Friday Ephemera
Test footage from Attack of the Giant Grandma. || At last, a pedestal for your glasses. || One for the ladies. || His black car is blacker than your black car. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || He does this better than you. || Get woke, go broke. || Today’s word is suboptimal. || The politics of button replacement. || Mountain King makeover. || Kite of note. || Arctic scenes. || Adventures in the fourth dimension. || Opportunity detected. || Something error happen. || How to make a small sword. || Mystery solved. || Interspecies scenes. (h/t, Damian) || Stayin’ Alive. || Effects pedal colour chart. (h/t, Things) || Fiddlesome trees. || Wasps versus drone, flamethrower. || And finally, satisfy your hunger for experimental jazz.
Question for the medically knowledgeable…I gave blood yesterday and they were (again) pushing the double red cell thing. Now I’m in pretty good cardiovascular shape. Or at least was until this damnpanic hit. For the most part, giving blood doesn’t affect me in the least, except that I generally get a good nights’ sleep that night. Several years ago I did this double cell thing and for about three weeks after I felt like I was living at altitude…which generally doesn’t affect me much either unless I’m staying above 9000 feet. I had also overheard some younger (mid-30’s) triathletes saying that it affected them as well. I’ve mentioned this on a couple of occasions to the blood mobile people and they seem oblivious (or lying) about this effect. So my main question is…does it seem right that given that this virus attacks via the respiratory system and oxygen levels are very important, that they should 1) at least be aware of it and 2) not be pushing it on older people? Not that I’m THAT old but as I said, I appear to be in decent shape. The next guy donating appeared older than me and was a good bit heavier and the nurse pushed this idea to him. Fortunately he was too busy to give the extra time.
Remarkably they have an Archaeologist in Residence.
Also artists. I once read someone’s personal memories of attending that school: lots of very advanced instruction, especially in the arts. For kids who have the talent this must be a great benefit.
you are saying your 54,000 frogskins
Heh. Skimming over as I was scrolling down to make my above comment, I read that as “54,000 foreskins” and thought, I need to check back on wtf that is all about. Not sure if I’m now disappointed or relieved.
What do staffers in the college Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion do to fill their days?
I imagine they fill their time with internal bickering over office space, who sits nearest the window, who’s chair is newer, why does the College disrespect us by intentionally painting the hallway without consulting a representative group of those affected by the choice of color?
That, and filling out reports about the number of “contacts” and cross-referencing it with student demographics to discover a startling and truly troubling trend that BIPOC students are suffering from wholesale assaults on their bodies, minds and spirits on Campus, in classrooms, and among the student body. Additional funding of staff positions must be declared an immediate public health crisis!
I read that as “54,000 foreskins” and thought, I need to check back on wtf that is all about.
A yeshiva with a very large enrollment ?
Error detected:
I get it! He’s not wearing a mask.
I read that as “54,000 foreskins”
54,000 foreskins led the big parade,
with a hundred and ten coronets close at hand…
[ Reports for regrooving ]
I did this double cell thing and for about three weeks after I felt like I was living at altitude…
Functionally the same as your oxygen carrying capacity is decreased even more than a normal donation.
Normally one unit of whole blood is one unit of RBCs and the other blood components/fluids, one unit being able to transfuse one person one unit. With the double RBC collection it is basically two units of RBCs for the price of one as they give you back the non-RBC blood components with a normal saline chaser to make of for fluid loss.
The advantage for the collectors, and why they push it, is that they can now have two units to transfuse instead of one, but you are still short one more of RBCs than a standard collection.
Should they push it ? Given perpetual shortages, yes, but only if donors are properly screened not just for adequate starting hemoglobin/hematocrit, but, as you allude, for other risk factors given the LungFu.
Ah! Here it is … 2020’s theme song 😉
Cute. But I’d put up against it this piece by Don Surber. Relevant excerpts:
2020 was not a bad year. It was just drawn that way. Throughout the year, the experts kept giving bad advice…
Blaming the year is superstition. A year is merely the time it takes for the Earth to make one lap around the Sun. No, to screw things up, you really need experts.
So as long as said “experts,” as well as the Woke and the Karens and the Big Brothers and Sisters are still around, 2021 isn’t shaping up to be any better.
A yeshiva with a very large enrollment ?
The bride price for 540 of Saul’s daughters.
It is, quite literally, a whitewash.
I have more respect for my retinas than to read Patel’s ‘paper’ closely but I did skim it on its release. Not only is it (predictably) disgracefully dishonest but also incompetent: one jarring item to jump out at me was a reference to ‘South East Asians’. For foreign friends, here in the UK we call those from the Indian subcontinent ‘Asian’, or possibly ‘South Asian’ if greater precision is desired. I’ve followed the rape gang story and can’t recall any mention of Vietnamese, Cambodians or Laotians being implicated at any point.
At first read I thought .. oh dear lord another cultural appropriation cuz cooking deal. And it mostly is. Chef Won Kim is especially annoying in his whining “OH LOOK at all I endured and then this white chick gets all the attention!”
However, in reading Chef Stephanie Izard’s own comments that her dish is an interpretation and wasn’t meant to be authentic it looks like Kim had a point.
But he didn’t need to be a dick about it and engage in the usual racist statements about white people.
If someone who should know better is screwing up a recipe or cooking technique, I’d much rather see something like this. Won Kim is an unpleasant person with a lot more issues than Izard not crisping the rice in her dish.
But he didn’t need to be a dick about it and engage in the usual racist statements about white people.
Needing to be a dick about it is a pretty good definition of being woke. Ditto making racist statements about white people, for that matter. Them’s the meat an’ ‘taters.
Should they push it ? Given perpetual shortages, yes, but only if donors are properly screened not just for adequate starting hemoglobin/hematocrit, but, as you allude, for other risk factors given the LungFu.
Agree. Even before the damnpanic I thought that they were missing a marketing opportunity with high end athletes and (though this may be happening) military training. I don’t know if the general belief on this training regimen has changed, last I heard Olympic athletes (swimmers in my recollection, though likely others) do this, about 6 weeks (maybe , don’t recall the exact timeframe) before a major event/meet you go into a tear-down, adding extra yardage/miles/etc., cutting carbohydrate intake, etc. Then a week or two before the target event you lighten up on the volume of yardage/miles/etc. and gradually start loading up the carbs. Seems a double-RBC donation would work into this quite well. I totally understand the need. But again, it seems terribly irresponsible to not acknowledge this and especially with advancing age combined with other more vulnerable demographics.
it looks like Kim had a point
No. No, he really didn’t. His objections can be neatly summarized as “someone’s getting rich and famous and it isn’t me”.
Bibimbap originated as whatever leftovers you had in a bowl of rice because you didn’t feel like cooking a full meal. Like tourtiere, ratatouille and moussaka it’s whatever cheap ingredients the peasants had to hand. Won being pissy about how Izard makes bibimbap is like me being pissy that Americans are making KD wrong.
Americans are making KD wrong.
KD = Kraft Dinner
Kraft Dinner = Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
Take off eh!
@ Steve E,
Thanks for clearing that up, the only Canadian thing I could think of was KD Lang and became very worried.
k.d. lang. all humble like e.e.cummings. Humble. Like country preachers. Or so they tell us.
Martin Sharp comment in the sewing, ahem, thread:
This is the problem with having a society at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. If you are worried about finding food and warmth then woo is just a distraction. Now it’s all there is.
Like Tim Newman, I took up sewing because I needed to fix things. In bush camps all domestic skills are valued – cooking above all, but that was out of my league so I took up mending, clothes, boots, you name it. Made for good barter, too: f’r instance, my sheath knife reground in exchange for fixing my co-worker’s boots.
Of course I was striking a blow against racism, fat-shaming, and the Misery of Psoriasis! Why do you ask?
Maybe we should rethink this female cop thing.
These are the boys who were playing hockey.
Kraft Dinner = Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
See? They can’t even spell it properly.
See? They can’t even spell it properly.
Professor Henry Higgins breaks into song. “Why can’t the English teach their children how to…” /shameless cultural appropriation from across the pond
Is it possible in typepad to also put a link at the top of the comments when they go over 100 and flow to another page? I’m getting carpel tunnel syndrome from scrolling to the end of the first page to get to the link.
A first world problem I know.
A first world problem I know.
I feel terribly oppressed. Where does my sore wrist fit on the Woke Intersectionality Matrix?
I feel terribly oppressed.
Kraft Dinner = Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
I fear what may first spring to mind when a Brit hears an American mention “craft beer”.