The Wrong Neighbours
In progressive academia, that blueprint of utopia, it appears there’s some unrest:
Black and Latino student groups at the University of Florida recently protested a plan to house their organisations in one building, saying it would erase and marginalise their black and brown bodies and their cultures at the predominantly white institution.
The university had revealed plans for a U-shaped building that would accommodate both organisations:
The two groups would each get their own wing of the building and simply share a walkway and elevator.
Sounds swanky.
But members of the Institute of Black Culture and the Institute of Hispanic-Latino Culture expressed fury at the plan.
You see, being so pious, and so very, very special, they mustn’t endure proximity to the wrong level of melanin, what with the risk of contagion and a loss of specialness. A student organiser of the protests, Daniel Clayton, said,
My main complaint to the University administration… is that we are not taken seriously at all. It is not appropriate to dismiss student concerns as being ludicrous.
However, inevitably, university administrators have been cowed by the usual histrionic rumblings and have agreed to build the immensely tolerant groups two entirely separate buildings. And with equal inevitability, the students are now insisting that the new buildings, the cost of which is unclear, should be “visibly distinct from the rest of campus.”
Oh, and responding to the suggestion that the protests may have been a tad self-indulgent, Mr Clayton added:
He then went on to compare his “struggle” for more deluxe office space with that of Martin Luther King and the suffragettes.
. . . . . . They get a building, their own building?!?!?!
“visibly distinct from the rest of campus.”
You mean, like one painted black and the other a dark tan?? Surely they jest!
‘k, and aside from that overall reaction of Um . . . . wow. . . .
Sooooo, once upon a time there was Mathematics, and it was good, and it takes the top four floors of the building, and a few other places.
And in time, Mathematics did begat Statistics, and Statistics can be found on the third floor of the building . . .
And in time Mathematics did also begat Computer Science, which one time was somewhere around the fourth floor of the building, and which has since moved a bit past where the electrical engineering people went to, or something like that.
. . . I’m absolutely all for one having one’s own area that is completely separate from all others, and I and my neighbors are quite happy with the recent departure of a noted idiot.
. . . But an idea that comes to mind does involve being utterly–and demonstrably so—certain of who one is, following which one just doesn’t give a damn who the next person is, the next person will be perfectly content to have the same view . . .
Cover the façades of the buildings in shower tiles. It’s been done.
It is not appropriate to dismiss student concerns as being ludicrous.
He’s not really helping his own case.
[T]he students are now insisting that the new buildings, … should be “visibly distinct from the rest of campus.”
They really couldn’t be screaming “Look at me! Look at me!” any louder. I predict a pair of architectural monstrosities that, a few years latter, will be denounced as separating black and brown bodies from a predominantly white campus.
Here’s what I have to say to everyone that says this matter was over-the-top: FUCK YOU.
It’s a shame most university administrators don’t have the guts to say that back to these snowflakes.
He then went on to compare his “struggle” for more deluxe office space with that of Martin Luther King and the suffragettes.
But if you put them in the same building they’d just be arguing over which group is more oppressed.
But if you put them in the same building they’d just be arguing over which group is more oppressed.
I wonder exactly how much indulgence it will take – how many absurd demands met, how much bureaucratic prostration and expense – in order to make the students’ claims of victimhood seem untenable even to themselves. I mean, is there an upper limit, a point at which it becomes embarrassing, or does the psychodrama just go on forever?
Somewhat related and touched on in an earlier thread:
“Bourgeois values can help minorities get ahead,” says law professor.
Cue the outrage bus.
But if you put them in the same building they’d just be arguing over which group is more oppressed.
. . . . Oh, a building isn’t needed for merely that.
Seeing as it’s a university and all, I presume these will be smart buildings, yes? With remote control locks?
They don’t want to share a building?
F***ing racists.
Conspicuously absent in this drama are Florida taxpayers, whose money the university administration is charged with spending wisely. And I infer that the complaints solely concerned sharing space and not that the space itself was inadequate to meet the needs of the organizations. As Hal alludes to above, the fact that numerous academic departments undoubtedly share buildings, wings or floors of buildings without incident, yet two “institutes” designed to accommodate students’ extra-academic interests fight like cats and dogs, tells you everything you need to know about modern academia. I think professors in Gatorland need to start assigning more homework.
“…or does the psychodrama just go on forever?”
Apparently David is unfamiliar with the Second Law of Thermodynamics..
Daniel Clayton, a student member of No La IBCita, told The College Fix via email that the U-building design “erases our own mark on this campus and we get absorbed into ‘the Gator Nation’ without ever feeling a sense of home.”
Maybe it is just me, but perhaps they would have a “sense of home” if they got involved in the larger community rather than self-segregating. The best thing colleges could do for these idiots is prohibit off campus housing, and turn the dorms into squad bay barracks to make everybody live together, and replace the RAs with former Drill Sergeants/Instructors.
Meanwhile, somewhat related in the world of identity politics, some people are never satisfied, and to help ensure you are properly Woke™ and not thinking ungood wrongthought, The Social Justice Wiki. [Warning, some of the worst HTML in the world there.]
…should be “visibly distinct from the rest of campus.”

My suggestions:
The new Institute of Hispanic-Latino Culture :
and, of course, the new Institute of Black Culture:
So if third time is enemy action, what is it when the same dang thing happens even more often?
Not giving me a castle is oppression!
The building for blacks should be a kraal, while they should do an adobe hut for hispanics… Should save on costs!!!
[Warning, some of the worst HTML in the world there.]
Given the subsequent avalanche of italics, now fixed, I could make some deeply snide remark at this point.
Have you ever seen those indulgent middle-class parents in the supermarket having endless conversations with their toddler children about what they want for dinner? They are everywhere in the UK. This is where shit like this starts – indulging their every fucking whim and once they get to college it is too late – the first brush with the real world and they have a psychotic episode. These people are the future.
[Warning, some of the worst HTML in the world there.]
Wow. Is the HTML over there actually on fire…?
But isn’t the incompetence and lack of care so wonderfully apt?
Given the subsequent avalanche of italics, now fixed, I could make some deeply snide remark at this point.
Indeed, and I would deserve it.
I will make a note to myself, though, never to end a comment with an italicized statement, as it will always appear correct in the preview.
I will also now report to the Scold-O-Mat.
…middle-class parents in the supermarket having endless conversations with their toddler children about what they want for dinner…
American humorist Fran Lebowitz once wrote a piece giving advice to teenagers. One of her admonitions was something along the lines of, “Complaining about how oppressive your parents are is bad form. More so when your mouth is full of the standing rib roast they paid for.”
I will make a note to myself, though, never to end a comment with an italicized statement…
Sort of like ending a sentence with a preposition. Evidence of bad breeding, what?
As for me, I’ve been guilty of the rogue italics sin a time or two. Rather than submit to the henchlesbians’ discipline, I go into self-imposed exile for the remainder of the comment thread. The fact that the exile is accomplished in a villa overlooking Lake Lucerne is none of your concern.
Complaining about how oppressive your parents are is bad form. More so when your mouth is full of the standing rib roast they paid for.
It has occurred to me that a wise parent would compile a small but suitably vivid collection of news stories involving real tragedy and hardship – reports involving limb loss, human trafficking, etc., ideally with graphic photos – and file it away on stand-by for the inevitable teenage pouting. It could then be deployed along with a reassurance that, “These people were actually having a terrible time. Alas, not having the latest phone or most radical pair of trainers doesn’t count. You, my beloved child, are merely whiny and obnoxious. Hopefully, this will pass.”
Though I’m not a parent myself and can’t vouch for its effectiveness.
As for me, I’ve been guilty of the rogue italics sin a time or two.
Don’t think I haven’t noticed.
[ Fondles laminated dossier of overflow italics incidents. ]
Give both groups square brick or stucco sided buildings with no windows on the first floor. Soon all of the first floor walls will be covered with murals of hard working black and hispanic people in vivid colors ….. along with various revolutionary mottos and other graffiti.
Eventually these markings will fade, the paint will peel, and new graffiti will be somewhat lost in the mass of paint. Garbage will accumulate and grass and weeds will grow in the sidewalk. There’s your “distinct” buildings…..
Have you ever seen those indulgent middle-class parents in the supermarket having endless conversations with their toddler children about what they want for dinner? They are everywhere in the UK.
From Tim’s article:
Absolutely. A phenomenon no doubt exacerbated by single parenthood, especially single motherhood. And as with Tim, it’s all quite alien compared to my own upbringing. I’ve seen the pathetic comedy of the 20-minute supermarket negotiation, and the continual interruptions, and the exquisitely fussy eaters, and the children who demand a certain kind of plate and who rage if they don’t get it. I’ve also seen, first hand, what happens when you’re tasked with child-minding a seedling whose been nurtured in this way.
Conspicuously absent in this drama are Florida taxpayers,
Conspicuously absent from this Florida taxpayer’s, and University of Florida alumni’s, radar is this story itself. Nothing on the morning TV news nor the drive-time radio. Granted, I don’t read the local fishwrap and I have cut back on drive-time radio lately due to tiresome GOPe-loving BS even on the “conservative” stations. One thing for certain, UF proper has seen the last dollar from me. The alumni association is hanging by a thread.
It rather is, if a review has already revealed them as ludicrous. Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin. Everyone can’t determine their own legitimacy, or Emperor Norton really was the head of San Francisco. Actually that may be a bad example.
I attended somewhere that was highly… experimental in its architecture. Part of having a school of architecture on campus. Yet, in each new fanciful (and frankly mad) new design over the years, it was *demanded* that an element be included to harmonize with something else on campus.
Is their desire for a separate (but equal?) enclave an admission against interest, that they realize neither they nor their grievance-mongering actually belong on campus? I daresay.
You, my beloved child, are merely whiny and obnoxious.
I can’t find the pundit now who responded to his preteen daughter’s whines of it’s not fay-er with “You’re growing up white, middle-class and female in the wealthiest, freest nation in the world. You had better hope to hell things don’t start getting ‘fair’ for you.”
@Daniel Ream
My youngest will turn 18 in a few weeks. The other night, I handed him his Selective Service registration and we went over it as he filled it out. In the process, I commented that 17 year old Americans are the most free individuals in the history of humanity. Consider: most of them are completely taken care of by their parents with food, shelter, clothing and so forth. They can drive and have access to transportation when they need it and generally when they want it. Their parents function as the grand ATM for gas and burgers and school t-shirts. For those like my son, they have two parents who’ve been married for thirty years and are concerned and involved in making sure he grows up to be a decent human being.
In short, they have immense privileges with minimal responsibility.
Sadly, most do not realize how lucky they are.
The thing that concerns me is the day they graduate and become my co-workers, or my boss, or perhaps even worse running the country.
It’s laughable now while they are in college, but just how much of this will be dragged into the real World and forced on the rest of us.
Forgive my using the current SJW conversational gambit, but, speaking as a Mizzou alum, I feel your pain.
Anyone remember Quonset huts? They certainly would be distinctive and architecturally different from the rest of the campus. Two upvotes for me!
Anyone remember Quonset huts?
Too nice, it is Florida, so Southeast Asia Huts are more than adequate, plus the students can enjoy the bonding experience of putting them up themselves. Burn barrel latrines optional subject to local codes.
Yeah, thanks for that RS.
And…seeing this called out in Sporkatus post:
now insisting that the new buildings, the cost of which is unclear, should be “visibly distinct from the rest of campus.”
There is a building there, possibly renamed by now but in my day was known as General Purpose Building A (aka GPA), that I think fits the bill. Ugly POS that only a bureaucrat could love, so it is rather distinctively different. Impossible to find one’s way around in it. Freshman would disappear in there. I had a theory that D.B. Cooper lived on the top floor. But it definitely sticks out for being a big brick blockhouse. Few windows. I think this would be a perfect location for these groups. Close to the commons area (Plaza of the Americas) where all the freaks and hairys gather. Hardly any windows, so little chance to get offended by what goes on outside. Sure they’ll piss and moan about it. But it will work for the rest of us. UF administration does that and they’re back in my good graces.
My alma mater was built when ‘brutalism’ was en vogue in architecture. They’ve been planting large trees in front of the buildings for decades.
and, of course, the new Institute of Black Culture:
Finally, a competitor to EverydayFeminism…
Finally, a competitor to EverydayFeminism…
Funny how it always ends with a shakedown. And of course the author of the article links approvingly to this high-minded operation.
Captain Kirk drummed out of Nerdvana because guy who played him 50 years ago is guilty of badthink.
I spent a substantial chunk of my college time in a place known as the “General Classroom Building” or “GCB” with the same sort of aesthetic. During my last year of graduate teaching, they moved all the grad students there from our offices in an old brick house that had somehow remained unmolested on campus. The worst part about the move was we all had to cram into one small office in an internal hallway with a) no natural light and b) no place to hide the dorm fridge we used to keep our beer. [Insert “frowny face” emoticon here.]
This deals with the attempt to train RAs — the students chosen to actually supervise & ride herd on fellow students in dorms.
How dare these fragile females have their indoctrinated victimology challenged!
Burn the witch!