Tim Worstall on the ever-changing grievances of the left: 

There are certain people, Dianne Abbott being a good enough example, whose existence is only validated by telling people to do something different from what they are. If everyone’s a model of Victorian primness then the shriek will be that free love is a necessary part of civilised society. If everyone is indeed practising free love then Victorian modesty is the only valid more for society to allow. It’s not that either is better or worse. It’s that, by definition, whatever people are doing is wrong and they must be controlled to do the other. After all, Kip Esquire’s Law does require that someone should do the controlling and there are those who do insist they are in the vanguard of those who ought to be. What is being controlled and to what end is much less important than the controlling itself.

Daniel Hannan tackles the myths of Occupy:   

The Occupy crowd are occupying the wrong place. In this country, they were literally occupying the wrong place – they set out to occupy the Stock Exchange; they ended up in St Paul’s Cathedral, on grounds that it’s vaguely near the Stock Exchange. But even if they had a better sense of direction and found the place they were after, they’d have still been occupying the wrong place. 

And Christina Hoff Sommers ponders attempts to reinvent children: 

Swedes can be remarkably thorough in their pursuit of gender parity. A few years ago, a feminist political party proposed a law requiring men to sit while urinating – less messy and more equal. In 2004, the leader of Sweden’s Left Party Feminist Council, Gudrun Schyman, proposed a “man tax” – a special tariff to be levied on men to pay for all the violence and mayhem wrought by their sex. In April 2012, following the celebration of International Women’s Day, the Swedes formally introduced the genderless pronoun “hen” to be used in place of he and she (han and hon).

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