Friday Ephemera
His, quite frankly, is bigger than yours. || After several fortifying beverages, he did it for science (a thread). || Buyer’s remorse. || How to suck rubble. || Cutting the cheese. || Cool-dude styling. || How to make a moon and do it fairly briskly. || “Why are they recording me?” || It’s satire, but barely. || I think they may be cybermen. || Today’s word is tits. || Entirely unrelated. || Lively scenes. || Lively scenes 2. || The thrill of clothes shopping. || It pays to be thorough. || Pad of note. || The Lord’s Prayer. || The thrill of Sunday trading, 1972. || Incoming. || Incoming 2. || We appear to be experiencing intersectional difficulties. || A preference for flat stomachs is apparently caused by “colonialism and anti-blackness.” || And finally, fashionably, it costs around $300 and it’s called a “fuck hat.”
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Today’s word is tits
Dammit, fooled again.
The Lord’s Prayer.
They apparently passed their weed-out courses but do they play golf? ? ?
Exact quote “Holy shit! That’s fucking terrifying!”
And, generally speaking, I think frogs are OK.
His, quite frankly, is bigger than yours.
Mags and I are going down the road for a restorative. You’ve really overstepped this time, David.
Lively scenes. || Lively scenes 2.
In 30 years of shopping I’ve never ended up in a brawl. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Morning, all.
Mags and I are going down the road for a restorative. You’ve really overstepped this time, David.
Oh, come on. What every home needs, clearly, is a frog that can push furniture out of its way.
“Lester Boyd, Inventor of the fuck hat.”
Ah, if only there was a Blue Plaque scheme in Idaho…
Ah, the peace of a British garden.
Via Julia.
In 30 years of shopping I’ve never ended up in a brawl.
Yes, I too have managed to waft around John Lewis and the M&S Food Hall – and do it many, many times – without once assaulting other customers with a fire extinguisher and brandishing uprooted fittings, and while screaming the word BITCH sixty-seven times.
It’s satire, but barely.
Somewhat related… Apparently, your front-door security camera “cancels out your Black Lives Matter sign.” You see, attempting to deter thievery and keep your home secure is an “anti-Black measure.”
Wokeness. Not even once.
The thrill of Sunday trading, 1972.
What are “stretched tights”…?
What are “stretched tights”…?
It does rather suggest that they’ve already been worn, possibly by someone with enormous legs. Which, I gather, is not a thing ladies generally look for when buying a pair of tights.
I suspect we may need some female input on this matter.
Just a follow-up on “A Sudden, Quite Rapid, Relocation of Stock” from two weeks ago:
…one of the senior officials said, ‘We’re seriously considering moving out of the city of Philadelphia in our strategic planning, at least not to expand,’” Driscoll added, according to the Philadelphia Business Journal.
Life comes at you fast. Call it a sudden, quite rapid, relocation of stores.
Just a follow-up on “A Sudden, Quite Rapid, Relocation of Stock” from two weeks ago
For those who missed it.
Lively scenes . . . front door security cam.
Still waiting to see people of pallor in these video clips. I’ll keep an eye out.
A preference for flat stomachs is apparently caused by “colonialism and anti-blackness.”
Has she never seen the work of Rubens and other Baroque painters?
His, quite frankly, is bigger than yours.
Not something to own if you have a cat, unless you don’t want the cat anymore of course. I imagine chihuahua’s wouldn’t fair well around Michigan J. Frog either. Sheesh.
What are “stretched tights”…?
Is it possible that what’s meant is “stretch tights” – i.e. elasticated ones, and it is simply a case of an auto-generated caption giving off a false answer because of the announcer’s accent?
Is it possible that what’s meant is “stretch tights” – i.e. elasticated ones,
That would, I think, be plausible. Thank goodness for your obvious expertise in the realm of ladies’ hosiery.
[ Peers over spectacles. ]
Thank goodness for your obvious expertise in the realm of ladies’ hosiery
It’s more expertise in deciphering YouTube subtitles, where the same problem can frequently be found.
Even the biggest cats love a chin tickle:
It’s more expertise in deciphering YouTube subtitles,
That just leaves the small matter of that carrier bag full of ladies’ undergarments.
That just leaves the small matter of that carrier bag full of ladies’ undergarments.
Those aren’t mine.
Apparently, your front-door security camera “cancels out your Black Lives Matter sign.”
IOW, “All criminals are black” – weird flex, as the kids say.
We’re seriously considering moving out of the city of Philadelphia…
Oh sure, create a convenience store junk food desert, you racist bastiges.
Meanwhile in Maryland*, a 582% increase in “gender nonconforming” students in two years. The alleged increase is utterly inexplicable.
*(pronounced Mare – uh – lund, not Mary Land as UK presenters are wont)
I’m a bit behind the times with this chess story, so I was extremely surprised to read the a headline containing the phrase: “anal beads chess prodigy”.
More brats.
More brats.
It’s what happens when narcissistic children expect immunity from spanking. For such self-regarding brats to spend six weeks in a cell with no light, no heat, and no cooked food, indeed nothing requiring energy, might be apt.
More brats.
“…the cost of living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis, fuel is more unaffordable…” – largely because of idiots like yourselves, but OK.
The only good thing is if you embiggenify the video it appears there is a glass in the frame, though it would be better if were plex, being oil based and all.
…might be apt.
Just leave them there in those incredibly awkward positions (extra glue as required – to support the cause, you know) with no food, water, sanitary amenities. Call it a performance art installation and charge people to see it.
For such self-regarding brats to spend six years in a cell with no light, no heat, and no cooked food, indeed nothing requiring energy, might be apt.
The above edit would be a better result, but yes. Make them face the consequences of their own actions.
Just leave them there in those incredibly awkward positions (extra glue as required – to support the cause, you know)
They’ve chosen to show their disdain for the norms of civilised behaviour, including social trust, which, among many other things, makes galleries possible. So let them experience a world without it.
Christians, Muslims, blacks, and whites united, finally, finally, the Alphabet Mafia does something good. Inadvertently, but still…
Re: self-regarding brats – there’s no need to overcomplicate this. A simple horsewhipping is all that’s needed.
They’ve chosen to show their disdain for the norms of civilised behaviour…
True, and the method for dealing with it can be debated forever, and I have no doubt helicopters and baby seals will be brought up sooner or later, but crap like this isn’t exactly helping to fix things.
[T]here’s no need to overcomplicate this. A simple horsewhipping is all that’s needed.
Embrace the power of and, dear boy. A simple horsewhipping AND imprisonment would be an eminently suitable punishment.
Lively scenes. || Lively scenes 2.
In 30 years of shopping I’ve never ended up in a brawl. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Clearly you have been failing in your duty to frequent those vibrantly diverse locations.
Re: self-regarding brats – there’s no need to overcomplicate this. A simple horsewhipping is all that’s needed.
Why not both? A horsewhipping followed by six years in a cell without heat, light, cooked food, etc.
However, that leaves the question of the proper way to deal with the organizers.
The only good thing is if you embiggenify the video it appears there is a glass in the frame…
That is correct, as stated in one of the newspaper reports on the attack.
I’ve made a terrible mistake.
It’s time for a vigilante group to lurk about and kick the snot out of these vandals the minute they get out of line.
“Rebellion Extinction.” Catchy name, right? They can have it.
A frog that eats bananas?
Med students pledging to honor aboriginal ways of healing? More like scary clown world. Like that one that lives in sewers and eats children clown world.
582% increase in gender nonconforming in 2 years…but it could NOT be due to mass hysteria and group conformity, nosiree bob, they were born that way. yep.
“It’s not about the nail.”
Archetypal woke moment.
“Lester Boyd, Inventor of the fuck hat.”
But Lester’s Indian name is…
Country boys and their crazy lateral thinking experiments that sometimes turn out to work (let’s make friends with those wolves).
We appear to be experiencing intersectional difficulties.
What is this country where the religion with the majority numbers can set the public norms?
Muslim protesters unmasked as Baptists in brownface. A comforting explanation for liberals when Muslims don’t stick to the script. A reminder to Muslims to stick to the script and to know where their loyalties should lie.
This from a high school junior, and it’s pretty standard high school essay stuff – “Unlike some people, we celebrate differences and embrace complexity.” Old melting pot: the heat from the majority assimilates newcomers into majority norms. New melting pot: minorities are ennobled and reinforced in their identity by their struggle to resist assimilation. In the new melting pot, profound differences between minorities are supposedly melted away by the shared experience of “minoritization” at the hands of the historical majority of the United States. It’s a pretty powerful melting pot that they believe in, or pretend to believe in.
First read of something like that in Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams & Mark Carwardine
“Unlike some people, we celebrate differences and embrace complexity.”
[ From the stock room, cold laughter. ]
Speaking of differences, anyone know what the hell is happening here?. (Maybe NSFW)
Call it a performance art installation and charge people to see it.
Not much of a stretch. It is performative, recreational, a self-indulgent status game for spoiled children.