevant.
“Generations ago, some argued that women should not be in the sciences because they were too emotional and could not think logically.
Now we’re getting the same argument — from feminists…”
I don’t think that is what the feminists are arguing. To me it seems they are arguing that the sciences should be emotional and should not be logical, so that women can be in the sciences.
“…Who benefits by having the female children of the ruling class educated by crazy people?”
Obviously the crazy people benefit. They get jobs. They don’t have to do any objectively measurable good in their work, and they are rarely challenged for being crazy.
“professors must work to “disrupt privilege” in their classrooms”
As our esteemed host says (paraphrased), it’s almost as if there’s an effort to mentally and emotionally disable entire generations.

From their interviews, the professors learned that many women feel pressure to conform to so-called “masculine” norms.
And then there is what can be considered when actually landing a real job . . .
Shades of Caleb Luna…
“…I know what I am and what I am is a man and so was Lola…”
Crazy people rarely have much power. Let me phrase my question better. Who in power benefits by having the daughters of the ruling class educated by crazy people?
Maybe it keeps the daughters busy and out of the way so their husbands and fathers can be unbothered while amassing yet more power? (The idea of “ enough,” as in “ I already have enough, let someone else have some,” is not understood at that level.)
I just went back and re-read the Pandagon/Amanda Marcotte* link noted in your first Airaksinen excerpt. Therein, we find this quote from a commenter at Feministing regarding the relative merits of “feelings” on certain issues:
“Not all feelings are justified and not all deserve a response to try and make it feel legitimate and real.”
Query how Professors Parsons and Ozaki would react to that response being deployed in their direction relative to female STEM-angst? Not well, I assume.
*Where has Amanda gone, BTW. I truly miss her appearances on these pages. Well, at least will still have Laurie Penny.
Crazy people rarely have much power.
Depends on how you define crazy, if you mean sitting around in a canvas camisole with wraparound sleeves, no that lot doesn’t, but the likes of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, David Koresh, and other cult leaders do at least locally, and then one can argue the sanity of the likes of Chavez and Maduro who wield power nationally, regionally, or globally.
However, who among the broad spectrum of political power benefits, it is clearly the left in general, because the crazy people doing the educating, as has been illustrated in these pages often, perpetuate drivel such as the identity and grievance politics that is required to keep their base agitated and motivated.
Makes sense to me!
Manson died recently, probably much to the relief of California’s taxpayers.
Good grief David, how do you find, let alone read, these awful things.
The campus snowflakes are at it again…
A pro-abortion student group protested a debate Thursday at Cornell University, complaining that including pro-life views “normalized the idea that it is okay to control people’s bodies.”
A link to one of today’s columnists – apparently, men declining to embrace the feminine is dooming the planet. (Never have I read so much snark in so little space…:)
Free speech is not free. If you want to speak freely, there are other places available.
Who in power benefits by having the daughters of the ruling class educated by crazy people?
. . . I think a sort of answer is more in the overlapping areas of That’s the wrong question. and also Who cares?. I state that the combination applies because I’m not being dismissive as much as seeing a variety of really large numbers, at which point a general cluster of idiots becomes a rounding error.
Going with a couple of examples, I think you’re seeing things in terms of the school of the Ankh-Morpork Guild Of Assassins, where the reality is and will remain much more a very particular Uni computer science department that I read about a number of years ago.
For the Assassins’ school . . .
Rather by contrast . . .
A number of years ago there was [Some Computer Magazine], where a feature was a guest written end of the issue column. The one essay I remember was by a fellow who had gone off and studied Computer Science about twenty something years earlier. When in college he and a good friend of his were two of about, let us say, 70 students in that entire department. They played with computers, thought about programming, noted processing methods, and finally graduated with C.S degrees.
The writer went off to do computer Stuff at some company, and then some other company, and then more computer Stuff and yet some other companies, or something like that. His good friend did not, stayed at the Uni that they studied at, wound up as one of the Computer Science department faculty. After twenty something years, the writer then returned to the Uni to himself become a fellow faculty member, and at that point The Changes got really noted.
In the intervening twenty something years, C.S. had gone from being some offshoot of Math to instead be The Big Thing. When he was a student, his classes were a nice chat with about seven to ten people, or something like that. When he returned to teach, his classes were him delivering a lecture to an auditorium of 500 people, or something like that.
And then he noticed The Pattern.
In each lecture, the back row was asleep. That cluster over to the left were having lunch. The newspaper readers had their papers. That one, that one, there, there, and those two there, were prepping for the big European history exam coming up—he could see that each of them had the same two books on Machiavelli and Napoleon. And scattered through the hall, and asking pointed questions to the teaching assistants, were A Few Others . . . not a lot, but definitely present, and also insistently continuing to be present, oh, about, let us say, 70 students in that entire department.
Yes, that’s 70 students out of 500, but here’s where the rounding error comes in. Once upon a time–David should be able to provide examples—when reading through some average comic book, there would be the ads reading Get Your High School Diploma and Earn Money!!! That was then. Now factor in the subsequent and ongoing declaration that Everyone Must Go To College, rather like C.S. being The Big Thing.
Having the current colleges all being the Assassins’s Guild school would be very nice, but that just isn’t so. Also factor in assorted schools being for pay, and then pushing to have student loans taken out because Of Course the schools have to get their tuition—oh, and of course the repaying of that debt is a mere trifle, because, remember, Everyone Must Go To College.
Oh, and yes, btw, with all that flood of all those students, someone has to be at the front of the hall to recite [something]. And no matter if that flood of all those students does exist, not everyone is going to be able to teach C.S. Particularly, not everyone is going to be good enough to teach C.S. to that pool of 70 C.S. students . . . or whatever the actual and genuine academic subject.
So, on one hand, the 70 actual students are indeed in there—That is the operational upper class, regardless of the Uni subject and who’s descended from whom—remember how and why the assassins’ school picks students, and what the students then go on to. While granting guaranteed assorted fluctuations, generally speaking, those 70 actual students are doing just fine and will continue to be just fine.
And, yes, that lot of 400 hangers on are also there. They are indeed The Faceless Flood and that is pretty much all they will ever achieve. We only notice because David and others keep noting apparently every bloody one of ’em.
—And if you’ve been counting student numbers, yes that cluster of 30 students studying for the history exam merely won’t be graduating in C.S.. However, they will be doing something else after graduation even as the C.S. students do the computer Stuff.
So yes, that 400 and their lecture reciters is a bloody massive number of inert bodies, both in the seats and behind the lectern, but apparently, situationally, historically, we only ever get 70 actual and genuine students and also only need 70 students and we do just fine . . .
—Oh, and of the question of people amassing power, and then amassing more power, that is what those 70 students do once they graduate. Different students will have different levels of success, and as they have children the same will apply, if and only if the children also place themselves among the 70 students. Again, note the assassins’ school scholarship opportunities.
Yes, at the same time I will agree that there is a resulting and related overall problem . . . except that all that comes to mind to describe the Faceless Flood being a problem is the bystanders when a 33 ton aquarium breaks open.
You just have to be out of range of the very momentary flood, or, have a handy thick pillar to hop behind when the wall of water and broken glass arrives and then washes past you.
—Oh, and I did have an additional followup thought regarding literature, educational matters, and schooling choices. In enough years, Young Sam will totally and utterly piss off Commander Vimes by vehemently and successfully entering the Assassins’ school and very pointedly studying the Black Syllabus. He then graduates with extreme and unique honors—particular honors in stealth, hand to hand combat, comparative languages, and poisons. He not only passes all exams with full scores, but particularly by inhuming someone as situationally lethal as Carcer or Dr. Cruces. Following graduation, he then equally insistently signs up as a Lance-Constable Guardsman and immediately starts scaring the crap out of even more people than Angua.
Hal, have you considered getting your own blog?
“Comedy has often been used as a subversive way of challenging predominant social structures,” she adds, arguing that because comedy has a history of challenging taboo social issues, abortion “is even intuitive new ground for comedy to address.”
Maybe there’s a reason there aren’t already lots of side-splitting pro-abortion jokes.
Maybe there’s a reason there aren’t already lots of side-splitting pro-abortion jokes.
I couldn’t say whether amusing abortion jokes exist in great numbers, though I don’t recall hearing any. But it occurs to me that comedy tends to reveal aspects of a subject that are rarely considered, which is something that I doubt Dr Gretchen Sisson would be in favour of, really, given her own careful avoidance of what late-term abortion clearly entails. To reveal, via attempts at humour, the procedures that such things entail would not, I think, serve her stated agenda, which is premised on pretending that the thing being destroyed isn’t remotely human or of any consequence.
But then I’m not a professor of sociology.
I couldn’t say whether amusing abortion jokes exist in great numbers, though I don’t recall hearing any.
I was going to point out that all a “comedian” these days would have to do is go on any late night TV show and say something to the effect of “Those pro-life knuckle draggers thinking a fetus is more than a clump of cells, amirite ?” and the audience would burst into convulsive laughter.
Curiosity again got the better of me, and a quick search revealed, to my utter lack of surprise, it turns out someone had already been there, done that.
…and now for something completely different, Black January sales. 1951.
Black January sales. 1951.

And who wouldn’t want to get their hands on some heavily discounted imperfect underwear…?
Speaking of which,
Sound advice.
This isn’t quite what I imagined the future would be like:
That’s awful. That poor kid.
Related from Purdue University…
From that link:
“Back in 1996, Alan Sokal gulled the editors of the trendy lit-crit journal Social Text into publishing an article called ‘Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity.’ It was deliberate, delicious nonsense…”
Clearly public mockery of these frauds and lunatics was not sufficient. More active measures are needed to clean up academia, because academia does not want to do the job itself.
ちょちゅぶだいがえし -cho chubudai gaeshi – super table flipping
or if you prefer something more competitive
はじめしゃちょ (hajime shacho – First Time President) presents:
I tried samurai game with 30 naked men.
I love Japan on Sunday afternoon
More active measures are needed to clean up academia, because academia does not want to do the job itself.
The only means of correction is cutting off the money. For public universities, this means the state legislatures need to significantly reduce appropriations. Alumni need to stop giving. Parents need to stop borrowing money to send their kids to such places. Employers need to put places like Purdue on “Do Not Hire” lists, so that prospective students refuse to apply.
Sadly though, I think the rot is too deep. The institutions have been destroyed from within and there’s really no way to save them. Even with reduced funds, the institutions would find a way to keep all of the diversity administrators while eliminating the Math department.
the institutions would find a way to keep all of the diversity administrators while eliminating the Math department.
It’s already happening.
Good grief David, how do you find, let alone read, these awful things.
My wife asks me the same thing. I say I get them from David. After ten years that excuse is starting to wear thin. Not that I’m going to change my tune or anything.
Comedy has often been used as a subversive way of challenging predominant social structures,
What is funny (funny peculiar not funny ha-ha as Mom used to say regarding Grandma P) is how comedy’s subversive nature is to be celebrated when attacking ideas from the right, yet it is literally violence when the subject matter is the far more fertile ground of the left.
Maybe there’s a reason there aren’t already lots of side-splitting pro-abortion jokes.
Well, to be somewhat fair dead baby jokes were all the rage when I was in fifth grade. Very useful in helping me get over any lingering positive feelings that I still had for my fellow humans. Probably the most useful thing I got out of fifth grade. Useful to me, anyway.