She Seems Nice
Feminist activist and Russian law student Anna Dovgalyuk has taken to pouring a bleach and water mixture on the crotches of unsuspecting men on the St. Petersburg Metro for their anti-feminist sin of “manspreading.” In a “video manifesto,” Dovgalyuk dumps the mixture contained in a water bottle onto over 60 men’s crotches. Most are too stunned to react… “This solution is 30 times more concentrated than the mixture used by housewives when doing the laundry,” she claims in the video. “It eats colours in the fabric in a matter of minutes — leaving indelible stains.”
Ah, feminist activists. Just like normal women.
WTF? This can’t be real.
I would not be surprised if one day she got her face reshaped
This can’t be real.
It’s not clear to me whether this is some narcissistic publicity stunt and the liquid is merely water, which would be aggravating enough, or whether she’s actually tossing a dangerous liquid around where it can splash on anyone. Either way, it suggests an unhappy, spiteful mind.
It’s also a very good way of getting your jaw broken.
Feminist activist and Russian law student
Okay then.
Sitting and minding your own business = ‘gender aggression’.
But pouring bleach (or whatever) on people = brave feminism!
But pouring bleach (or whatever) on people = brave feminism!
Yes, it’s quite a mental tangle. I mean, if she’s throwing bleach on random people in the name of feminism, then she’s a demented bitch. And if she’s trying to advance her fame and status by throwing water on random people and pretending that it’s bleach, then she’s still a demented bitch. It’s merely a question of degree.
I think this particular feminist stunt will be as brief as it is obnoxious and ridiculous. Some how I see a confluence of large Russian gentleman – previous substantial imbibing of vodka – attempted bleach pouring by vindictive feminist loony – not entirely unjustified inflicting of grevious bodily harm.
Say what you like about the communists, they
made the trains run on timekept the mad women under control.Too bad they don’t do that here.
I really didn’t think the Russians wouldn’t, ummm, sit still for this sort of idiocy. As Ray says, of what use is it to live under a totalitarian regime if crap like this goes on. Something doesn’t add up here. I don’t follow Russian culture very closely but could this be even tangentially related to that Pussy Riot nonsense? Tim Newman used to live there, yes? Can you flip on the Timbat Signal?
Tim Newman used to live there, yes? Can you flip on the Timbat Signal?
I’m sweeping the skies as I type.
By the way, some of you may be amused to hear that I’m now having to fish my own comments out of the spam filter.
Manspreading is a “disgusting act that is being fought around the world — but hushed up here,” she adds.
I can’t help but notice in the photo she ignores Olga sitting behind her who is shamelessly pursespreading.
So, having successfully denigrated the idea of chivalry, the modern form of which includes giving up subway seat to a female because . . . Equality!!!!!, feminists now are pissed that men have taken them seriously. I’ve seen toddlers with more self-awareness and self-control. I con only imagine the mental contortions she’ll go through when one of her victims decides to respond in kind to her common assaults.
Tim Newman used to live there, yes? Can you flip on the Timbat Signal?
Well, note first that this is happening in Saint Petersburg, the most liberal and progressive of Russian cities. I doubt she would be doing this in Ekaterinburg, or maybe even Moscow.
I suspect she’s also careful who her targets are, i.e. young men who look to be members of Russia’s emerging middle class and who generally don’t beat women they’re not married to. If she keeps this up she’ll end up soaking the wrong guy, and all that’ll be left to discuss is how long she spends in hospital afterwards.
Take the bottle away from her and pour it over her head. After all, fair is fair.
I note first that this is happening in Saint Petersburg, the most liberal and progressive of Russian cities.
Ah. I was going to say, I’ve worked with a number of Russian and Eastern European expats and the notion that anyone in Russia would tolerate this kind of thing without responding with swift, brutal violence seemed a bit incredible.
My general perception is that when – not if – the inevitable happens, her nemesis is unlikely to get much of a talking to by the police, either.
A few got up and came at her but it looks like she mostly did it on her way to the door. Most just sat there and looked at her like they were ashamed or something, I wonder if some of them were staged.
Note that in the photo of an attack at the top of the article there are lots of empty seats, showing that the supposedly oppressive “mansprwader” was not depriving anyone of a seat. And nor were his legs spread that far apart.
As we say down here in the South (sometimes as an expression of incredulity, but more often merely to ask a speaker to repeat himself), do what now?
I’m sorry, but that whole thing looked as fake as a $3 bill. Will feminists/activists stop at nothing? (I don’t know. Do you think they will?)
some of you may be amused to hear that I’m now having to fish my own comments out of the spam filter.
Actually laughed. Not even sorry.
Not even sorry.
[ Narrows eyes. ]
Will feminists/activists stop at nothing? (I don’t know. Do you think they will?)
Only when they’re made to do so.
[ Narrows eyes. ]
From Ace,
At least it wasn’t battery acid thrown in the face… yet.
The man on the right in the Daily Wire photo has a strategically placed backpack covering his midsection.
I missed Anna’s explanation of what makes ‘manspreading’ so digusting to her. I could be wrong – in fact I probably am wrong, being a pale cismale – but surely there must be more important problems in Russia than manspreading.
I suspect this might be a plot by Big Taxi Oligarchs to drive Russian commuters out of the subways and into private taxis.
the supposedly oppressive “manspreader” was not depriving anyone of a seat. And nor were his legs spread that far apart….
As Deputy Barney Fife used to explain to Sheriff Andy Taylor “You’ve got to nip it. Nip it in the bud!”
Only if he uses his fingers.
Only if he uses his fingers.

I’ll just leave this here, I think.
“You’ve got to nip it. Nip it in the bud!”
The Lorena Bobbit method is something that a lot of radfems long to do.
I missed Anna’s explanation of what makes ‘manspreading’ so digusting to her.

The curse of “manspreading” is a male allegedly taking up too much space and/or more than one seat, a crime of extraordinary magnitude when done by men, but AOK for females.
Thank goodness I no longer carry around a ferret down my trousers. Chewie the Chewer would be really upset by this.
Also, thank heavens I am not manspreading anywhere but in deepest, darkest Derbyshire.
By the way, some of you may be amused to hear that I’m now having to fish my own comments out of the spam filter.
That feeling I get when Firefox, upon booting to my Google homepage, blocks it warning that it’s not secure.
That feeling I get when Firefox, upon booting to my Google homepage, blocks it warning that it’s not secure.
The Typepad spam filter is a capricious deity, prone to fits of zealousness. Apparently, it’s time to make another offering.
I wish I understood how feminists reconcile their claim to be oppressed with the fact that they act like aristocrats annoyed that the lower orders don’t know their place.
I wish I understood how feminists reconcile their claim to be oppressed with the fact that they act like aristocrats annoyed that the lower orders don’t know their place.
I sometimes imagine they go through life with a loud buzzing noise inside their heads. Or screeching feedback.
Actually, that might explain the charming personalities.
Patrick Brown, Everyday Feminism has exactly what you need!
What they DON’T have is a good cartoonist.
“Fake as a $3 bill”
It’s a phrase I like a lot, but Russia isn’t the place to use it about. Tsarist and Soviet Russia both had 3 Rouble notes.
It’s not like they worked in dozens, where portions of three make sense (like a thruppenny bit). No, they were decimal otherwise.
They also regard light and dark blue as different colours, not different shades of the same colour.
I like trivia like that. Sue me!
The Typepad spam filter is a capricious deity, prone to fits of zealousness. Apparently, it’s time to make another offering.
Where in your neighborhood do you find a ready supply of goats?
Where in your neighborhood do you find a ready supply of goats?
[ Hides flyer about missing puppy. ]
Doesn’t that let the sheep escape between your legs?
“They also regard light and dark blue as different colours, not different shades of the same colour. I like trivia like that.”
Those wacky Russkis. When they aren’t colluding to throw US elections to the wrong candidate, they are making up new words for colors.
The Typepad spam filter is a capricious deity, prone to fits of zealousness. Apparently, it’s time to make another offering.
No! No more appeasement.
Send in the you-know-whos.
[And let us know when they’re not around and the bar is defenseless, bwa ha ha …. oops, too soon?]
The you-know-whos?
You mean…the pickled “eggs”? Good Lord, man, don’t you remember what happened the last time they got out? Strong men wept, weak men fainted, and the henchlesbians all hid behind overturned tables. And they were wise to do so.
Bleach causes chemical burns. Pouring bleach onto someone’s crotch is surely sexual assault? These guys are lucky none of that splashed into their eyes.
Apparently, it’s time to make another offering.
Don’t skimp! It knows where you hide the good stuff.
Farnsworth, I believe I’ve sat near that beast on the Lakeshore West Go line.