Friday Ephemeraren’t
As time was short this week, you’ll have to throw together your own pile of links and oddities in the comments. I will, however, set the ball rolling with, via Obnoxio, some classy signage; a collection of people posing for photographs with their television sets; a map showing the concentration of metal bands in Europe per million residents; some more Korean rap care of Elephants Gerald; and a reminder that among this world’s wonders are amateur video guides to public lavatories.
Oh, and this.
So sayeth Sherrilyn Ifill in the N.Y. Times.
And you thought you had a sh*tty day.
As time was short this week….
For what do we pay you…?
In other news, the youngest will be a defender on his high school soccer (football) team. So there’s that to hold us over until next week.
a collection of people posing for photographs with their television sets;
concentration of metal bands in Europe per million residents;

At least the Scandinavians can make use of a historic musical album to provide guidance.
Otherwise, there might be confusion . . .
classy signage
Oh, and this.
But Sean Connery made it look so easy.
Playing a new round of Count The Errors.
Oh, bloody My, does Theodore Dalrymple rather come to mind . . . .
And from the pages of Everyday Feminism, the level of discrimination before you ever get that job interview.
Is it possible for sane people to actually make this up?
Is it possible for sane people to actually make this up?
I suppose it’s easier to make a list of this kind if you’re determined to make excuses for not even trying. And making excuses is a large part of what modern feminism and “social justice” generally are about, hence the types of personalities they attract. The implicit excuse of the very first cartoon is “I may make a mistake on my job application and this mistake will be noticed,” as if this were obviously and inexcusably unfair. This is followed by “My employer will expect me to arrive for work on time,” which is also terribly oppressive, apparently.
I’m paraphrasing, of course. But only just.
Three people get shot while in a very busy park, in the middle of a city, in the middle of an afternoon.
Rather a bit of interestingly varied commentary turns up online.
Via dicentra.
Tim Newman fisks Laurie Penny brilliantly:
I suppose it’s easier to make a list of this kind if you’re determined to make excuses for not even trying. And making excuses is a large part of what modern feminism and “social justice” generally are about, hence the types of personalities they attract.
That. 😀
That. 😀
Well, imagine the kind of attitude behind that article. Imagine being stuck in a room with it. Say, at a job interview. It doesn’t exactly suggest a ‘can-do’ approach. I doubt that many employers are desperate for employees who regard expectations of punctuality as something to grumble about, and whose primary talent is devising excuses for why it’s not their fault.
And it’s probably not irrelevant that the readership of Everyday Feminism is to a large extent made up of vain, status-hungry mediocrities, the kind of people who think that pissing away large sums of money on worthless, self-flattering pseudo-degrees is not only a sensible thing to do, but an entitlement, a marker of their social standing as elevated beings. And who then bitch about how unfair it is that they can’t find a suitably statusful job with which to pay off the debts they chose to take on. Because their own choices, their own vanities, should never, ever have consequences.
Apparently, what a civilised and discreet Norfolk squire achieved in his lifetime is merely a convenient peg on which to hang LGBTQ propaganda. Unlike the Norfolk squire, most trans-sexuals are mentally ill.
Cat Bros.
A little more delving into the politics of the lass in charge will be of great interest.
A little more delving into the politics of the lass in charge will be of great interest.
It’s Brunswick. They’re all tree huggers.
Via Tim Newman, this.
Meanwhile, from the files of the self proclaimed urban sophisticates, one Sadie Stein expounds on a New York phenomenon.
I don’t know how it is over in the UK, but the fact that one could put butter on a roll floored me, here in South Flyoverlandia we generally only use lard or used motor oil, but butter ! I asked for it at a local diner and got thrown out for being some high and mighty Mr.Rockefeller.
Via Tim Newman, this.
I don’t know how it is over in the UK, but the fact that one could put butter on a roll floored me,
It’s a shocking innovation.
And someone fetch a glass of water for Joan. She’s looking flustered.
The sex might have been consensual.
It’s a mystery, it really is.
Okay, that’s enough internet for me today. I was going to post something amusing, but I’ve completely forgotten what it was…
The sex might have been consensual.
All these years I had just thought the saying about the guy who was so horny he’d do that was just a bit of hyperbole.
What the Everyday Feminism lady is too young to know is that stupid job-application questions are nothing new. In 1977 I applied for a minimum-wage job that had an 8-page application. I don’t remember the entire 8 pages, but some of the questions were:
–marital status
–current address+ addresses for last ten years
–any and all clubs and organizations of which you are or have been a member
–any and all awards you have won in the last ten years
–hobbies and interests
–high-school graduation year and grade-point average
–any pets you have
And several other equally stupid questions I don’t remember.
And everyone except Everyday Feminism knows that the shittier the job, the longer and more detailed the application form. So while a lot of their complaints are valid, they’re posting old news on the front page.
Am I the only one who noticed that the even in EDF’s articles the more masculine of the obviously lesbian couple is the ignorant one who must have every, tiny little detail explained to them.
Even being female and gay isn’t enough. You must also be the most female of the two females. I almost can’t wait for that to be a thing. Lesbians tearing their already broken families apart over who is the most female and therefore carries the most mental/emotional load.
I’m going to buy stock in the most masculine popcorn possible just so I have snacks for the show.
It’s obvious that Everyday Feminism has none of these draconian and unfair hurdles on its job application. Chronic lateness, nor mental issues, nor surly disposition, nor innumeracy, nor crippling insecurity, nor total lack of relevant experience are considered disqualifiers. Quite the opposite, in fact.
The Shibuya of the North.
“Via Tim Newman, this.”
Is that the bloke from Florida WTP mentioned last week?
“I don’t know how it is over in the UK, but the fact that one could put butter on a roll floored me”
Sandwich shop in Glasgow. Former kids’ show on ITV. Presumably nobody outside New York gets the joke.
“Order a buttered roll and you’ll invariably be handed a kaiser. But ask old-time New Yorkers, and they will swear up and down that today’s model is a pale version of the remembered ‘Vienna’ or ‘hard rolls,’ a smaller, cornmeal-bottomed pastry with an open crumb and a shatteringly crisp crust.”
And that sounds suspiciously like the rolls you can still find in the west of Scotland (and quite possibly elsewhere; I’m not the NYT). I’ve been convinced since childhood that wood pulp is involved in the recipe somewhere.
“To some purists, a buttered roll made with ‘spread’ is not worth eating. ‘The entire point is a roll spread with real, sweet butter’”
I’ll put my name to that, right enough.
I’ll put my name to that, right enough.
Absolutely. Anything else is an appalling compromise.
Is that the bloke from Florida WTP mentioned last week?
No…So much absurdity I don’t even recall to which you refer. i’m sure it will come to me shortly, though…however, be aware that World Net Daily is a satirical site. Amusingly, a friend posted a story on FB from there about a Yale professor hired by Trump to be his science advisor. Said professor was supposed to have not known we landed on the moon. Of course the leftists all hopped on this Trump-and-Trumpkins-are-such-dummies fakey, satirey, parody-y story without first questioning why, in the parody universe, the guy would be a prof at Yale in the first place. Teh recursions of parody…
Anything else is an appalling compromise.
Y’all ain’t lived till y’all et one om them rolls with bearing grease and sorghum like memaw makes.
In praise of rioting (From the Guardian, natch.)
In praise of rioting (From the Guardian, natch.)
For a less, um, romantic view, this.
And by romantic, I obviously mean pernicious and delusional.
This just in from Frank J Fleming:
Speaking of ideologies that don’t quite grasp economics, Spanish socialists want to trade tourists for “refugees”.
Evidently this is because tourists take up a lot of space and leave money in their wake, whereas “refugees” just take up space, or something.
This is important to know, thank you for the heads up. Honestly as a native Floridan stories like are ceasing to raise flags. It’s almost like I am becoming desensitized to shock and awe.
@hal 06.11am LOL
My favourite from “Class” was (dredged up from long ago memory) “Jen Teale keeps a supply of doilies by the bed to slip under Brian before they have sex.”
@dicentra: That’s an excellent one. I’ll be stealing it.
Likely many folks here will have seen this already, but I’ve not noticed it being mentioned so – just in case – and even speaking as someone who is not really down on the NHS – this video of a live debate is just phenomenal.
The click bait phrase ‘X destroys Y!’ is so overused these days (mostly by The Independent it seems) that it is now practically meaningless (even for an expression that didn’t exactly start off as profound) … and yet watching Ben Shapiro repeatedly present actual arguments against Cenk Uygur’s frankly embarrassing emotive floundering is really quite something to behold.
The phrase ‘rips him a new one’ just does not do it justice.
Long, but certainly worth it.
Wrong link!
Sorry, this is the link to the debate between Shapiro and Uygur I was referring to.
the debate between Shapiro and Uygur I was referring to.
Thanks, will give that a squint, but probably tomorrow. It’s late and there’s a glass of red asking me to fondle it.
My favourite from “Class” was (dredged up from long ago memory) . . .
Ehn, you might want to do a reread, or would prolly quite enjoy the reread—while Jen Teale is definitely quite a fiasco, I’m sure I’d remember Cooper describing a supply of doilies for sex . . .
But definitely yes, if you’re remembering the the original, Cooper has even done an update that is just as entirely recommended.
Female snakes don’t have honey pots. They have a cloaca. I think World News Daily is having a bit of fun.
World News Daily is a hoax site descended from (I think) the hoax newspaper Weekly World News.
Also, ‘honeypot’ is a very charming euphemism for vagina. British, I assume.
I thought it was Southern U.S.
And where else on the Internet can you learn about Korean rap AND snake privates?
Oh no, the Weekly World News is still very much online.
Also, ‘honeypot’ is a very charming euphemism for vagina. British, I assume.
Possibly British, but also with at least one definite particular collection of references which can be female or male . . .
A cocktail and typography project:

Funny how being “woke” is often difficult to distinguish from being smugly parochial.
So, the NYT is publishing pieces on buttered bread and white male social interaction. I sense a diminishing gravitas at The Gray Lady.
So, the NYT is publishing pieces on buttered bread…
Speaking of buttered rolls, Tovarich Sherman, you ever go to Lambert’s in Sikeston ?
Twice. I may have deep genetic roots in the Ozarks, but I still frown on having my food thrown at me. Excuse me. I meant, “throwed.” I thought the Reformation cured Western Civilization of that habit.
Meanwhile, in Laurie World:

The drama never ends.
Has she tried shaving her head?
…but I still frown on having my food thrown at me.
I don’t know, I always thought it was rather efficient, particularly if the roll guy was on the other side of the room.
Meanwhile, in Laurie World:
If repelling heterosexuals is her goal, I would have thought the words, “Hi, I’m Laurie Penny”, would have sufficed and saved her the cost of an overpriced haircut.
If repelling heterosexuals is her goal . . .
Doesn’t David keep several 8 X 10 glossies of her picking her nose for such occasions?
I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.
I got so fed up and gender dysphoric
Now, I don’t think I’ve ever heard “I got so fed up and anorexic” or “I got so fed up and autistic”
Gender dysphoria may be a real mental condition, but the whole Trans-advocacy thing is the neveaux Lefty fad and cultural cudgel to beat the squares around the head & shoulders.
oh geez…. “nouveau” …
Preview is my friend. Preview is my friend
It’s the “dog-training shock collar” that always gets me about that one. Sheesh. >_< Is it just me, or does anyone else suspect she might secretly be into the bondage-domination thing? With her partner dressed in a snappy SS uniform?
Oh, by the way, our old Twitter-banned friend Godfrey appears to have returned:
Keep it on the “down-low” so the Twitter Stasi doesn’t find out.
It’s the “dog-training shock collar” that always gets me about that one.
So it’s not just me, then.
does anyone else suspect she might secretly be into the bondage-domination thing?
I don’t suspect.
No Darleen, they are the squares.
Regarding the neckwear, believe it’s actually modeled after a gorget. As such one of us really should take the opportunity to lecture her sometime about the triggering ungoodness of this symbol of Westernimperialism.
Wait – Godfrey got banned? Why?
Godfrey called a goodthinker a rude name. Badthinkers aren’t allowed to do that.
The drama never ends.
Laurie is good at the humblebrag. This one shows she’s in New York. The others say she is attracting lots of attention from men, albeit unwanted, because she grew her hair and lost weight. She also tells us she’s never had big tits, as if that’s something which would immediately put all men off.
“I tripped over my own shoelaces getting into my Ferrari this morning. What a fool I am!”
“I accidentally said hello to somebody I thought I knew in Rome just now! So embarrassing!”
“I caught a cold and I’m not sure pharmacies open in Annecy on a Sunday. Woe is me!” 😉
I caught a cold and I’m not sure pharmacies open in Annecy on a Sunday. Woe is me!
Heh. Quite.