I’m back, just about. While I get my bearings, here’s a handsome piece of time-lapse by Samuel Cockedey.
I’m back, just about. While I get my bearings, here’s a handsome piece of time-lapse by Samuel Cockedey.
Assorted opera houses photographed by David Leventi. Via Coudal.
It’s the car horns that do it. Related: My Mashed Potato is Telling Me Something.
Here’s a thing. John Fink’s Glottal Opera, featuring the tones and interiors of the ladies from Kaya, an Australian a cappella group.
(h/t, Anna.)
I had an idea in mind for an instrument I wanted to build. My curiosity was to hear the sound of violin, viola and cello strings amplified through the body of a double bass. I came up with a quadruple-neck experimental ‘something’ that I thought to call Experibass.
By Diego Stocco.
I’m told The Scratch Perverts are some kind of beat combo.
Credits and high-resolution. Related: Shakerboys.
Make way for Raquel Welch. She brings disco from the future.
From the 1970 TV special, Raquel!, in which Ms Welch displayed her various talents, including duets with Tom Jones and Bob Hope and a recitation of Tennyson’s The Lady of Shalott. Via Coudal.
From the ephemera archives, more irregular listening.
Liz Brady: Palladium (The Hip). (1966)
Gilbert Bécaud: Quand Tu Danses. (1953)
Richard Cheese: Ice Ice Baby. (2006)
Señor Coconut: Showroom Dummies. (2000)
John Barry: The Ipcress File. (1965)
Shirley Maclaine: Big Spender. (1969)
Tommy McCook and the Skatalites: Dr Zhivago. (1969)
Rose Murphy: Busy Line. (Circa 1940s)
Hayseed Dixie: Monster Mash. (2005)
John Morris & Mel Brooks: Young Frankenstein. (1976)
A Boy and his Tuba is a series of improbable cover versions. As the name suggests, all parts of each song are performed with a tuba, with assorted loops, grunts and distortions manipulated live. Here’s New Order’s Blue Monday. Stay with it, it may surprise you.
Hardware enthusiasts may want to watch this behind-the-scenes clip, which explains the mysteries of envelope filters and the importance of gaffer tape.
Via Coudal.
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