Friday Ephemera
Budget cuts. || Black Panther. || Bathroom essentials. || Will hospitals give back an amputated limb if you ask for it? || Embroidered bacteria. || It’s bigger than most. || 25 days in the life of a bean. || Boneshaker race, 1928. || Swinging London, 1967. || In need of friction. || San Francisco scenes. || Something on the floor. (h/t, Obo) || This is one of these. || And this is one of those. || Because you’ve always wanted a warp speed calculator. || While you pee. || Paranormal property. (h/t, Damian) || Popping balloons. || Thoughts on ladies’ fashion, New York, 1930. || Tweet of note. (h/t, dicentra) || Teatime view of note. || Macau, China. || Mussolini’s Rome. || Scrotum adventure. || An old machine from the Seventies, now far from home, stirs. || And finally, a horrifying shark attack.
Were those stranded people in Swanage ever rescued?
“Bathroom essentials.”
Man, I love capitalism.
“Will hospitals give back an amputated limb if you ask for it?”
When they took my gall bladder out, I just signed the form letting them keep it. I have too much junk lying around the house as it is.
“Scrotum adventure.”
[crosses legs]
“An old machine from the Seventies, now far from home, stirs.”
See? Star Trek: The Motion Picture isn’t looking so crazy now, is it?
An old machine from the Seventies, now far from home, stirs.
Still kicking after all this time… they really don’t make them like they used to anymore.
In Need of Friction
“Brought to you by your friends at Hillsound.
Divine Advice.
Because you’ve always wanted a warp speed calculator.
Hold my calls.
At warp 9.5 (TNG) getting to Alpha Centauri would take 20.2 hours.
That’s a bit steep.
San Francisco scenes.
Terf fight.
Morning, all.
At warp 9.5 (TNG) getting to Alpha Centauri would take 20.2 hours.
Given the ‘recalibration’ of warp factors between series and the endless screw-ups and inconsistencies of writers – such that I’ve seen lengthy, quite passionate arguments that Voyager should have arrived home sometime in season five – the calculator is a perfect excuse for endless, bitter nit-picking. Because everyone loves to argue about asymptotic warp curves.
Enjoy yourself. We’ll send sandwiches every few hours.
Swinging London, 1967.
Well, that was fab.
London, 2016:
Meanwhile, at the BBC.
It’s more difficult to sell mirrors online than you might imagine:
Were those stranded people in Swanage ever rescued?
And some say… they’re sliding still
It’s more difficult to sell mirrors online than you might imagine

Heh. It’s hard to pick a winner, really.
Though this one’s a strong contender.
David, genuine question.
That BBC Pidgin website is a piss-take/parody isn’t it?.
That BBC Pidgin website is a piss-take/parody isn’t it?
Oh, it’s quite real.
An old machine from the Seventies, now far from home, stirs.
I’m quite conflicted about Voyager. Part of me hopes that one day we will be able to recover it, (assuming it doesn’t crash into anything) for display in a museum. The other part of me loves the idea that there’s something made on Earth just out there… in that void, drifting off into space for all eternity.
The other part of me loves the idea that there’s something made on Earth just out there…
Bearing the message, “We come in peace. And are inedible.”
Bearing the message, “We come in peace. And are inedible.”
Heh. Yes, quite.
Heh. Yes, quite.
“Bathroom essentials”
My doctor said that at my age I should install a shower bar, so…
Something on the floor.
The one on the end seems to be having a bit of trouble.
Bearing the message, “We come in peace. And are inedible.”

It appears we’ve gotten a response.
Is that a reference to space probe Voyeurager?
It appears we’ve gotten a response.
“Sex party this way”
“Sex party this way”
I fear we’re on the brink of a joke about probing.

The story of one man’s pregnancy
I can’t shake the feeling that the click-bait headline is just a little misleading.
The story of one man’s pregnancy
I miss the days when the future was so far away we could still laugh about it.
PiperPaul, that works quite well with British Ford names, too. The Anal models Focus, Escort, and Transit are also worthy of a snigger or two.
Via Julia, another tweet of note.
Thoughts on ladies’ fashion, New York, 1930.
Aesthetically much more pleasing than modern times. All the men wear suits and hats, all the women wear dresses or skirts and blouses. When did people stop dressing like civilised beings?
another tweet of note.
Brilliant. 😀
Jonathan, in the U.S. it was in the mid-1960’s.
The article itself is the usual ignorant spite-fest, for which dear Zoe is renowned, but I was tickled by the obliviousness of the line about successful people “thinking they are qualified to speak about anything.” In an article by Zoe Williams. A woman whose inability to comprehend facts and basic causality has never impeded her pronouncements one iota, and whose grasp of economics often borders on the surreal.
…it was in the mid-1960’s.
I’d guess maybe a few years later in Britain. I remember as a child in the late ’60’s early ’70’s, adults used to seem to dress well most of the time rather than just in casual clothes.
David, could you oblige me?
David, could you oblige me?

I’ll just leave this here, I think.
Thanks David.
Just for you, a well-mannered Pussy.
Thanks David.
It’s the way the room fell silent and people backed away from you.
It’s the way the room fell silent and people backed away from you.

What can I say? I’m a rebel.
Commentary . . .
Please tell me that this isn’t true…
Oh, it’s true. See:
For the whole story.
another tweet of note.
I suspect Zoe believes that, come the revolution, she will dine with Brother Number One whilst the former rich grub amongst the weeds.
“come the revolution”
I honestly think the vast majority of the left never seriously think that far ahead. Out of all the SJW groups I don’t think I’ve ever seen one specify at what point they’d have no more grievances.
It’s a lifestyle, it seems.
I suspect that, compared to me and most of the people I know, Zoe Williams is extremely rich, so I assume that it’s recommended that I demonise her.
Of course, I won’t demonise her for being rich. I’ll demonise her for being a sour-faced, spiteful bitch.
25 days in the life of a bean.
Am I the only one who found this kind of horrifying? It makes the fecking thing look alive.
Also, it appears that beans are just plant testicles. Gross.
Horrifying bean time-lapse video reminded me of this… thing.

Sweet dreams!
It makes the fecking thing look alive.
Last time I checked, plants *are* alive. Which is why carrot juice is murder.
Although nothing, but nothing, can out-cringe the Bill Nye Saves The World “My Sex Junk” video, this thing comes close. Apparently, privilege grants you teleportation powers. Who knew?
another tweet of note
Why is it that pompous, wealthy, wannbe Marxist “revolutionaries” never seem to wash their hair (even for their official Graun portrait)?
One of the Twitterers suggested that Zoe must cut her own hair, “in the dark, while pissed”.
carrot juice is murder.
Coleslaw’s a fascist regime. But then, what isn’t.
jabrwok – I am shamed. PS, your link doesn’t seem to be working
D. Ream – I think they stole that one from Tool. (Skip to 1:10.) Btw I loved that song you did.
@twinkletoes42069: Not sure what happened to my version of the link. It was supposed to go to the same video to which Daniel Ream subsequently linked though, so you didn’t miss anything:-).