Checkout nightmare. // Scientific discovery of note. (h/t, Captain Nemo) // New York at an angle. // How ink is made. // An interactive map of global shipping. // Stylish prosthesis. // “Doctors amputated her leg, removed the knee, then re-attached the rest of the leg backwards.” // Living dolls. // Defend the galaxy in a retro-super-80s style. // // Expired goods. // Everything you need to know about porn parodies. // Euphemism of note. // Insect portraits. // Painted toenail stockings. // Legs & Co vs Laurie Anderson, 1981. I believe the term is “conceptual nightmare.” // The vault of VHS packaging. // Stasi aesthetics. (h/t, Coudal) // Trend of note. // Water 2.0 // Washing the dog. // Walking the walk. // All the fries. // And finally, fire in a jug goes whoosh.

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