Friday Ephemera
These fine ladies are out of your league. || Unfortunate alignments. (h/t, Damian) || The cat ladders of Switzerland. || On the upside, at least it wasn’t cancer. || Our woke world, a snapshot. || Physiotherapy is ableist and oppressive. || Apollo 11. (h/t, Things) || The hazards of inattentive grocery shopping. (h/t, Obnoxio) || Shadow of a volcano. || Amazon review of note. || Teaching a neural network to drive a car. || Dawn chorus. (h/t, Elephants Gerald) || Sweet dreams. || Marital duels of the thirteenth century. || One of many. || Lively scenes. || Parenting shortfall. || She’s passionate about recycling. || Apparently, the word honk is no longer permitted on Facebook. || And finally, a notable courtship ritual.
These fine ladies are out of your league
At first, all I saw was the mobility scooter (sans one of the fine ladies sitting on it) and thought the link was bad. So, I went to Old Holborn’s main site and scrolled down to find what I thought was your intended link:
But then I realised I needed to agree to such egregious viewing of your original link and clicked to view. I wish I hadn’t… to both. 🙂
The cat ladders of Switzerland.
Yes, yes. But are they built to code?
Our woke world, a snapshot.
Blimey. After looking at that I think the ‘cancer’ link just prior would be appropriate… in context, of course!
She’s passionate about recycling.
Is she related to the dense bint that couldn’t figure out why Taco Bell wouldn’t serve her french fries?
And, no offense David, but after seeing all of those Twitter links, thank Christ I’m not a Twit!(erer)
Our local Taco Hell had “Mexican fries” for a while.
For everyone who suffered through 4 years in a prison where the guards were mental midgets, aka high school:
Banzai, Carrie!
Oops—Banzai, Nataly! Didn’t read close enough. I was too busy cheering. 😊👏👏👏
Physiotherapy is ableist and oppressive.
If walking were a cultural norm rather than biologically determined, there should be some human cultures which do not walk upright. I know of none.
By the same logic, spoken language is a cultural norm, but nobody believes that. People are gabby by nature.
Ethnographic research confirms that if you wear your pants down around your knees, you will often walk on all fours. Not necessarily by choice, mind you.
The hazards of inattentive grocery shopping.
“Do NOT dunk in tea.
Repeat: Do NOT dunk in tea”
Morning, all.
This just in.
Also this.
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
This just in.
Severely educated.
The great British Justice system in action:
Severely educated.
Mr Oliveira, a writer and “pop culture critic,” does seem to have been programmed quite effectively and rendered uniform. And so we get the barrage of dubious rote assertions, all aired as if self-evident, unhampered by evidence. Must be that PhD he mentions, many times. The one in English literature.
I wonder what happens to these people, the ones who’ve internalised the self-flattery and pretentious victimhood, and the declaration of pronouns (“he/them”), and the almost monomaniacal identity politics, in which being gay is THE DEFINING THING in their lives, the eternal, all-consuming victimhood. What happens when they hit forty, or fifty? Do they still expect the world to be fascinated by their gayness? Will they still be banging on about it?
[ Added: ]
I mean, when you’re thirteen or sixteen, being gay is a big deal. But if it’s still a big deal when you’re in your thirties or forties or fifties – if it’s still the thing you bang on about continually, invoking hardship, as if you lived in Yemen or Somalia, while actually living in Toronto – that seems rather adolescent. Stunted, in fact.
Re the big-boned, disputatious ladies, there’s more here.
David, you and your capitalist bibble-bee-dooing are screwing up Mr. Oliveira’s life.
Keep up the good work!
“disability studies have interrogated seemingly benevolent ……”
My Ghod! The creature that produced this eructation willingly paid money and spent time being taught to ‘write’ like this and, presumably, is well pleased with the result.
As for me, anyone who uses, sorry, utilizes ‘interrogate’ in this fashion should be fed to rats.
Academia delenda est
The actual unenhanced ride, which is in Seoul, South Korea, can be seen here.
…there should be some human cultures which do not walk upright. I know of none.
Large swathes of the congress, parliament, and various EU governing bodies come to mind.
She’s passionate about recycling.
The kid from the previous link is never around when you need him.
‘A ban on adverts featuring “harmful gender stereotypes”… has come into force. The ban covers scenarios such as a man with his feet up while a woman cleans, or a woman failing to park a car’.
‘A ban on adverts featuring “harmful gender stereotypes”… has come into force.†
†(Does not apply after dark in Sector R or to cis-hetero yte males)
How secure is your password ?
A ban on adverts featuring “harmful gender stereotypes”… has come into force.
I’m now wondering how this fit of wokeness will be policed. If gender stereotypes are so crushing to the human spirit, will there be some quota system for who’s to be seen doing what? Will someone have to calculate the precise percentage of detergent adverts in which a woman can be seen washing dishes or handling spring-fresh fabric softener? And likewise, the precise number of times we’re allowed to see adverts for saws and power drills in which the person clutching said items is male?
And what if the overwhelming majority of people who actually buy saws and power drills happen to be men? Is this also something to be corrected?
Is this also something to be corrected?
The question, to ask, is to answer.
The other day Steve E said:
No, no it isn’t.
No, no it isn’t.
“Arts Council-funded.”
No, no it isn’t.
Stunning and brave. How on earth will Trump ever recover?
“Arts Council-funded.”
What ? It is almost as if you think a Mexican living in the UK having a bit of coin shoved through his johnson and micturating on a picture of the US president isn’t both an important powerful political statement and a lot of bang for your arts
buckpound.Speaking of the arts, a problematic film is made.
That cat Shaft is a bad mother (shut your mouth).
Aside from the lameness of Hollywood not being able to make anything but remakes and ripoff remakes, this actually makes me want to see it.
Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
He’s certainly making a good case for the traditional conservative view that society shouldn’t be turned upside down to accommodate LGBT sensibilities. Not that there are many tradcons who’d risk the mobbing and possible police involvement that would follow if they tweeted that “queerness … manifests unpredictably and in minority numbers”, and is incompatible with the stability, long-term orientation, and capital generation that come from encouraging men to be patriarchal breadwinners in the nexus between the nuclear family and capitalism.
I can’t stop laughing at the Rotund Riot…
You just KNOW scooter lady has thought about bulldozing some b*tches dozens, if not hundreds of times. So when opportunity came a’knockin she was cool as a cucumber. Oh my god that made my weekend. Thanks!
as if you lived in Yemen or Somalia, while actually living in Toronto
I can’t stop laughing at the Rotund Riot…
There’s not usually that much breathlessness and wheezing in a riot. And yes, the decisive appearance of the mobility scooter was the icing on the cake, really.
But hey, body positivity.
Your questions as to how woke standards are to be applied quite miss the point. Much like how I misconstrue my wife’s daily complaints about her supervisor as a method of discovering an actual solution to the problems contained in said complaints.
They’re not fumbling around for a solution to the world’s problems. They are fumbling around for justifications for their Final Solution.
There’s not usually that much breathlessness and wheezing in a riot.
Hence the mechanized warfare, speaking of which, today is the 244th birthday of the US Army, no hard feelings to you lot over on the other side of the pond…
no hard feelings to you lot over on the other side of the pond…
[ Glares across Atlantic, shakes fist. ]
Aside from the lameness of Hollywood not being able to make anything but remakes and ripoff remakes, this actually makes me want to see it.
Got tickets for next weekend. It looks like great fun.
I just read a review of that movie complaining about toxic masculinity. (The review was complaining. I wasn’t.)
It looks like great fun.
Is it me, or are we now seeing a growing number of films for which the critics’ rating and the audience rating wildly diverge?
[ Glares across Atlantic, shakes fist. ]
Can you see me from there, David? How many fingers am I holding up?
No, it’s not you. Rotten Tomatoes has gone so far as to shut off viewer reviews for a day or two if the peasants’ bad reviews look like they’ll damage a film on its opening weekend.
How many fingers am I holding up?
[ Squints. ]
Too cloudy to be sure.
[ Glares across Atlantic, shakes fist. ]
Is it me, or are we now seeing a growing number of films for which the critics’ rating and the audience rating wildly diverge?
Noticed that as well. “Holmes & Watson” was the most recent example. The trailer was disappointing, and when we sat down with the DVD version, I expected (as a Sherlockian) to grit my teeth and prepare to be mildly amused.
It was fuckin’ hilarious. So you can calibrate your taste with mine: I laughed hard at “The Brothers Grimsby” and the Jump Street movies (but the Adam Sandler trailers give me the hives). But I also love clever comics, like Steve Martin and Monty Python.
“Holmes & Watson” was a master class in building jokes in a scene with a huge payoff. The setup in the trailer that I hated (the Queen’s picture being taken with Watson’s newest invention, the selfie stick) turned out to be the middle joke of an extended sequence that grew funnier and funnier as it went along.
This is the problem with review aggregators like Rotten Tomatoes. Movies can be good. They can be bad. But they can also be good to a particular audience, and disliked by the rest (in the case of H&W, it’s also hated by people who absolutely hate Will Ferrel). There’s no room — like with a single reviewer — for an opinion like “I hated this, but if you love bawdy knockabout comedy, you’ll love this.”
Interesting article:
This is the problem with review aggregators like Rotten Tomatoes.
The problem with Rotten Tomatoes specifically is Conquest’s Law (Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.) Ditto Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Is it me, or are we now seeing a growing number of films for which the critics’ rating and the audience rating wildly diverge?
Our woke betters are aghast of anyone having WrongFun™.
Our woke betters are aghast of anyone having WrongFun™.
Look, all this nonsense boils down to one thing. Culture. People know that very, very few people are likely to stand up and call you out for expressing left-wing, touchy-feely-goody-goody ideas, opinions, whathaveyou. Regardless of how stupid they are. See how everyone is jumping through hoops and such over this stupid, stupid hysteria over plastic straws (may be US only but substitute “harmful stereotypes” in the UK)? But express a rational opinion on the most basic ideas from the right, say minimum wage laws doing economic and cultural harm, or (in my recent case) that laws against “price gouging” are in 99.9999% of cases severely misguided, and you will be ostracized, fired, or in many other ways told to STFD and STFU. And so we have the world we have. Why people continue to be surprised by this is beyond me. Just lay back and get used to it because it ain’t gonna change. Great God isn’t gonna come down from the sky and change it. The Gods of the Copybook Headings will. Eventually. Once we’ve burned things to the ground and shot all the survivors. But that ain’t gonna be for a while yet. So enjoy the decline.
I like your optimism.
Prove me wrong. I dare you. I am right now (well not right right now, right right now I am procrastination doing this…) trying to compose an acceptable yet effective response to some people in my neighborhood who are concerned about the liability issues of someone possibly tripping over what is effectively a skid mark and also possibly not being able to find their way out of a swimming pool because a light is out….Of course no one knows how to change a light bulb by themselves and hiring someone to do it who does not have both liability and workman’s comp insurance is its own liability issue. So we pay through the nose for an electrician or handyman (and for the licensing and insurance that’s infused in their prices) to do the simplest of tasks because even baby boomers are worthless snowflakes. And that’s before I figure out WTF I’m gonna say to whomever at the court house next week about WTLF is going on with the stupid F’n lawsuit that my community has been engaged in over where a tree was planted over 10 years ago.
[ Hears ranting in corner booth ]
Bartender, a round for WTP on me. And some Humpfat for the lot.
Sam, my doctor says no more hump fat, can I have a nice healthy Scotch instead?
Can I ask the general area where you live? I’m in the U. S. and even here most people can change light bulbs.
(How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Only 1, but the light bulb really has to want to change.)
The Gods of the Copybook Headings will.
Prove me wrong. I dare you.
The sad thing about having a degree in Classical Studies is looking around you, knowing that it’s 409AD, and not being able to do anything about it.
Woke. Woke, and brave. A true feminist ally role-model. (Possibly NSFW)
Daniel, if we can manage to play the role of the Visigoths, all may yet be well.
“a group of women staring intently at his body…”
…and struggling mightily not to giggle.
Captain may get 20 years for aiding illegal immigrants, should get another 20 for the tattoos.
Bartender, a round for WTP on me. And some Humpfat for the lot.
Thanks. I’ll have a Jameson neat. Barring that, there should still be some Night Train or Mad Dog 20/20 under the sink in the W/C if the henchlesbians haven’t used it all to take the oil stains out of the driveway.
The sad thing about having a degree in Classical Studies is looking around you, knowing that it’s 409AD, and not being able to do anything about it.
I’ll take “Things I’ve been trying to tell my shrink for years” for $800, Alex. And I don’t even have the degree. Which is probably why no one seems to believe me.
Can I ask the general area where you live? I’m in the U. S. and even here most people can change light bulbs.
(How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? Only 1, but the light bulb really has to want to change.)
Central Florida. And you’re damn close to the real problem there, It’s not so much that they don’t know how to change a lightbulb, it’s that no one wants to change them. Though I’m beginning to suspect a few of these people are scouts for ambulance chasers, IYKWIM.
Well, cheer up and have a Scotch on David. 😉
And listen to the catchy Mongolian rock and roll or whatever it’s called over there, that’ll make you feel better. It got my little toes tapping. Unfortunately I know no Mongolian dances, but if I did, I’d have been limping through one as best I could. Those guys jam. 🎼🎸🥁
Woke. Woke, and brave. A true feminist ally role-model. (Possibly NSFW)…
Photographer Who Takes Photos of Nude Women ‘Objectifies’ Himself as Sacrifice to Feminism
By standing naked in a room full of hot looking b*ches in flimsy, low cut not-quite nightgowns and halter tops. Hmmm….hmmmm….Something about this seems…hmmm….
A tragic and frightening story:
I used to work in a gun-free zone. I feel a lot safer now that I’m retired from there.
WTP, I also think all Americans are on edge these days, as well they should be, so remember, you do not suffer alone, if that helps.
The only thing that surprises me is that ‘feminists’ even know what an iron looks like.
Can the last sane person in California please turn out the lights when you leave – “What are you in for”, “Possession and use of marijuana”, “Tough break, here take a hit on me”.
And I don’t even have the degree. Which is probably why no one seems to believe me.
Cassandra did nothing wrong.
And California says hold my beer.
Re: the big-boned, disputatious ladie.
Built for comfort, not for speed.
When the household dog is insufficiently woke.
Cassandra did nothing wrong.
Ah. So the girl I broke up with back in ’86 was Apollo. It all makes sense now. Maybe if I had gotten it a degree in classical studies…The wheel is come full circle.