Simpler times. // Less so. // “Mysterious stains everywhere” and other low-rent hotel horrors. // How sperm whales sleep. // At last, snortable chocolate. // His grip is better than yours. // Battery University. (h/t, Dr W) // Uncombable hair syndrome. // Almost Eighties. // Cocktails 101. Yes, there will be a test later. // Japanese playgrounds. // This just in. // This is one of these. // $15. // Photographing the Moon with a Game Boy camera. // The hazards of golf. // A vet’s life. (h/t, Damian) // Bit chilly out. // Your one-stop shop for Chicago murder stats. // Chinese rap is a thing that exists. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) // And finally, futuristically, “The motors are controlled by pressure sensors in your shoes, under your toes, and communicate to the thumb via Bluetooth connection.”

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