Precision parking. A 57” wide car meets a 61” wide garage. // The pencil crossbow. // Frog petting. // Octopus claims coconut. // A tornado made of wool. (h/t, Coudal) // Tape measure skillz. (h/t, The Thin Man) // The physics of Mega Shark. // Embalming for beginners. // A brief history of the computer. // Evolving robots. // Online egg timer. // McDonald’s menu items from around the world. // How to advertise tuna fish. // Eagle cam. // Treegate. (h/t, Mr E) // Tokyo’s N Building. // A-ki-ra! // Russians at the North Pole, circa 1950. // Devices and debris orbiting Earth. // The scale of the universe. // Aliens: the rap version. 

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