And This Is Your Brain On Feminism
Feminist Current is apparently “Canada’s leading feminist website.” Its editor Meghan Murphy tells us that “female students are under constant threat” and that all women everywhere live in a state of unending terror:
And who is it we fear? Is it other women? No. It is a male. A male with a penis that he may or may not use as a weapon.
Armed with a mind of infinite subtlety, Ms Murphy has more than a few ideas on how to combat this throbbing phallocratic menace:
There are solutions: a feminist revolution… an end to masculinity… all of that would help.
An end to masculinity. Yes, I know, it’s quite a project. But first, baby steps:
It’s time to consider a curfew for men.
One more time:
While a curfew would not resolve the problem of patriarchy and male violence against women, it does, in a way, address entitlement and privilege… The more I consider the idea of a curfew for men, the more it makes sense.
Why, it almost sounds like a gratuitous power fantasy, the product of an unwell mind. Of course a curfew will make dating rather difficult if you’re not a lesbian, and overnight motorway maintenance will have to be done exclusively by ladies. And there’ll be no more working nights to support your family, you indecently privileged patriarchal shitlord. Happily, however, our collective punishment as menfolk may not be eternal:
After a designated period of time, we’ll allow them back on the streets after dark to see how it goes.
Clearly, Ms Murphy is determined to upend idle stereotypes of feminists as batty misandrists unmoored from reality. An iconoclasm underlined by her biographical blurb:
Meghan Murphy, founder and editor of Feminist Current, is a freelance writer and journalist. She completed a master’s degree in the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University in 2012 and lives in Vancouver, B.C., with her dog.
A bitch, presumably.
Meghan is also available to teach workshops on advocacy journalism.
Good to know.
As you might imagine, the readers’ comments at “Canada’s leading feminist website” are also quite… special. There, you’ll learn that in addition to a gender curfew, “there should be a limit on how many men can congregate together in public places at any time of day.” Because “three [men] together constitutes a gang.” You’ll also learn of the urgent need to “break apart the white family, the foremost institution of oppression,” and that, obviously, “all men rape occasionally.”
Via Joan.
Ms Murphy instructs her readers in feminist life skills.
Yeah I saw that. As a father of 2 boys I’m just thrilled to hear these attitudes. Really hopeful for the future
Also, lately, we’ve had Milo Y battling with infamous fabricator Connie ST Louis and Kate Smurthwaite on daytime telly.
I’m sure it must dawn on even the slowest minds that Milo is shooting out verifiable evidence*, whereas the censoring feminist section are simply trying to shout him down. Smurthwaite mysteriously called for him to be “locked up”.
Connie St Louis gives us a generous helping of her imaginary world. I look forward to a day when even BBC audiences don’t clap when she repeats this completely fictional account of the world. It prompted an indignant piece from Milo on Breitbart & everyone was reminded of her behaviour wrt Tim Hunt, so that was something…
* I don’t mean it’s necessarily all correct, but at least he’s saying things that can be checked – not vague political theory built on laughably flimsy foundations
Of course a curfew will make dating rather difficult if you’re not a lesbian, and overnight motorway maintenance will have to be done exclusively by ladies.
I don’t think she’s thought it through. Thank God she’s got a masters in Women’s Studies to fall back on.
That was quick. 🙂
That was quick. 🙂
It pretty much wrote itself.
As a father of 2 boys I’m just thrilled to hear these attitudes. Really hopeful for the future.
It does make me wonder what experience Ms Murphy and her readers have of men in general and family life in particular. When she thinks of “men” as a thing to punish – “a male with a penis” – does that group include her father, her uncles, nephews and any brothers, and any male friends? Are they also to be subject to this amusing humiliation?
I just read a goodly part of the comment thread. Megan Murphy and her radfem friends have spewed up the most irrational, hysterical, and toxic abuse of pixels I have ever seen on the webz.
And that’s saying something.
I couldn’t help but notice that she took the gang attacks in Cologne as her starting point, yet resolutely refused to mention anything about the attackers other than that they were male, and abused anyone sentient enough to bring it up.
Meghan is also available to teach workshops on advocacy journalism.
Based on this, who could say no?
she took the gang attacks in Cologne as her starting point, yet resolutely refused to mention anything about the attackers other than that they were male, and abused anyone sentient enough to bring it up.
Yes, despite her agitation and urge to correct the world, the words “migrant,” “refugee” and “Muslim” appear nowhere in the article. It’s the Laurie Penny school of critical analysis. Or an example of displacement. But then, this is a woman of such mental heft she took on crippling debt and wasted years of her life to get a degree that’s intellectually worthless and will actively repel any sane employer.
As life choices go, perhaps not the smartest.
I’m sure she and her friends had a good laugh about this article after it was published. There’s no attempt at being taken seriously – it’s all status signalling set to overdrive. This woman is either a sociopath or deeply unhappy with her life.
*checks level of terror felt*
Hmmm. Nothing so far. Is my terror gland malfunctioning?
I see a huge opportunity for mail order brides from Asian and Russia. Those who open such services will make many Canadian men happy and earn a good living for themselves. Make sure you use a service run by and for men. Then you can spend your curfew without all the “drama” of the Canadian female.
The spam filter is having one of its periodic fits. If anyone has trouble with comments not appearing, email me and I’ll set them free.
Presumably only white men? Has she horribly blundered here and revealed herself as a racist imperialist?
Anyway, who are they going to get to impose this ‘curfew’? Ten foot tall neuter genetic creations currently growing in a VAT? Because women won’t be very good at it. Feminists don’t seem to understand that if you pick a fight with people bigger, stronger and nastier you will lose.
Her place in the world is to tend to her pretty blog, write feminist boilerplate, and troll men with snark and condescension. I think she and I would actually agree on many issues but probably for different reasons, though I will never really find out because (if the comments are anything to go by) she is an insufferable bitch.
Ms. Murphy is quite perplexed at commenters who note the common denominator in the Cologne attacks is something more than just “maleness.” Says she, ” It’s almost as though the angry male internet WANTS something to scream about…”
Unlike the angry “female internet,” of course.
Meanwhile, old Will Shakespeare is under attack by the Globe’s artistic director for lack of woman-centric casting:
“For example, “[t]here is no reason why [the Earl of] Gloucester can’t be a woman,” said Rice, who admits to being no Shakespeare expert, having directed only one of his plays and having read only a few others.”
Maybe the Countess of Gloucester?
Related, a very good post from Phillip Mark McGough;
A bitch, presumably.
I see what you did there.
This is what comes of letting women vote.
A male with a penis that he may or may not use as a weapon.
My penis doubles as a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.
My penis doubles as a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.
Your Guild of Evil™ amulet and membership card are in the post.
We provide a unique perspective on pop culture, politics, current events, sexuality, gender, and many other issues that are often underrepresented or misrepresented by most media sources.
Indeed, a “unique perspective” so unique it is exactly like every other leftist site and most of the MSM.
Meanwhile, one of her comrades offers this unique perspective on Fifteen way the world revolves around men’s penises.
Nothing is said about women’s penises, or those of true hermaphrodites, but I was shocked to learn that the world has been oppressed because Rowan Atkinsons’s Blackadder codpiece sold at auction for £850.
No more football down the pub of an evening, then. I’ll have to get Sky (sigh).
Is a curfew as a good as a cor, phew!
I as yoof I had experienced the latter while looking at pictures of ladies, so perhaps the curfew isn’t too bad at all even for a man of my age.
Ah, Canada. The true north weak and sniveling.
It’s tough really. This haversack of white male privilege that I have to carry in and out of my white(gasp!) pickup truck(*fainting*) everyday in the winter so it doesn’t freeze is an annoyance. Makes me late for work.
Assuming the curfew is put into practice, what will happen when the power goes out, or a waterline breaks, or the phone service goes dead or the cable tv drops out after dark? Will the feminist sisters be there to make repairs? You betcha!
Along those lines, I’d like to see a national white guys strike. For a week. Let’s see who squeals the loudest.
Only 40 watts ? Ha ! I can get 60 out of mine 🙂
Dammit, Mark beat me to it. Willy waving is amusing. Especially in the context discussed.
I see a huge opportunity for mail order brides from Asian and Russia.
The Yanks actually brought in a law making it harder for their menfolk to bring in overseas brides. I don’t recall the details, but it appeared to be in part championed by feminists who didn’t want their blokes having the option of avoiding their fishwifery.
“Please do not rape us. Please do not piss in our gardens.”
Assuming the curfew is put into practice, what will happen when the power goes out, or a waterline breaks, or the phone service goes dead or the cable tv drops out after dark? Will the feminist sisters be there to make repairs? You betcha!
I made a similar comment on the Brietbart site in discussion with one of these deluded feminists. My comment got moderated out, however her calling me a Neanderthal still stood. On Breitbart no less. Though I suspect Disqus may have had a hand in it. Do not underestimate the power of these beasts.
This is what comes of letting women vote. Never thought the day would come when I would agree with such, but that day passed a couple decades ago. I find it increasingly difficult to take women seriously unless I’ve gotten to know them a few months. I see it making work more difficult, eventually. Certainly had some reservations about one women when I went on a job interview recently. Not necessarily the reason I didn’t take the job but it factored in to my doubts about what she said vs. what she may have really meant in the context of what I was looking for. Which is sad because I did kind of like her, but you have to play the percentages. Given the risks involved in changing employers combined with the likely hood of my doubts, it could have made the difference.
“Please do not rape us. Please do not piss in our gardens.”
It’s almost funny, in a grim kind of way. And I can’t help thinking that if you’re having to mass produce leaflets instructing your exotic newcomers not to destroy shopkeepers’ stock, not to rape or molest random women, not to throw rocks at gay people, and not to shit on someone’s lawn, then a quite serious failure of judgement has already occurred.
“My penis doubles as a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.”
I sexually identify as an A-10 Thunderbolt. You must demonstrate your tolerance by publicly affirming this.
“This is what comes of letting women vote.”
I would argue that this is what comes of allowing leftists to speak.
“Of course a curfew will make dating rather difficult if you’re not a lesbian…”
All to the good in her mind, I am sure.
…and overnight motorway maintenance will have to be done exclusively by ladies. And there’ll be no more working nights to support your family…”
I am sure that the lesbian feminist left is ready with a solution modeled on the work release programs which allow prisoners to leave jail each day to go to work.
Never thought the day would come when I would agree with such, but that day passed a couple decades ago.
As somebody wrote on another site, too many women see the government as the ultimate beta-male provider, and vote accordingly. The penny dropped for me when Obama’s team wheeled out that 30 year old “student” who made the passionate plea for Obamacare to be passed in order that her birth control pills be paid for by somebody else – and she was *not* laughed into oblivion. In fact, it worked: Obama won.
What to do about lesbian rape?
Should lesbians be curfewed too then?
too many women see the government as the ultimate beta-male provider, and vote accordingly.
Reminded me of this by Mark Steyn on the decline of the family and what it costs:
And choosing state dependency as part of a progressive lifestyle sounds pretty selfish to me.
“What to do about lesbian rape?”
There is no lesbian rape. Report immediately to Room 101 for reeducation.
I became a sort-of feminist in the late 1960s. (Back then, life was not so easy for a woman in the workplace.) Now, things are so much better. And the last thing we need is half-wits proclaiming that men are beyond the pale! I, and most of my gender, actually like men. But that, apparently, is no longer PC?
Comment from pst314 at 14:37 wins the Internet today.
Jimmy speaks wisdom. This is a troll on her part. The proper answer back is “ohhhh…you’re cute when you’re mad”.
“wins the Internet today.”
I can’t take credit for it. I stole it from the hilarious Duffleblog:
This is what comes of letting women vote.
A female myself, I can’t help but come to this very same conclusion.
Any bets as to whether the following comment was approved?

My biggest query, is after the male police officers lock the rest of the men up, whom then locks up the male police officers?
Oh I forgot, the Strong Independent Women will do all of the policing!
“three [men] together constitutes a gang.”
There goes my bowling team.
There goes my bowling team.
Yes, most sporting events would have to be abandoned. And no boybands could roam the Earth.
“A male with a penis that he may or may not use as a weapon.”
[Looks down at lap] Well… I suppose I could hit you with it, if you got really close.
“all men rape occasionally.”
Even under the widest, most absurdly all-embracing definition of “rape”… no, really, I don’t.
“Anyway, who are they going to get to impose this ‘curfew’?“
A heavily-armed secret pol… er, I mean… um…
“Indeed, a “unique perspective” so unique it is exactly like every other leftist site and most of the MSM.”
Galton and Simpson wrote an episode of Hancock’s Half-Hour about this stuff back in 1959. I often think of it when reading David’s posts. Tony joins the “East Cheam Cultural Progressive Society”:
Nothing much changes. The only difference if it were re-made now is that the women would be in charge.
Oh, I get punished because some other men are bad? This argument would be torn to shreds by a civics class of 16 year-olds. If a teacher lead a discussion with this argument, the class would laugh at him for something so weak.
Even as a Poe, which it surely is, it is pitiful.
And there are women trying to sort out actual issues who are face-palming as these people ruin their chances.
And no boybands could roam the Earth.
Well. I may have to reconsider my objections to this chick’s ideas.