Their Happiness Hurt My Feelings
Attention, woke citizens. During the current lockdown, do you feel a need to “challenge microaggressions” – those “verbal, behavioural or environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative racial slights”? Specifically, those committed during video conferencing?
According to Michigan State University’s Amy Bonomi, director of the university’s Children and Youth Institute, and Neila Viveiros, associate vice chancellor for academic operations at the University of Colorado Denver, the expanded use of virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom and Skype has created “a ripe setting for unconscious bias.”
But of course. The frontier of indignation must forever expand.
“Unconscious bias includes using language, symbolism and nonverbal cues that reinforce normative social identities with respect to gender, race, sexual preference and socioeconomic status,” Bonomi said. “For example, when the virtual background of a Zoom meeting attendee has pictures of his or her wedding, it unintentionally reinforces the idea that marriage is most fitting between opposite sexes.”
It turns out that the reckless visibility of a wedding photo may be crushing the self-esteem out of the touchily unwed. You see, the mere sight of a photo of someone’s happy day can “crowd out the experiences of people with minoritized social identities,” albeit in ways never quite explained. Other taboos include references to “simple activities like family dance parties,” which are apparently a thing, and “gardening with a spouse.”
Curiously, given the stated importance of “sensitivity” and being mindful of what things might mean, we aren’t invited to ponder the kind of person who would resent someone else’s wedding photo. And then complain about it. Or whether such neurotic affectations, these unhappy mental habits, are something to be actively encouraged. In the name of progress. At a university.
Update, via the comments:
Regarding microaggressions, readers may be inclined to wonder if there’s an equally modish word for the low-level hostility of inflicting one’s own competitively hypersensitive psychodrama on others, like some prodnose nightmare, and all while expecting applause. It seems to me the above is a strange and self-destructive attitude to cultivate, a kind of psychological poison – as so many things are in the world of the woke.
As a stroppy gay teenager, which would presumably have counted as one of those “minoritized social identities,” I don’t recall seething at the sight of other people’s wedding photos, or being in any way hurt by them, or expecting the owners of such photos to hide them in my presence, as if they weren’t actually married. That would have been… weird.
But it seems we must make ever greater efforts to avoid giving the impression that “normative social identities” are, well, normative. That simply wouldn’t do.
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Update 2:
In the comments, Naz endorses the need for a term for the recreational hostility of the implausibly aggrieved. To help us in this quest, it may be worth pondering the dynamic favoured by people who stress the gravity of ‘microaggressions’ and the importance of their correction. It goes something like this:
“You’ve done or said X, some trivial thing – say, displaying a wedding photo – which I have chosen to construe as offensive and wounding, most likely in some unobvious or convoluted way. Whether you intended offence is immaterial and your protestations of innocence are irrelevant. I am the sole arbiter of what is offensive. I shall decide whether you are guilty, a bad person, an oppressor, and what penance should be extracted. Ideally, in the form of your humbling and humiliation, while I, the supposedly injured party, as decided by me, savour the attention and opportunist leverage.”
Clearly, this is a license for petty malice and elaborate psychological abuse. Which is to say, exactly the kind of thing that advocates of ‘microaggression’ policing claim to oppose.
even something as simple as an icebreaker asking people what the “most fun thing you’ve done with your family during quarantine” could be a microaggression.
Why yes, anything can be a microaggression and that seems to be the point. Asking “How are you?” can be a microaggression, since that marginalizes people who aren’t doing at all well, which is ableism.
I’m inclined to wonder if there’s an equally modish word for the low-level hostility of inflicting one’s own competitively neurotic affectations on others, like some prodnose nightmare, and all while expecting applause.
From the original article:
“[S]ome organizations are guiding participants to consider background choices to reflect the organization’s values, as opposed to personal choice”.
Everything within the organization, nothing outside the organization, nothing against the organization
minoritized people
Minoritized? that’s a new one on me.
and “gardening with a spouse.”
Er what?
Er what?
Like so much else, it’s something of a mystery. Presumably, we mustn’t risk upsetting resentful, hypersensitive wankers who don’t yet have a spouse, or indeed a garden.
Lest we give the impression that “normative social identities” are, well, you know, normative.
It’s a strange and self-destructive attitude to cultivate. A kind of psychological poison. As many things are in the world of the woke. I mean, I remember being a stroppy gay teenager, which would presumably have counted as one of those “minoritized social identities,” but I don’t recall seething at the sight of other people’s wedding photos, or being in any way hurt by it, or expecting the owners of such photos to hide them in my presence, as if they weren’t actually married.
That would have been… weird.
“Asking “How are you?” can be a microaggression, since that marginalizes people who aren’t doing at all well, which is ableism.“
Saying “Hello” is a microaggression against the deaf.
Lockdown is woke nirvana: everyone stays at home and never talks to anyone else, with all communication (eventually) mediated through Google, Twitter, and Facebook, who can “disappear” anyone who transgresses the unwritten rules.
associate vice chancellor for academic operations
There in lies the root of the problem. Oh so much to do to run a university, there needs to be a chancellor for academic operations, specifically. God knows how many other chancellors there are and wtf they do. But as there is too much work even to run the academic operations, a (‘a’?….hahahahaha, I’m so naive) ‘vice’ chancellor position is needed. But of course, the vice chancellor’s time gets filled and thus the vice chancellor needs, I’m pretty sure, several ‘associates’ to help out. Who knows what more layers the onion might have? Special Deputy Assistant to the Associate Vice Chancellor? The mind boggles.
“minoritized social identities.”
The first I’ve seen this. Their jargon continues to metastasize.
On the other hand, this could finally be the “in” for clowns, bagpipers, mimes, Elvis impersonators, battle reenactors, etc., to claim their piece of the grievance pie. These folks have been minoritized for years.
Try to imagine how little I care about people who are offended by pretty much anything. Those are defective people who are beyond help.
It is best to completely ignore them and let them chew their knuckles in a closet until they either feel better or suicide.
We are out of time and have bigger issues than the feelings of people whose profs and teachers and their own weak psyche, have convinces them that they are second class losers … which they are …
Thankyou for posting this.
I will now ensure to prominently display all the symbolism in my background during video conferencing that is guaranteed to trigger to permanently oppresssed.
I’m sure I could even photoshop a personal photo to create a group portrait of myself, Trump, Regan and Rush Limbaugh.
Unconscious bias includes using language, symbolism and nonverbal cues that reinforce normative social identities with respect to gender, race, sexual preference and socioeconomic status
My home office space is also my sewing/craft room. I’ve done Zoom facetime with grandkids and friends with my sewing machine in full view behind me.
Oh, the heteronormative, gendered-role, ageist symbolism that must send!!
[note to self – find more opportunities to Zoom]
… the virtual background of a Zoom meeting attendee has pictures of his or her wedding, it unintentionally reinforces the idea that marriage is most fitting between opposite sexes.
What? How? And isn’t she microaggressing the T’s in her alphabet soup by assuming there are only two sexes?????
That’s stretching it pretty far to say an opposite sex wedding photo reinforces some ideology about the subject. It is what it is – the offense is in her mind. A majority of humans are heterosexual – that’s biology. It’s how most animal species continue to exist. Where does she think new humans who desire same sex humans come from? Nothing is stopping her from marrying a same sex partner, if she can find one willing. Or putting up her own wedding photo. Or celebrating Pride month, or having corporations, governments, police forces go all rainbow crazy in celebration. All that public celebration and she still takes offense at a danged photo. Does she really want heterosexuals to pretend they don’t exist?
“[S]ome organizations are guiding participants to consider background choices to reflect the organization’s values, as opposed to personal choice”.
My only wish is to be a tiny cog in a giant soulless machine.
So I should take down the picture of me with my buddies in my study? Oh come on, you can’t even see who we are under those white robes.
What? How?
Well, indeed.
It is what it is – the offense is in her mind.
And they wish to seed it in yours. Again, psychological poison.
It’s a strange and self-destructive attitude to cultivate. A kind of psychological poison.
Did I hear someone mention Vice?
According to Michigan State University’s Amy Bonomi, director of the university’s Children and Youth Institute, and Neila Viveiros, associate vice chancellor for academic operations at the University of Colorado Denver . . .
In short, due to the current prevailing circumstances, they’re not just bored, they are Really Bored.
“[S]ome organizations are guiding participants to consider background choices to reflect the organization’s values, as opposed to personal choice”.
Everything within the organization, nothing outside the organization, nothing against the organization
In Robert Frezza’s Cain’s Land, the local planetary government regime is opposed to the concept of an organized, mandated faith, on the grounds that to have such a concept thus allows the realization that, of course, one can have an absence of faith.
My only wish is to be a tiny cog in a giant soulless machine.
My Zoom backgrounds are generally high-res renders of levels from Assassin’s Creed games. No one’s noticed yet.
Oh so much to do to run a university, there needs to be a chancellor for academic operations, . . . a . . . ‘vice’ chancellor position is needed.
Some number of years back there was an SCA Abbey with an organizational leadership problem. They noted that while they did have someone holding the job of Abbot, just in case, they needed someone declared as a backup position for the Abbot, to step in quickly when needed without actually going to the entire process of selecting an entire new Abbot.
The one little problem they encountered was how to refer to the . . . . . Vice Abbot, Second Abbot, the Not Quite The Abbot?????
Happily, they did finally discover the most obvious title, the one that was right in front of them all the time, and the new position was thus known as The Costello.
On the other hand, this could finally be the “in” for clowns, bagpipers, mimes, Elvis impersonators, battle reenactors . . . . .
Ohhhhh, somehow I just don’t really think bagpipers are the least bit concerned about getting an in . . . .
I’m sure I could even photoshop a personal photo to create a group portrait of myself, Trump, Regan and Rush Limbaugh.
Ehn, you could do photoshop . . . or you could drop a line to this fellow.
What? How?
As so often, one gets the impression that these “minoritized social identities” can only exist in opposition to “normative social identities.” At least as conceived by the people mouthing the kind of bollocks quoted above.
I can’t afford to lose clients, so I caved. I’ve done a number of video conferences without my Trump/Pence 2020 coffee mug. It would trigger too many people.
…reinforces the idea that marriage is most fitting between opposite sexes.
It is. Establishing a formal and binding union between members of the opposite sex is the what marriage was invented for, whether one is discussing the Western Ozzy and Harriet ideal or some shithead Arab and his deranged wife selling their most eligible twelve year old to a highly respected cretin in order to improve their own social status.
Minoritized? that’s a new one on me.
Curiously, monetized would also work in this context.
Their jargon continues to metastasize.
Metastasized, too, for that matter.
Hal, lol.
I didn’t remember what SCA was until the very last word in your post.
Reminds me a bit of the 90s at Apple, when the business card of my counterpart there was “Font Weinie”, and the conference rooms were named after locations from “Rocky and Bullwinkle”. Frostbite Falls was the best, of course.
We see you, David! Knock off that gardening with your spouse!
Brits, what you call a “garden” is what we call a “yard.” Here the “garden” is that portion of the “yard” in which we grow veggies or flowers. What do you call that area?
Here the “garden” is that portion of the “yard” in which we grow veggies or flowers. What do you call that area?
We have a garden. It has a lawn, and shrubs, and flower beds. There are no vegetables. We buy those from a supermarket.
What you mean “we,” Kimosabe? Stop doing—uh—um—stop doing completely normal things with your spouse!
Fred, when Bullwinkle aired, I was too little to get most of the jokes. Now when I read about it, I’m sorry I missed it. My brother, 10 years older than me, never missed Bullwinkle if he could help it.
We have a garden. It has a lawn, and shrubs, and flower beds. There are no vegetables.
I too am curious: do you Brits have a word for that part of the garden that excludes the lawn?
“crowd out the experiences of people with minoritized social identities,”. Whoever wrote that should be taken out and summarily shot. Minoritized is not a word.
do you Brits have a word for that part of the garden that excludes the lawn?
Um, if paved, a patio?
We have three donkeys and my Zoom background is the two ginnies, stern to stern, so my head appears right between them.
I showed a former manager a picture of the jack and his reply was, “This is something you never want to hear at work but, that is a fine ass you have there.”
So if a Zoom attendee has a virtual background of their wedding day with their same-sex spouse does it unintentionally reinforce the idea that marriage is most fitting between the same sex? Have these brilliant professors stopped to think that perhaps, married people, whether married to the opposite sex or the same sex, simply love their spouse and want to share that joy with others?
I’d like to report Prof. Bonomi for microagressing against me. In her picture on the press release she is wearing a string of pearls. I have family members who have died in the exploitative pearl-diving and pearl-harvesting trade. In our house, we call them blood pearls. She must remove them. Same for the fine silver or white gold her jewelry uses to strong together the blood pearls for display on her open bosom. That silver didn’t harvest itself and she is responsible for the brutality to the earth and to the slaves who harvested it for her.
Further, she VERY clearly has dyed blonde hair. As I don’t have hair on my head, this is VERY triggering. She should be forced to account for her follicular privilege. Plus, you can see her roots, which clearly shows she is trying to disparage the older, wiser members of our community by demonstrating that she doesn’t want to look her age. She is flagrantly violating the sensitivities of the septuagenarian set.
Additionally, I am multiple-chemical-sensitive and the peroxide and dyes required to maintain her vanity are VERY toxic for the world around us. The mere thought of someone using such chemicals for the pursuit of her status-reinforcing blonde-bob, speaks to her sickening loyalty to her reinforcing her unearned privileged social and economic caste.
Finally, that she dare presume that she has something to teach me (or anyone else for that matter) indicates that she has no qualms about committing violence to the psyches of non-white, non-upper class, peoples of the world. Those of us who are non-white, are righteously tired of being told what we must consider by blonde-bob-wearing, pearly displaying crusty white bitties masquerading as
Of course, if you resent someone else’s wedding photo, that’s pretty good insight into why you might not have one of your own. Just saying.
Let’s see. I have a pretty good sized pic of my friends and i looking pretty roughed up at Ft. Benning, and as if we were loving it. I’ve got my father’s commissioning sword I could put above it. Got some other cutlery which could, with some thinking, balance the whole thing. Then a couple of pix from my lacrosse days. Got several wedding pix. Somewhere, i have a coffee mug with a US flag on it. Tee shirt with religious themes. And for not much money, I could have a banner made up for my desk saying, “Get Over Yourself Chump” Or a dozen other items of like meaning.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any vid conferencing coming up. Lucky for somebody.
“Get Over Yourself Chump”
That. In skywriting.
Can’t help but notice that, as always, women are leading these nonsensical complaints. Infact they always sound like a catty coffee clatch gone global.
As Sheldon Cooper would put it, “When I’m in charge, those people will be put to death.”
The Chinese word is Baizuo
. . . the expanded use of virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom and Skype has created “a ripe setting for unconscious bias.”
Come to think of it, I did take part in a video conference the other day.
I have a testbed laptop called Venamis which I use for such occasions, where the best results are achieved by parking it on a nearby stool and peering down towards it as the meeting progresses.
Thus, as I took part in the meeting, everyone in the meeting had a perfectly lovely view of my rather more blank than not ceiling.
Infact they always sound like a catty coffee clatch gone global.
So, Really, Really Bored.
Ot, but anyway,
nyt story about where new Yorkers fled at the start of the lockdown period. Ok, but their map was generated from 56000 mail forwarding requests.
Wth? Mail forwarding requests are public? Talk about a security risk!
But of course. The frontier of indignation must forever expand.
I’ll quite grant being entirely fictional, but there is still my current favorite for pulling an entire project development out of barely assembled notes . . .
Did I hear someone mention Vice?
In wholy unrelated news, Vice Media Group has announced the layoff of 150 employees.
I have heard of shame-based cultures. I have never heard of an offense-based culture. Is there anyone on here with an anthropological background, who can identify any other period in the history of any people group, in which taking offense is the highest form of social status?
Some commentators have been speculating that one of the few benefits of the recent emergency is going to be the death of modern academia.
David will have to find new pastures to graze.
Looking for a name for these people? I suggest Aunt Pittypat (from Gone With The Wind).
Instalanch! Hide the good drinks and the breakables!
Hide the good drinks and the breakables!
The good drinks?
Um, if paved, a patio?
You’re not helping. [eye twitch intensifies]
The less bad drinks.
As so often, one gets the impression that these “minoritized social identities” can only exist in opposition to “normative social identities.” At least as conceived by the people mouthing the kind of bollocks quoted above.
Also, having seen that stupid word quoted throughout the comments, I think it actually fits pretty well. I don’t think it was intentional, but it’s a portmanteau of “minority” and “monetize”, and isn’t that what the end game seems to be a lot of times? To monetize their minority status somehow.
And bartender – a drink, on me, for the person who said “metastasize” also fits. These woke types are a cancer on the body politic.
The good drinks?

I’ll just leave this one here.
Look, it even comes in its own jar, so someone is guaranteed to know it’s upscale . . .
And bartender – a drink, on me, for the person who said “metastasize” also fits.
[ Slides a large Smoker’s Cough along bar. ]
“Minoritized?” MINORITIZED??
I’m deeply offended by this blatant example of verbing. There’s nothing for it now but to open my veins. I hope you’re happy now!
There’s nothing for it now but to open my veins.
Oh, good, I’ve read that the bar needs to be resupplied.
Thanks, Shawn McMillan, for pointing out the obvious: The author is herself so steeped in heteronormative conventions that she can’t conceive of a wedding photo containing two men or two women. Any wedding photo is assumed heterosexual. Yeesh.
I would think that Zoom backgrounds would be an excellent venue for self-expression. From my background you ought to be able to tell either that (1) these are some of the things that I personally care about and choose to have associated with me; or of course (2) I don’t give a rat’s *ss what anything look likes to you. Or both. Funny how not so long ago “self-expression” seemed the only thing that mattered. Now it’s your duty to disguise yourself as fully as possible. I suggest full niqab, and a black background.
. . . any other period in the history of any people group, in which taking offense is the highest form of social status?
. . . mebbe anything involving duelling?
—and an initial thought was late Tokugawa(1) samurai, particularly referring to aspects of the Hagakure . . . Mebbe.
(1)—and especially the later the better, as in those less and less likely to have actually gotten involved in actual combat, instead of merely wearing a sword while hosting tea for the purpose of being seen hosting tea.
Oregon Health Authority reports 1,708 male COVID19 cases and 1,910 female cases. Only 1 non-binary case reported. They must be immune. A bright woke day.
It’s one thing to be “triggrized” by such trivialities; it’s entirely another to be “offendicized” on behalf of other groups with which one has little or no connection. I’m willing to bet that Amy Bonomi (certainly not bonhomie) doesn’t really feel “micro-aggressed” by any of this.

Virtue has been signalled and received.
It’s telling that the *first*, most egregious example of micro-aggression she can come up with is a wedding photo background. Real bringing down the Bastille stuff, that.
I mean, it’s a little tacky, sure. But micro-aggression?
If anything I say or do gives offense, I’m sure the woke assume that means they’ve silenced me. However, what they’ve done is given me permission to say or do anything I wish to, as their opinion, whining, and shrieking mean nothing to me. In fact, they may have just given me an impetus to be as “offensive” to their fragile psyches as I can be, just to see if I can get their blood pressures high enough to trigger aneurysms.
It’s telling that the *first*, most egregious example of micro-aggression she can come up with is a wedding photo background. Real bringing down the Bastille stuff, that.
Does this mean a photo of a rainbow flag with a slash through it would be a macroaggression?
Is there anyone on here with an anthropological background…?
Should you receive a response, ignore it. Anthropology has nothing to say about anything. I spent three years of my life discovering this. And that was in the Before Times when the current madness wasn’t even the hint of a twinkle in the eye of the most floridly psychotic.
Regarding microaggressions, readers may be inclined to wonder if there’s an equally modish word for the low-level hostility of inflicting one’s own competitively hypersensitive psychodrama on others, like some prodnose nightmare, and all while expecting applause.
Performative umbrage? Pique preening?
I believe the root word of this whole woke business can be found all the way back in the mists of postmodernity–the early 1990s, when the catch phrase at the tip of every academic writer’s cursor was “problematize”. And boy have they been beavering away ever since to problematize the hell out of everything. Prizes for the most strained example I’m sure are handed out regularly. David, you ought to have some kind of altar or totem to honor “problematization” as one of the things keeping this barge afloat.
the mists of postmodernity
Professors in the Mist.
David, you ought to have some kind of altar or totem to honor “problematization” as one of the things keeping this barge afloat.
There’s nothing that can withstand verbing. It is the strong force incarnate.
. . . any other period in the history of any people group, in which taking offense is the highest form of social status?
. . . mebbe anything involving duelling?
I thought duelling too, maybe Prussian army officers in the time leading up to World War I. The aim there seemed to be to get the very macho scar on the cheek, to show you were a guy not to be messed with.
Blut und Eisen, bring it back I say, they would know how to deal with these perpetually aggrieved wimps.
I think if I were required to Zoom the first order of the day would be setting up a green screen background on which humourous images could be projected. A tropical beach, a corner office, a bit of jungle with a velociraptor snout sticking out, that kind of thing.
On the other hand, this could finally be the “in” for clowns, bagpipers, mimes, Elvis impersonators, battle reenactors, etc., to claim their piece of the grievance pie. These folks have been minoritized for years.
Please no. That would be the thin end of the wedge — and before you know it we would be expected to respect LARPers. That is a world I could not live in.
There are so many amusing or disturbing things one can do with zoom backgrounds.
My current favorite background is a video clip loop showing a guy delivering himself a fresh cup of coffee.
I think if I were required to Zoom the first order of the day would be setting up a green screen background on which humourous images could be projected.
Well, there has already been the green screen queen . . .
I rush to locate my wedding picture.
Professors in the Mist.
From the archives, when look-at-my-woke-piety meets Gorillas in the Mist.
Zoom background redux:
readers may be inclined to wonder if there’s an equally modish word for the low-level hostility of inflicting one’s own competitively hypersensitive psychodrama on others, like some prodnose nightmare,
Well, that’s the thing about ‘microaggressions’. The basic dynamic is something like this:
Clearly, this is a license for petty malice and elaborate psychological abuse. The kind of thing that advocates of ‘microaggression’ policing claim to oppose.
Let’s see. I have a pretty good sized pic of my friends and i looking pretty roughed up at Ft. Benning, and as if we were loving it. I’ve got my father’s commissioning sword I could put above it. Got some other cutlery which could, with some thinking, balance the whole thing. Then a couple of pix from my lacrosse days. Got several wedding pix. Somewhere, i have a coffee mug with a US flag on it.
Heh. I have a captured WWII Japanese flag on one of my home office walls. Not that it’s ever likely to be in the background considering how my desk is positioned, but I did get a tad self conscious about it once when leaving the room with my laptop during a conference call.
For example, when the virtual background of a Zoom meeting attendee has pictures of his or her wedding, it unintentionally reinforces the idea that marriage is most fitting between opposite sexes.
Well, I think we can safely assume such a horrible fate as marriage is not likely to happen to her. It’s like those “incels” who claim women are subhuman and should be raped and killed, and then have no idea why they’re alone. These women claim men are all rapists and monsters, but are certain they’re alone due to the “patriarchy not respecting independent-minded women of color” or something.
I’m going to be VERY generous here and assume that this… utterance counts as a publication credit under the ‘publish or perish’ rubric.
Of course if we shifted to a publish AND perish paradigm society
would in short order heave a sigh of relief and we would perforce move into Churchill’s broad and sunlit uplands.
A connsumation devoutly to ne wished.
( It’s odd that when I move here to comment from an American site, say Ace or Insty my style becomes more flowery, if not fustian.)
my style becomes more flowery, if not fustian.
[ Applies powder, fans self. ]
The animating principle of a Karen is the need to scold. It’s the larger Venn circle that encompases those who label others ‘istaphobes’.
Asking seriously, is there a DSM 5 entry for this behavior?
“Minoritized” seems to carry a connotation of passivity, of victimization, or being acted upon. “I wouldn’t be a minority if not for YOU oppressive bastards!”
“I’m offended by your words/actions!”
“You’ll get over it.”
“Minoritized” seems to carry a connotation of passivity, of victimization, or being acted upon. “I wouldn’t be a minority if not for YOU oppressive bastards!”
Oh, no. More like, “He’s not a real minority until identified as such in the intersectionality literature!” Then: CONGRATULATIONS! He is now an oppressed minority ranked appropriately in the hierarchy and all those shoved down the list shall grovel before him while devising new language and neuroses to achieve a higher position
More like, “He’s not a real minority until identified as such in the intersectionality literature!”
Let’s not forget this revealing incident from Midwestern University, where Hispanic students refused to pretend that they were oppressed by “white privilege,” and were promptly denounced as racist by sociology professor Maria Isabel Ayala .
. . . students refused to pretend that they were oppressed . . .
_)#*(&$_()#&$ Math students!!!
They keep insisting that two plus two equals four!!!!
—From the comments, Absolutely. It’s no different than a cult that recruits new members and drains their life savings while filling their heads with useless, self-serving dogma.
Ticket To Heaven.
Let’s not forget this revealing incident from Midwestern University…
I could have sworn there is a term for this, but it’s the idea that those who build, maintain, and defend the hierarchy are not the ones at the top (and are often near the bottom). Ms. Ayala appears to be much (much, much, much) more ‘spaniard’ than ‘latina’ but is heavily invested in the pro-“latinx” and anti-white aspects of the box she is trying to shove everyone into.
Let’s not forget this revealing incident from Midwestern University, where Hispanic students refused to pretend that they were oppressed by “white privilege,” and were promptly denounced as racist by sociology professor Maria Isabel Ayala .
Sociology is a blight on the land.
I could have sworn there is a term for this, but it’s the idea that those who build, maintain, and defend the hierarchy are not the ones at the top (and are often near the bottom).
Um, a very much sort of Stockholm Syndrome comes to mind, as do football hooligans.
Virtue has been signalled and received.
Like so much else in the world of the woke, it’s all about pretending. And rather than sparing people from emotional injury, the attitude quoted above more typically results in insufferable narcissism, competitive pettiness, and farcical self-indulgence.
A kind of practised neuroticism. Which is supposedly an ideal, the measure of enlightenment and personal sophistication.
Whether you intended offence is immaterial and your protestations of innocence are irrelevant.
I’m a teacher in a liberal Commonwealth in the USA. Have suffered through so many Professional Development sessions on micro-aggressions and privilege that I now have a Black Belt in tolerance. In the the gingerly conducted conversations which would help us determine the level of threat our privilege presented to students (such conversations were facilitated by certified minorities and/or allies of the same), we were told to be mindful that “IMPACT is just as important, if not more so than INTENTION.” In other words, “Shut up.”
“IMPACT is just as important, if not more so than INTENTION.”
Which is the complete opposite of how these types operate in the political world when things go wrong (which they invariably do). In such instances, they wish to be judged by their intentions and not their results.
The way of the tribe as they yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin!!!
I do not for one second believe anything about these perverts that this cognitive dissonuance is anything but conscious malicious targeted. This is the human extinction movement in action.
The ultimate goal aside from destruction of traditional America, is the objective of normalizing pedophilia. This form of the victim stance derives straight from the top. Child trafficking is one of their most coveted and lucrative, never mind the most foul evil fulfilling elitist privilege to the hedonist globo=pedo’s, out of all the organized criminal activities they run, under the cover of a hollowed out shell of a constitutional republic they created. Mexico is a perfect analog, a narco state operating behind a shell of an illusion of a sovereign nation state.
Make #pizzagate great =’s destroy all the codes, revise all the history, it’s genocide, White genocide. Genocide via a thousand victim stances. Inclusivity, diversity, etc is dress rehearsal for their class/race war.
Say this though, these actors think they are something special, cunning, ruthless, sly, what they do not appreciate here, is just how mean us good folks get when you violate our codes.
And we have guns…lots of guns.