Friday Ephemera
They grow up so quickly. (h/t, Tim) // Swedish ladies gymnastics, 1905. // At last, black ice cream. // Sweaty vest and power loader not included. // London’s ganglands. // Thomas Sowell on the greed fallacy. // Battle of the sexes. (h/t, Obo) // Iceberg Alley. // His name was Bill Hitler. // 200-watt laser bazooka brings instant death to cardboard and balloons. // Cargo cult. // One-bean cup of coffee. // On earworms and chewing gum. // Tiny shrimp tempura. // Irony. // Robot game-play is an acquired taste. // Robot knife game. // An interview with a serial killer. (h/t, Jordan Peterson) // Recognition. // Morricone and Theremin. // Anamorphic sculptures. // If you fix the stars in place. // Artificial uterus. // Rutland State Fair, 1941. // And finally, the Great Emu War of 1932.
Sweaty vest and power loader not included.
Reebok?? Oh, Dear.
Well, yes, I was already expecting the worst anyway, aside from the cinematography, of course.
London’s ganglands.
Oh. Hmmm. Now where was that live Underground map again? Oh, here we go.
200-watt laser bazooka brings instant death to cardboard and balloons.
Scientists switch on the world’s largest ‘artificial sun’
One-bean cup of coffee.
One of my observations from a couple of decades back, the California cuisine five bean salad: One bean, a second bean, the third bean, the fourth, the fifth, serve, charge $150.
On earworms and chewing gum.
Eight, sir; seven, sir;
Six, sir; five, sir;
Four, sir; Three, sir;
Two, sir; one!
Robot knife game.
Aliens, actually . . .
Robot knife game.
Anamorphic sculptures.
So today I learned that carnival workers of 1941 dress better than the office people I work with every day. And I’m guessing those carny folk didn’t make squat relatively speaking. And what was with that Franco family?
” And what was with that Franco family?”
They were lgbqrtxyz before it had this name. Then they were just freaks in a freak show.
Cargo cult.
Is it green energy?
Is it green energy?
I suppose the chap doing the filming might have explained to his neighbour that electric lawn mowers tend to require electricity, but it’s hard not to share his amused disbelief.
I think it may be time to demolish the offices of the New York Times and build something more useful, like a car park. Or a brothel.
SJW’ers win over Facebook-hatred!
Actually, this is Facebook owning up to a misgendering-mistake and taking corrective action like any good social citizen should. Kudos to Facebook.
Scientists switch on the world’s largest ‘artificial sun’
From that article:
Lavoisier wept.
SJW’ers win over Facebook-hatred!
I’ve often thought that prolonged exposure to Facebook was a bad idea.
Btw, everybody who identifies (or perhaps is identified) as a woman should wear a headscarf in Austria. To combat islamophobia.
Let’s thank our betters that the Austrians did not elect the wrong candidate in the last elections. That would have been a disaster.
Awkward hugs,
That would have been a disaster.
There’s a kind of quasi-treasonous sentiment that, among some, is becoming commonplace.
Right, I’m off to see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, so behave yourselves while I’m away. I’ve rigged the liquor cabinet with explosives.
I think it may be time to demolish the offices of the New York Times and build something more useful, like a car park. Or a brothel.
Oh. A bunch of people chattering on Twit.
Sooooooo . . Is there an actual NYT article to point to and thus see what the chattering is about?
Apparently yes and it’s a complete reverse of the chattering.
People chattering on Twit gets a lot of “Conservatives are putting themselves into volatile situations on college campuses.”
A basic bit of Googlemancy does finally get a bunch of articles.
Where looking at those articles, one does find repeated instances of the same NYT attributed quote:
Ah, so apparently NYT did actually have a particular article, and the article opens with an observation that Ann Coulter is a posturing blowhard.
However there is the rest of that NYT article, including bits such as . . .
. . . . So, while the NYT is the NYT, the actual NYT article reads to me as quite benignly conservative—as opposed to mere right wing liberal or left wing liberal . . . Where genuinely conservative being utterly separate and quite distinct from mere right wing liberal is a familiar situation.
As far as Coulter . . .
Ah, yes, Coulter.
It wouldn’t bother me as much if the some it is becoming commonplace among didn’t have their hands on the levers of power, state and financial.
What the hell, the Long Peace was boring, bring on the Brave New World! </sarc>
I’ve rigged the liquor cabinet with explosives.
Drat. I was going to have some dinner and needed something for the marinade.
What? Don’t you have cooking vodka?
Fine, I’ll have some tea and see what else to arrange . . .
There’s a petition on for the BBC to sack their political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, because she’s biased against Jeremy Corbyn. It’s very close to getting 10,000 signatures.
Corbyn himself comes across as an amiable old duffer, relatively harmless by himself, but his supporters scare the shit out of me. Hard leftists campaigning to purge people for wrongthink – have they any idea what they look like? Do they think that sort of thing will convince anyone to vote for them?
Hard leftists campaigning to purge people for wrongthink – have they any idea what they look like?
An Artificial Womb Successfully Grew Baby Sheep — and Humans Could Be Next
That’s the /. article, where the commentary has gotten interesting . . . with the cited article, and original paper.
Swedish gymnastics
In the handstand pic, her T-shirt is pinned to the knickerbockers. In 1905 even the knickerbockers would’ve been thought outré. A glimpse of midriff would’ve been beyond shocking!
Oh, right: If you fix the stars in place. has been getting:
Content Warning
If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in.
However, Fix Stars In Place does provide a pointer of where to go.
There was a request for the NYT article which inspired the Tweets, so here it is.
The relevant text appears in the third paragraph:
I haven’t read the rest of the article.
a pointer of where to go.
Thanks, link fixed.
A little more about Pharmacists Mate Hitler, a millennial of last century who evidently eventually found his way.
Hard leftists campaigning to purge people for wrongthink – have they any idea what they look like?

You tell me:
Right, I’m off to see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2,
Any good?
Any good?
Um, yes. Not great, but mostly fun. It’s a little uneven in tone and pacing, and at times unfocused, and some of the gags don’t quite land, but it’s still funny often enough and certainly gorgeous to look at. And the opening title sequence is a thing of joy. If you liked the first one, you’ll probably like this one, just not quite as much.
I’ve always believed that women would be happier if they got in the habit of leaving the toilet seat up after they were done using it.
The reason is because I’ve heard complaints — justified complaints — of having to use public bathrooms previously used by women who were too dainty to touch a public seat, and so apparently just hovered over the toilet, letting their urine fall all over the seat.
If women were in the habit of putting the seats up after using them, these “dainty hoverers” wouldn’t spray all over the seat, because the seat would be in the upright position, with the part that you sit on facing towards the wall.
They grow up so quickly.
Ahh, the story of my life summed up in 11 seconds.
If you liked the first one, you’ll probably like this one, just not quite as much.
I think that’s a persistent problem with sequels to films that are less “good on their own merits” and more “good because they’re simply unlike anything that’s come before”.
sequels to films that are less “good on their own merits” and more “good because they’re simply unlike anything that’s come before”.
Yes, I think that’s true. Though oddly, I actually enjoyed the first one slightly more on second (home) viewing. The first film is better paced, though the second one is more visually outlandish, practically soaked in colour.
As it happened I was at UC Berkeley yesterday from about 11:30 to 9PM. On the way up, on the BART train, a gent boarded wearing black pants, dark grey hoodie (hood up), black ballcap, and dark glasses. He parked himself in a corner and spent the trip head down, perusing his phone. He got off at Berkeley. Walking up to campus from the BART station I passed the Art Museum annex, which had at least twenty police motorcycles parked on the sidewalk in front, with associated police standing around in groups. No other activity on the ground, but a helicopter wandered randomly about 800 feet up. (It was there all day.) I walked the length of campus (but did not get near Sproul Plaza or the Student Union) and saw essentially no “activity” or oddly-attired folk.
Incidental to my meeting at the College of Engineering, a couple of mild snarky remarks were made to me about the helicopter and the recent news. No one seemed to take any of it seriously.
As I left campus about 9PM, there was someone on a PA giving a speech which I could not make out, down at the West entrance (opposite the Art Museum). No visible crowd, no crowd sounds. No apparent police presence. A Local News TV truck, parked with lights out and antennae retracted.
At the bottom of the escalator into BART, a person dressed in all black was removing shorts and apparently squatting as if to void its bowels. A few minutes later the station PA announced a request for security assistance as there was a “woman removing her clothes at the entrance.” So that part of the Berkeley experience was also more or less normal.
I remarked to the young woman seated on the bench next to me about her new HTC phone (I used to be in that business). Turned out she was a student and a larval stage multiple entrepreneur. We spent the 40 minutes on the train talking about innovation and startup companies, which was a nice coda to my business on campus.
– your humble correspondent
PS- there’s no explosives in the liquor cabinet. Unfortunately all the booze has been replaced with vintage bottles of Annie Green Springs and Boone’s Farm “wine”, and a couple quarts of Colt 64 Malt Liquor.
PPS – you won’t get away with this, David.
Another modest feminist proposal which sounds completely reasonable and will in no way contribute to the scurrilous myth of radfems having daddy issues and the emotional maturity of 14 year-olds:
As it happened I was at UC Berkeley yesterday from about 11:30 to 9PM.
Ayup. Quite about normal for Berkeley. I did laundry and caught up on the reading pile.
PS- there’s no explosives in the liquor cabinet. Unfortunately all the booze has been replaced with vintage bottles of Annie Green Springs and Boone’s Farm “wine”, and a couple quarts of Colt 64 Malt Liquor.
Oh, dear. David ran out of muscadoodle again?!?!!
the second one is more visually outlandish, practically soaked in colour.
That’s a direct result of the modern tendency to shoot all action films through a desaturated blue filter, a habit which is a staple of the DC cinematic universe and the Captain America franchise. Compare the first Avengers with Civil War and you’ll see it.
For that matter, compare Thor: Dark World with the trailer for Ragnarok. I think it’s interesting that Marvel’s cinematic universe is going through exactly the same Silver Age – Iron Age – Bronze Age stages the comics did, and for much the same reasons.
I joked with a friend that I could tell whether Justice League was going to suck from watching a half second of the trailer. They’re using a desaturated blue filter. They’re not learning.
Robot knife game.
The first time I saw Aliens, Bill Paxton’s character seemed jarring (compared to Alien) but then it clicked and became the best part.
RIP Bill Paxton. Game over, man.
Battle of the sexes
Somewhat related:
Funny to see women athletes clearly unhappy but too cowed to say anything.
And finally, the Great Emu War of 1932
You’re welcome, David.
You’re welcome, David.
I really should pay more attention to what goes on around here.
I really should pay more attention to what goes on around here.
That way lies madness…..
… and Boone’s Farm “wine”,
What happened to the case of Night Train? I think someone needs to have a very stern conversation with the Hench-Lesbians. I’d do it myself but I hear my mother calling, so…
Appropo of nothing, but really neat. Via Mick Hartley.
Looked at the “Fix the Stars” video. Interesting how the atmospheric refraction effect is obvious from that perspective.
But sad, so sad: the number of “related” videos that popped up purporting to prove that the earth 1) doesn’t rotate, and 2) is the center of the universe. And/or is flat. Or something. I dunno. I suppose those people vote, too.
I sighed a bit with relief at the tiny “views” numbers for those.
wtp: How odd that you should mention the H-L. Tucked away in a forgotten corner of the liquor cabinet, cleverly hidden under a grubby jar labeled “Marmite / Vintage: 1956”, was what turned out to be a spare key to the upstairs hot tub & spa suite. Where I am presently relaxing with an 18 year old MacAllan in one hand, and a 20 year old [ reception failed at this point in the transcript. ]
Well nice to see Rosmary Woods is still getting work. I assumed she was dead. Still doesn’t ‘splain wtf happened to the Night Train. There also seems to be a quality control problem in the Hench-LESBIAN department of Human Resources.
WTP: Did you just assume my gender and/or sexual preference/spectrum location? Huh? You troglodyte!
And to think I was told this was a classy joint…
and now, that 20 year old is crying…
I can’t even.
Fatty III

Btw I located a copy of the Chip Bok cartoon that Hal graced us with at , which at first glance looks like it might have lots of interesting material of various sorts.
Where I am presently relaxing with an 18 year old MacAllan in one hand, and a 20 year old . . .

. . . the DC cinematic universe and the . .

. . . . wouldn’t that apply to a good deal of the JLA over time? Certainly Diana Prince . . .
It’s official DC canon that Superman wasn’t born until he emerged from the gestation matrix in the pod that carried him to Earth, therefore making him born on US soil and eligible for the Presidency.
It’s official DC canon that Superman wasn’t born until he emerged from the gestation matrix in the pod that carried him to Earth,
Oh, right;
A) Hmmm. Interesting.
B)—but we are noting comic book history here . . .
Crisis On Infinite Earths
The New Ffty Two
Superman Red Son
Which Superman?!?!
So there was a commie Superman. Doesn’t surprise me. Never trusted that SOB.
Which Superman?!?!
Yes, exactly.
Although the thing that rankles me about that comic is that pre-1986, when Superman was still space alien Jesus, DC made a lot of noise about how pathologically law-abiding he was. I recall an offhand comment that he’d received official permission from each nation on Earth to enter their airspace without warning so he could respond to crises. The notion that Superman wouldn’t have ensured he was a legal citizen of the US as soon as legally possible is farcical on the face of it.
Sweaty vest and power loader not included.

Of course, there is also one’s point of view.
No, not about the surreally silly things that must be claiming to be shoes merely because they’re placed around feet, but rather . . .