One man and his hummingbird. // LED baby strikes back. // Bag-snatching thief with previous convictions encounters “social justice.” (h/t, Kate) // Giraffe in a storm. // Storage jars of note. // Hardcore stare down. I’ve seen this happen. // “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” // Magnetic dunking device. // Defend against atom bombs with vigorous dusting. // It’s about this deep. // Poly-spandex poncho. // Zwipe. // Popsicles of note. // Organic, vegan, genderless gingerbread persons. (h/t, Robert Hale) // The science of voice recognition. // The sky is not blue. // Hoverboard, baby. // How to move furniture. // You know you want a swivelling selfie hat. // Huge sphinx unearthed in California. // And finally, James Spader is a very bad robot in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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