Crumbs Made Her Unhappy
Speaking of ladies who write for The Atlantic, here’s senior editor Honor Jones a-gush with expression in the Family section:
I loved my husband; it’s not that I didn’t. But I felt that he was standing between me and the world, between me and myself… I had caused so much upheaval, so much suffering, and for what? He asked me that, at first, again and again: For what? So I could put my face in the wind. So I could see the sun’s glare.
It’s a tale of divorce, you see, and rather sad, and just a little confusing. For instance, exactly why the divorce came about is not immediately obvious. There’s no mention of affairs, or hardship, or emotional cruelty. In fact, and despite 3,000 words, the husband is barely mentioned, except as an unwitting hindrance to some nebulous fantasy of self-exploration, or at least self-dramatization. Indeed, we’re presented with a loving husband and comfortable middle-class life, in which one chats with architects and browses the Instagram accounts of cabinet makers, while weighing the merits of soapstone kitchen counters.
Slowly, I realised, I didn’t want this life. I didn’t want to renovate. I wanted to get divorced… I started imagining other lives. Other homes.
Here, I should point out that Ms Jones also has three small children. Though their wellbeing doesn’t appear to figure too heavily, or much at all, in the extended ramble of the article. However, we do hear a lot about other, more important matters:
the crumbs got me down.
Crumbs are a recurring topic, mentioned seven times, along with a dislike of vacuuming. Truly, a life of unrelenting hell. Albeit with a cleaner to do much of the heavy lifting:
I hired a woman named Luba to clean… I loved talking with her. She was full of sensible advice, like how I should really stop washing the cleaning rags along with the children’s clothes, because the chemicals could irritate their skin.
Not the worst opinion we’ll hear today.
We’re then informed that a comfortable middle-class life, in which time can be spent choosing new kitchens and chatting with the cleaner, is actually an oppressive experience:
I wanted to be thinking about art and sex and politics and the patriarchy. How much of my life—I mean the architecture of my life, but also its essence, my soul, my mind—had I built around my husband? Who could I be if I wasn’t his wife? Maybe I would microdose. Maybe I would have sex with women. Maybe I would write a book.
At which point, I’m tempted to suggest that a more adventurous adolescence and some teenage experimentation might have saved a lot of later heartache. But it seems we’re expected to share Ms Jones’ belief that the only thing preventing her from being exciting and fabulous – from blossoming as a fully switched-on and progressive woman who drops acid and dabbles with lesbianism, which can then be mentioned for effect – is her family and her obligations to them. And obviously, it’s physically impossible for women who are mothers and wives to think about art and sex and politics.
Hence the betrayal, the breaking of vows. And hey, divorce is such an adventure.
The subject of remorse does crop up, briefly:
There were days when the magnitude of what I’d done bore down on me. I kept wondering if I’d feel regret, or remorse. It is hard to admit this—it makes me cold, as cold a woman as my ex-husband sometimes suspects I am—but I didn’t. I felt raw, and I liked it. There was nothing between me and the world.
Oh lucky world.
And then the rewards for this feat of selflessness and bravery:
On my nights alone, I caught up with old friends, frantically made new friends, said way too much about my personal life over drinks with colleagues. Out in the city, I felt solid: a capable woman taking care of her family.
Today’s words are unintended irony.
In the comments, Jacob asks,
Is her first name ironic?
Well, there’s quite a bit of irony, albeit unintentional. Such that we’re expected to believe that Ms Jones is somehow being robbed of self-expression, presumably by “the patriarchy,” despite her life of minimal drudgery, and despite being a contributor and senior editor at the New York Times and a senior editor at The Atlantic. Resulting in the self-indulgent ramble quoted above.
Needless to say, Ms Jones has dozens of blue-tick Twitter followers, many of whom are her peers in ‘progressive’ institutions of one kind or another, merrily gushing about her “courage” and capacity for introspection, her glorious humanity, her “brilliant soul.” Her tale, we’re told, is “beautiful and moving.” And none of those applauding apparently raised an eyebrow at a self-involved woman shattering the lives of her three small children, and her husband, in order to concentrate on herself even more than before.
Reading Ms Jones’ outpourings, I was reminded of a conversation in which someone was telling me about how a number of her female friends had spent years and large sums of money on a series of activities and retreats in order to “find themselves.” I suggested that if someone is in their fifties, having spent half a century on this Earth, and still can’t find themselves, then maybe, just maybe, there isn’t much there to be found.
It didn’t go down terribly well.
Update 2:
Regarding the gushing mentioned above, Rafi notes,
It’s like a parallel universe.
It is a little odd. And it does, I think, reveal the psychological gulf – and moral gulf – that can exist between we, the unremarkable, and our glorious betters. But then, like so much else, The Atlantic seems increasingly geared to the preoccupations of neurotic middle-class lefties. Which is why you’ll find self-satisfied articles on how we should prioritise the feelings and wellbeing of brazen and habitual thieves over those of the people they prey upon. And on how insufficiently woke crossword puzzles are one of “the systemic forces that threaten women.”
Things of that kind.
Heh. I was mocked by a leftist coworker for this years ago and all I did was just buy a convertible.
Did he/she tell you that you were compensating for a lack of true manliness or perhaps a small penis? I have heard such slurs all my life, directed at third parties who did not deserve such gratuitous nastiness. The pervasive malice is or should be revealing.
People live in the mindset of the TV shows, movies, and news articles that they read. They have been told how to think and what to think for decades…
Yup. My favorite example are all the STEM people I know who unthinkingly embrace leftist politics because all their lives their analytical thinking has been focused on those STEM fields and they have allowed themselves to passively absorb the leftist bullshit that is purveyed by teachers and entertainers.
If you want to read someone else reading feminist literature, Robert Stacy McCain did a series of posts doing a deep dive with extensive quotes about certain books.
Unfortunately, the organization on his site is shite, but “The Indecent Mind of Andrea Dworkin” is a good starting point. He did produce a collection called “Sex Trouble,” available on Kindle for $1.99.
one of the best places to dispose of the body is in the middle of a roundabout at a busy junction.
Here in the U.S., there is a spot on the interstate that’s perfect for disposing anything you don’t want found. The eastbound and westbound lanes split, and in between, right up against the guardrail, is a deep crevasse. It’s never mowed, and trees are growing out of it. It’s possible, say around 3 a.m., to pull over, pop the trunk, heave the bag over the rail, and drive on.
The alternative would be to march into the state gamelands and leave it there, if you have the strength to carry your disposables beyond the one-mile mark. According to a survey in which tracking devices were placed on hunters, very few of them go more than a mile from where they parked their truck.
As for encasing the body in concrete, I’m reminded of one case in which the fellow got rid of someone by attaching a concrete patio to his back door. All well and good, until he sold the house. The new owner decided to replace it, only to suspend operations and call the local authorities, with arrest and conviction to follow.
Why, yes, I do read murder mysteries. Why do you ask?
This lady is only marginally more ridiculous than the self-regarding harridans who feature regularly on the telegraph website pontificating on their slow-motion car crash lives. Tim Newman was particularly adept at fisking such articles (as of course is our host).
On a not completely dissimilar note a couple of nights ago while unwisely channel surfing I came across and watched with disbelief and sadness the first 10 minutes of a programme called Naked Attraction (look it up if you don’t know what it is and reflect on the fact that it is now in its fifth season). I’m clearly even further out of step with these times than I had previously thought.
Did he/she tell you that you were compensating for a lack of true manliness or perhaps a small penis?
No, it was a guy. Though funny you mention that. A woman in college made that comment to a friend of mine in regard to a discussion we were having regarding flashy sports cars in a magazine he was perusing. I told her she was just jealous because she didn’t have one. Sigh…never saw her around again. Oh, and the kicker is I’m kinda sure that friend of mine was gay.
Yup. My favorite example are all the STEM people I know who unthinkingly embrace leftist politics because all their lives their analytical thinking has been focused on those STEM fields and they have allowed themselves to passively absorb the leftist bullshit that is purveyed by teachers and entertainers.
This. In spades. Part of the reason, hell probably subconsciously the main reason that I kept my profession at a bit of an arm’s length. Especially as I got older.
OK, can’t find it now but didn’t we have a link here recently regarding the chemical dissolution of a chicken or turkey leg? Apropos of nothing…sheesh, you can lead a horse to water…
If you want to read someone else reading feminist literature, Robert Stacy McCain did a series of posts doing a deep dive with extensive quotes about certain books…
Yes indeed. Good on you for reminding us of his blog. I have in fact been dipping into it now and then for years, and I think I did read that Dworkin piece.
…Unfortunately, the organization on his site is shite…
That is, sadly, a problem with other blogs too. For instance, I love James Lileks but his personal site is awkward to navigate (due to his quirky personal taste in blog aesthetics.)
Side note about Andrea Dworkin: It’s significant that such a large fraction of radical feminists were/are lesbians.* This helps to explain that outright hatred of men. Most of what feminists said about men and how they wanted men to behave made much more sense when I realized that they were not heterosexual women who simply wanted to be treated fairly but rather were lesbians who wanted all men to stay away from all women.
Amusingly, in the sixties feminists angrily denounced those who said the National Organization for Women was run by lesbians, but later I read accounts from disaffected NOW members confirming that this was very much the case.
* And that many more came from dysfunctional families–serious psychological problems and/or heavy involvement in radical left politics.
Also somewhat tangential…rewatched This Is Spinal Tap last night and was reminded of what a terrible problem spontaneous combustion of human beings was back in the 70’s and 80’s. Thankfully, along with quicksand, we seem to have solved that problem. So there’s hope.
When men acted as this Honor Jones person did, it was called a midlife crisis, and they were mocked and/or vilified for it.
My initial reaction was similar, until I realized that she has three children under the age of six. Even if she married late, she’s unlikely to have hit 40 yet. Given that this crowd doesn’t recognize “adulthood” until the age of 25 or so, that would leave precious few years between growing up and hitting middle age.
So what’s the appropriate term for a guy who walks out on his wife and kids when he’s in his 30s?
No, it was a guy…
I used the “he/she” formation just to, for a change, avoid the awkward-sounding “they”.
In my experience the ones who made nasty jokes about small penises were frequently men. And they were, of course, liberals and leftists.
…I told her she was just jealous because she didn’t have one.
Excellent riposte. Entirely deserved. And who knows? Maybe she did want one. 😀
And speaking of feminism, if the insufferable Norman Mailer had any God-given purpose on this earth, perhaps it was for these two minutes and nineteen seconds.
didn’t we have a link here recently regarding the chemical dissolution of a chicken or turkey leg?
We did indeed.
See also, how to dissolve your wiener in acid.
“It was only later that I realised how by cheating on my husband I had actually been defying the strictures placed on all women living in world owned and run for the benefit of men and Corporate greed.” Just FYI those “strictures” are what we call morality and exist not just for the benefit of men but especially for the protection of children and even the wives. If you are going to invest much at all of yourself in marriage and kids it is important that your investment have some assurances.
And speaking of feminism, if the insufferable Norman Mailer had any God-given purpose on this earth…
Speaking of Mailer, it appears that he is now being canceled by the “woke” Stalinists at Random House for his essay “The White Negro”. It was a loathsome essay, but that doesn’t make the idiots at Random House any less wrong.
Yup. My favorite example are all the STEM people I know who unthinkingly embrace leftist politics because all their lives their analytical thinking has been focused on those STEM fields and they have allowed themselves to passively absorb the leftist bullshit that is purveyed by teachers and entertainers.
Oddly enough, it is my analytical thinking that’s kept me from assimilating all the emotional leftist nonsense spewed out by educators, entertainers, etc – I don’t just use it for STEM-field research.
I wonder sometimes if those lefty STEM people are just trying to belong or fit in, and are jumping on the biggest bandwagon they see to do it. I don’t people well, so I avoid problems (and absorption of pervading lefty nonsense) by avoiding most other humans. Probably not the best solution, but it’s kept me out of trouble.
Almost all my friends are STEM in some way, but married and middle-aged. What I find is that they do spout the popular tropes sometimes, but if challenged with facts will in fact change their minds. My sample may not be representative.
the chemical dissolution of a chicken or turkey leg
Very slightly related because it demonstrates that it is not the end of the body disposal problem. In other words, how do you dispose of the resultant soup?
And the final touch: On 10 August 1949 Haigh drank a brandy just before being hanged by executioner Albert Pierrepoint
I believe someone mentioned taking a yacht out to sea…
I was mocked by a leftist coworker for this years ago and all I did was just buy a convertible.
This. After aching to own a sports car since prepubescence it’s annoying to finally be in a position to afford one just for (certain, ahem) people to accuse you of aging ungracefully. If only this negative stereotype would apply to “Eat, Pray, Love”-types, instead of getting plaudits like the subject of OP…
Many of our current ills can be traced to those who are poorly, if at all, equipped to think.
If we’re going to be quoting song lyrics, I’ll go with Tom Waits’ Step Right Up:
If only this negative stereotype would apply to “Eat, Pray, Love”-types, instead of getting plaudits like the subject of OP…
Sadly it doesn’t work that way, in this modern world. When men (or not suitably leftist enough women) do something, it’s bad. When lefty women do the same thing, it’s Stunning and Brave.
The whole feminist obsession with The Patriarchy(tm) is a freaking joke – when the real patriarchy shows up (the Trans cult) they roll over and join in their own erasure. Emotionally incontinent idiots all.
the insufferable Norman Mailer
If time is the great filter which allows the canon of art to form and the detritus to dissipate, surely 50 years is sufficient for this man and his bombastic writing to have been forgotten?
Are there still people would buy his books?
Are there still people would buy his books?
Enough that Random House was going to publish a collection of his political writings. I do wonder what fraction of the anticipated buyers would be schools and libraries.
One whose husband died in August was already “in a relationship” with another man in October and is now posting about vacationing with this new guy in Jamaica…just finding out now on their honeymoon
Good on her. Or would you prefer that she climb on his funeral pyre?
Happily married people often take surprisingly short times to move on. They had one happy marriage, so why would the next be any different? For them to remain single would for them to remain miserable. They enjoy being with a partner.
It is a bit of a rule of thumb. The happier the marriage, the less time before they get married again.
I’ve even seen it with divorce. The one leaving “to find themselves”, fail to find themselves in any meaningful way. The one left, who was happy being married, has a brief time of misery, sorts their life out, and gets another partner. Often surprisingly quickly.
Darth Vader replaces Lenin statue in Odessa, Ukraine
“They enjoy being with a partner.”
I’ve been single, married (four years), divorced, and remarried (20+years) with kids. In my divorced state, I was free, owned my home, employed, and very, very lonely.
So, yeah, if my partner goes first (heaven forfend!), I’ll be looking, although nowadays, every time we see the new trends in dating, both of us go “thank God we’re out of that.”
Good on her. Or would you prefer that she climb on his funeral pyre?
Well, I do see a wide gap between ritual suicide and climbing into bed with someone 2 months or less. Heck, the grave marker probably hasn’t even been installed yet.
Yes, happily married people will many times look for another companion post-death because they frankly enjoy being in an intimate relationship. Everyone experiences grief differently. But unseemly speed sometimes also tends to belie the “happy marriage” label.
Over our 25+ years together, the man has learned to sleep with one eye open.
It’s good to keep marriage exciting.
Disposing of the body is always the tricky part.
Big sacks of lime. A discreet part of the property where you can dig, unnoticed.
Good on her. Or would you prefer that she climb on his funeral pyre?
What Darleen said. Plus, there are simple matters of respect to the in-laws…AND THE BLOODY CHILDREN. Seriously. WTLF is wrong with you? Two months? Hey kids, Daddy’s dead but on the way back from the cemetery I stopped at the Daddy Store and got you a new one! What kind of scumbag deals with the grief of losing a spouse and gets into a relationship and is married in four months? After professing her love, love, love for her dear sweet teddy bear, her knight in shining armor on the GoFundMe page? I’ll tell you what kind…a school children’s counselor. As for a happier marriage, it’s now coming out that the relationship, one in which he adopted her children from her first failed marriage, was not going smoothly. Which miiiight make the el quicko switcheroo a bit more understandable…were it not, you know, for all that woe-is-me-my-dear-lost-hubby to grift money off his former coworkers. But hey, you Mr. ToughGuyGetOverItPussies. God bless you. Prick.
2022 predictions from 1922.
It’s like a parallel universe.
Like so much else, The Atlantic seems geared to the preoccupations of neurotic middle-class lefties.
Which is why you’ll find self-satisfied articles on how we should prioritise the feelings and wellbeing of brazen and habitual thieves over those of the people they prey upon.
And on how insufficiently woke crossword puzzles are one of “the systemic forces that threaten women.”
2022 predictions
It is not particularly surprising that the wildest inaccuracies came from the New York professor, the manager of the Boston Globe (who I think we can take to represent the media in general) and the representative of the eyeglass industry who at least has an excuse in that he’s hardly going to predict the obsolescence of his own product.
The French scientists missed a trick by predicting that their population replacement would come from the rest of Europe.
I worry most about the situation described by Wilbur Sutton although one would today need to substitute the word “powerless” for “spineless”:-
“The American people, who long have boasted of their freedom, some day will have to begin tearing down some of their statutes and abolishing a few thousand commission boards, and systems, or the individual American in the year 2022 will be as spineless as an angleworm and will have about as much initiative and resourcefulness as the slow-going turtle,” he wrote in 1922.
P.s. in the light of recent events the word is statutes, not statues as I initially mis-read it.
Good on her. Or would you prefer that she climb on his funeral pyre?
Un-called-for sarcasm, suggesting a failure to carefully read the entirety of WTP’s comment.
Yes, happily married people will many times look for another companion post-death because they frankly enjoy being in an intimate relationship. Everyone experiences grief differently. But unseemly speed sometimes also tends to belie the “happy marriage” label.
Yes, I tend to be very suspicious of such speed. I think I started to consciously pay attention to that and related phenomena long ago when I noticed how some young men and women managed their sexual relationships.
The tips on body disposal are greatly appreciated.
I live in a largely rural state (Tennessee) and once had this same conversation with a fellow photographer who was a former cop. He said “the woods” was always a bad idea since animals could move body parts and/or hunters could come upon the remains. Far out at sea remains the best choice. And no garbage bags that Dexter used – better to weight the body and let the creatures of the sea have their fill.
That being said, I am still entertained by how many people manage to go missing in the nearby Great Smoky Mountains National Park and are not found. I think the trick there is to make sure Yogi and Boo Boo are not denning (semi-hibernation; our bears will wake and forage during warm spells in the winter) and offer them more than a pic-a-nic basket.
Meh. Think I’ll just do my best to outlive him.
The tips on body disposal are greatly appreciated.
Another quote to put in the brochure.
@pst314: ‘I’m somewhat skeptical as that would compromise the strength of a load-bearing structure and possibly lead to premature investigation of the cause of the problem.’
Fair point, but the bridge supports on the M62 are very thick and wide, and support other roads which aren’t going to be removed (or the M62 closed) anytime soon to investigate anything. Of course I have no idea if the story is true, but as the M62 bridges were built more than forty years ago I presume no alarm bells are ringing.
2022 predictions from 1922.
From the link:
“It is conceivable, though not certain, that in 2022 a complete meal may be taken in the shape of four pills…”
Hugo Gernsback’s almost unreadable novel Ralph 124C41 made a similar prediction (or speculation): Restaurants would serve foods in slurry form which diners would suck from tubes. Hilariously geeky/dorky delusion. (Unless these early sf writers were not serious and were just seeing how many crazy ideas they could throw at the wall and fill pulp magazine pages.)
“… This is not entirely visionary; I am convinced that corned beef hash and pumpkin pie will still exist.”
Well that’s a relief. 🙂
“The child is likely to be taken over by the state, not only schooled but fed and clad, and at the end of its training placed in a post suitable to its abilities.”
That was a very popular idea at the time. Consider the thoroughly fascistic novel Looking Backward, published in 1888–very popular at the time.
Rolling sidewalks operated by electromagnetic power would connect buildings.
I think the first moving sidewalk was demonstrated in the late 19th century at a Worlds Fair in Paris.
The tips on body disposal are greatly appreciated.
Too expensive, a pirogue on the bayou.
no garbage bags that Dexter used
The plastic wrap is to avoid accidental DNA deposits and trails; you cut a slit in the wrap before tossing overboard.
The French scientists missed a trick by predicting that their population replacement would come from the rest of Europe.
I believe that French law recognized all people in French colonies as citizens with the right to move to France. Presumably the error came from an assumption that extremely few people would want to move from Africa to France.
That was a very popular idea at the time.
Still is among the left.
In 2022, American literature will be a literature of culture. The battle will be over and the muzzle off. There will be no more things one can’t say, and things one can’t think.
That is a mighty swing and a miss.
The plastic wrap is to avoid accidental DNA deposits…
I have to say, some of you have given this more thought than one would assume were strictly necessary.
Still is among the left.
Sadly yes. But few people realize just how far back those totalitarian fantasies go.
Notice how she needs the setting of “the city” to lend any context to her rehearsal. Take this woman out of the city, put her on a farm in Iowa for instance, and she and her whimsical yearnings’d wither away to nothing, like a beached jelly fish baking on a beach.
There’d be no audience for her nonsense, and she’d learn quickly to keep her ripe fantasies to herself, and get to work!
New York Values,such as they are, are suffering under inflation.
Notice how she needs the setting of “the city” to lend any context to her rehearsal.
It reminded me of this, in particular the last paragraph.
one would today need to substitute the word “powerless” for “spineless”:-
Nah. Spineless is spot-on. The powerlessness derives from the spinelessness.
You’ve completely and utterly misread my post, so we’re even.
I’m not sure everyone has read it the way that you have. Although having said that, I don’t disagree with some of the sentiment; particularly regarding Going Postal and Making Money.
Samuel Vimes’ discourse on boots, and indeed furniture, can also be viewed as a recommendation that buying quality, when possible, is far better than purchasing the cheapest functional item.
Vetinari is merely a caricature of the perfect despot. The reader understands that no such thing exists, which is what makes him an endearing character. As you said, “There’s nothing wrong with escapist fantasy”
Also, while Vimes is used by authority (Vetinari), he is also portrayed as a counter to authority.
In my mind, at least, Mistress Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg also provide a counterpoint to percieved authority throughout the ‘Witches’ novels, with a storyline that promotes the notion that authority, wizards and wizardry in the novel, should be questioned.
Of course, that’s just my appreciation of it, but I think there is more to Pratchett’s novels that just the ones that include Vetinari.
It reminded me of this, in particular the last paragraph.
As has happened so many times before, David, following that link led me down a rabbit hole, re-visiting many other other blogs and periodicals.
For instance:
Alex Tabarrok tries to shoehorn basic economics into the mind of Ursula K Le Guin
The socialist Le Guin never understood economics–and since economics is about how people interact and live together one can make a case that Le Guin never understood people.
SF writers Sarah Hoyt and Charlie Martin criticized her anti-Amazon rant:
Indeed, indeed. I doubt that Le Guin cared at all about the conservatives and other Wrong Thinkers who could not get published because the sf editors disapproved of their opinions. Leftists, for all their pious talk about “marginalized voices”, are in reality the ones most comfortable with silencing views they disagree with.
Le Guin was an anarchist socialist–a risible concept in itself, when you consider that socialism is by its very nature tyrannical, in stark contrast to the claimed ideals of anarchism.
Wikipedia quotes Le Guin as saying “Democracy is good but it isn’t the only way to achieve justice and a fair share.” which is a good enough reveal of her longing for a way to force people to live as she wishes.
But what other “just as good” way? How would she have forced people to give up the fruits of their labor? Their buying and living preferences? Leninism? Stalinism? Maoism? Chavezism? Laurie Penny-ism? Some impossible-to-implement anarcho-socialism which will quickly collapse into fascism or Stalinism?
So what does “justice and a fair share” mean in the mouths of people like her, other than tyranny and universal poverty? (Except for the exalted literati like herself who will have nice things because they “deserve” them?)
One last observation: Le Guin described Isaac Asimov as “the old chieftain of the Cold Warriors”, which is laughable in light of his concealment of the activities of American Communists, his minimizing of Soviet tyranny, and his strong disapproval of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four for paying “too much” attention to Communist tyranny.
Note also the implication that there is something deplorable about being a Cold Warrior. Given the reality of Communist tyranny and imperialism, that once again shows that Le Guin’s hatred of tyranny was more a pose than a reality.
some of you have given this more thought than one would assume were strictly necessary
One can never be too careful. Just think of all the crimes that have been solved because of a simple error or omission by the perpetrator.
I’m not sure everyone has read it the way that you have.
I mean the novels, not the post.
Obviously, you have read your own post correctly.
Well she thinks about and writes about herself an awful lot. Is there any room for art and politics and sex in there? She seems…too preoccupied for those things.
Comment heard elsewhere: “university level bullshit”
In Star Trek (all versions) it is a military setup–captain and crew. The captain is a benevolent dictator. No one has money or a job. No one is rich or poor. This seems to be the ideal of US socialists. Along the way to utopia, they are demonizing the Right. Twitter just banned a US congressperson Marjorie Taylor Greene. Dems are talking about banning from office the 140 repubs who called for a challenge to the vote last year. They have arrested 700 people for Jan 6 but strangely no one charged with more than trespassing. Some generals are discussing pre-emptive action (!) to prevent a coup by the right–which is simply backwards.
Catering to psychopathology.
“university level bullshit”
And here comes another example:
“consider 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who used his semi-automatic weapon to kill two Black men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while waging a glorious race war on behalf of his inherited White power.”
–The Good Kings, by Kara Cooney, UCLA professor
Not just bullshit. Deadly poisonous bullshit.
Not just bullshit. Deadly poisonous bullshit.
Which she stands by. Essentially, “I got it all wrong, but I’m still right.” I paraphrase, of course, but not by much:
That is a mighty swing and a miss.
True in trad publishing. Indie publishing allows for some marginalized voices to be expressed. And the range of kinks expressed in indie romance / erotica is, um, breathtaking.
Which she stands by. Essentially, “I got it all wrong, but I’m still right.”
In which she says “I stand by the sentiment of white supremacy”.
If we take her at her word, then “white supremacy” means defending people and property from rioters, looters, arsonists, and thugs. Which makes “white supremacy” sound rather praise-worthy.
In which she says “I stand by the sentiment of white supremacy”.
Which has bugger all to do with Pharaohs, I can’t wait for her take on the lack of a DIE director during the Ming dynasty.
I can’t wait for her take on the lack of a DIE director during the Ming dynasty.
Ming dynasty – hell – what about the lack of a DIE director anywhere in modern China?
The Han Chinese very much pride themselves in being Han Chinese, and do not give much of a damn about minorities of any colo(u)r, or men who think they are women, or the religion of peace. The same groups that hold the West in a vise grip of emotional blackmail have little to no sway in China. And yet Obama was so sad he couldn’t as president boss American citizens around like the Chinese premier could his citizens.
The admiration expressed by so many on the left for china and the blockage of the congressional resolution condemning muslim labor camps in china says lots about the dems beliefs. Check out who a person’s friends are.
Which makes “white supremacy” sound rather praise-worthy.
Doubly so when you consider that the “victims” included a white child molester and a white wife beater. I think there’s an argument to be made that culling child molesters and wife beaters is something that other races might look into as a means of putting them on a level playing field…
“2022 predictions from 1922”
Road & Track magazine published a 50th(?) anniversary issue, in which one of the regular contributors declined to offer his predictions for the automobile.
As a tyke, he’d been reading vintage issues of Popular Mechanix (or something similar). The prediction for the future of air travel had terminals with smartly dressed travellers, spacious public areas and floor to ceiling windows. Pictured outside those windows were 300 passenger wood and fabric biplanes…
If you want to read someone else reading feminist literature, Robert Stacy McCain did a series of posts doing a deep dive with extensive quotes about certain books…”The Indecent Mind of Andrea Dworkin” is a good starting point.
From that link:
“she and fellow radical Catharine MacKinnon tried to pass anti-pornography laws in Minneapolis and Indianapolis. The mayor of Minneapolis vetoed the Dworkin/MacKinnon law there…”
Note that Minneapolis did pass the law. This should remind us that Minneapolis liberals have little but contempt for the Constitution and for the rules of facts and evidence.
This should remind us that Minneapolis liberals have little but contempt for the Constitution and for the rules of facts and evidence.
Not to mention a serious lack of concern for the victims of crime enabled by “de-fund the police” policies. Only when those liberals are themselves the victims of crime to they start to change their minds.
This raises the question: Are liberals human beings? Or are they something less?
A typical liberal.
OK, I’m not up on what the kewl kids are saying these days, but could someone explain, using small words, what “[group] showing their [letters]” actually means?
could someone explain, using small words, what “[group] showing their [letters]” actually means?
Does your question relate to something in this thread?
A very old meaning of “wear your letters” is literally for a member of a fraternity or sorority to wear the Greek letters and/or badge of that organization. And by extension to publicly show pride in that organization.
But today? Maybe it has additional meanings that I am unaware of, or maybe people have broadened its use to metaphorically mean public display of any sort of membership or affiliation or ideology. Damned if I know.
The letters are “W” and “L”, which in sports, and now in Real Life, are used to tally wins and losses.
“Showing one’s L” is equivalent to “Look at me! I don’t realize it, but I’m a loser!”
could someone explain, using small words, what “[group] showing their [letters]” actually means?
It always helps, when asking a question, to give specific examples.
From one of the twit links here…

“Does your question relate to something in this thread?”
Actually, it relates to *your* twitter link (DefiantLs) “A typical liberal”
So, yes.
And thanks, Herp McDerp. I’m not a sportsball type, so the reference completely passed me by.
I’m not a sportsball type, so the reference completely passed me by.
Heh. Don’t sweat it. I know sportsball people who don’t get sportsball references.
I understand the twit group “Dudes showing their W’s” – Guys showing off personal “wins” – that much I gathered from the context of their posts. And “DefiantL’s” with their examples of lefties saying two opposite things depending on which political party they are speaking about did seem to mean “Defiant Losers”. Or I guess it could also mean Defiant Liberals – embrace the power of “and”? Whoever is compiling those DefiantL’s – my hat’s off to them.
But there’s another twit group I see posting, called “Women showing their L’s” – the opposite of the winning dudes. After having seen so many posts fisked here from Scary Mommy and Everyday Feminism, and other such places, I can’t tell if the loser women twit group is in earnest, or is people making fun of the Scary Mommy types who seem to fetishize their neuroses. What I have not seen in my limited twitter exposure is “Chicks showing their W’s”. It seems the GenX and older feminists would be all over that trying to show they can be as winning as the men, but the new batch of feminists seem to be more interested in tearing down and complaining about whatever the men do. Or writing long articles like Honor Jones in the OP, glorifying their loser behavior, to be gushed over by other feminists. Maybe it’s like the N word with black people – they’re “owning it” or something. So maybe, given all that, “Women showing their L’s” is serious and thinks they are doing something great. Who knows – that’s as deep an analysis of that data as I want to do.
Actually, it relates to *your* twitter link (DefiantLs) “A typical liberal”
Didn’t see anything about “showing” letters there.
“Women showing their L’s”
Ah, now I get it. Quotes always help.
…I can’t tell if the loser women twit group is in earnest
I’ve tracked down a few such posts from various “L’s” accounts and verified that they were screen shots of real Twitter posts and that those Twitter accounts seemed to be sincerely left-wing.
There’s a lot of stupidity out there.
It reminded me of this, in particular the last paragraph.
I twice visited the college my sister attended. On the first occasion I saw a dorm room decorated with hard core Communist tracts and song books. On the second occasion, I almost stepped in multiple piles of cat feces when walking up the stairs.
that was stairs inside student housing.
Maybe I would have sex with women.
Uh, look up “lesbian bed death.”