Heed Ye, O Heed Ye, the Agonies of the Left

When badmouthing maleness goes horribly wrong. 

See Jessica's pieties, see how they catch the light.

White woman’s burden. 

She feels her privilege.

Poltergeists and Martians also spared.

First you have to point to it so we know where to aim.

Hegemony, or at least someone’s windows, yeah? 

Practical hegemony smashing.

She’s decided you can’t decide.

Tribalism trumps logic.

You are free to remain immobile. 

You must stay where you are, forever.

I denounce the ableism. 

An ocean of tears.

Adorable feminist says clever things. 

When extremism is status.

Well, unlike the other thing, it allows you to posture with little physical risk. 

Stop oppressing your wife.

And so modest with it. 

Doubling down.

Erasing WrongThought™. 

The important things

It’s an incantation. It summons tedious people

Magic words of the in-group.

He’s letting you know he’s smarter than you. See also this

Severely educated.

If there’s a tube strike and you can’t get home or get to work, and if you aren’t happy about this, chances are you’re a wanker

He's a graduate who 'dabbles in communism'.

Previous instalments can be found here. And feel free to share your own. 

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